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chewits edish
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got 3 dates in the next 3 days
yeah yeah yeah yeah
>I like to chew it chew it
I remember these being good
think air does as well
The 20th, 21st and 22nd?
yeah, the 20th September, 21st September, 22nd September

kill yourself you man
Howling and roaring and scromitting and pissing myself and punching myself in the face
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you will regret this mockery of my dating life
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Want to eat wild mushrooms but dont want to die. Life is hard
are you saying you're going to remember the 21st night of September?
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whats that one meant to be
doing a poo. i hope my bowels settle soon got to toil
Listening to nightcore
chewsday innit
I said bah-dee-yah
average 18 year old glaswegian
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you will remember this moment in the lucid gasping moments as you find yourself drowning in agony
would have been an all-time GOAT post if it were a tuesday
Common earthball apparently (poisonous)
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sucking a common earthball apparently
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Got some blue Lucozade today based on your recommendation mousey
Get the earthball watered
Rorke's Scran from /brit/ | Binging with Babish
imagefap chavs
holy mother of zased
nonces of a feather'
stick it up your bum dee lass
*heads to your regular foraging patch*
*hides my trousers and clambers up to a low branch, covering myself in foliage save for my delicately exposed twitching ballbag nestled amongst the twigs*
enjoy your ban blud
blue means it's a boy, right?
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Power in half of my house went out when I turned on the hair dryer
Had to go outside in the dark and fuck around with the fuses to get it back
It's the last day of summer in Sunday. Dark nights are coming.
any good?
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Why is your electrical panel outside?
And does it really use fuses and not breakers?
Going to the zoo for my birthday
Just what you should do with wet hands and hair
in Sunday
man with van here
van has broke
for now i am just man
Haven't tried it yet
which zoo
please dont say my gaff
miles away from a haiku, you jibbering nutter
is this the gayest 4chan post ever?
watching that film cuckoo the one with the tranny male roleplaying as a woman irl
she fit in it?
man with a van here
alas my van is broken
now I'm just a man
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>why did you not put "a" in to make it sort of a haiku
I don't know, I wasn't there when the decision was made
No, it uses circuit breakers, I don't know why I called them fuses

lol, it happens like ever 2 months, I've done it heaps
the cowardly old worlder fears the antipodean will to play with electricity while saturated in water
not sure
there should be a vip zoo pass where you get to abuse the animals and taunt them with small pieces of meat
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Sex with 5 men on Friday.
Sex with 7 men on Saturday.
Sex with 5 men on Sunday.
it's trying its hardest to do the little feminine inflections and mannerisms real women do naturally without second thought to the point it's noticeable and reminds me it is indeed a male.
stop wanting to get your dick out in zoos
Mum brought in a Ghanaian refugee to live with us
Paignton Zoo
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yesterday at ASDA when I was getting Dr Pepper Zeros and some Monster Ultra Energy Zero I picked up the 4-pack of aussie lemonade not realising it was the sugar version until I was at the self-service and had begun scanning

by that time I was too far into my scanning and had already scanned the 4-pack too so it would be a hassle to cancel it, requiring me to speak to the attendant woman, so I just made the purchase

then I sat in the car for 30 mins afterwards, annoyed at myself having been so foolish as to not check that it was the zero sugar version I'd picked up before going to the till. After much deliberating I decided to go back into the shop and exchange it for the right one. I took the 4-pack to customer services, they said it was OK to change it then I went and got a 4-pack of monster ultra zero rosa (the pink ones) and they exchanged it

proud of myself for not just going home with the sugary 4-pack when I didn't want it
Haiku posting then are we?

sucking a golfball
might have a cheeky bum wank
doing a poo lads
Dad kicking me out the house to replace me with a Ukranian refugee girl
mad to think there's probably some bloke (or blokes, even) out there that are direct male line descendents of jesus christ
not sure i buy into the whole volcel thing he was on about. same with priests today, he was probably fiddling around on the side
no mistake mary magdalene was a close companion the raunchy dog
mary shagdalene we called her
more like mary shagdalot
You can do that in east asia. All those tiger pictures people have because theyre heavily sedated and they take their claws out. Tourists love it
You are a very evil, very twisted little mutant.
don't blaspheme you fool
It would have been extremely scandalous if he got anyone pregnant let alone a literal groupie whore
You thought if you posted a girl id read your blog. You were wrong

James was the brother of christ
Little does he know she's got jungle fever
Did you manage to sort out your universal credit or are you still sanctioned?
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Struck a nerve did he?
Reminded that your voice doesn't sound remotely female whatsoever?
why are all the trannies grim looking in my area
where do i find the fit ones
in drawings
the fit ones all have xx chromosomes
they only exist in carefully crafted hand-edited photos mate
there's a reason they don't do videos too
All trannies are grim
Got stuff to do and it makes me anxious so I'm going to not do it and make myself even more anxious.
lol what am I like!?
>where do I find attractive men in dresses
Tilde is a beautiful woman. Deal with it losers
Alri MarmiteMan
People ask to swap products all the time in supermarkets. As a member of staff, I can confirm we don't actually care and just want the customers to be happy without kicking up a fuss.
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never heard of this
you know what i think i will come thanks
are we doing one of the animal experiences?
I just had a wank and I’m still horny bros :/
my goal body is one where if I ever put on a dress, people laugh instead of assuming I'm living an alternative lifestyle
Why would mousey receive a UC sanction?

Can't imagine he has any claim commitments whatsoever on account of his legitimate mental illness(es) that are confirmed in his GP notes.

They likely wouldn't even make him volunteer as it's usually only the docile, middle-aged men who appear lobotomised who you see in charity shops. Or younger lads with aspergers. Can't see them putting a paranoid schizophrenic in there in a hurry.
you say that but also he made people believe literal god got his virgin mum pregnant while she was married lad
come on now don't be naive
The 0.1% that are hot do porn and wouldnt be interested in you anyway
lad who rang up about renting a place on tuesday around 4 sounding meek and high pitched and virginous, only to be told they'd call me tomorrow (yesterday) morning about it, and who then received no call all day yesterday, here. i was too low test to call them myself yesterday, and by half 5 was really upset with myself as i want this place badly. i woke up at 1pm today and i am proud to say that after my poo and wee i rang them up and sounded fairly confident. they were however all on their lunch break and so said they'll call me back today about arranging a viewing. i am hopeful that they actually will this time as i was quite human on the phone.
He said he was meant to attend a jobs fair but didn't so he was sanctioned. He doesn't get PIP either.
If only you could swap your cock and balls for a lovely fanny just as easily eh
Whole lot easier to lie about that with your gang than to cover up 9 months of pregnancy and then somehow get rid of the bastard child
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aw look a little britfeel nonce reunion >>202428640
what in the Adams family values is going on in this picture
You're a pathetic little freak
Why can't you keep your horny posting to yourself?
not really though is it mate
ian watkins was out there noncing babies with their mums
groupies will do anything is what i'm saying and having her just say "no this isn't his kid" is a pretty easy lie
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thanks Employed Woman

I did ask the security guy at the door if it was OK for me to just leave the wrong 4-pack back on the shelf, pick up the right one and walk out but he said I should go to customer services instead.

Then at customer services they had to do all the business with my receipt. I think the Ultra Zero ones I got were actually 14p more expensive, or cheaper, than the ones I'd bought but the lady at the till just waived it.
user not an abuser
the munsters mogged addam's family so hard it's not funny
Yeah I don't bother refunding and recharging people for it either UNLESS their alternative is cheaper then I will do it.
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go get it you cheeky little incel
Honestly mental how much two glasses of week-old wine has done me
feel like pure shite today
Are you ok mate?
Fair enough but my point was that social norms were much different there and then compared to now.
If he had had a bastard child the Jews and Romans would have used that to discredit the Christians they were heavily persecuting at the time.
Yet there is no mention of it.
Australians go prison straight
It may well have been 14p cheaper but she probably assumed, correctly, that I wasn't arsed about 14p being refunded onto my card.
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Are you? What compels you to post something like that? What do you want other posters to do with that information? Seriously just fuck off you horny coomer subhuman freak.
first day on /brit/ is it?
wine isn't for pint pussies, real man drink
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this is how I turn my head when an ethnic walks past me in the street
need those nike creps
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pretty outraged at the sight of this bare bum here in /brit/
the more you look at it the peachier it becomes
forgot to cancel the uber one free trial again
cucked out of another £5.99
err rorke the orange man is actually bad
a game shop opened in my small town recently
might get back in to Yu-Gi-Oh
jews and romans also said jesus's dad was a roman centurion named pantera, did you know that?
these things get washed away and ignored. it was 2000 years ago lad, and the christian church has been the dominant force for near enough 1700 years of it
some rumour of him having a kid is easily dismissed if, again, you're willing to believe this little kike is somehow the product of a virgin married woman and god
if i cross my bollocks over a bit my brain doesn't know which is the left or right bollock any more
Guardian showing how out of touch they are again
dangerous and downright stupid
Ah yes
papa don't preach
there's a banger and a half
Just did the mash1

1the monster mash
Got to try this buffalo stacker at KFC desu lads, the adverts have convinced me
but it tricks me brain
it's funny to feel it and brainberg thinks what the heck
gpberg will be thinking what the heck when you drag yourself into the waiting room like a legless zombie crying about testicular torsion
Labourberg wants to redefine the pint lol
Smaller drinks.
New Labour fucking love they little power trips don’t they. Ban this, ban that.
Just remembered that old gimmick twitter account HuwsAtTen that would post every time he does that pose with his right arm stretched across the table
Seems to have been deleted
Wonder if they deleted after the bum pics came out or after the conviction
>jews are trustworthy when they criticise jesus

Not a fan of black people
Yeah I know that and funny how you say it was "washed away" yet you're talking about it from a continent on the other side of the world from where it happened 2000 years after the fact.
AFAIK there are NO records of that rumour being suppressed or anything despite lots of other crazy stuff being recorded.
Anyway I don't believe in Christ
probably considered about the pose where his right arm's under the table
Lots of alcohol related points there
Not very inclusive of Muslims now is it
not at all what i said you absolute goose
we only know about it because a single document that was written to refute it survived
the actual accusation itself quite literally has been washed away and forgotten, so who's to say it was the only one?
have a think mate for someone who claims no faith you're being very naive to say the least
Might rewatch Passion of the Christ again. Need to be in a strong frame of mind for it though, funny how it affects me more than shite like saw and hostel. Can wack those on anytime
Wish pubs would serve the 330ml euro size alongside pints and halfs, people would drink those. Halfs just look so silly and small and are only good for topping up a big pint glass if you're driving.
Imperial measurements? Not very PC is it. Empire was worse than the nazis ok
>not at all what i said you absolute goose
it is though. you called jesus a kike and his story his made up but you're willing to believe jews when they support your views. Bit arbitrary isn't it?
woke rubbish
Meltdown imminent. Posts from a certain rasclaart have been deleted.
Shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all if you're driving you irresponsible sociopath
I didn't say it was impossible just highly unlikely for the reasons I stated besides I don't really care one way or another because like you've said it's all a game of broken telephone and the most well-read people on the topic are Jesus freaks or fedora atheist losers
where did i say i believed was the kikes said about jesus lad. i was using it as an example of how such rumours can be (near) totally wiped from history
real year 3 level reading comprehension on you
What are the NEETs up to then? Mastering your 5th language? Prepping your next mountain hike? Nah. Sat in your grotty little bedrooms dossing away the hours aren't you.
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nigga you take hrt pills
Sir Drink Shrinker
Would anyone of you be willing to stay with me in the US if I paid for their plane ticket and transportation?
This, the smoking ban in gardens thing and I saw some policy tank bint on sky news went viral earlier this week for saying we need to tax junk food, booze and fags massively more...just out of nowhere.
Labour's got in and immediately let the puritans run riot, none of it being stuff they put in their manifesto.
Why are they allowed to deceive the public like this?
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Representative democracy is a sham and always has been.
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remember they made calendars too
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The last ever front page of the Evening Standard.
ugh fine but im only bumming you 3 times a week its such a hassle cleaning out my bussy
>20. Listening to N-Dubz at the back of the bus with no headphones.
What does the N stand for?
they can't as beer and cider and all that can only be sold by 1/3 pint, 1/2 pint, or multiples thereof
nigger dubs
is that the answer you were looking for?
you're a hack. get off the stage
any asylum dodging lunatic on the loose man in
Just drink at home or in a park
Nobody goes to pubs except wealthy boomers and tarq-y zoomers on mummy and daddy's credit card and it's been like that for years
learning arabic and the history of the abbassid caliphate of bagdad by playing asscreed mirage
they sent an elephant to Charlemagne the mad lads
l'm so bored all the time
>right arm stretched across the table
>clearly his left >>202429271
you moronic arse, rorke
dont get it
been learning about the Plantagenets
You literally cannot drive so shush
reading instagram meme accounts actually x
rorke pronouncing plantagenets with a hard G at his local LARP sesh, oblivious to the hoes sniggering at his elementary mistake
Well maybe they just change the law?
They changed the law so gay people could get married so I don't know why this would be such a problem to get over the line.
Trying to befriend the new black lad at toil
>Degrowth is an idea that critiques the global capitalist system which pursues growth at all costs, causing human exploitation and environmental destruction. The degrowth movement of activists and researchers advocates for societies that prioritize social and ecological well-being instead of corporate profits, over-production and excess consumption. This requires radical redistribution, reduction in the material size of the global economy, and a shift in common values towards care, solidarity and autonomy. Degrowth means transforming societies to ensure environmental justice and a good life for all within planetary boundaries.

lmao, even
Made it sound fancy but you're playing video games like the other doss-abouts

think he might have been teaching kids more than that
sounds like utopia
2/3*500 mL = 333 mL
i'm a scholar gamer
business idea: reclassify corporations as ecological entities
the man announced the queen's death for goodness sake
have some decorum, let him retire in peace
Hold on... there ISN'T a zero sugar Aussie Lemonade flavour! Something isn't adding up here...
no, thats probably what caused Whygena to make that comic
feel awful tbqh feel like SHIT
If you're a proper batty yeah
just giving you some info i don't care

not 330ml is it
only if you live in the pacific northwest
the only aussie lemonade i recognise is solo
dead thirsty
shouldn't have eaten all that cheese earlier
Close enough
New facade for global communism just dropped
Umm actually Dermot Monaghan at Sky News announced the Queen's death before Huw
still no call back about the rental property. been an hour and a half since i rang. wondering if they've fobbed me off again now.
rorke apopleptic sir keir is looking out for his health
maybe they have more things to think about than just you
Degrowth is eco fascism
Steady state / circular economy is WEF global communism
Study calls on myself to sink pints
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we metricated imperial units. pint, cup, teaspoon etc.
very simple really
just a bit of rounding
nanny state
feel like i've eaten laods this week but i've barely pooed at all
cheeky bastard. wonder if he's got that on his cv. i would
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watching star trek
reckon none of these are actually used and this is just wikiautism
woke rubbish
Sir Woke Cunt
All drugs should be legal but they should all be laced with fentanyl so all the drugmongs die off
yeah we've all seen Kingsman
had "the dream" again
oy vey goyim stop drinking pints shariah law doesnt allow it
honestly boris must have been FUMING that he got booted like a week before the queen kicked it
i mean the odds on that really. he could've gone down in history just for being there but atlas twos not to be
then for liz herself to last like a month, what a mental time
Genuinely disappointing this.
You’d think politicians might be able to read the room but I suppose they just dont care.
they assured me they would ring me back. it's hardly too much to ask that they fulfil their end of the bargain is it, especially given that they are an estate agent and i am a prospective renter.
i havent
the ones bolded are those commonly used but some pubs do carry the others as tradition
god ITV's announcement was a fucking mess
that presenter must cringe watching that back
is that the one where they shoot up a church
I thought that was about Samuel L Jackson doing some environmental terrorism?
Think about the sort of person who would actually want to become a politician in the 21st century and it all makes sense
gonna win the war as Harold Godwineson in CK3
reading about an australian war hero who got defamed as a war criminal
i think that was only in the ISIS cut
genuinely considering immigrating to Australia
cheeky alliance with the Scots or France de lad and you're laughing
feel like you'd emigrate to australia
"positive selection" ist he clones which fail to show reactivity to the host cells not producing the signals, then undergoing apoptosis (they kill themselves)
Alri down on his luck Irishman in the 1800's
why's adelaide got to be all awkward about it?
people taking an MAOI antidepressant can drop dead if they eat cheese or drink wine

fail to elicit T cell signals and then undergo apoptosis due to neglect (and i know i said i wouldnt learn it - but this could mean they are type I at this stage!)
Might move to Chistralia
might go travelling to South East Asia. Would like to visit some of the more remote islands in Indonesia and the Philippines :)
only aged cheese or wine...
they can have a little slice cheese
Hope that escaped capybara is alright
probably better than if she were locked up in a cage
eaten by immigrants
well annoying that i was ill as fuck and didn't even clock anything had happened until like 2pm the next day
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do you know this word?
while thymocytes can undergo positive selection from weak signalling, the opposite can occur, which is the more potent ligands (signalling) trigger negative selection
quite a good film for anyone going through their rorke phase
it's the uncanny ability to know when there's a mattress nearby
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vividly remember when the queen died it was about 3 or 4am here and i was posting on /brit/
might need to embellish the story a bit when i tell my grandkids
regardless of your phase its a good film, actually
Something to do with women and motherhood given the 'mat' at the beginning?
in my rising moon phase *~
them niggas eat human head soup
3 /brit/s in the 'log
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in my slurping capybara soup phase
Just know that bint is 100% American accented and she likes pimping out her heritage
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me when leftypol is speaking
Well said
Entering my beer belly era
blackfeller institute (they sit and huff jenkem and drink banana rum all day)
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love melting butter and scranning a whole baguette with it as a dip
stop drinking beer then
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Would love to see them getting jungled up good and proper
black people genocide each other all the time
I will (a bit)
s'nice though, especially when the sun's still around
eating less goycrap atm and that seems to be doing something for me at least
was funny seeing people who clearly had never lost any family or friends acting like they were properly grieving when the queen died
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how much beer do you drink la
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this is even the literal trillionaire putting his hands on his hips and going
>nuh uh uh! be nice!
when they say the most insane shit
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i look a bit like phil there
nuh uh uh! youre supposed to be doing better! where you supposed to be helping the world?
if that's what heaven is like, then kill me now
black history month shite has started and it's not even until next month
Over this summer I was having a couple of pints more or less every night and then doing steamingtoil on the weekends, so yeah let go of myself a bit
reining it back now to weekends only
black history month AGAIN? already?
it's not any month, actually
drink copious amounts of beer and don't have a beer belly
love how it's a different month depending on if you are in the US or not, but you still have to hear about it twice a year
same with the gay months there's pride month and then lgbt history month and then they are different times of the year based on location
post belly
bit odd that british black history is basically just mary seacole and diane abbott
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gay black power hour
how old does alison hammond have to be to get included
anglo-saxon aryan history month no blacks allowed
diane abbott is a mess
she gave some speech when kier starmer's parliament opened and she was all shaky and nervous
like what? she literally was giving the speech because she was the longest serving bird there and she still can't hack a speech?
rorke complaining about all the jovial parades happening year round
yep thats right
youre getting quite good at identifying horses
Kier threw her off by calling her a stupid fat cunt before she spoke
post belly
is that richard hammond's mum
what did you expect from someone who puts on two left shoes to vote
Keir fucked her HARD before she was still leaking
post more horses...
love that she's so objectively an incompetent retard but because muh black woman leftypol defends her to the death
post belly !
dont have any new pictures on me
only in shitain is this considered appetising
thats ok anon
that looks fucking banging
lovely scran
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post more these (of her)
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404 "her" not found
not a horse
were in the bee edition now
Not a fan of the mousenonce tranny arc
I remember riding the donkeys at blackpool when I was about four or five

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