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bee edition
whats that on his leg
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That's pollen
hourly meltdown incoming
rdr2 is a fucking masterpiece but can only be enjoyed once
0 replay-ability
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needs a bit of marmite on top
boring shite
even though the thread is a lot slower when hes not artificially inflating the postscount numbers per hour, the thread is still much better (higher quality), and its worth it
that bee is piccolissima *_*
spegni il proxy coglione
the thread would be a better place without you in it
rdr1 is better
What are the comfiest boards? Or other comfy websites? Really need some comfiness
Business idea: Support mass immigration and mass deportation simultaneously. They transfer mexicans to america, arabs to britain etc. They make more money in dollars/gbp/eur. get deported. trafficked again. ferrying them forever back and forever making more and more money each time. and so on and so forth ad nauseam
thats mean and youre just hurting because there was a chance to. you could of just not
prefer c3po me
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che piccolo! che ridiculo!
running low on bait for thirdies
give donkeys the vote
che stupido
i stopped eating those Pringles and the smell went away (it was a nice smell)
thats good because i was concerned it mightve been a yeast infection!
Could have *
>women wearing makeup
no one panics
>me wearing lifts
everyone loses their minds
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still no call from the estate agents. just bemused as to how incredibly rude it is to do this to me twice.
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Did someone say Donkeys?
the problem with dead internet theory is that bot replies taking over would be indistinguishable from pajeet accounts that just tweet like eyes and hearts to everything
they're all lying deano scum, don't know what else you would expect
Bored, wish l had drugs
good post
Sounds like you're seething actually
AND they should do a Hoonie bunny costume cosplay!
i will be your light
i will be your light
i will be your light
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Anyone else used to have a load of shite shareware games cds when they were younger?
this was some posho 60 year old sounding lady today though. tuesday it was a bird probably in her 30s. cunts. getting quite angry actually.

i'm a numbers man not a wordsmith.
what drugs
try on haul wank
yeah what was the one from that e-games/galaxy of games things with the big monkey and the cage
speedy eggbert was the standout i thought
The curry I made last night was so fucking good
Can't wait to have the leftovers for lunch
might cook marmite toast
Surely you can get some booze in can't you?
homemade? recipe?
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any one in particular?
yeah. used to have games on floppy disks as well. mad how you'd have a game split between 7 disks
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il felix stultissimo
mad how they're called Led By Donkeys yet never actually criticise those who lead us now
we're just honourable men
she's grim
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anything really.
will have to shower and clean some clothes first
daylight racoon? strange
had one in a wrap for lunch me
might just go and throw up actually
proper in the mood for it
doesn't look like they're getting along
posting a fella with his willy out just isn't on is it
God cursed me with autism because he knew if I was able to complete everyday tasks involving social interaction I would be too powerful.
revolting stuff
called it
not .webm
only image
blue board not willy board!!!
looks like the catbergs basically tolerating the other one but cant tell with that lot
do not continue to post videos of animals being tortured by evil chinese cunts
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what you on about?
are you able to buy stuff from cashiers or is it more severe than that
why do italians love bees so much?
Scottish History Month
>will have to shower and clean some clothes first
To go to the shops? get a grip m8
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duno whatter hav 4 lunc
who doesn't love bees?
Homemade Thai yellow curry yeah
Paste was roasted shallot, gallangal, garlic, turmeric, then pounded in a mortar and pestle with palm sugar, black pepper, a few Thai red chilis, coriander root, and some toasted rice powder
Seared some deboned deskinned chicken thigh that was marinated in fish sauce, light soy sauce, and rice wine in some chicken fat added some curry paste and sautéed a bit, removed from pan and reserved on another plate, sautéed some onion with some more curry paste. Added cubed potato, bell pepper, carrot and more curry paste, tossed to coat. Covered with coconut milk and simmered for twenty minutes. Then added chicken back in and simmered for another ten. Removed vegetables and reduced the sauce as it was a bit too watery.
Served over jasmine rice with freshly chopped coriander leaf and some homemade fermented hot sauce
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fuck you brits for making this monster. i had nightmares the previous night about him chasing me down the street
he's right she's grim mate
Learning PUA game
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bring it to DM's next time yeah?
Spoiler that hog
does he ever bum you with his bbc (black batty cock)?
he did in the dream yes
she's grim as fuck mate huge flat arse with a splotch on it and looks like she smells
I honestly fucking love this guy, he's so creepy and funny
just based
No I can do that. It's just saying hi, paying then saying thank you and leaving. Anything involving an actual conversation my brain stops working.
I was in a meeting at my old job once and they asked about something I was in charge of and instead of speaking I went non-verbal and stood still in silence for 5 minutes before they just moved on.
sounds great but fuck me what a faff
lying in bed
listening to tori amos
no motivation to get up
What has got you so upset
grim. she's even worse when she starts talking
>Removed vegetables and reduced the sauce as it was a bit too watery.
next time use coconut cream instead of milk and you won't have that problem
also coriander doesn't go on yellow curry
post a video of the OF model talking
samon for tea
Made the paste in a big batch ages ago and keep it in the freezer
Just chop up some veggies while the chicken is marinating and then it all goes in one pot
Apparently there are high quality pastes you can get made in Thailand but I like to make my own as I love cooking
She looks like a good fuck tho
punchable face on that guy
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I'm such a freak
I just added too much milk but yeah next time I'll add cream to thicken it
>coriander doesn't go on yellow curry
Why not? Tastes good and looks nice
looks like if it was a human in real life it would be a small guy
not because of the ears
Very cool
Think I’ll get mcds again tonight tho
ktim after ordering chinese twice in one week
hilarious when indian scammers call themselves "Steve Johnson" or some shit whilst having the thickest accent known to man

Do they genuinely think they sound western?
remembering a cringe memory and instantly making a finger gun gesture and emoting that I'm shooting myself in the head
only 2 days left in Japan lads
hello saar I am Andrew please do be doing the needful
What's your McDonald's order of choice?
kek do that sometimes
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when did you realise nobody got rich from hard work and that hard work is for suckers
surprised this doesn't get you stuck in a cringe loop
Think I'll binge watch 6 hours of Japanese tsunami videos again.
>Researchers asked more than 1,700 pubs, bars and restaurants to participate in a trial to say if the same trick worked for beer.

>Only 13 accepted, despite compensation offers for lost sales.
What trick
what trick
Last night was a philly cheese stack meal with 9 mcnuggets
for me, its the cut throat gesture
ugly bloke
not ugly though is he
digits gz
my down syndrome is a super power
What are these weird pint glasses?
idk I'm sure it's fine just saying coriander is used in many thai dishes but not yellow or red curry
khao soi is served with pickled mustard greens and fried shallots tho and that's nice
have pottered down to the shops in some right grim states tbf
got a chicken stew on the hob
camden drinks always come in them. hate it little stubby poof pints
>philly cheese stack
>9 McNuggets
Did you not eat one?
ive just done that cause the nearest is a fucking waitrose
The expression of the voltage-gated sodium channel SCN5a– b
gonna take 4 nurofen plus for a laugh
They come in strange numbers here
Fillet o fish meal on a friday
when i lived on my own i would compulsively blurt out "nigger!" to short circuit the cringe spiral. can't do that any more
There's fuck loads of coriander root in all Thai curry pastes so it is nice to have the fresh aroma, also it's garnished with coriander at restaurants here
Khao soi is too much of a pain to make at home and it is pretty cheap to get in my city with high quality
are those ones with pinephrine in them
why does india have a space programme before they can roll out indoor plumbing
nah they have codeine
dont do it mate think of your poor mum
indoor plumbing for 6 billion people yeah
thats a OD amount you retard
poo breath
This war is tough, feel for Harold Gonwineson he really had no chance of beating both invaders
>In a similar trial in January, wine sales fell when the largest glass size, typically 250ml, was scrapped
Actually labour claims they wont dictate pint sizes to the publi
that post wasnt me
best thing is red curry when it's served with a very fine chiffonade of lime leaf
the aroma is so much stronger than just plonking the whole leaves in and it's amazing
telling my parents I'm going to kms then turning off my phone
china is double their population but dont poo on the streets and railways and beaches
Mate you don’t know what you’re talking about just stop
its so disgusting how India doesnt have "anywhere green" - that as in its dystopian
Mad how much nicer china is than india despite their massive civil war, famine, floods and invasions
wtf lol yes I do
be right back forum ive got to make a phone call
Trust me, you don’t. I did a phd in thai cuisine, I know my shit
ok dr. nam pla
Very smol
fun game - go on google street view and try to find a street in india where you can't see any rubbish
it's genuinely impossible kek
philly cheese stack was disappointing when I had it desu
nothing hits like the big mac
Dr. Moo nam Prick
thai curries are genuinely quite easy to do desu everyone should learn them
left the /brit/ thread open on the work laptop, fuck sake
glasgow is just as bad. it has to be some brits learned from them or they learned from us. either not caring or expecting the government will clean it
just get those little packets of curry sauce, me. perfect incelportion
>philly cheese stack
I like that goopy cheese they put on it
Must be insanely fucking unhealthy but is nice to gobble down on
don't care
fuck off
not arsed
computers been getting a bit stuck trying to download files
poor lad next door has been practiscing the same piano piece for weeks now he just cant crack it
NileRed so cute
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Big hungry man me lol
give him a blowie to perk him up x
having some spou
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>really hard problem in excel
2 pots of elton john fart with extra on top
just ordered some cat ribs from the chinky
What do people do in excel at these jobs? Is it not just making a spreadsheet, some formulas and maybe linking some spreadsheets?
Don't understand how that's a job, seems like something you set up once and maybe do an hour or two making adjustments to it every month
if we all died then why the FUCK would AI want to bring us back? absolute state of the planet right now
I don’t know
you know who didn't have a billion $?
the kids are alright
spent a year in a excel job and unironically still couldn't tell you
it's a lot more fiddley than you might think - that's all I can say
only actively used Excel in one job and that was as a junior software dev who also got lumbered with the end-of-the-month invoicing/reports
I imagine that could be a job on its own for a smaller/less developed company
phone call is later
they have to call me back
I'm an excelmonkey and our business uses it's own software for it's core businesses but the software is basically just storing the data and if you want to do anything with it you need to do that by taking the data out and manipulating it in excel
bizarre post
Did this freak get homeschooled or something
I remember watching Boy In Striped Pajamas in 2010 GCSE history and most of the class were taking the piss out of it
be right back forum ive got to clean my house for a few minutes
there isnt much to do this time around because its just metal cans and i have some of those to squish ^.^
Oh yh jews dying is so funny isnt it
Ok but don’t be too long!
disturbingly... erotic
waiting until it 404s doesn't mean you're not a dumb crossposter
Was having a dry spell and decided my body was the problem. Hit the gym hard for a year. Got the exact same amount of female interest: zero. But several guys have told me I have a great body. Was certain I was 100% straight but you know what, I'm seriously having second thoughts.
Boy in the Striped Pajamas was a laughably bad film though
No school should ever use it to teach the holocaust
the kids are airtight
they should use the episodes of The Strain about Nazi vampires
Searching for posts that contain ‘dumb crossposter’
took the initiative and rang the CUNT estate agents up. i was VERY assertive this time. my voice was resonant and dominant, and i made it very clear that i was not to be messed about again when i made a sarcy comment referencing my having called twice already. "third time lucky eh", i said. well, lads, they took me seriously this time. the man took my employment details, how long i wanted tor rent for etc, and i will be contacted via telephone next week when the applications are looked at and viewing slots dished out. and if they don't contact me, lads, i will unleash all hell.
918 results found.
Face is king
A nice face and a bit of confidence
Then it's height
Then it's physique
certified ancient gimmick
all gym helps with is confidence. no women are going to approach you unless you're a 9/10 face and 6ft+ so you can do all you want in the gym but you're not shagging unless you approach someone
>tfw 8/10 face but 5'6
we all ripped the absolute shit out of the jewish kid in our class when we watched these films
? It was a great film, i watched it again last year and it still holds up.

Funnily enough the author made a sequel and got eviscerated by jews for not shitting on white people enough
I don't mind other guys dancing with my girl
that's fine I know them all pretty well
>6 seasidemark holiday episodes
Why are all new games so fucking wank
just applied for loads of cleaning jobs
>Israel will face 'crushing response', Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says
27 “‘If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, 28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. 30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies[b] on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. 31 I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries, and I will take no delight in the pleasing aroma of your offerings. 32 I myself will lay waste the land, so that your enemies who live there will be appalled. 33 I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. 34 Then the land will enjoy its sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths. 35 All the time that it lies desolate, the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it.
they ever avenged that general jews killed or something?
>me, 28
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mad some blokes are going around like this
how does he fold towels
*sleeps on his face once*
he say you brade runner
Odds I stay inside
Evens I don’t go out
answer this leftypol you slug
where does that horny energy go when you don't wank?
go on then
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still howling at this one
Haven’t had a lamb shank in 4 days
cockney rhyming?
What's going on there then?
warm up act for drag queen storytime
really fancy going to the pub but shouldn't booze
mogs me

i literally couldn't place my flaccid willy on anything
a wank
Do people really have cocks this small? How do people wank if their cock is smaller than their hand? Do they fuck it like a fleshlight?
Seems like a stand up guy this God character
they use two fingers instead of their hand
>that beard
what did allah mean by that?
this image is literally sacrilege to the modern uk because it attacks the two most sacred things in our culture, darkies and the nhs

this image is the equivalent of one mocking christ in medieval spain
i use two or 3 fingers at most. but recently gone off wanking because it's too depressing
Ended up watching an episode of Eastender with mumberg
>white lad is a muslim convert
>literally just dresses and acts like any other deano kid just wears the silly hat to pray
even got his gf pregnant very strange character choice
>janny deletes the muslim bj
>keeps this up
hate those faggots so much
Lol medieval spain was muslim
>keeps this up
This lad is actually quite the shagger of black women from NYC
Never shagged a black, asian or indian girl, what are they like?
gonna have a fry-up for dinner because rules don't matter
bare minimum to appease the wokes. eastenders is based
They’re just human beings rorke
can't believe the janny deleted this post
that society was called andalus
spain is a christian civilisation
by even 1000 ad they controlled half of iberia and by 1300 they controlled everything apart from what we would call andalusia, the algarve and murcia
which was still the medieval era
you really know little
eastender (2024)
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tut mir leid. just doing my job
shagged one of each. black girl stank, others I didn't notice anything different
fry ups are a proper hassle to make

honestly not even worth the effort. Better off just going to a cafe and paying a few quid for them to make it for you
pound land tuna ayo sandwiches taste like pussy
cooked a whole slap up full english for the famberg's tea about a week ago
they were all so thankful and loved it so much
Not wrong tho was I
not sure if I could do a black lass, I shagged an Italian girl and that already felt like interracial
well in
they're all pink inside, la
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Fuming. How will I go on my incel night drives now?
might eat some crab
feel a little sick from the nurofen plus just need to ride it out
you were wrong
medieval spain existed (well not as a unified state, leon, aragon, asturias, catalonia and castille) and it was heavily catholic
whenever I do a vomburp I instinctively try to blow all the air in my lungs out but it does nothing for me, throat still tastes of acidy lunch
tbf i failed first time that was embarrassing af too
Thought I'd feel better after a week of not drinking but honestly feel the same except bored
arabic flags look evil
I cried after failing my first time
actual moron
That's an MOT test not a driving test.
i gave up drinking for a while once
it was like everything was muted
highers were lower
lows were higher
trick is to somehow be a social responsable drinker
to somehow only put away a dozen pints instead of 2 dozen on the lash
fuck knows how anyone does it but someone who can maintain tipsy status as much as possible is a god
actual moron
>>hurr durr spain existed well no it didn’t actually hurr
yea I know
Neither of them said they thought it was a driving test.
Just reminded me got to book mine in for its MOT next month
don't enjoy casual sex, me. hooked up with a chinese girl one time who wouldn't let me kiss her and it just felt like an intense wank, was just unpleasant.
catberg just WON'T leave me alone
yeah first time i put my car in for the mot it failed
and it was really embarrassing not being able to collect it for a few days as i paid for them to get it up to scratch
post him
actual moron
just pet the poor bastard
>it was like everything was muted
>highers were lower
>lows were higher
this is literally my life and im rawdogging it fine. have no idea why one puts effort into drugs drink or sex
weird how some brasses are like that
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low t
Fucks sake I want some RAIN
the predecessors to the spanish state existed and so did the spanish language
it was all the one people, culture and religion under just different competing kings till aragon and castile united in 1479 then it became “spain”
who is this rude guy
do you deserve rain?
horse oil
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Don’t you remember??
It.. it was you…
joggers getting a bit of a scent
Yes but there’s no need to get so technical. For ease and simplicity, we just say that Spain was muslim back then
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You can do it, anon!
is this Canada
I can’t though
you dont know fun until you've been off your face in a random nightclub with your cock out and some girl playing with it
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i havent tried but I know I cant
love booze me
Yes you can and you know you can
not all of it was thought and you can accurately say there was a medieval spanish society
you should have said some of the land we now call spain was muslim but you jumped the gun
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how can you know if you've never even tried?
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Luv Him xx
Sort of need a poo but bowelberg often tricks me into thinking I need one when I don't so I end up straining and getting piles.
is this America
W I N D I S C H E S S C H E N B A C H ?
god says
>if you treat me like shit i will respond in kind
>reeee god is so unfair why isn't god enthrall to me!!!
mogs me

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