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Viribus Unitis
I am bavarian does it count?
Cringe. Croats have no brothers, Austrians don't care about us.
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Uhh guys I'm totally austrian hehe..can I stay here?
Well you weren’t in the monarchy so we don’t have much direct shared history but we are culturally similar. Also, sicher Oida.
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Hopefully not Franconian
T. never left his dalmatian hinterland village.
Herr Winkler is Aryan, thoughever.
Slavonac ovdje. Ako mislis da nas austrijanci vide kao neku bracu tad si debos.
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dont forget to invite sLOVEnia
He is 1/4 Italian
Prosjecni austrijanci (a ni hrvati) nemaju misljenje o ovim stvarima.
Bin stolzer Burgenlandkroate
Really? Interesting.

NO, they ruin every comfy thread with Croatia in it by posing as some higher beings even though they are literally a peasant volk that got lucky with us tanking all the ottoman attacks. I wish they were frens but they don’t want to be.
Wirklich? Sag etwas auf Burgenlandkroatisch.
Tako nesto.
Ich meinte etwas von Dialekt. Besondere Wörter und so.
You mean, ZLOvenia...?
Ali vjerujem da oni pametniji znaju tko su im prijatelji
What did (you) have for Mittagessen heute?
Kebab and downed it with monster energy …
I know its not healthy but i do fasting so its the only meal i eat today and i do it like maybe once a month
I hate the turks so much I refuse to eat kebab. Last time I had it I was in Berlin and got dead drunk so it doesn‘t count.
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the trvthnvke Habsburg LARPers don't want to hear
I feel you but its the only slop that is still affordable. Do you refuse to eat that serbo turkish slop like cevapi and burek also? I never tried it
Tesko mi je rec ali mislim da oni smekaju samo nijemce, a da na cehe, slovake, madjare gledaju kao na nuzno zlo. Janeze vide kao mi muslice. Nas mooooozda simpatiziraju zbog mora i gradiscanskih hrvata (skuzio sam da ih vole) ali nista vise od toga a kamoli bratstvo. Sto se nas tice, susjedi nas mrze ili nam zavide. Jedine zemlje koje nas ko fol vole su ceska, slovacka i poljska ali to je dosta jednosmjerna ljubav (oni puno vise vole nas nego mi njih). Neki narodi imaju taj bromance odnos (poljska- madjarska, srbija- rumunjska), ali mi ne. Slovenci su to bili do 90-ih. Sami smo. Jos uvijek nismo odlucili da li smo zbog toga cool, kao neki buntovnik bez razloga, cinicni osmijeh i pljuga u kutu usana ili je to tek tuzno.
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Burek and cevapcici are bosnian afaik. Rarely eat cevapcici and never had burek (the meat kind). Wouldn‘t seek out cevapcici but don‘t mind eating them either.

Also bosniaks are just cryptocroats.

Yugoslavs as an identity is something we‘ve never accepted even though our intelligentsia invented it in the 19th century. You could say that we are south slavs but what if we‘re actually Ostrogoths?

Trebamo graditi prijateljstva na povijesnim osnovama. Mislim da su nam austrijanci puno blizi nego sto znamo, ili bar to mogu ponovno postati.
Steak with gorgonzola
Iz moje perspektive jedino su zapadni slaveni iskreni hr prijatelji. Jesi znao da je 2018 ceska televizija podijelila 10 000 majica sa sahovnicom i ceskim lavom te natpisom 'ja sam hrvat', organizirali ljudi javno gledanje hr tekmi. Nisi znao jer ti to 'hr' mediji nisu prenijeli. Slovacka u zastavi ima plavu boju koja simbolizira hrvatsku (jelacic je prskao po madjarima pa zato). Poljaci isto vole hr, bilo je neko euro istrazivanje i hr im je bila najdraza strana zemlja. No 'nasi' mediji nas guraju u tzv jugosferu. Da se mene pita hr bi prekinula sve diplomatske odnose s balk zemljama.
Sa zadnjom točkom se u potpunosti slazem. Daj neki izvor za ovo s jelacicem
Sounds good. I had some baked salmon with potatoes and fennel.
Potrazi pojam slovacka zastava na wiki (eng)
Jesam, i nisam pronašao tu informaciju.
Ocito su maknuli, bilo je ranije. Nema veze, imas na wiki na slovackom (pod povijesni razvoj zastave, 1848), evo upravo sam kopirao

Práve posledná kombinácia v upravenej forme (bez nápisov a zastrihnutia) pretrvala prakticky až do vzniku Slovenskej republiky. Modrý pás bol prevzatý z ruskej a chorvátskej zástavy (Rusi ako patróni Slovanov, Chorváti ako bratský národ v Uhorsku).
Not under my watch.
I still want to have you as a fren but you want our land. I wouldn‘t want to remind you of 1848.
The time when you invaded us, got rekt and begged to Russia? You wanted to steal the Italian city which we stole.
>NO, they ruin every comfy thread with Croatia in it by posing as some higher beings
they literally are. You have cute attractive men in Slovenia, in Croatia you don't. It's that simple. Any country that has twinks is western and therefore higher up on the foodchain than a country that posseses ugly slavs everywhere
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Pretty sure it was you that got rekt considering your plans didn‘t work out in the end.

>italian city
Rijeka? Pure croatian clay
We literally have twinks that post here.
Sometimes I wonder if I should trade my chad build for a twink build. They seem to have it easier in life.
>You could say that we are south slavs but what if we‘re actually Ostrogoths
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Cekaj ti stvarno mislis da su hrvati goti? Svestan si da nema nikavih naucnih istorijskih dokaza za to i da je to bio larp u ndh? Si radio nekad IQ test?
I see how it is.
Croats seethe with too much jealousy.
Yeah, ours don't, they're at work.
Nah, don't do that.
Twinks get it easier because they're bottoms (IE women). You have to take a lot of cock to get those benefits.
I don‘t speak servian.
>Croats seethe
We don‘t. I just don‘t understand why you shit on us continuously even though all the negative aspects of our culture are foreign and forced. And would have come your way were it not for us on your southern border.

>twinks at work
Kek, good one.

>don‘t do that
I don‘t think I could even if I wanted to. My face is too masculine, my jawline too robust and I‘m too tall to be one. It‘s a hard life being predestined to become a chad and ending up being too autistic to find a gf.
>I don‘t speak servian
Da probam na gotskom ili nemackom onda
Pisi na slovenackom, razumemo te.
>you shit on us continuously
I never have but I don't have trouble believing it happens, Slovenes make for shit neighbors.
>kek, good one
it's true, they're milked every day.
>too masculine, too tall, it's a hard life being predestined to become a chad
I feel you, I'm a lanky loser

Ne pricaj sa hrvatom na engleskom zmago. Nisi indijac.
>I never had
Neverending slovene croat frenship reactivated

>lanky loser
It can get better man.
ne pricaj na engleskom sa slovencem. pricaj na srpskohrvatskom, razumece te.
i am a twink but I am too lazy to become a chad. it's over for me
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I can understand serbocroatian but I can't write or speak it, and then you don't understand slovenian so it's this or nothing.
I spent a few hours waiting for a rideshare with a balkan man, I forget if he was serb or croat. We had to communicate in english for the same reason, he was a nice guy, moving to france to be with his lady. Hope he's doing well.
>Neverending slovene croat frenship reactivated
picrel, I've always thought we're more alike than not, no reason for hate
>it can get better man
thanks friend, I do my best
>then you don't understand slovenian
ko kaze?
>austrians =Germans
nah bud. only bavarians
more like
bavarians = austrians
rest of germany? completly different
>balkan man, croat
You were literally regarded as balkan until recently. We have sadly taken in too much of their culture but the treu croats, such as myself, who nurture their culture are central european as they always were. Do not regard me as a balkaner for I am no such thing. And you really couldn‘t tell me apart from any slovene in ljubljana.

>more alike than not
We are very alike. Probably the most similar to eachother than to any other cunt on both sides.
Wahr. Aber sie sind immer noch ein Volk. Und hoffentlich nach langer Recherche… wir auch.
absolut es ist wieder zeit für das großreich. Für die Seele europas
Die deutsche Zukunft ruft.

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