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Good times
Checks out.
Unfortunately I'm a thin wrist fatass and will never breed
Do you actually know anyone whose marriage started this way? I heard it was long gone from another Kazakh anon.
Is there something like a fake kidnapping for your bride, just to keep in touch with tradition?
I still do that but don't breed them cause they get demanding just copulate and leave them
I don't know, but sometimes I like to carry my wife as on 3rd panel for fun
Chads still do this
Pfff haha just imagine for a moment chasing a woman, seeing the fear in her eyes as you pin her down and do whatever you want to her, casually beating her to remind her who is stronger, training her to obey and be a good fuck hole sounds like fun.
they were fun times but also rough living conditions, imagine how common it was to die from a small cut that gets infected, I get wounds like that on a weekly basis while working with wood and I have gloves and modern tools...
>You will never have to fight a saber-toothed tiger with your buddies
>You can't just wander around and build your house wherever you want.
>Today, You will have nothing and you will be happy!!
>>You can't just wander around and build your house wherever you want.
muttmericans can do that in national parls albeit
just go to africa or middle of nowhere in eastern europe, you can still do that
Not sure if this is a proper term, but benevolent rape with a loving intent is my greatest fetish. Gradually disappearing reluctance is the best sex enhancer.
my brother from a different dimension...
Whoever made this comic is an idiot, women could never live on their own, especially BC
>or middle of nowhere in eastern europe
you can't do that even in the shittiest wildest parts of balkans dumbass
governments want their taxes
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Damn. I wish I got even half the pussy this guy must get.
>le darn heckin sciencerino
I mean I hate porn where the girl is beaten up or traumatised and gorefaggotry is just the worst and kills my boner instantly, but this kind of fun, gentle rape like in the OP feels just right, like mother nature intended
English needs a separate word for this
who is the lunatic that makes these
dunno but I want to see more, cool artstyle
>you can still do that
but he won't because no matter the age we're in he's still a loser
i have his bodytipe
Never happened. Why wouldn't Paleolithic sex be consensual?
Got to give it to him, at least he doesn't self insert himself as some sort of Gigachad and portrays himself accurately.
It only worked because there was nothing to life other than food, safety and sex. Not much point in resisting being taken under the care and protection of a food provider.
Imagine someone raping your mother
Also this. Further supported by the fact that coercive sex is very rare among wild animals.
"Sciencerino" is bad because you don't die from small cuts?
...bad times
Because it's hot you massive faggot
now this is a thinker...
>there was nothing to life other than food, safety and sex.
still isn't
everything else is a spook
My dad when they were young? No problem
These two were never supposed to meet
>itt delusional pysop shit that never happened
Almost all women have rape fantasies like this
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His name is George Alexopoulos. He's most well-known as a political cartoonist in the U.S but he does all sorts of fun stuff.
I like his style too for being pretty much the only political cartoonist that doesn't go for either the full-on boomer cartoon look or some furry shit.
Too late, we will now fuse and form a sex singularity
what is that totem
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Washingotn Monument.
It's implying Harris likes BWC
Based Biden curing that young woman of blackness.
Apparently it's still a thing in some remote parts of america. I remember watching a documentary on west virginia where this old dude said something like "My kids are here cause i saw a girl walking in the woods and i sneaked up and jumped on her, now she's my wife." then the camera panned over to his smiling wife lol.
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you didn't die for a small cut you retarded nigger redditor
you have something called antibodies that is specifically there to kill bacteria, they're produced naturally by your body with the specific task of killing harmful bacteria
'toss would never go this deep
West Virginia and Appalachia was where it used to happen.
Doesn't happen anymore.
>t. descended from south Alabama hillbillies
Disinfection and things like penicillin are things for a reason now, retard.
I bet you believe in germ theory
Ohh so it's low-tier political opinion coated into funny
Fucking shut up you cunt
bussin 4 biden
Hey retard, guess why you get vaxxed against tetanus as a kid
people lived since several millennia before penicillin invention you mongoloid dumbtard
holy shit you people live in another reality
do you know that hot water kill bacteria and people boil water even before somebody observed a bacteria? do you know that people use to use herbs like onion because there is antibacteria in it?

do you seriously believe that people die from a small cut before penicilline? penicillin invention helped a lot to avoid infection over big ass wound or if you have to cut a leg
do you take an antibiotics if you cut with paper or with a knife cutting carrots? get a fucking grip

there is no difference between beliving this obvious bullshit and 5g causing cancer or autism
reddit faggots are just like facebook boomers
People still don't usually die from cuts but the likelihood was far greater in the past. I bet you smell like onions and wet dogs.
this is how I learmed what these acronyms meant
At least he tries to be funny before being political rather than the other way around.
you have to make a new vaccine every 10 years because tetanus vaccine expires
you mongoloid
stop believing bullshit

when male animal fight in the mating seasons they fight till bleeding do they all die? no, they have antibodies and most of the time they survive, you absolute dumbfuck
not onion, it's garlic with antibiotic properties
this heckin redditino sciencerino is really brainroting people
imagine hunting in a forest 30.000 BC, the first leaf cutting your skin and it's over you have to die
Yeah, I know and mine is up to date
You said herbs like onion.
It's weird to go "heckin sciencerino" to someone saying it was more common to die from something that's now very easy to treat.
That ruined it for me as well
people saw this and still voted Trump
Brown qts deserve to keep their mocha skin
and then I rectified: it's garlic, not onion
what? are you missing medication again?
I said people didn't die from a small cut

also people should stop to take antibiotics for small cuts aswell

..but gosh my hackin holy science youtuber said that if you don't live yourself inside a disinfectant bubble 24/7 you gonna die tomorrow
people saw this and still voted Biden
>if you don't live yourself inside a disinfectant bubble 24/7 you gonna die tomorrow
Nobody ever says this.
le epic redditor holy science believer did for 3 years
Women deserve being treated like this. Women WANT to be treated like this.
Deep down inside women fucking hate dates, even when they get free food out of it. It's just so fucking boring to them.
They don't want to talk about jobs or politics or houses or the fucking weather. They don't want to talk at all.
They want to be taken by a man who sees them as disposable fuckmeat, and then turn that man into a husband, taking a few blows along the way.
Maybe they should've mainlined onion juice and urine instead.
Chuds need their cope.
Your and my ancestors did that to women of pre indoeuropean Europe, but before them these practices were not so common in Eurasia
garlic again fucktard, you redditors are really stupid fr fr
no I didn't btw I don't need nothing because my antibodies are good enough to not be precautions for bullshits
I'll take antibiotics when Ill need to amputate my legs or if I take gonorrhea from your mom
do you take antibiotics when you cut yourself shaving yourself?
No I just eat raw onions
I do because onions are really good
I guess you don't because
> holy science darn it, they're too spicy, onion make my mouth tickle weirdly let me take antibiotics
Stay at home wives and concubines was a phenomenon born out of an excess of food and resources. There's still stone age civilizations existing to this day. This has never been how relationships work in them. It's traditions born in civilized regions that could afford useless people that then retroactively project similar relationship dynamics on the people who came before them.
Did you know raw onions prevent tetanus and smallpox?
Shouldn't it be "お前はもう妊娠でいる"
>His name is George Alexopoulos
Browns are always the most schizophrenic chuddies lol.
I thought whole American identity was around larping as greek
I need a fuckt checker to verify it with pfizer
my tetanus vaccination expired 5-6 years ago and two year I scratched my arm with a rusty barbed wire fence
[r/spoiler]I didn't die[/r/spoiler]
>Your and my ancestors did that to women of pre indoeuropean Europe, but before them these practices were not so common in Eurasia

It is common in regions with strong mongol warrior mentality, see >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKAusMNTNnk&pp=ygUca3lyZ3l6c3RhbiBmb3JjZSB3b21hbiBtYXJyeQ%3D%3D
Nice, seat belts are unnecessary as well.
never used unironically
I just don't crash

we allow weakling to survive
if you get tetanus and die you are too weak to live, I'm sorry
Good, keep not using them so you'll stop posting for good.
The ultimate Nord v. Med debate
not gonna happen because I just don't crash, easy

becareful to not cut yourself with the wood of the sauna bucket because you could die by infection, internet won't survive with your upvote contribution and your immense rick & morty knowledge
Yeah, people can see all angles and obstacles at all times and can predict future. It's why they invented the helmet for no good reason.
worst reference ever
Now we larp as Blacks and Women; we larped as Greeks and Romans until the 60s
I don't think anyone else here speaks hieroglyphs.
Japs get active when it's night/early morning here
>helmet was invented for car crashes
kek redditors are absolute retarded, completely alienated from reality beyond any kind of redemption

I guess they invented the horse inspired by the engines horsepower then
btw I don't know how it works in your country, but here, if you can't see every obstacles at any angle around you they don't give you the license
you can't hit a pedestrian wearing seatbelt and helmet (in the car lmao) they still take away your license
Yeah that's precisely what I thought, that a helmet is for when you're driving a car. I thought I was talking to a low IQ moron for a second but you redeemed yourself.
you wear the helmet driving your car? may neil degrasse tyson darn it, you're going hardcore on /r/cuckold
Traditionally it was centered around larping as Jews. That's why Israel's strongest support comes from boomers. Younger generations no longer wish to die for Israel. Times have changed.
Yes it's not like I can bring up a hundred things to humiliate you with and I was actually talking about using a helmet in a car. That's it.
you must be so good, how many meds do you take for being this good? i feel so humiliated right now, my emotional wounds need some penicillin or I could die
Now merge into one
To be that good you need to eat pasta with raw onions and no sauce. And being 40 while living with mom.
my mom died because she cut herself slicing onions and the wound infected and of courseshe died, I mean a cut on the fingers could be deadly without le heckin mold pills. reddit wasn't invented back than so I could ask there for help to a true certified fact checkers
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What I love about right wing cartoons is how insidious and underhanded they are, and the ease with which they move the line between sincerity and supposed insincerity.
>Haha! Look at these lunatic, leftwing women! Seriously thinking that if it were up to us, we’d force upon them a future where abortion’s illegal, and where they have to abandon their feminist activism and settle down to get married and make white babies. Can you believe that’s what they actually think we have in store for them? Lmao!
>...but also, society would be a million times better off if abortion was 100% illegal, the feminist movement was eradicated, and the only goals women had in life were to get married and make white babies.
It’s like getting stabbed in the throat by some guy who’s laughing at you, claiming you’re once again “overreacting” by acting like he’s actually trying to kill you.

>Can you believe those looney libs! They’re acting like we were ACTUALLY going to murder any Congressman we got our hands on. Can you believe that? Haha
>Haha but seriously though...Next time, no mistakes and no mercy.
All the verbal radicalism could be born out of implicit belief that the opposing force will always exist. The only way to know for sure is see how they would act if the opposite party completely disappears.

If the Dems collapsed overnight, would the GOP immediately turn into Christian Taliban overnight like the libs always say they would, or would they hold back and turn out like Eastern European conservatives at most? It's unknowable unless the scenario occurs for real. I think the latter is more likely though, in my experience Americans talk more shit than they actually mean.
Of course she died, usually dumb parents don't produce smart offspring.
did you read it on mengele diary? are into le epic /r/physiognomy? not very scientific my bro, your reddit gold is permanently revoked
I just read what rejects say on /int/, that's more fun
they didn't want to get denigged. imagine having all your melanin stolen when you live under the scorching american sun
>They’re acting like we were ACTUALLY going to murder any Congressman we got our hands on.
Uh these days it's mostly libs trying to do assassinations lol
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The comic clearly implies having a lot of babies is actually a good thing, dunno where you're taking these paragraphs of schizo rambling from
now that is TRAD
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being a heathen isn't easy
now that is DUMB
>Haha do you SERIOUSLY think that if you surrendered to the Republican Taliban, they'd be just as extreme in victory as they claimed they were going to be before their victory?
As time has shown again and again, yes. The GOP has never joked about the extreme policies they want; the only separating them from getting all the fucked-up shit they claim they want is the opposition stopping them. Whenever and wherever the opposition to the GOP getting all the fucked-up shit they want collapses, the GOP gets all the fucked-up shit they always told everyone they wanted to get.

After spending decades decrying government programs that were wasting money on the American people, Reagan told everyone before the 1980 election that medicare, medicaid, and social security would be safe in his hands, before immediately getting to work trying to bump as many Americans off medicare and medicaid as he could while signing the first ever tax on collecting social security benefits (something that’s already taxed, since the program itself is just a giant tax people already paid into.) If he actually believed these programs should be “safe,” he never would’ve switched to the party that fought tooth and nail against these programs ever being created in the first place.
When Trump “won” in 2016, everyone was going on and on about how we should all give him a chance, since he was gonna fix the economy and he was gonna be “socially liberal” on all issues except immigration and abortion. When he left office in early 2021, the nation’s deficit had sextupled and the country was mired in the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, the worst pandemic in a century, and the worst wave of mass rioting since the civil war, and two years after that, the three justices he rammed onto the court help overturn Planned Parenthood v. Casey. All those “socially liberal” policies he was gonna pursue? In 2017, he signed an executive order expanding protections for tax-exempt religious organizations to participate in the political sphere without risking their tax-exempt status. He then lets healthcare providers refuse services they disagreed with religiously, allows federal contractors to refuse service to LGBT individuals, and crams over 200 ultra-rightwing justices onto federal courts to ensure the fundamentalist right can use the courts to get whatever they want for decades to come. And that’s just a start.

So can we please, FINALLY shut the fuck up about this “do you think they’re really as awful as they’re always promising to be” nonsense? Just shut the fuck up with it already; it’s worn out. You’d have to be like eight years old or not know what the US even is to still sincerely believe what you just said. The man who’d be the great fiscally conservative, “socially liberally” president ends up governing just as rightwing as George W. Bush did.

>turn out like Eastern European conservatives at most?
Oh yeah, those moderates who are always going on about how Hitler was right after all? Yeah, maybe Republicans will moderate themselves like Eastern European rightwingers do. After all, Hitler himself was tamed by his stay in prison, right?
well i see in some cultures they say 'kidnapped' when a couple elopes, a man 'stealing' her away from her family when her family doesn't approve of marriage. they either start a new household elsewhere or she joins his family's existing household. because women are traditionally dependents of their birth family then husband once married, and are not the initiator or courter.

but there seems to be a more literal kidnapping in a select few cultures.
Yeah? The guy who spent the past decade telling his supporters to go out and inflict violence on people is now reaping the wind he's sown in the form of one registered Republican trying to shoot him, and another mentally ill man getting his hands on guns thanks to policies pushed by himself and his party.

Must suck to suck that hard, but you guys would know.
I mean your dad is pretty much the only guy that can tell you he fucked your mom without it sounding offensive
Lmao leave it to a fucking Pole to not only have zero reading comprehension, but also zero ability to understand an animated comic.
and this is because women are not considered to have much agency generally, not considered to be sexual themselves but an object of desire, and in practice dependent on others so must be obedient.
wtf is wrong with italians.
>you guys
>assumes I'm R or D for stating the obvious fact that liberals prefer assassinations and riots while conservatives prefer terrorism
The absolute state of America.
>as rightwing as Bush
Lmao, milennials are communists if they think Bush is actually right wing
>When he left office in early 2021, the nation’s deficit had sextupled and the country was mired in the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, the worst pandemic in a century, and the worst wave of mass rioting since the civil war, and two years after that
Democrats spend even more money, the economy wasn't collapsed but damaged by leftist policies shutting down businesses during The Great Coof and it was niggers and leftists rioting because they didn't like Trump.

What the fuck is your problem?
Oh, and the bat virus was caused by your loved chinks
He's not wrong, Republicans went full schizo when Obama won and polarized even further with 2016
They've definitely radicalized and started their radicalization earlier; but Democrats and radical leftists completely spun off into crazy town after 2016 and especially 2020.
I don't think you understand just how radioactive and nonsensical politics are here. Just this week a NAFO autist tried to shoot Trump and the Republican candidate for governor in NC was revealed to be a coomer to tranny porn who posted on /pol/.
Wasn't it a thing in Italy recently?

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