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Thoughts on Indian food in your country?
Zamn :(
I like her videos
I had diarrhea a couple days ago and it looked like a standard Indian meal in that picture
why do white women hate us
i like indian food, though it needs more meat tbqfwy
>gravy le bad
>unless you make it white
Why are white people like this
they are not allowed by society and the hivemind to hate blacks and other browns
so they hate indians since it is acceptable
it's kinda like zoomers hating France/the UK, it is safe racism/discrimination
i really like shana dal, pakora, samosa and raita.
you just have to find a trustworthy resturant (i know it's fucking sad but it is what it is)
it's good, i like it
Not a fan but there meat dishes are good with naan
love me a chicken tikka
don't care for it
would rather eat thai
Love it, best food in japan is indian food
if spices are so bad then why was whyety so obsessed with it
can't have it both ways
i take the 1 hour punishment on the wc for eating curry.I just love the taste.
Kek I took this screenshot and tons of people on here and /pol/ remade the thread
This is like the 5th time this happens. Poland no toilets map YouTube thumbnail was another one
just make it yourself its nothing special
>sar redeem bbc white woman sir timy post bob
>why do they hate us
indian food is GREAT
it's so hard to find spicy food here and indians do not give a FUCK with the spice
Most whypos only use salt and pepper, maybe soy sauce, most of them would unironically start hiccuping after adding cayene pepper powder.
you cannot make it authentic at home
it must be made by people who ate it their whole life, it's the lesson i learned after i ate pasta and pizza in italy
I hate Australians
What are you doing in Australia then ?
my curry beats all "indian" places in my shitty city so i doubt that sincerely
That's not Indian food in the pic though, that's a western invention. Real Indian food is nothing like our "Indian" food.
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yeah? well you didn't give me your number
where do you live
its indian food but it was invented only after being colonised because new world produce
I recommend everyone here to try to make this recipe, I've made it at least 50 times
Anyone know how necessary the lichen is? It's hard to find
Made pork vindaloo recently, it's great
Well my parents had sex and then I was born
i live in holland
that is a legitimate reason to egg on them
but the hate is disproportionate BECAUSE normalfaggots cannot spew their hatred about blacks, fags and other protected minorities
biryani needs double masala otherwise its underseasoned
you know you be debunked within 2 seconds of googling right?
there are people in India eating the same recipes that the Buddha or Guru nanak ate even Indian kings and philosophers wrote cook books that contains recipes for foods like payasam that are eaten even today daily
are you a chef?
>normalfaggots cannot spew their hatred about blacks, fags and other protected minorities
they can and do, just not too obviously in public because they have to keep up appearances
the average normalfag is a chud filled to the brim with hatred
Well I put enough salt and lime juice in the chicken marinade and salt the water when boiling the rice
Sometimes I won't put enough spices in and it'll lack flavour but it's never underseasoned
>we definitely had tomatoes and peppers before the colonists introduced them to us
sure thing buddy, you have redeemed
you should clarify what you mean with peppers, since indians had black pepper
thats what underseasoned means
it doesnt mean undersalted or bland, it means not enough seasoning
you can infer the pepper by reading the previous crop mentioned
It means not enough seasoning yes but a masala is not a seasoning it's a flavouring
>there are no indian food recipes without tomatoes
getting really desperate are we
just concede defeat and I will let you go
that is not what he is saying, he is commenting on the food in the OP
You misunderstood what he said
>its indian food
Refers to the food posted in the OP
He wasn't making a general statement about Indian food
Modern indian food is proteinless slop. The only good indian food is by muzzies.
I don't remember muzzies inventing dosa or medu vada
indians would fix 99% of their problems if they learned to love each other
>Seasoning is the process of supplementing food via herbs, spices, salts, and/or sugar, intended to enhance a particular flavour.
Adding herbs and spices does not 'enhance a particular flavour', it adds flavours
That's the incorrect Americanised definition of seasoning
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just made this for you!
irrelevant appeal to emotion
chemistry is chemistry, and cooking is just a simplified part of that field
yes but getting the right chemistry requires eating the food since childhood
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curry is not bad but kinda mid desu

the final redpill is that the best food in the world is american because pizza and burgers are basically american and literally nothing beats a good burger or a pepperoni pizza
spicy new insult! you usually say that when you think you are talking to the jewish woman!
>Pizza are americans
With this simple sentence I immediately understand why your country is a poor shithole
i had lamb vindaloo and garlic naan delivered for lunch today
not bad but less spicy than i expected
12 usd, not including delivery
lmao. learn 2 cook loser
luv me a butter chicken, tandoori, some roti and naan. pour some of that lovely butter chicken sauce on a bed of white rice and pop a wee papadom on the side and it's all sorted then finish em all off with a cool mango lassi
incredibly popular here
white folks HATE tasty food
Not a huge fan of Indian food. But that bitch is retarded if she's saying it's bad to use spices. Her food must be the blandes shit ever.
A grocery store near me sells a nice variety of ready meals made by themselves as well as from local restaurants. Due to this I had a Chinese food phase for a couple of months, and then an Indian food phase that lasted a bit longer. For a few months now, I've felt like I had my lifetime's worth of both. That said, if I really had to, I'd go for the Indian food out of these two. Subscribe for more updates
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liked n subbed
ive been cooking for more than decade pekka
love it
more than decade of wasted tie apparently
i think these people are under the impression that everything with spices is hot so they fox and the grapes themselves into thinking they dont want it
garam masala (the thing that carries all indian food) isnt hot at all
>I'd go for the Indian food
nah i cook great, just know what authentic food is
For me, it's italian food
thats just the best in the world
nothing compares
yum yum different shapes of the same dough boiled in water
>t. stole all of his nation's signature dishes from France
yes, true
That is a British dish, though.
go to italy you ignorant fool
so indians born in the uk are british? because it was made by a migrant
Even worse, every food item you stole isn't even better than the original.
>Switzerland makes better chocolate
>Switzerland also brews better beer (German beer is overrated)
>The french make better fries
the secret to having your cuisine be world-renown is to promote it with the most autistic pride. nothing wrong with italian food but watch british cuisine become the best in the world as well if they start sperging out over whether the rash of bacon was cut with steel or bronze
Just like Dönerkebap is German
>go on her bio
>her description is that she’s a political commentator

Does this pay well?
dosa is garbage
What's it like to have shit taste?
I literally tried it a few weeks ago in a team lunch with other people, we all agreed it was garbage

butter chicken and biryani are kino
They got it to make money and sell it. Which they did.
British Indian food is ten times better than real Indian food unless you're a fan of fecal matter
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too many pakis ITT
fantastic food, love me curries
you're a fucking retard

niggers are a protected class in the West. They're literally worshipped, imagine if a European lashed out against niggers in the same way they do to pajeets. I wish they did. The frenchanon is right
Yeah. A lot of the well known good cultural foods like biryani, samosa, jalebi, gulab jamun, lassi, burfi, tikka, kababs, naan, paneer, kulfi, pulao, falooda, and literally every other meat dish emerged from influences beyond India.
I love Indian food, best cuisine by far but their desserts and sweets are not great.
It's great, chicken tikka and butter chicken for me please
Agreed. It’s literally just tastes like sugar and oil most of the time.
That's basically what they are, which is weird as their savoury dishes are full of flavour but the desserts just taste like sugar. Kaju katli is alri but stuff like jalebi is grim, I don't see the appeal at all.
Why is always a white woman who is upset no one likes her overcooked chicken?
White women can't cook because that's oppression
There are indian dishes that are not full of spices. Still makes me quiver remembering the counter pittha food at keralian pansion, brr. I thought it couldnt get blander than eesti
honestly despite there being as many indians as there are here indian cuisne isnt that big outside of indian people. Not saying it is unpopular but just not that big.

I live in Toronto I would say the most popular food here is

Jerk chicken/carib food
Mexican food is creeping its way up here
>Dr Sydney Watson

Is she even real person ?
I like the shit with nuts and grated carrots, forget what it's called
rage bait account
they got paid like 10¢/1000 view
what does she mean by ”dirt spice”???
you should be sterilised
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Smells like Pajeets itt...
Sell it to else but other wypipo
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I love Indian food. Super spicy food is not for me, but Indian restaurants are always friendly and will accommodate your spice level requests.
Most dosa is garbage. Oily, smells bad and yuck. Idli is good though
Most of the food you think is Italian is actually American the words for things like pizza exist forever. The actual pizza you see and eat is an American invention
Same with most Chinese food
Same with most Mexican food
Switzerland literally has an italian speaking part. They eat Italian pizza there not greasy american pizza.
If you enjoy hard shell tacos, NACHOS, FAJINTAS

I can do this with most popular foods.
No they don't. Original "pizza" was invented in 900 ad. It was for breads with random shit thrown in it
Lol fucking Indians you can't stop lying out of ignorance
Wrong, i say most foreign indian restaurant don't know how to make good food
Anyone can make anything with right ingredients and YouTube these days
Pizza was brought to us by souther Italians. So was most Italian food in US.
>wypipo curry
Tomatoes aren't native to Europe you stupid fuck. The settlers took tomatoes and put it in flat breads. Tomatoes rot on ships and it took time to build up crops

You fucking Indians can't stop lying out of ignorance
You just make shit up and call others liars
I didn't even mention anything about that, you schizo.
>According to documents discovered by historian Antonio Mattozzi in the State Archive of Naples, in 1807, 54 pizzerias existed; listed were owners and addresses.[30] In the second half of the 19th century the number of pizzerias increased to 120.[31]
>According to a 2009 response published in a column on Serious Eats, the first printed reference to "pizza" served in the US is a 1904 article in The Boston Journal.[46] Giovanni and Gennaro Bruno came to America from Naples, Italy, in 1903 and introduced the Neapolitan pizza to Boston. Later, Vincent Bruno (Giovanni's son) went on to open the first pizzeria in Chicago.[47]
Soft shell tacos are superior, fuck off
Ahh fuck my mistake. I misinterpreted. I thought you were the other two. Legitimately my bad. Sorry>>202432062
I really liked it back when I lived in germany
I don't think there are any around here
You haven't responded to:
Doesn't exist here at all.
I hate Indian food because it gets my hands dirty. I hate eating with my hands
I did. Italians had to wait for the tomato crops to be set up and ocean travel speed to increase. Settlers in America having tomatoes on hand growing ground them up and put them on flat bread.
I don't why this is confusing. Pizza the word or proto version has been around since 900 ad. The pizzas you eat today with tomatoes are an American invention
use a spoon you subhuman
My bad man. Sorry for talking out of my ass.
It's all good. I'm being too much of an ass. I'm an actually American, we like you guys. I apologize for snapping. Have. Good day
The only kind of Indian food I like is kashmiri food since it's not spicy but it takes a lot of time to prepare so I just stick with pasta and scrambled eggs :<
Indian food? I myself see it as an extension of Europeans thinking it's something above their own barely palatable food whenever I see someone order it or an Indian restaurant. I'd rather dine on Dutch "cuisine". At least that has comfort food and pastries.
least pretentious american
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Their edible shit is literally the best food tjo
for me it's afghan restaurants
It's just true in of itself. Italian or French food is great and even if you don't like it, there's offshoot cuisines that manage to make their own delicious spin on it like Peruvian cuisine, which even has their own take on Chinese dishes alongside their own indigenous foods.
>If your food requires you to...
C'mon now, shes straight up hating
you could've worded it in a least pretentious way
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It's more American ostentatiousness. It just sounds pretentious because it's like listening to a smart orc. Or it's just a you problem.
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It's quite nice, but unpopular here. Everyone prefers local curries
Yeah I'm thinking white people don't season their food
no one eats curry in my part of india , we eat green leafy vegetables, lot of milk and milk products . this artificial spicies shitslop is for you foreigners hahahaha .
that's why you guys get diarrhoea all the time.
I unironically really like it if it ain't too spicy
Thai curry and Indian curry are so different and I love them both.
Yeah I can see why you'd want to keep your stools regular. Cleaning your ass at with nothing but your bare hand and a water bottle on the designated shitting street doesn't sound like anyone's idea of a good time when you've got the liquid curry shits
cleaning your ass?
world has advanced now we use bidet , only Vietnamese Jungle dwelling gorillas use hand in their 2 feet wide tunnels.
Other people don't do this? It's just my autism making me do it?
brb kms
>>Other people don't do this? It's just my autism making me do it?
you crazy dawg? it's gay if you touch your ass
this makes me wonder all the time since whites don't use spices but plunder spice-rich kingdoms during colonization. so where they're selling those spices to?
>against seasoning
colored me surprised
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