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Train drivers are overpaid scum edition

>The overpaid train driver is immunised against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an overpaid train driver and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
On a massive (you) drought with no end in sight
i thought "nine workers to change a plug socket" would be something a tradie would say to take the piss or say he has a nice life
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medical checks for microwave users
not a schizo, just dont like em. if i have used a microwave then i want to get a check up because if i get sick after using the company microwave i will SUE
coffee chads win again
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My face when I see a Tory Twatwaffle on my morning commute.
erectycle dysfunction CVD
cromulent fuckcrustable of a day already, tommy needy drinky
legit retarded
unions are so bad for this country
i dont have erecytle dysfunction anymore
Skibidi toilet
cronem baton brushing katy’s clapper in the underground
did you know that transport workers in japan strike by continuing to work but not taking fares?
this is illegal in the uk, so instead they're forced to halt services! isn't that just wonderful?
>Train drivers push a few buttons
He there Daily Mail
If it's so simple, go do it.
>murder of Ukrainian peasants
Based, peasants are reactionaries.
All you're saying is that unions work lol
Bus drivers should be on 45k
got a stiffy reading this
Americans be like: #
dude its nighttime right now bro [(its actually 7:44 AM)]
Train drivers are modern day kulaks
how posts are just mad libs spammed
even if you get a hard on reading this shit then you still have plenty of other boards to go to. this shit is cancer
Did a wank to gay raceplay again
>extending break if manager says hello
these are rules proposed by the same retards who cry like babies if you email them after 5pm
All the jaded, Nietzschean, Fashpilled Bronze Age "retvrn to tradition" twitter types are out in force today.

Very funny how cretins who think landlords, capitalists and monarchs deserve wealth are squealing for train drivers to be forced into poverty and replaced by machines (will never happen).

But that's the true face of right wing politics, and it's why they should be turned into paste by ruthless Bolshevik chekists and smashed.
why do officemongs and programmers, who earn 80k a year to send a few emails a day, whinge about train drivers and incident controllers wagemogging them?

calling them useless blue collar people who just a push a button, when they are in charge of the lives of many people, meanwhile officemongs just smugly send a few emails from home and act better while they wank to anime girls
massive correlation between being a bloke like this and being a minor sex pest
you pay more for the train services AND theyre worse/constantly not working. paying MORE for a worse service so those people doing it can earn more money
Lost prophets
>and replaced by machines (will never happen).
Your precious commie China will lead the way with the tech and then we'll throw out all the overpaid train driver parasites into the streets and take their clothes and jewelry

You'll be in the street dressed like a gimp, the Steve Bray of train driver lovers, while the world moves on by
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I would love to batter you senseless behind a pub
What happened to my post
Really dire start to the thread
trian driver drove it somewhere else
pathetic mentally ill whinging
normal response

people don't want to pay silly money for a broken service just for overpaid people to be paid more

commiemong isn't really a communist or he'd get that, he's just a mentally ill person who loves injustice and hates middle class white people with normal jobs
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sweet puchina
Tiny fragments of TNT in 50p coins
commies hate everyone. its just a way for cowards to protest the government/country. they cant leave
intelligent people should abandon communism because it is not WHEN you will meet a smart commie (for them to BTFO you) its that it wont matter at all when they do, because of all the retards. they should focus their efforts on something better
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>cheering that overpaid people are overpaid while mocking that underpaid people are underpaid

commiemong has become an suv owning tarq
what time do you start work today mate
give "modified" pagers to grey squirrels
katy’s poker club, she tells her husband
99% of modern day communists aren't serious people

reminder to report these posts
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Another blessed september day
gz on your first reply to the posts
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got the sausages on
what the hell is going on in canada
No he isn't
still got the skibidi toilet song on loop in my head
I don't have a will to live. At 28 I wake up and I don't want to get out of bed. Toil in an hour. What's the point of anything. The world is just pollution, brown people, corruption, jews blowing things up

I work hard, go home, turn on the tv, another million migrants have crossed the channel

I pay into a pension yet I fear the world in which I'll be able to access it
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some stuff
go into general thread

post in lowercase

be british

seems to always trigger schizos
strip the pensioners of their assets
transfer those assets to the cronem
find a purpose
how does making everyone pay an extra 50p on a train ticket give everyone working on the trains extra pay
or if you use a service, or did use a service, you could give the company 50p as timed for every time you would of used the service, and all those people would be getting money?
Got shaky leg syndrome
what is the 'cronem'
strip the 14% of their plasma screen TVs and designer bongs
give it to the 44% who dont commit crimes
Got a headache, might have an hour nap
>hurr durr you hate people cheating the benefits system but billionaires aren't paying their taxes!!!!!
No billionaire ever took my money for nothing in return
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in America they give black people money every year or so, just for being black or because of slavery or something
Honestly hate how my toil always seems to fire up at 8am
Last place people left you in relative peace until 09:30
Don't reckon much would change if they got a few quid from the mega rich every year tbqh, system is rotten to the core
yes mate the Jews give free money out thats whats happened
You lot are a bunch of whiny brincels
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won't all these pay rises drive inflation and mean the rest of us suffer
So horny feel like I will cum any second
Throwing another prawn on the barbo
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*smacks your balls*
I support worker's rights
i heard the Queen died from the cold after being unable to heat her house (a castle)
wait actually
everyone giving 50p like that to someone for them to get money is just benefits isnt it
Don't think so
nobody should receive benefits for doing nothing. the people on benefits are sat on their computer and if you can use a computer you can do a wfh job. end the benefits system once and for all
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Ooh yh mate, smashed into paste by guys getting all sweaty dressed in leather yh? Ooh im gonna cum
give me a wfm job then
lot of poles here at the internship, a greek too
nice people yet they seem to cling together
Sorry mate. Just cant do it. Couldnt focus on it.
>inflation is based on how much people are paid
people like this can vote
Standing in the bathroom buck naked
Suv isn't a yank thing it means sports utility vehicle
>wfm job
im no tstudying yet (i have a schedule for today) but im going to read some Harvard because that is a good school
free euthanasia for timmy
the mouse is in the house
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gf keeps licking my ear haha
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Giz a sniff Emma.
I wouldn’t stand for that. Lick hers back.
fruit flies dont eat saline water
but the salt that i used has anti caking agent in it which is cyanide or some sort of metal i think
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thoughts on mouse nonce?
Another 5K for blinky
mate what are you on about
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ah yes because??
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>tfw just did a wet fart,
Hello lads
Back from a 3-day ban for making a troll post
I am rehabilitated
its international talk like a pirate day
a little bit of cyanide is good
with vitamin B12, they might use cyanide - to make cyanocobalmin
I last got banned for saying the legal age in the UK is 16. Banned for a literal fact.
because that marked the shift of focus away from entertainment and innovation towards maximised profit
business idea: drinking gourds. gourds for drinking
Gamergate killed the industry. DEI brought it back.
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Are we looking forward to it?
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second one was extremely meh so no not really
remembered the skibidi
there's no escape
Mmm yes not a single good game since 2013
I'm sure such an outlook is in no way related to someone turning about 15-20 in 2013 and realising by 2024 that things change as you become an adult
i never even watched the sequel desu
skibidi toilet vocal/rap section goes hard
obviously there's a few exceptions
if you can't see the very obvious decline in quality and innovation though, you're either delusional or have the most basic NPC taste imaginable
I think they're ignoring the second movie and pretending it never happened. Also, the second movie wasn't directed by Danny Boyle, like the first one was, apart from the opening scene. Danny Boyle has directed the third film.
loosening up my bussy for later
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Lads what do you think goes through the mind of a film director when he is deciding what exactly is going to be in the frame? Do you think he just grabbed some random books and threw them around or did he pick them out bit by bit?
funny or not?
that explains a lot, perhaps there's hope then
not funny but must be utterly boring doing that shite that no one looks at day after day so i dont blame him for trying to make it funner
Indie games have had a renaissance since 2013. In fact I'd say anyone focusing on a lack of innovation would be one who only plays AAA games themselves, a rather NPC thing itself
ah yeah did you play Pixel Roguelike #547 yet? It's the best pixel roguelike since #278!
skibidi post ^
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Just one whiff and I'd be set.
screaming, farting, pissing, shitting
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Here's a picture from filming.
What is Outer Wilds
What is Disco Elysium
What is Obra Dinn
Hollow Knight
Edith Finch
The witness
Talos principle

Expand your horizons beyond immediate dismissal
will be doing all these today
Garbage Indie slop
doesn't make sense
I've become a leftist purely because that seems to be the only ideology that fights the wholesale murder of women and children
had 4 pints last night and feel like absolute death this morning
like someone has deactivated half my brain cells
proper grim stuff booze
4 pints whoa slow down big fella
have a sports drink
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would you rather be a capitalist with more stress and money
or a worker with less stress and money
a group young goons getting on the bus and sitting next to the group of pale clappers on their way to school
diego origin story
going to read the Rockefeller publication .pdf files instead of Harvard
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Absolutely fucked it
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this is my world today
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Don't think they're real.
Nah, you'll never trust your life to a computer lol
wait a minute that's a cock
russel brand let himself go
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Normally wouldn't care, but recently interacted with people who haven't fucked it
and realised how much better things could have been
this only applies to people with a fast metabolism
with a slow metabolism it actually increases the risk
I had 3 double whiskey sours and woke up fine but quite farty
this was the article copillot posted
I cope by blaming it on mental illness
can see his willy
the short balding guy is more attractive than the tall guy because he has a pretty face and the tall one has an ugly face
both women look gross and trashy cheap and tasteless and think themselves better looking and more attractive than they actually are
You must be 40 or a woman
might wankeroo to kendra sunderland
kek, this is why I almost exclusively socialise with other people that have also fucked it
Egyptian femboy boiwife
most alcoholic yank
>both women look gross and trashy cheap and tasteless and think themselves better looking and more attractive than they actually are
the absolute worst type of woman there is
I dont think I can imagine a worse fate than having to take the train to somewhere.
Its a scum magnet.
08:00, taking a shit atm.
>hates middle class
Who doesn't?
Bankers and programmers deserve brutality.
This is literally why I came to /brit/ right now after I havent been on 4chan in about 3 months

not necessarily because I think you guys are mongs, more to remind myself that most people in their 20s AREN'T millionaire entrepreneurs
s tier chebs on her
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Having a cup of Coffee lads.
crazy that water puts out fire when its just hydrogen and oxygen
buuuut i guess the hydrogen isnt in gas phase
maybe if the fire could oxidise water fast enough (and have fuel). NO you put water in grease fires to make it sink to the bottom and then explode
I've just accepted I'm a loser. Not that I'm not trying to make my life better anymore, I still am, but my goals are realistic. That is enough to help get on with things
maybe if hydrogen peroxide was a gas it could set on fire because of the hydrogen
drink tea
good post
insane the larpers who come here to be like ohhh i spend all day on 4chan but trust me i'm married and make 200k
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tea makes me feel nauseous
just vaped without thinking and now I feel ill again
I need to get rid of this thing
indeed, this is potentionally why oxygen can go colder than hydrogen in its race to the gas phase
with liquids going out from positive air pressure to negative (or in vacuum) as all compounds want to be in the gas phase
go 2 reddit u scum
Yeah, it's better for both actual performance and your mindset to set small/short-term goals and constantly achieve them and improve a little bit all the time, instead of setting some massive far-off goal and feeling like shit every day because you haven't got there yet
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Black, unsweetened coffee contains antioxidants, which counter and neutralize free radicals, which damage cells and speed up the aging process. People who drink coffee live longer.
actually the oxygen would freeze before hydrogen
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you know what else scavenges free radical oxygen? nitrogen reactive species... people who suck cream out of whipped cream cans live longer
is that rustle brand
perheminitrous dihydrogen
I had a pint at the pub with a friend after work and two glasses of wine that had been open in the fridge for a week with dinner and feel pretty shite as well
just getting older innit
it makes my face go numb
>People who drink coffee live longer
off the vile muck for good now
did you know that nitrous can sublime
Yes it does
Shut up
didnt you want to do some experiment involving squirrels and whipped cream
do you want to make them immortal
tea also contains antioxidants you dingbat
the shaking means the bean juice is working
Got quite a difficult job
I am the immortal squirrel
Did a wank to an escort I've wanted to fuck for years earlier
I have a gf so obviously I won't ever call her up and get her shagged unless it all goes tits up
shirkers are shirkers in both situations
huh? I was talking about nitrous oxide
but also that contains oxygen, because its an oxide. so it would need to be separated, and that could create ground state oxygen?
beat tattoo of ricky martin on your left arse cheek go crazy
>just have a sexually arousing child photo?
Why brits like this
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There was a theory that a father's testosterone affected the gender of their child because men in special forces, body builder, pro fighters and others have far higher rates of daughters than the general population

It's now thought to be related to stress, physical or mental

This is why when a war first starts the sex ratio of births increases for females, and when a war ends it increases for males, which is called the "Returning soldier effect"
don't know why you guys would care at all but just wanted to tell you
i htink that reactive nitrogen species in the body creates a negative feedback loop, wherein the nitrogen released from the cyclic phosphate/nucleotide(?) (like guanosine) enters the bloodstream as waste products (the now free phosphate) (the phosphate travels in platelets), which then activate receptors in the blood vessels to stop that from happening more - this uses nitrogen
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where is mousey?
nation of mindless perverted insect freaks
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alri, nerd
anon posted "nitrogen cycle" yesterday, and in it that says surplus nitrogen can increase the amount of "ground-level" ozone gas, which can be harmful for plantlife and us. reactive oxygen species on the skin i think is countered by iNOS reactive species, and, similarly, the damaging things that could come in contact with our skin are beaten with ROS (reactive oxygen species) - ozone
hello mousey logging on for another 20 hour shift of babbling to yourself is it x
baby fact: in the first 3 days of pregnancy, the body cleans itself of the toxic products in the body like medicine and alcohol. in those first days, the baby is taking no nutrients from the mother
hello Australia *starts dry humping u*
greggs brekkie delivery on the way
coffee probably contains things with nitrogen in it anyway
i wonder if the pH of coffee has an effect on it
because alkaloids like to come out into alkaline or neutral solutions, and the other things in acidic sometimes maybe :)
mousey is beautiful
be nice to mousey
the absolute fucking worst thing i see brits do online is when someone uses the term 'british accent' and they appear 'oh what british accent' when they know they just mean the general british accent which is real people end up having after they go to uni. it's so embarrassing, they know full well when people say 'american accent' they mean the general american rather than regional accents like new yawk or yo yo black
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leftypol could never
state of that
you lazy fat cunt
Excessive options for food delivery has been a disaster for the average brit
Deliveroo/Uber eats etc should be banned
lmao the jews have got the arabs terrified to touch anything electronic

they've knocked them back to the stone age literally now (their mindset was already there)
jews just win over and over again
sir uber banner
might learn C
need to get into coding
vinyls are oftentimes longer-binding to the relevant receptors is what ive observed
like the nal_ drug with the opioid receptors (the permanent (i think mu) opioid receptor antagonists)
doesnt mean actually permanent, as receptors are recycled
fluoride is a long-term binding (to receptors). ACh is short or medium, one or the other
pooing makes me cum
wanted to order sausage roll delivery but was scared that jews could rig my phone with expolsives and stayed hungry
it has a vinyl on the yl- ring attached to the N
theres also some with i think probably 2N attached at the 6- position
Bloody pulled my back. I can’t move
IT industry sucks ass for 99.9% of people
unless you come from a prestigious school or are EXTREMELY intelligent you aren't getting the high paying jobs

t. fell for the IT meme

if you're doing it as a hobby though that will be pretty good
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they used a vinyl something (i think) in America when all them trains crashed with poison in them and they poisoned the water supply and didnt make acid rain
Hey lad, yes I do in fact. Was just this morning
forgive the lateness of my reply
>industry sucks ass for 99.9% of people
universally true i suppose
forgive the lack of brevity in my reply
a couple of pints are the soul of wit
sciences > languages > arts > humanities
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apbb uaee duaa isuu oext
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In terms of what?
hello New Zealand
I work in IT and agree with this
unless you have a fancy background and end up in senior management quickly in a position that requires you to do fuck all, it sucks
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do you reckon we've ever had an arab immigrant who hasn't done a rape
lmao dat nigga got a piece of paper with 'kick me' glued to the back of his head
just saw a good ukranian post but not giving him a (you) because he won't give up donetsk to put my fuel prices down
too fucking warm
too much

aren’t the fuel prices going down anyway
need AN ai GF
nassim taleb
catberg initiating cuddletoil procedures
off to the beer garden with you ASAP
this ffs I want it to be comfy jacket weather already
too old
what part of scotland does mousey live?
just give up kursk people's republic, ukrainian speakers decided that they want to live in ukraine there after referendum. simple as.
mousenonce what are your htoughts on concussion and the best remedies?
i bet they at least considered the really large fluoride compounds with this
they used fluoride for diabetes in a few drugs. they caused haemotoxicity (toxic to the blood)
You mean earning potential/employability once you have a degree?
I agree generally but humanities has taken off a bit recently as bigger companies need to have HR departments an meet ESG goals

Hi mate
I used to go to Aus every year as kid but haven't been in about a decade now
really need to set some time aside and go again
me on the left
loving the dull unfunny ai slop shite keep it coming mate x
do you have a concussion right now or ahve someone there who might have one or something
yeah nice mate, come on over and grab a pint
You should check out the YT channel Krazam
funny vids but I can't talk about them with most people because only scrubs who work in IT will understand it
Not from a technical view, more just a day-to-day experience view, makes me laugh that my experience is basically universal
not going to say anything but im going to ask copilot a little bit while i trainsition to something else
but also to flash a light in their eyes i guess
up the wahs
>while i trainsition
omg congrats girl be who you are xx
this PEPSI got me sneezing
give me pempsi
injecting cat piss into the dorsal vein of my erect cock
open a window then
remember pewdiepie? he was beheaded in japan for disrespecting the emperor
not a morning person am i
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rockefeller university press :3
When I was about 6 or 7 we visited my dads mate who lived in the middle of the outback and he let me hold his pet snake and it broke my wrist and we had to drive for like an hour to get to the nearest hospital
week 4 of gf's unemployment yet she refuses to clean up the flat... might give her the "hae min lee" treatment if you catch my drift.
Never understood freaks who prefer working late at night to just getting up earlier and doing it then
barely a person at all you sluggardly mollusc of a man
drinking a green tea

allegedly wfhing
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these cunts are not well
private nursery schools
put toddlers in a university and treat them with respect and see how it turns out in 12 years
1 shekel has been deposited into your account
i know its the parents job to teach their kids before they start going to school
and to nurture them
come on cheer squad give a B! give me a R! give me a I! give me a T! What does that smell? BRIT
*sucks on a leaf*
word up waiting for the mousenonce copilot ratnonce to turn up
thanks my g
high-conscientiousness poster detected. you don't belong here mr early riser
>le sandnigger is our ally
Any self-respecting European wants both sets of those Semitic subhumans to bomb each other out of existence.
i already did it
i guess i was right about a few things. one thing that ill say is that hydration is good for them, which i was unsure about. but its not important
its one of those lebs you hear the aussies going on about
You're probably right.
the concussion thing wasnt about fluoride or anything
just that its a person hitting their head so i wasnt sure about asking them to swallow something
just water? nothing else?
afraid to say

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