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not /balk/
Haemus is the name of the Latin invaders.
aimos sounds like haemus if fyromians were in charge of pronunciation

hartia - 'artija
halal - 'alal
haemus - 'aemos
I hate the turkish schizo monkey.
I remember when early youtube was full of this.

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UMMMMMM BRO Greece is like east india company flag or sommin
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hello /balk/anites of /balk/ in /balk/
Hello my fellow GREEK who is GREEKIER than iki
skibidi rizzler online
chud offline
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Good morning
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based gorilla sleeping perpendicularly and diagonally to the bed
Made elite spaghetti sauce
I shall make sauceless pasta and then walk to work to eat lunch there too
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Weapons, bullets, money and even golden pounds have been identified by the large operation of the Hellenic Police, which has been underway since the morning in Roma camps of Fili and Ano Liosia.

As you can see in the photos, the police have identified a number of guns and bullets as well as a large number of gold pounds.
>gold pounds
What's with the Greek fascination with specifically this type of gold coin, and not, say, Krugerrand or Leafs or Egles?
He's a pedophile
Greeks cut out all their initial Hs and we continue the legacy 2k years down the line
Greece has had a very volatile currency as you might know, life was cheaper with drachma but in case of war or any major crisis all your savings might be vanished

So people used to buy these to secure their money and also to pass them to their children as dowry when they'd get married

now gypsies own a lot of them, either by theft or looting them from abandoned houses
>More recently, [Greece] was flooded with Sovereigns in the 1940s and 1950s, as Marshall Plan proponents sought to support the recognized government in a civil war against communist forces. Greece’s political and financial situation has been moderately unsteady ever since and many within the country continue to rely on the relative security of gold in their transactions. It’s said that, in some corners, The Sovereign is still often used as ‘everyday’ currency.

>It’s likely, however, that, like their British counterparts, most Greeks see The Sovereign as something for bolstering savings or gift giving. Piraeus Bank, Greece’s largest bank, prides itself on being the only commercial bank in the country to buy and sell gold Sovereigns, and suggests the coins make an excellent choice for a meaningful gift.
>le shiny rock
10 healthy sons are true assets
The history of civilization is the history of metal, chudling.
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what color are your 10 healthy sons?
But you didnt have sex in 30 years once
it's over
>Two Turkish wrestlers and a former Greek wrestler (right) during a Greco-Roman wrestling competition in the United States in 1909.
Niggas had drip
you will never have a wife THO
kransolad can just wifemaxx the local goth bridge builder on her bus ride home
Bro i can Trade my iPad for a blowjob in Public in your Country
Nescafe-maxxing currently
I can't even be bothered to clean up my desktop, why would I actually want to have a fucking wife? to procreate? I'm both anti-abortion and anti-natalist
iki post images from your vacation in Greece
I found info on the middle one


Kızılcıklı Mahmut Pehlivan (b. 1878 or 1880 in Kızılcık village near Silistra, Principality of Bulgaria (a vassal state under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire) – d. February 3, 1931 in Eskişehir, Turkey) was a Turkish wrestler foremost known for his victory over Tom Jenkins in 1908 and loss to Frank Gotch in 1909 during a North American tour.

Given Yusuf İsmail's fame, American professional wrestling promoters chose to launch Mahmut with the ring name Youssouf Mahmout as the son of Yusuf İsmail and further, "the Terrible Turk", a moniker originally carried by Yusuf İsmail.[1]

A main street in Eskişehir, the Anatolian city he later settled is named after him
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No Bro you people try to Ruin Lives for fun
so true
I don't know what is worse, having slight sadistic tendencies or being a habitual liar.
You were never in greece
Anyways, thoughts?>>202464340
being banned from casinos for having 10 Luck is unconstitutional
Did I miss something? What's so Special about vacations in Greece?
>banned from casinos
skill issue
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How fucked are you, /balk/?
by the time this comes into effect I'll have escaped
Vgh.. The Greater German Reich and their Baltic Estate
To what shithole?
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who knows, there are multiple plans in motion
Age of Consent in germany is 14
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I have no interest in putting up with other people
no idea what this is

Only one turk can marry her
Bet365 removed all boosted odds and offers for my account indefinitely.
this is the target audience for insect doujins
Make palmsbet account. Every day new bonus and boosted odds until you win too much and they suspend it.
Fuck gambling.
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Дa cи Maкeдoнeц знaчи дeкa имaш нaјјaкa paзвиeнa нaциoнaлнa cвecт. Toлкy гoдини poпcтвo, пљaчкaњe, вoјни, нeпpијaтeли oд cитe cтpaни, пpeдaвници, иceлyвaњa нo ceтo тoa caмo гo зaцвpcтyвa твoјoт нeпoкopeн кapaктep и cвecт зa пpипaднocт нa eдeн Maкeдoнcки нapoд кaдe и дa e вo cвeтoт. Дpyгитe нapoди oкoлy нac ce вeштaчки нoви твopби и нe гo знaaт тoa чyвcтвo кaкo e дa cи Maкeдoнeц нeгиpaн oд cитe.
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gamble more
Im banned from palmsbet and 8888
Common Greek Win
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I never meet a gypsie
is this the uhg trooncord? Ziggurashka will report this post
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A right wing politician Ljupco Palevski, here interviewed by Vasko Eftov, is now in court

Admitted to killing the 14 year old vlah girl and shooting her in the head

zacesaa me prstite pak
kriv mi e celiot svet
gnasen e sekoj tatar
po-gnasen i od siptar
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Y'all like my makarov?
Be sure to use the right angle in your mouth
When I see swarthy brownoid t*rks in the street i always reach for my 9x18
Why do Greeks love concrete so much?
low iq from turkish rape

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Do you have blue kickmoonball courts in your village?
fuck is this shithole city
What was the girl's name again?
Is "he" in psychiatry again?
2 skatoderma knive attacks today. I have to leave this shithole
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Are you a shitfian?
I have never enjoyed living in the world
F 32
Got all the cafe wifis banned most likely
>boss, boss, why are we going to Pleven, only whores and football players live in Pleven
>my wife is from Pleven.
>oh...what team does she play for?
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It's because Sophie Rain hasn't sat on your face yet
The lack of minarets is very unappealing to my Ushkupistani eyes
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There is only 1 in the entire village
t. Z59.5

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hey guise sashko the influencer is here
What colour are the lids of your glass water bottles?
I'm not an influencer
Stereoids. Naturally such gains cannot be achieved. Sashko is a juicer
Why don't you post the final workout after diet and all
someone skips leg day tsk tsk
How tf this nigga only got hair on a smol segment of his legs over the ankles and under the kneecaps
That whole part of Bulgaria is like a deserted wilderness last i went there and vidin and lovech i was depressed for like a month.
That was a decade ago im sure its way worse now
So how are you guys you going somewhere tonight
Done an incelwalk just now and got myself 4 cans of pisswater hbu
tatar authorities are giving armaments to an antigovernmental turkish terrorist with american citizenship who has admitted multiple times his actions of building a terrorist cell
mental innit
Retard posting his gun with reg.number visible
tatar authorities allowed maymuns to explode a bus full of chosen people
tatar authorities allowed chosen people to buy exploding pagers
I can guarantee you that is not a functional firearm.
Show us the ammo, Yoko.
And they harrasse me instead of banning that homosexual nazi shit
Yeah i bought some whiskey and two hits of mdma im going go rizz some hoes but decline if they want to sex me thats my new gimmick
Good luck
plox report him to the tatar anti terror unit, I'm too busy eating half a kilo of ice cream
Finna send it to rosskompidor with the anti putler yappin of blyatski just to increase the chances of spetznaz raiding his shitbox and gunning him down
Mama raised no snitch
The jelly pidor also reports my posts I think it's a whole ngo of liberals taking money from eu to harrasse me
absent fathers have been a disaster to the snitch race
in case any future gov agent is reading this the terrorist has threatened to shoot people multiple times
tsk tsk, is this who they let work at the fridge factory these days
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Was incelshuffling to the bank today and saw this short blondie with a toddler in hand and i supposed her son was walking next to her but when i removed my glorious 450euro raybans i saw it was her fucking husband a 1.5m tall bearded midget. How did this happen?
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Interesting. So it was made in 1983.
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>450euro raybans
this model?
So anyway does anyone play wow on everlook privat3 server?
Teenage love?
Also, manlets tend to be very motivated.
Only retarded 3rd worlders play on private servers. 12 euro is 2 packs of cigs and you play on bugged servers with half the things not working and nonstop bugs and worst of all 3rd world illiterate retards
I'm gonna play world of warcraft the whole day
what does /aimos/ stand for?
I know you all hate responding to Anglos unless it's to insult us but please consider I won't leave until I get an answer.
I'm thinking on going on retail world of warcraft
He went on and talked to her instead of joining r9k and doomaxx
It's an autistic Turk's invention, no one the fuck no knows what it is. You've heard of the infamous ikibey, the "I am Greek" guy?
Also, you are thinking of ex-yu, this is the everyone-gets-a-You subreddit.
A.I.M.O.S. - Almanci Ikibey Master Of Shrubhymens
Why do anglos live in cubicle cucksheds and cant open their windows?
Anyway Cafe done I am gonna go buy cigarettes and than gonna go home and play wow
Open the magazine of your toy, Yoko.
based polubsessed at it again
i'm getting a ru proxy and posting a random house in bumfuck nowhere chile to fuck with him
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Fuck off and suck my cock.
All I need is a hammer to end your pathetic little life Albobitch. I don't need arms. They are just for my personal enjoyment. Your head will be on my wall either way.
I'm pissing and shitting my pants in fear, calling shishkebab right now
You will observe that is it empty because:
1. That is a non-functional gun
2. Ammo is regulated and a shizoid turklet can't get it.
Hungary gave us a 1 billion euro loan. Do they think we're paying that back
stop insulting innocent shizoids shizoid

(You) are, since you pay taxes.
It's half a billion, not one, also it's Chinese money, and you will repay for it through your retaded ancient asses.
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Bugars decided to start breeding
mango singlehandedly raising bumgaria's fertility rate
You can and should rightfully take this as lightly as you want—but the fact of the matter is that if you said the things you said to me to my face I would chop off your head and send your body parts to your family. You are lucky that you only know me through a computervscreen, scum.
And when I post cartridges those will also be fake too, right? Whatever, I'm not wasting my time on this.
They're mostly frlm gypsies
>And when I post cartridges those will also be fake too, right?
I will admit that I was wrong and you were right. I can post an image of my ammo, if you want.
mango: 2.2 tfr
turks: 1.8
bugars: 1.4
what about makkkedonians
Go ahead. I'll post mine next time. I lost my job and all my ammo is now downrange. Once I buy my reloading press ammo won't ever be a problem for me ever again.

Besides I already posted my ammo here, but they are 7.5 swiss cartridges I made back when I was living in the USA.
>what about makkkedonians
fake and gay
>7.5 swiss cartridges
Ammo procured in the US, kept there, and it will not fit in a toy Makarov.
trips proved makkkes are real tho
Procuring ammo is easy and I don't understand how anyone here can have trouble. Brass is unregulated. Only gunpowder is, and that's only smokeless powder. There are no limits to how much smokeless you can buy. I'm not going to get into details for risk of incriminating myself. My ammo wasn't "procured in the U.S. " It was procured in NYC, which our laws are far more strict than even here. I don't know how anyone can think storing more ammo than the allotted amount is difficult when brass is free and plentiful. Casting bullets is not difficult at all either. As I said the smokeless powder is the only regulated part. Even 30 round magazines are plentiful here despite the limit for long rifles being 10.
You posted the islamogommunist version of ikibey's Greek passport.
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Roided as ugibugi said
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As usual
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I will post more impressive firearms later and 'munitions' collections later. But since my permit is not for hunting I have a much tighter cap for the amount of ammo I can store. However I need to learn the law better. For example, if I get two Makarovs will I be able to store the max amount of allotted ammo for both pistols? i.e the limit is 90 per gun: but lets say i have 5 makarovs, then can I store 450 rounds?

Anyway your ammo autism makes me think you are some kind of fudd or a nogunz faggot. Ammo is the least difficult part of firearms ownership. Pic related overwides any kind of ammo regulation. I know it because I have done so before. Ammo is a non issue. Don't get why you think it is. I would never buy ammo over the counter because I can make it myself for cheaper and with more precision.
>almost 10k steps per day
mpased, this nigga healthy
This post brought to you by КOC Къpджaли.
Just kill yourself already you retarded faggot, you will never become a man

Fucking fag
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Bro my legs are strong af ngl, also not taking my phone while running
vgh, what a kino incelpic
Sorry pal but I have a cock and balls along with a Y chromosome. Last I checked, this constitutes a man. Unless you are one of those followers of gender ideology that think someone with a cock can be a woman. Eitherway, this reminds me of an old Bulgarian proverb my father told me about, that a boy who has not seen war is not a man, and a girl who has never given birth is not a woman. Surely I have not seen war, therefore I am not a man— but a boy. So I must ask, have you? Little boy?
>CIA sends terrorist mangau to create a new turkish party they control after they lost control over DPS and had to split it in half
you are watching the rise of a lexhend
we bout to become a twink warlord-led bumnana state under the turkish wing of gayto
Any Bulgarian who has ever known me IRL sees me as a crypto-communist BKP supporter. I force my BF against his will to read Blagoev's corpus. I read Zhivkov's writing too but his is moreso for statesman-ship than for revolution, unlike the Bolshevik sympathetic Blagoev. So I ask, when do Turks or Turkishness play a part in my consciousness? Why would I as both a socialist and a patriot be sympathetic to Turkish Imperialism?
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Indeed it's little bit creepy, I walk alone and superfast so whenever I approach someone from the back they are sometimes frightened
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Why we are on the topic of weapons, I don't know whether you've faggots heard of this new thing called "bronze," it's the most radical thing ever.
Progress has been slow because of reasons but I am making progress in polishing off the casting imperfections and I am thinking how to attach the handle with copper rivets.
Shit is going to be so cash, my next sacrifice to the gods is going to be more efficient and cleaner than ever. Praise Zalmoxis!
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ya'll niggas completely bonkers
>germans being on the good side for once
>mangau taqqiya
cos they don't want to upset all the maymuns like our booney who talk to underages
they were for it a couple of months ago, not to be trusted
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little bit
what's this?
No human being walks in nature.
>hates politicians
What can go wrong lol
Of course, you must always be on guard against them.
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this nigga runs up 90 degree hills
how u read that if u don't know bumgarian
I make my friend read it I already have copies in English. Sometimes I read both and compare the words. As a practice I read the bulgarian out loud and he corrects me. I have marx in English, Bulgarian and German. It's worth getting french copies as well.
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>80 tiles of the isotope of the radioactive element americium were found during a specialized operation of the DANS and BOP in Plovdiv and Karlovo yesterday, announced the district prosecutor of Plovdiv Vanya Hristeva. Initially, 4 people were detained, and charges were brought against two men yesterday.

>The physical evidence was handed over to the "Radioactive Waste" enterprise for storage. Charges have been brought against 2 persons for serious intentional crimes with a high degree of public danger. The defendants were looking for a buyer for the radioactive substances and wanted 5,000 euros per tile.

>This isotope can be used in making a "dirty bomb" - a device combining a conventional explosive and a source of ionizing radiation.
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Making pasta sauce right now :)
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mango when he moves between apartments
you forgot the dishwasher
My max is 43k steps a day
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>come ooooon push meee
Crazy how the western world believes to regulate modern society a concept from 2500bc invented to serve the needs of a few thousand is the way to go
Is his rapist/gimp on the left?
Ummmm bro it's just the best system we have, okay?
That's very obviously the leader of the incel community currently residing in Romania.
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At the very least I have someone to help me now. What motivates me to move is the fact that I see maisonettes for rent only 100лв more expensive than my current apartment and should I expand the membership it would do me a lot of good to have the extra space

Since I'm unemployed now and have some savings, it might be a good idea to invest into agitation. I'm thinking of food drives and the like. My friend calls me insane and that no one but gypsies would collect "free food"but I think such is a good idea to spread the word. I would go to soup kitchens unironically because food is fucking expensive—but now I am mainly focusing on my written attacks against the central bank of the country and how we are essentially enslaved to it.

Anyway, back to making pasta.

New manufactured apartments have extremely tiny sinks, given that I am always cooking (for two people no less) a dishwasher is always necessary. I use 3 pots to make fucking pasta. One for boiling, another for sauce, and another for braising the pasta in butter.

Dishwasher is relatively cheap, I paid 700лв for mine. Once my degenerate furry orgy club has a third member the dishwasher will become even more necessary. Don't know about you, but 3+ grown men eating 3 times a week produce a lot of dishes to wash. I work full time. 1 hour spent washing dishes will be better spent 10 minutes organizing a dishwasher and then reading or extra sleep.

The fact that some of (you) give me so much shit for this shows me you are all aylak NEETs who don't sk much as value their time.
I will give as much as you need if you only use it to remove animal pests
Sorry babe but these are legal tools for my protection only. For getting rid of weeds, I use something else. ;)
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I want this model but prescription.

Turska soba so novo videonce
you can easily get it, it's just a skeleton with dimming glasses
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if I get up from bed I'll be productive, so I won't get up
truly genius
you can get it on their site?
don't they ship to your village?
Shoot yourself in the head roach
>alboland and knock-off alboland shipping
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>Shoot yourself in the head roach
12:00 brutal
There is something wrong with zoomers growing so tall all of a sudden, nutrition isn't the issue they all grow out lanky with fucked up proportions and gay.
I've heard the take that it's an estrogenic syndrome, something about the development of the spinal cords, could be millennial cope tho
I've read that hormonal theory being tossed around under goatis' videos about that 35 year old who looks 15, where hormones during your teens can be so fucked up they fail to signal closure of the growth plates. And you end up a slenderman freak with heart problems.
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Unprecedented levels of protein intake certainly play a role. Also shortkings have been treated badly in the sexual selection game in the last 100 years as reproduction options have become wider than the scope of the local village. But, it is very possible that residual growth hormones in industrially grown meat also play a role.
Klinefelter sufferers also tend to be taller than non-KS and a lot taller than their family members too
Idk their whole bodies seem misaligned somehow. I've seen tall people from older generations that look 'normal' to put it that way so I know this ain't right.
>Unprecedented levels of protein intake certainly play a role.
People nowadays are eating more sugars than protein however so that point is moot.
Doubt every zoomie has klinefelter.
>People nowadays are eating more sugars than protein
lol no, meat once every week was the norm not so short ago
Literally fake news. You can't labor if you don't have energy. Look at the medieval peasant mealt a huge plate of meats/meat stew with potato bread and cheeses.
correct, growth plates, that was it
Have you noticed that locals who moved and lived in USA look somehow different. Its like they dont have anymore the eastern misery features, they look more bright and chill. They almost cant pass as locals.
People today eat meat daily. In settled Bronze Age societies meat consumption was exclusively associated with a religious ceremony.
That's the fat turning them into smiling eyes chinks
it's that tutorial country aura
>bronze age
Yeah and they were all manlet with various deformities that died in their 20s. The switch to agriculture wrecked early societies before they realised the importance of meat in diets. Look at the the 'classic' english breakfast which has their origins in what the average laborer ate for the day.
Nah, they even have a different walking gait and relaxed chill presence
Must be an acceptance thing. I member when krasnochurka said people who smiled were thought of as being retarded in blatnaya. If I went out in my bydlo neighborhood and started smiling and greeting I'd be seen as a weak dumbass too.
>english breakfast
>large cooked breakfasts do not figure in English life and letters until the 19th century, when they appeared with dramatic suddenness
You're obviously gonna try to cope your way out of it but I know 'me grandgrandparents and their children ate like kangs while being considered poorpipo.
I cannot, in clear consciousness, take a historical argument from a fyromian.
Just common logic should dictate to you that people can't work like dogs much like a car can't go far without fuel.
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bumgarians once again defeated with facts and logic
Carbohydrates (bread, gruel) beat meat in energy density like 4:1.
>Michel Rouche, on the other hand, asserted that the typical Carolingian-including the peasants-had access to a monotonous, but abundant, supply of foodstuffs and may have consumed an average of 6,000-9,000 calories per day. Richard Hodges likewise decided that Anglo-Saxon peasants were reasonably well fed, based on the heavy food rents per hide demanded (and presumably collected) during the reign of the West Saxon king Ina

I believe England established the first medieval archery law in 1252, requiring all men between the ages of 15 and 60 to be trained in archery. That's no easy feat, and requires immense upper bosy strength.
I mentioned that already. You mistakenly believe that just because boomers might've had issues around certain goods that they considered luxuries in their time that they must've had a worse diet. That's obviously false.
Tbh one of his worst videos. Nothing of value was really said here. I think he is just going around in circles. Incel TV era was better plus face and LMS
they didn't work like dogs, they just slacked off all day. you can still see it happen in contemporary villages. it was not until the industrial revolution that people figured out they could import literally who rubes from elsewhere and abuse them with a clear conscience. I guess slavery used to be a thing classically but Christian Europe did away with that
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Experience of Ukro kid going to BG schools
Aussie is a state of mental retardation
>they didn't work like dogs, they just slacked off all day
entj brown dictators vs infp mayo autism monkey
>t. short virginal people with big opinions
>how dare these dogs not work 20 hours a day! They must be slackers!
man cs 2 is retarded i just played a match in like months maybe half a year made 2 aces and finished 15-15 4v5 and it took points from my mmr lol guess who's never playing this shit game ever again
If I was shorter I'd be very happy. Will make it easier to man handle me.
Is this what you tell your mom so that she sends you money?
My mom doesn't send me money.
Mango is so gonna end up like those Atomwaffen schizos in Florida
You have friends fron rich families? Constant complaining if they ever do have to hold a job, well knowing they can always fuck off if needed. Entitled cunts.
I thought that Allah would spare us and not send here a second lying turk after ikibey,
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That's like soooo 6 years ago...
something something strongest persona
It's in the very essence of those beasts to lie and annoy people
You'd do the same if you had the luxury of not working to survive.
>It's in the very essence of those beasts
Fear me. Rawr! xD
Tranita hasn't been posting recently
>actually got up from bed to take a piss
>silverfish was walking over a place I left on the table
insecthumans harrasseeing me
now I have to be productive and do the dishes
I didn't say it in a bad way, it's just what it is. yeah you might have to put in extra work during the busy seasons, but otherwise you're jerking off all day. of course unlike us their chores would have been maybe 10 times more time consuming, so there's that.
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Put your trip back on goldsmith
He literally dinged the dongs 6 hrs ago and posted a news thread on /bant/ yesterday
he misses the poisoning episodes
there is no character in modern media that makes me seethe like trevor. I would sooner endure 10 thousand tranny self inserts
classic leaf hate reaction
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So true!
eventually these people will be bred out
oh yeah, I forgot there's also that
any hint of an equivalency within this problem is stealthy simp/foidinist propaganda
>virgins in charge of reproductive policies
I could easily enforce a return to 2.2 TEFR within 10 years if in charge. No reason to do it tho, the excess labor supply would just get uppity and overthrow me over a lack of muh jerbs.
They won't. Chad will breed and impregnate an uggo and create another incel, and a drugged up stacy will spread her legs for some meth to some goblino creature.
every new year i celebrate with whoever waitresses at the local cafe are, usually high school pussy from the school right next door. I don't know how to communicate with women older than 19. One of my "friends" who lives nearby married a 29y old 1 year older than him and she's visibily wrinkled already and he cheats on her nonstop and tells me how he hates her but doesnt know what to do.
Life is a meme
destroy all pocket sheytans, ez
Just give them access to free shota porn and they'll be too busy jacking off to do anything.
Who let Albanians on ITBR?
entropy will enforce equilibrium, you're just seeing a boom bust cycle in action

the unwashed masses aren't me bro

the fuck's that
bro this IS the equilibrium
pension systems still exist, so it's not
once population permanently plateaus and africa gets down to 2 or lower then it's equilibrium
Thoughts on boomers wanting higher pensions at the cost of the younger generations?
rational choice, I'd do the same
where is gonna be the substantial difference between then and now? pension systems will always exist, millennial dogs will just settle for less and be too brainfried to remember they ever had more, all the way into being africa
jewsa pension systems are 401ks, social security is just a supplement
yuropooria pension systems are entirely social security
you are much better positioned for adjustment
they'll be aaight once they get browner
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useless statement, no yuro country can handle immigration
they're all useless larpstates
the purpose of immigration is to freeze out the chud energy, immigration is in fact essential to handling the situation
yurolarp states are fundamentally chud states
a yuro will kill his countryman because he's not parisian enough, let alone ahmed
meanwhile in jewsa mexicans rule the chudstate
Americans have no actual traditionalist culture which in turn makes it easy for every 2nd generation mutt to just become american himself. Truly an unfair cheat code.
>a yuro will kill his countryman because he's not parisian enough, let alone ahmed
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american culture is being the best country on the planet *insert eagle emoji*
>mexicans rule the chudstate
dog are you fucking kidding me right now?
>t. in denial
I mean unless mexicans have taken up talmudry...
>it's da joos
WASPoids have completely mind broken the cattle with this.
it simply is what it is. if you want the more complex fartsniffer answer, it's the people from the hot frontier taking over the empire, in a similar manner to how illyrians took over Rome while the romecels watched because they had great relevance in the hot zones where all the clashing was going on
The WASP controls you and da joos.
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ai em intj dictator
Literally nothing will change.
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greece supahpowah 2030
Where the fuck are those 'advances in technology' that make it profitable for a private company?
abolishing the national pension system, abolishing labor rights, abolishing unemployment benefits, tripling army spending, quadrupling education spending
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>bus usage
T-this is communism!
Your thoughts on the hawala system?
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Χερετε ανονς! Τι κανετε; Με λενε βασηλης (το ονομα του βαπτισης) εγω και μου φηλος μαθαινω Ελληνικη. Εγω ειμαι μια χαρα!
I desperately need to practice most basic conversations so I can finally take a vacation to Mouth Athos this year
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ummm, actually it's fascism

just primitive form of banks innit
Nothing is more dangerous to a virgin nerd than his first girlfriend.
you mean the goat ? yeah it kicks like crazy
"Better to live on a corner of a roof than share a house with a quarrelsome vvife" - Proverbs 21:9
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now this is a proper income distribution graph
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and denbts paid
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these are some fucking quick american hours
it's gonna be a tranime thread unless ikichad wakes up in time...

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