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Fencing Edition
mad how not drinking is anti social but drinking too much is also anti social but its also hard to control the intake once you drink

drinking update
link me to an ai website i want to make some slop webms
fuck brits
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stop opening kebab shops in our country
hope janny wakes up soon
My sinuses have been clogged for like 2 months now
Her hair was very cute in the Olympics.
shoving lego pieces down my willy
in my next life i will be born an anglo-saxon
cheers for all the shit cheap haircuts mehmet
stop eating our kebabs like pigs and maybe then i won't open anymore
mumstein has a holiday home in Spain, some random coastal Benidorm type situation
doesn't use it. luckily has a tenant in somehow
just had a look and every property round there is for sale lol?
is spain fucked?
quite surprising that there are people who have been using excel for years and years but somehow are even more useless than me
hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he? hes in blackpool isnt he?
Why do you reckon that?
made many friends cos of drinking
lost many of those same friends cos of drinking
you're from sainsburys aren't you
Why's a woman in her 50s interested in watching Taylor Swift anyway?
feeling a nice poo brewing
brits really do got be getting angry at anything dont they
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england is a failed state, the future of britain lies in WALES
on r/armpitvoyeur
I have done many good deeds. I should be promoted to a higher race

taylor is /ouraryangodess/. Most of her audience is ethnically european at any given concert. It's better than listening to some bantu animal like zoomers do now
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gamers have had ENOUGH
probably not the best thread to ask this but anyone know what working at Bloomberg is like
there's a low level support role I might go for
bitcoin is about to rocket please buy bitcoin right now
youre only meant to buy during extreme fear dumbo
good face for a well-fed, refined tudor lord painted by holbein or something but these days just comes across as a moist little beta
yeah I'm reading through it right now x
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The most ethnically Chinese towns and cities in the UK, according to the latest census data:

1. Cambridge - 4.37%
2. Edinburgh - 2.93%
3. Oxford - 2.76%
4. Glasgow - 2.30%
5. Manchester - 2.29%
6. Liverpool - 1.82%
7. Newcastle upon Tyne - 1.79%
8. London - 1.68%
9. Southampton - 1.67%
10. Reading - 1.55%
11. Exeter - 1.55%
12. York - 1.42%
13. Cardiff - 1.38%
14. Belfast - 1.37%
15. Sheffield - 1.33%
16. Coventry - 1.32%
17. Nottingham - 1.32%
18. Salford - 1.23%
19. Bristol - 1.16%
20. Norwich - 1.13%
21. Brighton and Hove - 1.11%
22. Birmingham - 1.09%
23. Portsmouth - 1.02%
24. Milton Keynes - 1.01%
25. Aberdeen - 1.01%
26. Leeds - 1.00%
27. Dundee - 0.90%
28. Swansea - 0.81%
29. Leicester - 0.67%
30. Northampton - 0.59%
31. Sunderland - 0.56%
32. Derby - 0.54%
33. Plymouth - 0.54%
34. Kingston upon Hull - 0.46%
35. Newport - 0.45%
36. Stoke-on-Trent - 0.42%
37. Luton - 0.40%
38. Wolverhampton - 0.30%
39. Blackburn - 0.26%
40. Bradford - 0.25%
Boomer gen with the cash for these sorts of things passing them on to their poorer descendants
They cannot afford to keep them because of low growth and tax systems that penalise generational wealth
Basically the entire system is set up to ensure failure
is it true that we arrest more people for social media posts than Russia or was that bs
The 15 greatest films of all time
Alright guys? Not long got up. Having a black coffee.
pooing gay porn
gay porn is literally pouring out me arse
/brit/posters don't need to move to china, china's coming to them. wind down the resettlement fund
literally all uni students
Went Birmingham and they literally have a Chinese quarter there

Weirdly Chinese food in Brum is better than Chinese food in London.
no idea why.
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a black what??
sorry mate I'm retarded who are you referring to, the Spaniards?
Morning mousey, how are you?
will you take the professor's advice?
The Chinese population is decreasing in cities like Birmingham, Manchester and Leicester and increasing in cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow.
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a pu bad beui easo aue ux t
the worst day of your life is only 24 hours long
He didn’t say this
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cycling to work down the dual carriageway one-handed wobbling all over the place while posting on /brit/
Possibly less, really
Spaniards, Brits, doesn't matter. Younger generations across the west are all being shafted by the same box of strap-ons.
I once drank an entire litre of water
he's schizo enough without making fake tweets
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Chinese migrants aren't what they used to be in terms of volume

There's a dearth of youth in China now so it's in China's interest to hold them tight outside of getting degrees.
The Chinese I went to uni with were more than happy to get 40% pass rates and thought their overall grade was irrelevant which was bizarre to me.

Before uni I stereotyped them as genius nerds but thought the complete opposite by graduation.
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youre going to be the one that saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaves meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Half Irish Half Iraqi
weird mix

she came out as a queerosexual pansexual non-binary sapiosexual and then she hit her mid 30s so she got knocked up be a mediocre white man

biology wins in the end
Don't put yourself down mate
There's nothing wrong with being Indian
all the ones I've met have wealthy parents and just come here to say they've got a degree from a UK university, regardless of their mark, before they go to start working in the family business
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my ancestors were here long before anglo-saxon scum sullied these isles
I thought she was doing it with brad pitt
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rowling on the ropes
da's stunk out the bathroom again
Mad how shit bars and clubs are
Call me an incel, but I don't like trying to have a conversation while white girl pop is blasting well above speaking volume the entire night
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my best yet
Chinese immigrate in droves. I lived in an american town that went from over 75% white to 37% white in 30 years. In another decade it will become an asian majority town as their population surpasses 50%. Filled with so many chinese, filipinos, indonesians, malaysians, jeets, arabs, etc. Chinese are the biggest immigrant group among all. Conservatives think this completely okay because atleast the town is safe and it's legal
yeah no doubt and my mum still complains about a ÂŁ300 cut to her bennies lmao
social media has ruined zoomers
joshua v doboys on saturday
Joliebros I don't like this
>"primarily disliked"
>in fact zoomers are the only demographic where Dislike isn't last place
social media has ruined rowling's brain
yes so precisely what the title says
It's called ageing rorke
It will happen to you too
got nigella on
no excuse for looking like that at 49
she's a bit obsessed but she's not wrong when it comes to the tranny problem
been depressed for 18 years, reckon at this point it would actually be worse for me to try and get out of it because i think my entire life has been structured around being a broken freak
at the end of the day she's still laughing all the way to the bank with every royalty cheque
Lion King was very good to be fair
probably some kind of nutritional/vitamin deficiency
*hides the bottle of 90% peroxide solution behind my back*
it's time for you to cabininthewoodsmaxx
shit life syndrome
onlyfans but just for trans people called only trans
fantastic post
actually mad how much money Barbie made
she's literally turning into her father lmaooooooo omd
It happens when you get cursed by Azura.
incel cretin
she looks younger than me and im in my 30s
what's shit about them is that people just aren't committed to the idea (clubs I mean). if you go to actual clubs, not often seen in the likes of England, it's different
bars are just normal. but the music is usually OTT
ethan... the NOC list...
>incel cretin
Why are you posting your Tinder bio here? :S
dunno if you are just making a coomer pun or something but you can definitely do that
Can someone tell me what regional accent this is?
project on
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glad someone finally pointed it out
it's a fake one, doesn't exist
based Egland for the English ONLY
Insecure old gimp
wtf why
janitorial staff should have stayed on reddit
subhanallah brothers
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nation of hufflepuffs
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Locked up
think I just had the best orange of my life
bring back the ip counter
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British Gas due to visit between 8 to 6
Cast iron guarantee the bloke shows up either:
- When I'm at the supermarket in my lunch hour
- At 17:55
I have all of those traits
>apply to english IT startup
>I have to talk to a HR woman from india called dikshita bambaloo
Ravenclaw or Slytherin for me.
no woman like this will ever love me, and for this transgression against me, septillions must die
might treat myself to a cheese sandwich or four
they won't let meow
do you ever meet someone and their overall vibe is so viscerally revolting (despite there being nothing really outwardly wrong with them) that it makes you want to choke them to death right then and there or am i just mentally ill
Maybe you shouldn’t leave the house when you’ve got an appointment scheduled? Mong
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nintendo wasn't for are mark so he's got another PS5 ordered de lads. 4th one he's had in the space of 18 months I believe
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can i suggest offering more money
holy grimoli
You’re mentally ill sorry. Probably deeply insecure as well
desperately desperately desperately need to quit my job professional world not for me everyone here is a fucking demon
*chokes you to death*
Chudjak would want to be in Slytherin but since he's too ugly they would end up putting him in Hufflepuff.
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young rorke running to his papa after a long day at work
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leftypol waiting to prank his dad
took me 7 weeks to hit the 3000 hours watched benchmark to get my youtune monetized

just got my first months pay.. 600 quid, expected a bit more than that truth be told
When are you coming mate just tell me
Mental how good chips cooked in beef dripping are
holy wholesome
it's a dumb voice that nobody has that he puts on for youtube 100%
It drives me mad that my tax money goes to people this retarded so that they can do nothing but entertain themselves
Why does he need four ps5s? I understand he's a drunken alcoholic tramp but why four ps5s? Does he keep breaking them?
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is britain okay?
mad he is doing this dance in front of a school
crazy how the west was brought down by women being allowed to vote
he's just got back from a holiday you paid for as well
Something inherently evil about all this faux positivity shit. Never trust anyone that engages with this
these neeks getting that youtube bag
but it’s true things are quite grim at the moment
CEX doing his bollocks in and laughing to the bank me lids
what videos you make
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look at it
sick of this racism from beigies, see one of us and think oh we must be sick
were beautiful
The country is quite literally finished. Not even saying that to be shocking. We're done. A lot of people are starting to realise that they'll need to fuck off to another country if they want a decent life.
so are lebanese christians pro-muslim or pro-jew?
uneducated simpletons shouldn't be allowed to vote regardless of gender
wales: do we need it?
load of wank
might put a gun in a baby's mouth and fire it
negativity bias in effect
get him lads
sucking apple cider vinegar
might put a gun in ASIO's mouth and fire it
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i thought i should be in grifyndor but my friends said i would be slytherin
i would definitely not be hufflepuff i.e. the most boring house of them cant believe anyone identifies as the boring cunt
can hear the local spacker kid outside repeating his usual gibberish autism phrase, wonder what it is that makes them into human tape recorders
things have been grim since 2008 m80
moobs are so vile
also an undershirt for a poloshirt what the fuck lol
can't afford fish, marmite or nutella anymore
grim weather today summer isn't meant to end until sunday but reckon that's it. it's over
Havent showered since tuesday. Im sorry to say, im picking up a bit of a stink...
Not in ASIO's jurisdiction, mate. Blowing a baby's head off is not intrinsically political or terroristic
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>hello anon!
>can I interest you in your range of pagers or walkie talkies? we just some new stock!
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the latest purchase
carrots and grains for you my lad
two days is nothing
its the core sovl repository for the entire isles
lots of magic is stored there
this is what hamas is trying to destroy
thanks for sticking up for me and providing me with free legal counsel. a true friend and a true Australian you are m8, hats off to ya
very nostalgic
Costco is not really an incel shop though is it
Quite the opposite
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shavetoil looms
im watching american horror stories, it's pure shit but i like it.
scared of the big boss at toil he keeps getting involved in my shit
undersides of my fingernails smell like taint grease
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rapetoil, as it were
how come no one gives out reese's pieces on halloween they'd be a perfect halloween candy
Just trying to educate the poms about Australia's law enforcement and intelligence ecosystems
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imagine going full predator on these leftist freaks
they literally massacred palestinians in beirut alongside israel, israel cornered them into 2 camps and let phalangist militias go in and kill them all
Diego has written many words in /brit/, but he has never proven the existence of God.
tesco only delivered one of my two requested loaves of bread
they're always fat, disabled or both
microwave lasagne slop for tea
the driver ate the other women, want to know how i know?

i am the driver
reeses are too hung up on the cup
they'll release 3 different versions for halloween in various sized bags, but pieces don't even make it to the promotional skids they roll out
>GCHQ report on /brit/ posters
sunderland mentioned
abby used dual isuzu tests
a public badge beau also sued fox television
but because peace was just as nice ostensibly
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oh this looks like a nice mix
who the fucks wants pumpkin with their chocolate
What if the Australian shot two bags of Reeses pieces?
Foolish foolish man
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Courtney Love and Janet Street Porter attend the Old Vic Theatre Fund Raising Gala Party at Old Billingsgate Market in London (2003)
it's not pumpkin flavored, it's just shaped like a pumpkin
the dark chocolate coffee kit kats are really good
could be like the now-discontinued coffee ones you used to get in bags of Revels

I'd eat them
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the british candy aisle has aero bars, lion bars and these things called wine gums
This 18th century Scottish lord reminds me of you lot
why are you researching babies?
Aeros are okay I guess but the other two are great
Wine Gums are great, get them.
aero bars are fucking delicious
buy it

murray st caramel swirl and shortbread pieces
cor bloody phwoar
may just pip honey and salted caramel peanut for the best 'cream ever (priced $6 or less)
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Hate us cuz they ain’t us?
mousey's ancestor
coffee makes you poo instantly but a can of monster doesn't

what's going on there?
bit earlier I reckon.
I remember struggles around 2004 but maybe that was just my family

can't think of anywhere that's better
why did you originally need the weights?
Parts of America, if you're well off. Australia mogs us as well.
just looking at the picture i can tell they are in the wrong
lool done us
Big Coffee is in cahoots with Andrex
Really like how the 2nd to last point linked back to the first point
another day, another hotdog
feel really bad today
might be a bit depressed or perhaps just a bit hungover and slept in too long it's hard to say
>Parts of America,
off the cards unless you are a mexican crossing the border

Australia is nice no doubt but such an upheaval to move there. Would take some convincing
wages down
immigrants up
don't like it leave
The English hatred espoused by Welshoids and Scotoids is quite frankly perplexing.

When will it subside?
It's so cringe in 2024 when you have semi-literate Somalis flocking into the nation.
Surely the Englishman is your kin at this point?

But alas no. The goatfucker rapist who can say Yaki Dah is your brother because that's what globohomo wants you to believe.
All three of these items are great
Would move to aus but I've got no skills or money. What do all the Chinese there do?
BREAKING: 12 people feared dead in London as tampered cock cages explode across the city; Mossad involvement likely
Those Micro-states where everyone is a trillionaire
celebrate every day
because everyday that passes is one less day you have to live
Would it, though? I know Australians are quite strict on who gets in but I personally know plenty of people who have moved there. You also don't have to worry about a big culture shock or language barrier.
they sell chinese goods
cor blimey its anutha blitz
for me it's bounties and crunchy bars
moving to australia to open a dimmy restaurant
violet crumble up the arse
how can anything have any significance when we're stuck in infinite space
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Unemploymentstein doing me in
Did you sort your universal credit out mate?
this is why i drive a diesel car
fucking brainlet neil degrass tyson reddit cunt shut up
Many Brit expats arrive here without a job and skills and usually find something pretty quickly, the Irish as well.
ahah wild
You can just do marketing or recruitment like half the English here do
-maxxing, -coded etc is just because everyone got sick of saying -esque

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