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For the eternal glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ edition
The duality of man
@Boat I got a beer aged in calvados barrel

Can confirm there is a genuine calvados flavour you'd like it (also because it's above 10% alcohol)
>aged in calvados barrel
I had something similar, but in a whiskey barrel.

It was extraordinary experience. (+12% alc)
I can be both miserable and absolutely sure that I'm going to do well in life, those aren't mutually exclusive

I'll be a lot less miserable when my bong moves here and I'm not fucking broke
Oh yeah I've had many aged in whiskey and bourbon barrels
Always good but I prefer calvados as a spirit in general

The best spirit I've ever had was a homemade calvados from the 80' shit was stored in a lemonade bottle by the family who made it
>prefer calvados as a spirit in general
Same here.
calvados, slivovitz, apricot, etc spirits > bourbon, whisky, whiskey > vodka

>homemade calvados
That is the common way here, and I suppose the same applies to the French village.
If you're so sure that things are going to get better then you wouldn't want to kill yourself
>depression isn't real

don't bring them here at least
So what do you guys talk about in these threads?
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Well there are several larger distilleries making calvados in France so it's not necessarily homemade, it's good but made in larger batches that you can find in stores throughout the country
The best one I had was really made in some Normand's dude garage with apples from his garden so it was textbook "homemade", I guess the age had a lot to do with the quality too since in supermarkets you find calvados that's like from 2 to 8 years old whereas this one was almost 30 years old
I have a picture, here (actually from 96 not the 80' my bad)
It reads "eau de vie (liquor); brown; mom; February 96"

Maybe homemade alcohol making is more of a thing in eastern Europe nowadays, I remember when I went on my European road trip I was offered homebrew by Slovenes and Romanian folks and many people had fruit trees in their gardens

Although I know a few people here who brew their own stuff
Yurts vs gazebos
Are there even any southerners here?
I live in the southern hemisphere
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Dinner time.
How is life for you there?
you were banned for repeatedly discussing and endorsing drug usage, stop playing the victim
To be fair I only moved in 1 month ago but it's cool I like the lack of cold, chill vibe and kino tropical forests
What state are you from
I live in Florida but I was not born here, are you in an overseas territory in France?
there are zero people from the South who post here. they all left and we just kept the name
trips of truth
Yeah check my I'm in Réunion Island
Kinda comparable to Hawaii (volcanic, tropical, high elevations)

I've been to Florida and did hovercraft in the Everglades
was it a hovercraft or a fan boat?

Conway, Arkansas
Just checked pictures and I'd say fan boat
>Well there are several larger distilleries making
same here, but I can't offer that kind of quality like homemade, there are very few exceptions in Czechia, and they are small businesses
>I was offered homebrew by Slovenes and Romanian folks and many people had fruit trees in their gardens
Yes, most of these people turn some of the fruit from their gardens into alcohol, the best thing I ever drank was a blueberry brandy in Romania
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how did you even know he was here
do you just station a lurker in every general

ilu janman

hovercraft are fucking massive yeah
I've air boated in the Everglades a long time ago too, how did you get to reunion, was it for work?
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operenec can you please not get them to nuke the thread ffs
just switch your proxy and be done with it
>hovercraft are fucking massive yeah

I'd always assumed they were the same thing

I'm here for university because I've just started biology studies and figured it would be cool to do it on an island where 1/3rd is covered in old-growth rainforests
No visa hassle + free uni because it's part of France
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The motorway to Poland is still closed.
Looks like the river has changed its river bed.
They're pumping water out, and new water is coming in, kekekekeke.
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nah, see pic. there are smaller ones that are like fanboats but that's not the norm
they're used as ferries mostly

autism but alright
I wish I was in Dixie...
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Look how beautiful this river is. I don't understand why they're surprised.
good evening bud
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there are only a few places on earth worse than Russia, and you ask "why"
why here specifically then
there's no reason to move to the Siuth except for the fact that we're by far the best demographic of the US
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So I could crack a bottle of cold beer at my ranch, cuddle up my blonde cowgirl cousin gf and say “God bless America”. Also, love Southern accents.
Go home, Jamal.
some of you gopniks are alright
don't go to Grozny thirty years ago

tfw no Tatar sheep herder gf
People like him are a cancer to your country. They are not polite guests, sooner or later they would start forcing their lifestyle on you. It's just a matter of quantity.
I'd rather take in 10,000 Mexicans than 100 Russians.
I'm not worried about either. America is phenomenally good at obliterating immigrant cultures and replacing them with McCulture™ within 3 generations. Usually it's more like 2, look at the Germans and wops

give it 50 years and spics will be just another off-white group and we'll go back to discriminating against blacks like YHWH intended
Of course, you would like more of shitskin hordes in Europe, they're your kin. Go back to whatever brown shithole of a country you've escaped from, dickwad.
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>slavs (and Wends) fighting in /dixie/
just as Jefferson Davis intended
all is right in the world
>America is phenomenally good at obliterating immigrant cultures and replacing them with McCulture™ within 3 generations.
I know, but the Russians are a specific species, and they'll betray their home country even in the fourth generation.
>shitskin hordes in Europe
That's your specialty. Russia is the largest Muslim country on the continent.
"Trad" country full of sandniggers, churkas, and braindeads.
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Is that middle east? Nope, trad and redpiled Moscow.
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180k Muslims Celebrate End of Ramadan in Moscow.
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Did you know they have beautiful metro stations in Russia?
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>muh islam
doesn't matter, all eurocels are equally worthless before the glory of the Anglo race
reminder we won WW2 and everyone else lost and it's taken the rest of the world 80 FUCKING YEARS to even begin to catch up
that's all the proof I'll ever need that God favors the seed of Albion
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>seething this hard
Lol, lmao even.
>reminder we won WW2
Ask a Russian what they teach in their schools.
Btw "land and lease" is an alien term to them.
he doesn't like communists

there's a survey floating around saying that the French believe they were the deciding factor. I don't know how true that is but I choose to believe it anyway

>lend lease
Lend Lease didn't decide the Russian theater but they would have been pushed beyond Moscow and the front would have stalemated for years without it. I don't think they would have been able to move nearly as much industry beyond the Urals or been able to support the frontline nearly as well without the transportation equipment in particular

honestly the Battle of Britain was probably a bigger deciding factor in the Germans stalling out as early as they did. I will offer no evidence to support this
That's really cool I'm glad you get to experience that, I'm also in an environmental degree.

нaши быдлo Heдaлёкиe тoжe
Isn't Czechia the hub of Russian espionage in the EU? Also Russia has the same demographic problem as the rest of the world so of course Putin is going to import these cheap and easy to control labor
>fanning the flames of an obvious spergout
rookie mistake
>Isn't Czechia the hub of Russian espionage in the EU?
Was. Now it is Austria.
>Being a tripfag
What will you be known for now?
>not knowing what a trip is
>doesn't know what a tripcode is
you should have to lurk for 3 years before posting
where are your flags nigga

Austria's been an espionage center since the occupation
>Putin is going to import these cheap and easy to control labor
Yeah, he's really got them "under control".
I'm not saying depression isn't real, I'm just saying that a depressed person probably wouldn't be certain that things would get better

I'm from the south of England if that counts
My life isn't so pointless that I have to feel validated by being acknowledged on a Chinese cartoon discussion forum, Conway
Is the pink color gay or masculine?
Today's society associates it with gay things, but it used to be the color of men.
I'm considering buying a watch with a pink dial.
It'd totally suit a sissy like you, kek.
I have no concerns about being able to advance professionally in the future but MDD runs in my family and there's no getting around that. it's not as terrible as it was a few years ago but I'm still going to complain because it brings me joy to do so

ok that's cool but I don't remember asking for your opinion

I wear salmon dress shirts sometimes and no one's ever said anything about it being effeminate. don't wear hot pink obviously
>It'd totally suit a sissy like you, kek.
Thank you, I'll always think of you, and the fact that it cost more money than your annual income.
That's one angry watch

What do you study
harold >>202475453
trve or no
You didn't ask yet you self inserted into a conversation not about you, you are a cute little bug, cute little frustrated dung beetle
thanks babe I think you're cute too
gimme a kiss
what do normies do on Friday nights
Ecology but my life has become pointless so idk if I will finish it

How is it in the south of England?
Czechia is a great country
Russia is... in the grip of something awful
>my life has become pointless
>I have no concerns about being able to advance professionally in the future but MDD runs in my family and there's no getting around that. it's not as terrible as it was a few years ago but I'm still going to complain because it brings me joy to do so
Interesting, I guess that makes sense

>How is it in the south of England?
It's okay I suppose, it's a bit annoying that summer has ended though. British autumns (the fall, as yanks say) and winters are annoying, often wet, and not very warm.
Le stupid first world problems
God bless

yeah it's in the grip of Russians
they need a strong Anglo-Germanic monarch to take the reigns

was in southwest bongistan in the latter half of July and early August and it never got higher than about 27c, was peak weather

>I guess that makes sense
it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be but it does suck some of the joy out of life
Lmfao no ask the average French and they will tell you America saved us and won the war
More historically literate people/leftists will know the role of Russia as well but in no way does anyone here believe France was the determinant factor in winning the war

Of course, we do emphasize our role internally. It's always the Résistance this the Résistance that, Operation Dragoon (known as "the Provence landing" here) since the French had a bigger role than the Normandy landing, what we did in Africa (Bir-Hakeim battle), kicking Italian forces around, and how the individual French soldiers were neither cowards nor incompetent but high command was clueless

If we don't focus on our own achievements during the war, no one else will
However we aren't that delusional that we think we were the determinant factor

It's something we might say for WWI but not WWII
>was in southwest bongistan in the latter half of July and early August and it never got higher than about 27c, was peak weather
That sounds alright. It's been okay the last few days too but soon it will probably get colder.

>it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be but it does suck some of the joy out of life
Do you take meds for MDD?

That's my jam, definitely more interested in broader ecology/biogeography/conservation things than pure biochemistry medical things and sheit but I just started and I won't really get into ecology until Master's level
France in WWI were lions lead by sheep, same as the British. same as the Germans too honestly. what a stupid, useless war

should probably read about the French in WW2 but you're barely talked about apart from the Battle of France and the North African campaign here

not recently since it's been in remission for several months. I took St. Johns Wort which is as effective as prescription SSRIs (for me) but with very few of the side effects I had from escitalopram

I've taken psilocybin cubensis before and that put it in remission for several months afterwards and I still consider it one of the most significant events in my life. it's a very powerful substance
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lmao janny is working overtime today. Eat shit, fuckhead.
WWI sucked balls hard but is in many ways more important to the French psyche because we held the line and united
WWII, yes we did technically win but c'mon it was a fucking debacle and shame whereas WWII here has a ton of heroic narratives and cultural symboles associated with it and there isn't a single French village and town that does not have a monument to the dead of WWI which severaly clashes with the "lol French surrenders" stereotypes of the past decades

It was a useless war and we recognize that still but one the average French can take pride in for the sacrifice and value of the average soldier whereas WWII is a lot about shame
if you're going to rub his nose in shit can you at least do it in a different thread so we don't get caught in the crossfire

>one (1) debacle of a campaign was enough to forever ruin France's reputation as a military power
glad America will never have to worry about losing a war
don't complain about me. Complain about the cunt janny who abused the ban system by falsely accusing me of posting CP that I never did, and then proceeded to ban others in a clear abuse of janny powers.
It's been 80 years and we still haven't recovered our reputation so on one hand a neat war with a swift French victory over a powerful nation would go a long way but on the other hand wishing for war is kinda cringe

>glad America will never have to worry about losing a war

In your lifetime probably but the wheel of history keeps turning and one day America too will crumble and fall even if it takes 1000 years
god I feel sick may just go back to bed
already slept like 12 hours
I think it's weird that France is seen as lmaosurrendermonkey!!! when they've been historically one of the most aggressive powers in Europe
and Germany, arguably the historic battleground for their larger neighbors, is seen as a potentially aggressive and imperialistic power even now
I'm not complaining about you, I'm asking you not to bring jannies here for no reason

>one day America too will crumble
you didn't have to go for my throat like that, goddamn

idk, it's not out of the question that the country will have slightly violent split within my lifetime if we can't get our domestic political situation under control. doubt it will devolve into a full blown civil war but there are some parallels to the situation in the 1830s where the various regions of the country are becoming increasingly divorced from one another

tbf Germany started punching well above its weight once the Prussians started taking charge
I am watching a show about people who believe the earth is flat.
what gets me is there are still people going on about the stupid vaccines expecting a mass die off in two weeks
I don't want to start a shitstorm here, so I won't comment.
Do you have mandatory vaccinations in the US? We do, for a total of 9 diseases.
weird how having a clogged ear can ruin your day
you just don't feel right at all
having vertigo must actually be hell
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I don't really pay attention to that sort of stuff; but as far as I am aware they're not mandated by the government
however, entities like schools or universities, or even jobs can mandate you to have them
I think that covid stuff was silly and the vaccine at best ineffectual but that's in the past and I don't care either way
It's just a reminder to stay humble
Rome was a shithole before it created the most iconic empire ever and disappeared
China is a juggernaut that kept rising and falling and rising again and will fall again eventually
Spain went from Muslim occupation and local wars to transplanting their language to a massive landmass halfway around the world and now is seen as land of siesta and tourists
England was a literally who and became a superpower and is now a laughing matter for many
India was a hub of civilization now it's all street shitting and building the largest trash heap in history
Persia was once the world's first truly vast empire and led by an enlightened ruler now they an authoritarian shithole
Assyria was unstoppable and 2500 years later their very existence was utterly forgotten until some random Europeans, themselves from regions that were backwards during the Assyrian's peak, re discovered their story
Incas ruled over thousands of miles of territories and got taken down by a few hundred Spaniards and viruses
Constantinople's walls were impregnable until they were not
The French fought and won so many wars against coalitions only to be taken down by the neighbor that was normally the designated battlefield

The USA too despite their god tier geographical location and current unmatched power will eventually be a shadow of their former self and who knows who will be the next hegemon

China ? India ? Australia ? Russia ? Brazil ? Fucking Congo or Myanmar ? They too will eb and flow and it will keep churning until humans are gone, and should we ever reach the stars we will export that model wherever we go
>they're not mandated by the government
Oh, that's different, here it's mandatory until 18 years of age.
>covid stuff was silly
agree, but this one was only mandatory for medical staff (if I'm not mistaken)
>as land of siesta
I don't see the problem, it should be the goal of every country.
deathjabbed hands wrote this
BILLIONS will die in approximately 14 days

no. you're required to show proof of vaccination for certain diseases (MMR is the main one I think) to attend public schools, but you basically just have to fill out a form for religious or moral objection to get it waived

the clotshot was a requirement for some employers like the federal government and armed services for a while during the pandemic but they took a LOT of shit for it from the public because it was so heavy handed. most employers just made it a requirement to work in office but that went away when the pandemic was over

the Argentinian Empire will rise
might start making these regularly and just have them around as they're cheap and tasty
>you didn't have to go for my throat like that, goddamn

I believe humans are animals, which I do not mean in a bad way, and as such we will always compete for ressources, survival and reproduction
Meaning equilibrium and constructs such as "United States of America" will always be temporary because while building requires the concerted effort of many, destroying can be done by a few engaging in that neverending competition upon which life is built
Also when you think we as a species have only been around for a few hundreds of thousands of years whereas life as a whole goes back hundreds of millions and the universe billions and countless worlds and lifeforms have already come and gone, as powerful as the USA are they are still a speck on a speck in the larger picture

That's probably not a very Christian point of view for this thread idk but I'm not a rabid fedora tipper, just think that in spite of all our specialness within the realm of life we can't escape time and the instinct to compete and perfection does not exist
ever read lovecraft's the shadow out of time?
probably one of his scariest stories because of how time is portrayed and the rise and fall of civilizations
I think I did a long time ago back before I even read books in English
My sister had a bunch of Lovecraft's works that I read in French but I must have been like 12 or 13 years old so it didn't really hit me
>not a Christian point of view
I have a very idiosyncratic view of the faith myself desu
post your sister
might make a decaf
yes, I will make a decaf
had a cup of spic-spresso
also used cheese cloth as a filter and it worked
I use paper towels sometimes and find it irritating how well it works
Good enough to be an adequate replacement but not good enough to stop buying filters
DIY purgatory
Don't have a picture of her just imagine a short chubby blond lesbian
why don't lesbians take care of themselves as well as the gays do
>imagine a short chubby blond lesbian
Why did you say that? Now there's gonna be a lot of wankers.
the normal human coffee I purchase the grains are thick enough they don't get throw the holes in my percolator but the missus buys spic-spresso (cafe bustelo) that are all tiny
I suppose I could also just let my coffee sit and the sediment will all flow to the bottom but getting grit grosses me out
women stop taking care of themselves as soon as they get into a relationship and it's exponentially worse when the relationship is between two women

gay men are mostly gay for themselves and who would want to fuck a fat guy
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find the dead bedroom situation with lesbians very telling of female behavior
for lesbians it starts like two months in and then they almost never fuck
>the clotshot

Kek, that retarded meme again?
starting a petition to have POLE banned irrevocably and eternally forever from |dixie|
there's only so much pussy you can eat if there's nothing else going on. women are also a pain to get along with generally

BILLIONS have died already, goy

honestly I don't have an opinion on it besides it being obviously rushed and the legal immunity for the pharma companies being fucked. it exacerbated or induced heart inflammation in certain people, but that was by no means widespread
Which one tho
>I took St. Johns Wort which is as effective as prescription SSRIs (for me) but with very few of the side effects I had from escitalopram

>I've taken psilocybin cubensis before and that put it in remission for several months afterwards and I still consider it one of the most significant events in my life. it's a very powerful substance
Maybe I should try that and see what kind of trip I have
also, every lesbian relationship I know has been abusive physically or emotionally and it's something that mainstream culture doesn't talk about it. Knew this one lesbian couple where one girl had this phobia of vomiting so the other girl would force herself to vomit when she got angry with her kek
Why would you want that, I thought we're bros
you're my opp
You're nothing to me
when're we playing vintage story
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I want cool crisp autumnal weather
I mean I'm playing rn dunno bout you "bro"
in what server
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it can induce sensory overload, which is what people who have bad trips experience, but that's easy enough to manage so long as you're not exposing yourself to a lot of stimuli. I've never had any ill effects from it apart from some slight stomach cramping and a migraine

after the first time I took it I noted that I had a LOT less generalized anxiety and that made the MDD and related issues a lot easier to manage. that only happened after the first time but I still felt the effects of it for over two years afterwards

inb4 I get jannied, I'm not encouraging use

lesbians have the highest rate of domestic abuse of any pairing besides polyamorous groups. gay men have the lowest

further proof that women are responsible for being abused

could play tomorrow evening or this Sunday but I'm a complete noob
You guys didn't tell him?
>I want cool crisp autumnal weather

If you are living west of the Missisipi then you aren't going to get it
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holy shit, you guys are wild tonight
why do you say that
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if \bixie\ doesn't have a server I might look into making one or playing on the old /vm/ server or something
but if I make one I might invite some irl friends on it
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because I want to
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>invite some irl friends on it
>irl friends
bucks you're getting doxxed so hard bro I can't fucking WAIT
hope you like supreme pizza loser
good point best to keep the lives separate as it were
pole drinks tea; not coffee
I don't think it matters honestly
boatman's posted his address and shown us his social security card and nothing ever came of it
the guys from /gsg/ managed to track down macon's address and his parents' phone numbers when he disappeared and nothing ever came of that either besides them doing a welfare check in the most annoying way possible
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I live in Louisiana.
are you jealous your country doesn't have wood apes?
>wood apes
what is it
big foot
I took another paracetamol
And how do you know we don't have him?
Anthropoidipes ameriborealis is native to the pacific northwest
I don't like smart-asses
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How is it in Louisiana?
>asks a question
>gets an answer
>doesn't like it
seems like a you problem, pal
That's a false argument. The problem can be the answer.
Send me some
What is the optimum charge level for a power bank that I won't be using for several months?
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kekeke, I'd be even worse,
and the whole world would definitely see my dickpic.
alcohol time
My dad put food and water to that bird and he was almost entering my house. lel
I hope he gets better soon, he looks injured a bit.
I forgot the picrel
post dick pic
sup mr. Polo,
>put food and water to that bird
I think if you give to this bird food and water, you can form a bond with him
he's being kinda frisky already
But I want to see him free already, I mean, cured
and what is the character of his injuries?
It appears to be a minor injury to the left wing, in the chest area
if he's got something broken, he'll be with you for weeks
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Boris is coming for a sleepover. I bought a little more of ham to share with him.
I ordered this today
I don't know why, but both my dogs love it.
you know what
I enjoy my shits smelling like shit
I like to let out "hidden" farts in groups of people.
looks awesome
at some point I will buy some dog biscuits (like those scooby biscuits) to let here for him
for me it's stealth gassing niggas in a 10+ storey elevator ride
for me it's vodka
I like vodka with Fanta, but only in cases I want to get wasted
Пoмaжe Бoг бpaћo и cecтpe

So i was desecrated sanatically in the sane so to speak because i had to, i went to Banja Luka again despite hating to step foot there
I had to get my health card, it used to be a small notebook kind of thing but 12 years ago they decided to make it antichrist barcode card same as ID
But i dont have id card, so they have no refference
All i wanted to do is to go to the doctor and see if the ass or gut cancer is going to kill me
All the males in my family stemming from when cacer was a defined thing died either from it in the ass or gut, some females but rare, so i felt this thing, ate healthy food, phood i call it, squid tainted bread with fish dish shit thing and wine
I was on a date and she kepth bitching about being forced to vote because her company is run by a leading party
The restaurant was on top of skyscraper gbment building overlooking a hill of poor people houses
Instead of hirises and commieblocks where at least communists cared about presentation of a town
It didnt even foundation spin like in Germany
I was in a tracksuit, yet they ddint deny enterance, all they cared aboud was money
I shit liquid, dark and painful
Its dried blood
So i go to first time check
Is it oh Lord allmighty
Is it the time for me to leave this realm
Nope, you have to wait for an hour and a half among pensioners and then when its your turn to watch a hag play solitaire pretending to check databasess then you get to speak what you need
It's government and its free
But id literally rather die instead of chasing paperwork
A child with a pe tium 2 could repacle 30 of them
Id pay for it
They say you can order food fasyt whenever and wherever
But i ask
What piece of soul did you give them in return
Ladt i checked in 2007 was you order food from a place, that place charges you shit for delivering it to you at phonecall notice
They say some faggot named al or ai or whatever will improve computers so much they will make us into fat sacks lazy
I don't like vodka at all. I only drink vodka when I'm too drunk and don't care about anything. And that happened a very long time ago.
Are you a poet or something?
I always like vodka

and rakija

also feel better, lad
Anyway, she is bitching how she will have to recieve a call on a sunday, vote day, asking her did she vote or not
Its illegal to fire anyone if he didnt vote, but there are ways
It doesnt matter who you voted for, but you have to vote
That is how amerika and austrohungary and turks hold power here
They select our leaders and shit out the choices on the list, you can communicastly or democratically or maostacly vote that time, it makes no difference
Its like youre in 2003 and you got a new tv with the big ass, crt, hoping to get new channels
Only way i get away from all this relativity, realism, truth and time is living in the moment
When we laugh, so does God
When we tell a funny joke, its funny to Him too
Its we who are the source of problems
We put each other down to keep our own thinking same in hopes of some repetition or safety
Btw someone on ck and diy recognised me amd yes, i make pellets in free time and sell iyou can too, if uou were there, i pait described it
what kind of pellets
good evening bud, hope you've been well otherwise
I need 1 ton of pellets.
Its expensive as sloppy propper and fulfilling FUCK since 2022
I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters all from same parents all of them sane and normal, so i have proper connections to get me shit i need to create shit for me to make profit
I bragged in this thread i will build a wood chipper
I did, for next to nothing and had cnc kids build it for me, kids are more accurate than my eye could fathom
Then i get another favour from kids that know hidraulics and they compress it into log briquettes
So i say i want it in pellets, kid comes i have an idea, i say go to those people then realize it, i have the mass you will press into holes, he comes back with a drawing ffs and i send it to a place where they make it
I bought a truck again, a lorry, trucklett, doesnt carry much but im making money again
Serious money, not lunch money or any collar
Real money, can and will you or you wont and IS NOT you
Well, but im exceptionally tired every night
Hope all is good with you too
AliExpress if its legal in youre cunt or Poland but illegal way
what type of wood do you use
idk if this is for a bbq or for heating but for bbq I usually use a mix of pecan and cherry or hickory and cherry depending on the meat

eh I'm alright. not going forwards and not going backwards, but that's life
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the world needs this
I'm definitely not buying a ton of wood pellets on aliexpress.
you are free
wtf anon
Wood negro, wood
If it has calory in it, its what it is
Walnut, almond or hazelnut shell, pistachio shell, hay, dry grass, pinecones, dried pine needles, anything resembling wood, anything at all
For heating ofcourse
There are heaters you just dump in store bought 50kg bags of pellets and set a timer, temperature and ash cleaning mechanism, the machine does it all, costs about 10 to 20 thousad in your money for a building
I make it on my own, the pellets as i said using trainee labour in companies training them
I started selling machines i made out of promise, stopped being a landlord onlcy, shoved it to another person
I got a fat gf again
I get agrevated often at her, but winter is coming
Ill emd tbe relationship unless she gets oregnant
I pray to God i see snow this winter
You have to take it with a pinch of cynicism, I just think she's a tremendous hottie
a wood what
Why not?
The delivery cost skyrocketed for your area?
>delivery cost
for one tone?? kek
would, sure,
on the other hand, I will never pay for online services and I don't understand people who do it.
>I will never pay for online services
I already paid spare money for those twitch girls (those monthly signatures) but it's not my cup of tea.
In fact we latin americans really don't have much money so I'm usually very economic
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>for one tone?? kek
>AliExpress super saver free delivery
>a fucking pilgrimage of all local Ceska Posta workers to anon's place; every day; for a week
For me, it's more a question of principle.
Pay 50 EUR for an online dance? Can I touch her? No, I can't.
But does she want to suck my dick for 50 EUR in the real world? Ok, we can talk about it. kek
Is it even listed on aliexpress?
>Is it even listed on aliexpress?
I have no idea, I'm chasing my rabbits down their holes again
If you want a low price for delivery, you have to get in verbal contact aka phonecall
From my experience if you want to have shit delivered from asia to your place anywhere in europe you have to have a Belarussian dispatcher fuck and grease his or her ass with money so they deliver it to you via train
Thats what they do since 2002, they answer on their landline phones and its some gypsie song on the please wait tune thing and they use fax still
Yet i shit you not and you can try yourself, they can deliver load via train to any place to any payer into western nato globohomo europe even now
You doo need at least a truck in your ownership to unload it
Belarus for russia and the east is what israel is for globohomo world
OK, can I call you? I wanna 1 ton.
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You ain't seen nothing. Hot chicks from the elite are charging like $200 for a twenty-minute "online date" with these guys.
But this picture is older, I got it from yt. But this girl does it today.
>$200 for a twenty-minute
That was the price for an hour of good escort in Prague.
200 dollars is blingy king money for us in latin america
I know, but I'm sure you can buy a very nice company for far less money. In real world.
ah yeah, in my city a young hottie goes for 150 BRL (27.20 USD)
>hottie goes for 150 BRL (27.20 USD)
Jesus, I haven't played the sport here for more than 10 years... But I'd probably spend a couple thousand dollars in a month.
I've been talking to some Chinese sellers lately. They promise amazingly easy delivery, to take care of the customs and deliver to the door, but it sounds too easy and cheap to be true. Can they be trusted to deliver on what they promise?

kek call 0609 112 777
yes, some people likes it
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>parts seller wants to charge me $45 shipping
I would like to procure sex
browsing photoacompanhantes
those prices and that offer - unbelievable
I scored a girl from there once, she was like 21
Nice, I really can't go to Brazil. I would literally go insane.
it just seems like the right thing to do
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God put people in their right places.
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nice black bimbos, hour only for 23,57 $
>paying for sex
would not know that feel
During my studies in Prague I had a project in which I was collecting Czech "porn stars". It was just a hobby.
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sex with no love is not even that nice
That's true, but I can still enjoy it.
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we found a hardcore man

I'm kidding
when I was in Seattle I got to talking to this one girl at a bar for a couple of hours. Seemed cool, and I could tell she was open to hooking up but I'm in a relationship
lo and behold when I went to masturbate the next day I used tryst to look at local whores and she was there
I think it's like your cocaine - you just want more. And the wave that washes you is so powerful.
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In fact, the guys who choose to do porn with those beautiful women have the bonus of great pleasure, but the burden of disease is the same as anywhere in the world.
I admire them.
But I hacked the world to watch a lot of porn and keep my dick clean.
>for a couple of hours
>local whores and she was there
kekekekeke, she must have been furious - so many hours and no deal
yes, my years with coke were a great school, anyways it's adrenaline in the end
>do porn
>great pleasure
I think it's contradictory. It's a difficult profession.
>burden of disease
You're safe here. Testing, a lot and often.
>it's adrenaline in the end
I don't think it was like that at all and I think she just wanted to hook up and was feeling lonely. Mentioned moving out on her own for the first time when she was used to living with people all of the time and her partner whom she was in an open relationship with
it was a good chat and I got to see her tits, ass, and bush online afterwards
honestly for the first hour I was half sure she was a good MTF tranny because of her voice
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people from the west coast are kind of weird
they're all easy as fuck to charm
West coasters are fucking off, dude.
I can spot one from a mile away
The only normal ones are the Chicanos
I agree actually CHIs I've met from California have been pretty solid people
west coasters seem this weird mix of shy and posturing. Not particularly clever or quick on their feet verbally but very keen to have people know about how they perceive themselves, their identity, accomplishments, etc.
I agree with that somewhat
but there's still a difference I can't verbalize. It just kind of is.
It's like there's something missing in them that's present in the rest of the country
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If I wasn't a spiritualist and lived in Europe I would be tempted to be a pornstar.

the little guy arrived
>MTF tranny
This is my nightmare. I hope I never experience it.
Boris is always in a good mood. In my next life I want to be a dog in a good family.
well they don't really have regional accents or strong markers of regional identities. I think this comes out partially on their fixation of finding other markers and being sure that people are aware of them; pronouns are an example of this
It's like they're entirely modernist or postmodernist in their culture with little to no ties to the areas they live in
Seattle is a beautiful city with a neat area around it but has no food associated with it outside of teriyaki or pho or clam chowder (which is associated with elsewhere). There's no accent there despite it having a metropolitan population twice the size of Pittsburgh
It's a strange place
And puggo, as usual, passed out on the couch.
I see a lot of trannies. Weirdly back in Philly they seem pretty rare but in Pittsburgh I live near several unis and they're very common
I also don't help myself by going to gay and "goth" club events or other things that trannies like
Seattle was choke full of them
and they have the gall to call themselves the best coast
>I see a lot of trannies
It's still very rare here, but the time is coming when I'll want to see the birth certificate before sexo.
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they're different creatures
I'd consider living in the PNW but I'd get bored of the people really fast
>Boris is always in a good mood. In my next life I want to be a dog in a good family.
Boris likes to lick the whole floor of kitchen, is a bad habit of him kek
If I had to go to Penisveinyuh or the PNW, it'd be no contest
and I don't have much desire to go there, but at least there's probably a couple things to see in Philadelphia or something
the north central part of PA is one of the least populated areas of the east coast and pretty wild. But the PNW does "mog" us in terms of nature I don't deny that. Washington in particular has a lot of different stuff going on
>extraflags are something very rare on /int/
this surprised me
Just give him what he wants.
they were more common several years ago but fell out of vogue
/brit/ used to have a lot of redditflaggers but only a couple of the weirder ones are still around
me and him go to sleep early, now we just want to go to sleep (but I need to have dinner first)

also I washed my kitchen this week, it's free territory for Boris
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Give him the ham.
What would you do if you found out after the fact that you fucked a neovag?
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I'll save the ham for tomorrow, I want him to have a good sleep (he already had dinner).
Boris is just like me and have nightmares when his belly is too full
*also he just farted
>What would you do if you found out after the fact that you fucked a neovag?
I seriously doubt this could ever happen unless you're a literal virgin
there's a tranny I talk to on Der 'Cord who I didn't know wasn't a twink for like 6 months because they're exactly the same

>but the burden of disease is the same
they test them regularly on both sides so it's actually safer a lot of the time,
even for the fake "amateurs" like girlsdoporn
I'd probably lose my erection, forever.
some kind of post-traumatic stress syndrome
conway is on a trannycord getting groomed
I have always been a woman
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it's too late they've got him
Is it possible for you to broadly outline the difference between a twink and a woman
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also GN for you and the frens

gonna rest and sleep
I meant behaviour lmao
POLE is being groomed
>Mossad got Milei
the thovsand ywar argie reich...
strangled in its crib...
What's the difference in behaviour between a wanna be woman (or twink if they are the same) and a woman
probably autism when it comes down to it
a twink is just a feminine faggot boy
a tranny is probably an autistic retard all other details aside
gn anon
fuuuuuuuuuuuck I forgot to close the windows. It's probably not much over 10 °C in my bedroom right now

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Can't you just fuck women???
Or man, if you're a faggot.
>It's probably not much over 10 °C in my bedroom right now
Sometimes, when it's less than -10C outside, I open the window wide and then sleep in my sleeping bag.
do not do this
I almost never close my window, I love it when the air is cold, I just take a blanket
It's too late for me. I'm obeying my primitive brain.
I hate sex
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no sir, I'm an AMERICAN
all men have varying degrees of autism and talk about things or events in a very straightforward manner, even if that's to lie or to bullshit or whatever
like they will talk about events at the office or the events leading to a fight or whatever as literally a sequence of events

women just talk about how things made them feel or how they're judging someone for doing something they don't agree with and they can never get to the fucking point

there are rare women who can have autism and those are the tomboys and the ones who actually enjoy STEM shit (my cousin is one of them)

I have met some MTF trannies that acted enough like women to fool me for a bit, but they usually revealed themselves by getting hyperfixated autismo at something
>reddit spacing
Yeah didn't read thanks
>I feel fear and despair at the thought of reading more than one paragraph
didn't ask about your reading disorder, retard nigger

also gay twinks (not the same as like straight zoomer skelliefags) are the ones who get off to the idea of themselves as skinny and somewhat weak. this includes the vast majority of mtf trannies, who are just gay twinks who get depressed they're not as feminine and weak as a woman
I brought you into this world
and I can take you out
>gay twinks
>zoomer skelliefag
It's a great advantage to be old. I don't know what you're talking about, which means it doesn't bother me.
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I'm the oldest person in this general
I am one thousand years old
I mean thanks that's interesting
See? Not my problem.
Like the lolis??
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one chromosome too many mongoloid mongoloid
and it determined waht we could see
and he wore a hat
and he had a job
and he brought home the bacon so that no one knew....
I will always be one day older than Bucks
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I'm actually a little bit chinky looking
Hi. How are you? I came to check on you. Are you doing good? I hope you're doing fine
way too early nigger
If you're 25-30 and your main circle isn't frequently discussing:
>sexual assault via farting
>taking a shit

and is instead discussing:
>stonewall jackson
>knights of the golden circle
Then it's time to elevate your circle
It's never to early to praise Christ
>If you're 25-30 and your main circle isn't frequently discussing:
Fuck this is so old, got me feeling so old
Wait, I am old
1.25 speed
Okay, done.

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