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Twilight zone edition
squattoil beckons and I'm not remotely up for it

if you post any high energy songs you enjoy for lifting I shall listen to them
I can see my house
I would go out tonight
But I haven’t got a person to ruse
one of those dreadful thursdays where i keep thinking its friday
you can't say that
good lad
I cannot Belize my eyes!
Sir Keir will set this country back onto a good path. Just you wait
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The entire world is laughing at us yet again because thousands of people are queuing up for a baked potato with cheese and beans
We're all in HERE
disgusting what israel's allowed to get away with
most of the people in that queue are muslims
The Ruseman says it’s gruesome
For someone so handsome to caaaare
Really? I think most country's have this kind of cheap street food and actually it's the UK which is an outlier for having very little.
We need more street food vendors, not less.
this thread dedicated to the gallant proletariat warriors of Hezbollah
don't understand the hostility surrounding potato, baked beans, and cheese
it's reasonably healthy, reasonably cheap, reasonably tasty
makes me think it's just zoomers bandwagoning on yank memes because americans are allergic to anything not drowned in cornsyrup
israel is the main character
they can do what they want
Yeah but other countries street food is actually good lol
Literally 3 the rest is whitoids
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*puts a ball under 1 of 3 cups on a table then rapidly shuffles the cups*

alri lad, pick
nobody cares toby
who put 20p in london paki
I can see at least 4 muzzie women and 1 muzzie bloke
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
i can hardly belize it!
And there is a queue behind them of literally 100 whites
Well you can always go back where you came from if you don't like it here.
5 actually
the mounce is loose....
Black pudding? Love it
There used to be a great jacket potato van in Aylesbury (which is a shithole) that I would wait in a queue for, was great.
I'll send you to Belize!
Bro is getting insecure over jacket spuds loooool
Sexy hijab woman in the back hello
Black pudding is what I call the mess I leave in the toilet after drinking four pints of Guinness the night before.
>'I HATE black pudding, it's made from blood, disgusting'
>'Have you ever had it?'
>'Well no..but'
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Used to get Spud-u-Like when I was a lad before all of this paki sloppa took over.
Dead country.
rorke brung a tray of krispy kreme in for the office and everyone was chuffed except for leftypol who started going on about palm oil. rorke and the lads from sales was winding leftypol up until he went on a full melty hahahaha
Don’t mind a guinness when it’s proper guinness weather
remember being about 9 and mumberg was having a woman moment calling herself ugly like a teenage girl and I said that people often say we look alike so asked if she thought I was ugly too and she just stared at me

still not quite sure what to make of that conversation
absolutely mad how the proles will grovel for their proleslop just because it's famous on tiktok
they will buy a potato with beans on it for £10 just because everyone else is doing it
Viktor Orbán is a Protestant, surprisingly
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for me it was pasta king
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this pope's a wasteman
never a better time to be a proddie
good lad
could you actually get that outside of schools?
Belize nuts!
leftypol banging on about palm oil while at the same time demanding that autistic kids get on puberty blockers and have their genitals mutilated so that old blokes in dresses feel 'validated'
also them
>I HECKIN love german blutenwurst!
*stares at you*
Going to play the new fifa today
sucking a blutenwurst
quite an odd little memory to have
sorry to hear
Hate these cunts with lanyards and badges. Need them all shot.
south America is also a proper mix full of religious leaders

historically they'd all be Catholic too but they've had protestants, jews, Hindus and Buddhists
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Rorke: Origins
in what way is it any different from the old fifa?
What's it like being an NPC? Must be quite comfy.
20 sprays of Encre Noire
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pro tip for wybois: act more black
guarantee she's never shagged a black in her life
Its not
I'm not an NPC I just like playing it with friendbergs
Was having a good day till I saw this day ruined now
Big fan of the restaurant in Morrisons, it's simple and cheap but I like it.
twitter is just people telling lies for engagement farming now
that aspie saffer cunt has ruined that website
not to mention it's full of indians saying the most low iq shite imaginable

vgh I only have instagram left
based clogwog
much better cuckposter than the belgian freak
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>pro tip for wybois: act more black
you could do worse than Instagram
twitter has always been vile
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>Joined July 2024
>every post is about shit only /pol/tards care about
blatant "blackpill" account
don't understand why some incels do it
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what timmy gon do
Got a link? No you don’t because you’re chatting out your arseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Twitter is not worth your time and Twitter screenshots certainly aren’t worth mine
Why does the janny let clogwog post?
Reminder a janitor is aware of these posts but makes a conscious effort not to delete them.
can't understand half of the black person lingo on twitter they've butchered english so much
I'm gonna post them anyway
I'm gonna post them anyway
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liveshot at the nigga tweeting this shite
im on a warning for reporting them
we have a serious issue with janbergs on this site
>don't understand why some incels do it
see >>202426704
if you make a "viral" post you can make thousands for it
/int/ ROARS out for reform.
big fan of the MarmiteMan gimmick
got to feel sad for porn addicts they will never feel the soft touch of a 3D woman
alright Vince McMahon?
That’s not a link that’s a name. Like i said chatting at your arseeeeeee
spaedo, 190 kids molested, sacked tranny meltdown asap
muslim girl feet
this is why i agree with mouseys deranged crusade against them lol
rorke on the ropes
cheese on toast for lunch
Yeah, Toby is right. As much as he is annoying, and frequently hypocritical, what he says is correct: these people are cancer and contribute nothing to the thread.
Garden of Earthly Delights is a good painting to be fair
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Not sure whats being complained about as its filtered you see, but i wholly support the fucking janny doing his job, the fucking parasite
Never got round to setting one up, what do I do, just filter every Dutch poster ITT?
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Good morning sirs
Reminder the personality cuck porn spammer is the janitor that lives here full time literally all day this thread is his life
He deletes his nukes his own posts every once in a while to keep up appearances
Bring back the asylums.
Bring back the workhouses.
Bring back hanging.
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alright mate u around for a Q
Fucking hell that is beyond grim if he's the janitor
Use 4chanx and block flags if you can
Otherwise ublock origin > my filters > add which take your fancy

190 ruined his life for this
yo yo yo
woah woah woah
making a post
in /brit/, you know
I've filtered the Netherlands and Belgium and the amount of cuckposts I see has massively decreased, not just in /brit/ but all of /int/
It's the only explanation
Occam's razor and all
really want ange to get sacked, move to somewhere shit like southampton and miraculously win the EFL cup . it would be so fucking funny
I got a 30 day ban for posting the Bristol Stool Chart (janny said it was politics ffs, appeal denied etc) but this cunt gets to troll the thread with porn and ban evade on a regular basis.
I might just filter every flag and have singleplayer /int/
>gets to ban evade
it's not its just dtfic shoehorning his spaino obsession into everything
I've been banned for making anti Russian and Chinese posts before. Not sure why /int/ has such corrupt jannies and mods.
Imagining how loathed you are by your own family when even anonymous freaks on 4chan hate you
Sad realisation that must be
have you considered that "anti Russian and Chinese posts" don't belong in a general dedicated to the discussion of British culture
I mean, in fairness to the janny, spainnonce and gyaldemfreak are both neets with VPNs - there's very little the janny can do to stop them. Just filter whatever you can, and they'll eventually just fuck off - or even if they don't at least you won't have to pay attention to him anymore
got filtered
cant even say poonigger these days
used to be a /brit/ staple
Not here you mong I just mean on /int/. Just posting in threads about Russia or China is a risk.
I've done that before lol
filtered by esoteric /brit/posts
>going on outer-/int/
Tesco have started putting crisps in the freezers
god that's so hot
remember seeing an interview she did too where her white bf pushing her into cuck porn ended up having the effect where she now finds black guys more attractive
not wanting to see porn or lewd imagery at 1pm on a thursday has no bearing on the size of my cock
>water bill going from 29 a month to 39
One of the downsides to working from home, maybe I should piss out the window.
just saw this on reddit
>anti Russian and Chinese posts
Holy mother of based
>he doesn't chill his crisps
If you're going to samefag helps to wait more than a minute and one second so it's not blatantly obvious
another Brexit benefit (!)
thanks racist bigots who voted for UKIP (!)
sweet chilly sensations haha
*Blows up pygmy hippos with a 50 cal sniper rifle*
sitting with a handkerchief up both nostrils
might watch some Columbo
gone woke
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britain officially batsh*t bonkers
BBC forgot to disable the comments here
Episodic programmes are a complete waste of time
are the mentally ill freaks talking about black men again?
Can't post on VPNs without a pass
Ban thr pass and he will go away
But he is still here after years and years of it
How is that possible?
Only one explanation
you and your bloody columbo
fucking love megafauna me, love to go to the zoo and look at the elephants and giraffes. they're so cool, love frogs too.
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i like turtles
time enjoyed is not wasted
let the man enjoy his columbo
Had over a month of holiday left at work so have booked random weeks over the next few months. I have no gf or mates to do things with so no real reason to have time off. I've got next week off and will do fuck all apart from go to the gym and play games.
You use your benefits to pay for multiple passes because your life is 4chan.
it's possible to enjoy things without posting off-topic or avatarfagging
off to the pub with you ASAP
well that sound nice
apart from going to the gym that sounds shit
Just got back from Asda. What an awful place that is.
Yeah but he will cum soon then switch to rage posting about something random he autistically hates
get some drugs in
hate jobs that don't give you formal training - where you have to throw yourself on the mercy and kindness of randoms in your team to learn how to do anything
if you work at bbc the huw edwards thing is a great opportunity to claim sick leave for trauma/mental health
I'm Canadian and salaried
Only posted here a few times yesterday because the thread quality has been so bad
mad how 'Cor' is a derivative of 'Gor' which is is a derivative of 'Gor Blimey' which is a derivative of 'God Blind Me'
Can I visit your house?
gor wanme
very funny post
Just got back from 2 weeks off where all I did was go to the gym and watch maths tutorials on Youtube
do you reckon were megafauna
if you have sex with a woman youre actually fucking a megafaun
It's amazing how English people mutilate English
You were here all day Dtfic. Like you are every day.
thank you for sharing this. Genuinely found it very interesting
why do zoomers and alpha look so old
finally a good post
And then they blame you for not knowing how to do shit the specific way the company does it
what do you mean
fortnite dances age you
Spent 20 quid on scratchcards in Asda and won 60 quid back in total. Easy money haha
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Huw Edwards will be getting a nice job on GB News soon i reckon
>all leafs are this personality I made up
Mental how badly I mindraped you lol
Worst part of being on the ol’ bennies is having to be around and associate with filthy commoners. Urgh.
can't be good on the joints
gay boys news?
get her! get her!
had my lunch
Technology is amazing eh?
Same virgin neek passive-aggressive posting style too. Mad.
they don't tell you shit and then hoist all the blame of you when you inevitably cock up in a way that would be impossible to know to avoid unless you were told beforehand
Been on holiday for the last six years me
im not like those other scroungers ;)
Nice try Dtfic
Mad how Farage said he doesn't want mass deportations of illegal immigrants and thinks whites becoming a minority isn't a concern
Just looks like the perfect life
wahey how's tricks, sean?
been a british policeman for 6 years? lucky bastard, do fuck all, get paid anyway
In zoology, megafauna are large animals. The precise definition of the term varies widely, though a common threshold is approximately 45 kilograms
suppose it just depends on the woman you're having sex with
mad how fit they are at that age
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women peak at 34 rorke
Haha. Us cucks are many in number.
still can't wrap my head around that
he's utterly destroyed any goodwill he's had among his base
Don't know what to tell you
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Barbarism begins at home
Mental how good the gf’s fannois feels. I never thought one pussy could seriously feel that much different from any other but I finally know now how some people obsess over “good pussy”
probably my favourite Smiths song, that
barbarism begins at supercuts
Good pussy is wet pussy. You gotta turn her on
britney spears was infantilised. but nowadays zoomer stars have to start out like they're 30
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mental how there's an unwritten rule at barbershops to give undesirable customers (i.e. incels like you) shit haircuts so they stop coming back
love a bit of CK3, me
Isnt it like $500 for all the dlc because they don't give you the full game at the start?
lmao at the people who say "Five Guys costs me £25" get the smaller burger and chips then fatty!"!!!!
Was occupied doing my white collar job and just saw this reply
Absolutely hopelessly wrong
Not quite true desu. Clearly you need to make her wet but there’s more to it than that, it’s the overall tightness, the grip, how it feels around your cock, the way it squeezes, how deep you can go without bottoming out/hurting her.
is it yeah? listen to the smiths do you? oh wow, you're such a cool and intelligent person, I would love to know more about you
his party's biggest donor is a pakistani muslim
he effectively bought out the party and is now chairman
farage will never be able to oppose mass immigration properly ever again if he wants to keep the money flowing
thinking deep things
>real work is done at call centres and warehouses
Hilariously clueless
He must be sub-80 IQ himself
All things that change if you get her really worked up. And you notice these things more if you’re worked up yourself
that's why I pirate it - their DLC policy is a total joke
you people have such fucking short memories
at the 2015 election debates he was on question time or something else saying how once we leave the eu we can get more rest of the worl dimmigration to go beyond what we got from the eu
yeah it’s a great one
good lad - pro smiths posting is what we’re all about
How do I pirate it? Go to /t/?
I have asked in this thread many times with no answer lol
Gutted mate sorry to hear that
Bongiornoooo cumpari :)
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Bit odd how he was making a big deal about whites becoming a minority a couple years ago when the ONS statistics came out then
I am an engineer.
just search fitgirl repacks
"Anon you should have looked in to this yourself and experimented in your free time to see how to do it"
Never mind the fact that your schedule is packed so much that you have to eat while working instead of having a real lunch break

I got in trouble at toil today for not being able to deliver some work on time because one of the tools the company provided me broke
"You should have checked yesterday to make sure it still works"
this has happened multiple times

Like what, I'm supposed to check every day that every piece of software I will ever use is still working
And I'm supposed to check it in every possible scenario and use-case as well?

the thing is I actually did though, and it was fine
the error occurred because of an update made after I finished yesterday, and I discovered it within 2 hours of starting today
steamunlocked has it
suppose we all are in a way
Yeah. Well, you see, that's a tautology. You can't say ONS statistics because it stands for Office of National Statistics, so you're just saying Office of National Statistics statistics? Do you see, Mr Conditional Clause?
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afternoon all

>261 posts in the old
okay, who's had a melty?
shut the fuck up
Idiot lol are you the call centre / shelf stocker simp who was complaining before?
member peckers, I member
toby like usual
Was just a standard Thursday midday toby tantrum, nothing unusual
my ancestor
Duolingo ahh sentence
Virus no thanks
what is he like eh, the little scamp
nothing particularly he was just rambling about chemicals
>so what?
the more browns the worse it gets, simple as
I've used steamunlocked for years without issue
Redditors say it's been compromised in the last couple months
toby lets meet up and smoke a zoot
whos a good little mouse
The new?
sure just give me 5 mins la
he didn't present it with comment tbf

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