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hop on edition
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like is he retarded? the point is why isn't he paying for his own ticket not why isn't he grifting a cheaper ticket
The most beautiful tgirl scat I've ever seen. I love her shy & "embarrassed" reaction when she shits all over that big black dildo. if only she didn't keep wiping it away, this would be by far the best tgirl scat vid.
I can't decide whether I want a bacon ultimate cheeseburger or a homestyle ranch chicken club lads help
convinced this guy is indian
only ever seen indians say things like "I dedicated so much time in your country and now you want me gone??" when all they did was pay tuition and live on a campus for 4 years
Was looking at getting into stocks earlier today.
Want to understand the UK? Look at the FTSE 100. No innovation in this country at all.
We're just a country of middlemen skimming the top off eachother
does he know he can watch it on telly
No he's openly taking the piss because us peasant scum won't do nout.

At least, that's what he arrogantly and maybe misleadingly thinks.
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>The Red Sea: Time for India’s Modi to step in
then he should have paid for a vip ticket so he cant watch from a fancy box. what the fuck is that mong smoking
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fat bastard
Being a 25 year old zoolenial and seeing just how perfect zoomer girls are is pure torture. They see me as creepy grandad I will never sex them.
All the jaded, Nietzschean, Fashpilled Bronze Age "retvrn to tradition" twitter types are out in force today crying about train drivers.

Very funny how cretins who think landlords, capitalists and monarchs deserve wealth are squealing for train drivers to be forced into poverty and replaced by machines (will never happen). Also funny from tory Scrutonite boys who see themselves as guardians of a noble society who crowed about creating a high wage economy (lol) howling about pay increases.

But that's the true face of right wing politics, and it's why they should be mercilessly liquidated by Bolsheviks.
i can tell the cat is itching for a fight
well i won't give it her
people like this give me the fear
The government will do literally ANYTHING but tax the rich.
It's getting quite funny now desu.
onlyfans is a bri'ish innovation
Expect a knock
He's speedrunning destruction of the Labour party like Trudeau did here lol
cute i guess
reccomend me some good books lads, preferably non-fiction
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Wish wish wish I was born in a small town in america I fucking despise living in this shit gay country
I agreed with you until the last line when I realised you're commiemong
>famous globally for slags
>our only online innovation is slags
the etruscans
Who the fuck gets Oasis from maccers
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local woods just filled full of fucking dog walkers
sick of it want to wander about in nature not having to constantly come across some boomeroid couple and their fluffy little designer dog
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Need her to poo in my mouth.
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Your all so funny lol
How come women don't go out with you
some mentalcase on the street is screaming about jesus at the top of his lungs

do I sort him out?
Drink beer
Smoke cigs
Do cardio
The routine of champions
lovely evening for a field wank
what's he look like?
doo need a gf or bf like that
might buy the new apple watch they finally fixed the viewing angles
Britain won't get better
We're in managed decline.
Get it into your thick skulls
he's about 5'3 and extremely ugly
You can walk alone when it's the early hours. No-one wants you in society so that is your time. Seethe on all you want stinking up your bedroom, I am still correct.
yell "blog on"
Well at least hear him out
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the most beautiful women in the world come from italy, yes?
i'm optimistic
If Ron Weasley so dumb how come he shagged teenage Emma Watson?
Are female girls from Britain pretty?
it’s not that no one wants me i don’t want them
cope on incel
Ireland, Scotland, Belgium
I like them but I've been around a lot of them so I that's probably biased my opinion.
Needs that edit with the neanderthal cartoon blonde woman and the cute asian woman
Hello mong
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gonna go vegan to clean up my health and lose weight
how can we vote starmer out then there must be a way for people to do it if nobody has faith in the government
gonna go wegovy to eat like shit and lose weight

anyone got £300pm for me? I need it for the wegovy
im such a fucking lightweight. quite tipsy after just 2 pints lol
you are sat in a hugbox with like 20 people in it tops
He ain't lasting a full term
Scottish women are the ugliest of the British isles mate, and Irish women aren't much better
musks FYP is literally fascism distilled
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>quite tipsy after just 2 pints
get the bloody red carpet fucking well rolled out up and down this bloody country on every single fucking beach there is
mad didn't ask lol
>I like them but I've been around a lot of them
did you live in Italy?
no idea what that means you terminally online freak
haha drinking on a weekday is DEGENERATE behaviour and you really ought to be ashamed
never been on a night out in scotland

are they good
heard good things about this book
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So, what'll it be?
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haven't had a pint since 2017
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my hat came out pretty ugly sadly
just means im healthier and spending less money x

i rarely indulge, especially on a week night but i had a very good and successful day at toil which deserved a couple of drinks afterwards
what happened in 1713
good music and nightclubs in glasgow
comparable to liverpool
some proper comfy pubs in glasgow that are the right balance of local, popular, traditional and modern
edinburgh is more expensive and a bit shitter but more refined
If I could spend the rest of my life eating one thing it would be smooth white female asses
Sad cunt, NEXT
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I'm in charge here.
mad how much i want to see dua lipa with a bbc down her throat
Yer mam farted
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don't bite the hand that feeds pedro
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Fuck it I'll do it myself.
screaming at the image of gingerpedo sat alone in his rape trailer unpacking boxes of stupid ugly hats no one will see because he never goes outside
Veganism is not good for your health

Go high protein, lift weights 3-4 times a week and a daily calorie deficit of 500-1000

You'll burn fat quickly and pack on some muscle too
mad how good drinking is
genuinely few things better than getting pissed out yer nut
this is why their empire collapsed
mental how people are building computers inside computer s
>Go high protein
as bad as smoking
would love to see doja cat fucking a bwc
leftypol demanding whites out muslims in is genuinely the most baffling thing about xer
Not easy being a top shagger but I manage.
int that one of them old pirate flags
looks like a contemporary tattoo
yeah alright mate enjoy your smelly cancer sticks
you shag tops?
doesn't that make you a bottom?
staying at an airbnb in sleepy hollow tomorrow. spooky town
I need some painkillers
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The stocks and shares isa (opened in 2019)
I don't like how one night of fun means feeling like shite all the next day. Weed is better. Also you can have a few puffs of weed and just relax. You only feel good drinking if you keep drinking. Try getting tipsy and then spending the rest of the night on water. Makes you feel like an arm scratching addict.
cant you buy codeine over the counter in the uk?
how often do you invest into it?
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thanks for the reading reccomendations, lads
most women in this country are actually pretty easy as long as you have
>stable income (that isn’t some part time wagie job)
>basic social skills
>not hideous
it’s that easy. see so many fat and thick lads with good gfs cause they follow these principles
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wagwan limmy, is lynn ready?
Wish someone would read you your last rites, frogposting scum cunt
does PIP count as stable income?
>>basic social skills
how do I sustian a conversation that isn't related to sports or star trek?
Regular payment once a month. No point trying to time the market.
Is there a bigger scam than AI?

NFTs maybe but they're basically dead now. The AI rush reminds me of the dotcom bubble. I hope the outcome is the same and people lose billions.
Severely suffering from lumbago
how much do you put in?
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urm based
AI is not a scam
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How mentally ill would a "man" need to be to prefer the right over the left?
practice makes perfect ya dingbat
not a scam dawg
I'm gonna get the 2 tacos for 99 cents too I guess I'll get the chicken ranch club hot damn
dr. pepper? with cream?
>Is there a bigger scam than AI?
the entire global banking system
floating a poo
Weed is horrible for me, gives me crippling anxiety despite the fact that I'm not an anxious person normally.

I used to think it was because it's illegal and I was paranoid that I'd get into trouble but I went to Amsterdam and ruined a whole day getting monged and feeling like shit.
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This guy in his 40s threw away his whole career as a police officer just to shag this rookie copper with links to drug dealers

She told him about the links too and he told her to cut it off because he wasn't going to be the only one shagging her then

He would've got away with it too but she didn't delete her phone messages after he told her to several times. She says she forgot because things with her boyfriend weren't going well
they both look weird and not british
>The unemployed man
mentally ill enough to have over 10,000 photos of her saved on his computer
making a sourdough loaf in the bread maker
Did you ever lift girls skirts or slap them on the bum when you were in school? Remember I used to do it all the time I was right a little perv, I even did it to Chad's girlfriend and he just took it like a cuck
I'm too retarded to understand this what is a vexatious claim?
left is ugly wtf you smoking yellowfeverfag
why does she look like that
Unfathomably based, fuck recruiters.
absolutely, 100% based
Mental how people think AI has peaked even though we have only had AI in this form for less than a decade. It's like being in the 80s and claiming that computers have peaked, or saying in 1910 that cars are a short term fad.
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>Two sisters have destroyed their own lives by posting naked photos of their father's mistress on an escort website - with one facing jail and the other fired from her police job in disgrace.

>Eleanor and Sophie Brown had hatched a plan to humiliate the woman with whom their father Geoff had cheated on their mother a decade earlier.

>They two sisters colluded in posting private intimate pictures of the woman on an escort website, adding her husband's phone number, which resulted in him receiving calls from men.

>Eleanor, 24 - known as Ellie - is now facing an 'almost inevitable' prison sentence after she admitted disclosing private photographs without consent midway through her trial at Leeds Crown Court.

>In April, Sophie was barred from policing for life after resigning in disgrace at her part in the plot.

I'm beginning to think we aren't hiring the brightest women as police officers
yeah? and is your wife going to bum you up the arse with a strap on later too?
she's grim mate. she probably escorts on the side so him buying her nice things and trips away was no different to her side hustle
pooing gay porn from me arse like
i remember being in nursery and getting girls to show me their fannies (i was the same age as them, before any smart arses make comments)
Need a better strain of it. You probably were smoking some back alley skunk shite.
LOL is he still at it? fucking kek
>PhD in chemical engineering
lmao he's Heisenberg of Indeed.com
he kind of looks like a chud, so understandable situation
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>AI isn't a scam
whats illegal about this?
autismbuxx have just came in

ahhh yeetttttt
It's ok to be homosexual.
hate how AI understands "bruh"
mad how sex is really boring if you've death gripped your dick into oblivion
you're a homosexual pedophile though
Coppers shagging rookie female coppers
Female prison officers shagging inmates
If I tell a woman I've got handcuffs I must at least be in for half a shag
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both ugly and stupid, grim
You talk to AI like it's your friend
Sad sad little cunt
its really all in your head (like, your brain)
does it still say there are two R's in strawberry
Neither a homosexual nor a pedophile. But you being a homosexual are also likely a pedophile seeing as how closely those things are correlated.
whos a cool british outlaw
please don't use the C word, it's very vulgar and offensive
nah my dick just can't feel anything
literally numb at the bellend
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Might cop some Pilko Pump Pants
blackbeard the pirate
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That'll be $2000 plus tip
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urm it's learning
yet you prefer the asian that looks like a male child and presumably have thousands of photos of other similarly pedo-adjacent images saved to your computer
I don’t know how people say she’s ugly id cut my dick off to marry her
>youre a homo. nothing wrong with that
>youre a pedo
>yeah well youre a homo pedo because all homos are pedos
Edward Teach AKA Blackbeard
is 2 in binary 11 or 1010?
i don't have a wife and i don't have sex and nobody has sex with me
already did a hat based of black beard when i get rich i will make a funny inside joke brit shirt
probably its neither
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italian arse
The fact that you look at a feminine woman and see a "male child" is very concerning. The fact that you find a woman who could pass as a tranny attractive reveals much about your sexuality.
neither of those
lmao the article says she looks 24
bitch looks 40
Need more baby oil for the diddy party
>the article says she looks 24
No it doesn't you thick cunt it says she IS 24
What a thick fucking cunt you are
dick turpin
2 in binary is 10 you stupid bastard
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>feminine woman
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oh no I typed "looks" instead of "is"
apologies for not proofreading my posts since it's clearly triggered your autism duck x
Do italian women fart and shit
actual brainlets
got a series 7 me
series 10 has bigger bezels than my one
what's that all about eh?
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i believe so
cant play gta online on my steamdeck because of jew cunt rockstar
only 10 kinds of people in the world
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10 years ago he cheated
I wonder why they did this clearly they'd moved on since their parents are still together

In fact reading more of this they targeted the cheating woman's husband's business and then went after his daughter. Actually mentally ill freaks.
i hope so
my sense of humour is wasted on this thread when you have autistic faggots that know binary

just makes me think this place is filled with robots
always makes me laugh this one
how are those lycra so shit oh my days
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Please tell me what aspect of her is not feminine. Why are you so profoundly bent?
we dont want you here normie
I think I will name my future daughter Genevieve
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I was hoping she would be hot, but she's retarded
and before you reply with some cope
i dont care
"gods gift" fucking FREAK
Hey guys so what do you think of this new government
harder to read their expressions i think. still look nice though
>Actually mentally ill freaks.
Meanwhile you'll be spamming about it all night in a display of being mentally sound
it's Geneviève (since most of the Arthurian stuff is french, turns out... you're welcome)
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>'He’s just gonna have to pay for his existence’: Mom videos herself suffocating infant until he was ‘blue,’ told friend it gave her an ‘adrenaline rush,’ cops say
>posts different pic with tits and ass out
she is wearing male clothing no makeup and has a gormless expression on her face also east asians all have this androgynous neotenous look to them
*slaps your bald head*
It sounds pretty and is a fairly unique name these days
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CCTV of three men released after teenage girl and woman 'raped and sexually assaulted on Brighton beach within moments of each other'

it's french
how did they get their willers hard again so quickly after the first cheeky rape
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8 pizza slices down the hatch
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
need someone to drop an anvil on gingerpedo's head
this is why they need wanking off on arrival
genevieve is not unique at all any more mate, essex mums use it in the same way usa blacks use stupid sounding names thinking it's classy
*senses the movement in the air and dodges it*
she'll spend her whole life as jenny or jen you want that
>reeee nooo that's not 2 in binary at all! soemone call my mummy
stop posting this you fucking weirdo
cctv of the incident?
how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
Always liked the name Amy.
reminds me of that jewish crackhead
>"I'm in control"

Lmfao he's finished
It's only been like 2 months
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Cor! Imagine wanking parlours that all lads have to go to on a weekly basis, staffed with talented qts.
they were going bad, going off

it was a kindness really
fucks sake lads, was going to get comfortable and read this months viz but the fucking people across the road are doing their medieval reenactment thing
can't find my fucking ear plugs to drown them out and can't read with music on
shall just sit here and grumpypost all evening instead then, day fucking ruined
they're called asian massage parlours
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Mad how Sid Vicious is dead
whyd you start posting this all the time all of a sudden
got one of those above my local chinky

always tempted to go for a happy ending oily wank then pick up some scran on the way home
there's like 5 of these in my local city. are they really keeping in business from men going in there?
clearner room feels like a part of my mind has been freed up
now the only chore left is to shower
No cuties in there just ugly old women
emergency government wanking stations
get them built
why don't the police shut these down?
8 or 9?
cleaned my flat at the weekend but have already partially undone my good work by sitting naked on my sofa when it was warm and sweaty without a protective poo towel down
same reason they don't shut down all the turkish barbers
They do
sun is close to setting so I stared at it and now my eyes hurt

shouldn't have done that imo
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I live in Essex and never met any Genevieves mate
>can hear kids playing outside
genuinely makes me anxious, wish they'd fuck right off
>fat? unhappy?
>try working out, fatty
mad how leftypol is siding with billionaire capitalists buying favours from the government now that his preferred party is in charge
why would you rape someone instead of just seeing a prozzie
Is your body coming between you and the opposite sex?
people could find out about a prozzie
I didn't even know he was sick
you fat wastrel
Paki brain doesn’t work like that
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you're probably not a lad about town like i am then
>Comments not available on this article
Might not be able to afford a prozzie or one might not be available when you’re worked up or the girl could be much better looking than any prozzie you could afford
Ah yes, Thursday 6pm - 9pm
The grimmest time of the week
there was a young girl who used to live over the back of my housing estate called Octavia
I wonder if her mum knew she was naming her after a skoda, hate the faux-classy naming trends of today
another one was when I had to try not to roll my eyes when a bloke at toil told me he'd named his girl Aida after peaky blinders
proper cringe. there's going to be loads of little arthurs, tommys, aidas etc etc running around soon
watching independence day (1996)
watching that latest bald and bankrupt video. india seems like a such an irredeemable shit heap. vile place
this time tomorrow we'll be free
for a time
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Not drinking so it will be meh
what a racist bitch!
i knew a girl called dinky
just think of the lovely beer tomorrow night lad
corrrrr lovely beer
My neighbour left his gf who was a lovely girl with a nice arse and I think his new gf is a downgrade so I reported him to the police because after the break up he had 2 prozzies in his house
Thought Octavia was a Roman name? Like Julia or Chlamydia?
wouldnt mind giving those arses a big sniff
anyone got the music on?
rape is about power not sex
This is transphobic
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there was a yank girl at my school called Sierra who I fancied a bit
still think that's a lovely name
Searching for work on Indeed as a Bollock Buster but no results thus far
Not drinking for the forseeable future
Vomitted last time after being a twat. Just can't control myself
WELL said, tranno
is 2 just 2 in binary computing?

what about in quantum computing where it is represented as 2?
Octavia is a nice name
she was actually just called sarah and her accent make you think otherwise
yeah, for a Skoda
Those old people said those things
going for a shite here
Mad how one mentalist academic can make shit up and as long as people keep coming through her class and her books are used in lectures, it takes on a life of its own. Such is social science.

What do you even base that on? How do you measure it? What might falsify it? If young attractive women are raped at higher levels than old hags, maybe it’s about sex?
t. every bird
I don't actually but shall soon
What have you got on?
I'm thinking of putting on something electronic
they should teach how to get a gf in school
Don't know
Listening to five variants of dives and Lazarus
Got a Dacia duster. Fantastic little car
10 is 2
11 is 3
100 is 4
101 is 5 etc
irrationally believe that the release of Austin Powers 4 in cinemas will really help me set things in motion in my life
got a bit of IDM on here, it's definitely an electronic day
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but 1+1 = 2?
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You'll probably get loads of new hilarious catch phrases that will drive the women wild
Also thank you for supporting the Canadian film industry
Life is a process of discovery
no i think this is all wrong and you didnt even googl eit before you posted
in binary 2 isn't a symbol
1+1 = 10
but it's the same amount as 2 in decimal
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You will never be a revolutionary.
You will never be a commissar.
You will never be a dictator.
You will always be a LOSER.
Do the world a favour and kill yourself, you worthless commie parasite scum.
Ever notice how it's always losers with no assets or any focus in their life, goals etc who are vocal communists?
Really gets the noggin joggin

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