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Do you agree? Which is most kino?
>lowland scots are closer to bretons than to the english
Completely retarded
southern france kinda make sense but i don't see why you would separate it but keep all the germans and all the italians together even though they have far, far greater cultural difference north and south, than southern france has west and east

this whole map is dumb
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>Ostrobothnian fennoswedes
>germanic culture
It's full of weird and contradictory things, but I like how our case a few Russian fishing villages in the Danube Delta changed the whole culture of the area to East Slav, but the large Romanian regions in Transylvania are fully Hungarian.
I also like Hungarian Brasov, (which is actually more in Prahova on that map) which should be German if one would go by historic non-Romanian ethnic groups present but isn't, and random Hungarian Resita
Makes sense
The map seems to have a few well-detailed spots, like in Russia and France while the rest of it was filled in a hurry.
The entire balkans + slovenia + cyprus are not a monoculture.
Looks like some linguistic meme map, nothing here indicates culture
>Estonia closer to Finland than to Latvia
>Muh German autism in Poland
>Muh celtic cornwall/Brittany
>Hungarian trianon larp
>Crimea somehow not in the east slav grouping
>Georgians and Chechens in the same category for some reason
Shitty map
>The entire balkans + slovenia + cyprus are not a monoculture.
Umm, sweetie. Your culture is turkish.
>nothing here indicates culture
Can an American even identify culture?
Yeah, every time I have to go outside I put my lederhosen on greet everyone with a guten tag, as does everyone in western and norther Poland, as well as in Kaliningrad apparentely. Brb getting myself a beerstein of the best heineken deutschemarks can afford.
In all seriousness these are literally just ethnic borders from a century ago, right down to the bizzare exclaves. If you think people who were deported to a piece of land somehow share a culture with the people who were deported out of it prior to their arrival, you are retarded.
This map equates ethnicity/language to culture. this is often not the case. For example, just because Basques have a different language/ethnicity than Spaniards, doesnt mean that they form a distinct cultural group any more than Asturians or something. Same with celts, are the Irish actually culturally distinct to Brits? maybe slightly. are they closer to Bretons than to Anglos? Absolutely not. I mentioned Georgians and Chechens too. Sure they are both caucasians, but Chechens are culturally closer to the taliban while Georgians are culturally more in the communist Balkanite sphere like Bulgaria and Romania
>This map equates ethnicity/language to culture.
It doesn't even do that, it equates those from a century ago to the modern day. Imagine going to Cornwall and saying they aren't in the English cultural area because of a dead language. Even dividing britain up into these parts makes no sense. Brits + the Irish basically exist in the same social ecosystem due to their shared language. Welsh is the only one out of these that isn't on the brink and it still hardly justifies their seperation.
bulgaria should be in the arabian sphere
yeah, same with the Occitan language on that map. it looks like some EU4 cultural mapmode
no, i don't agree. those borders are form like 18th centrury
I don't think it makes sense to think of cultural areas as something that have clear-cut boundaries, except in rare cases where two very different cultures border each other. I don't get a culture shock from travelling from Eastern Switzerland to France or Italy. Neither is Northern German culture always more similar to my culture than the Central French or North Italian one.
>Ticino, Sicily, Sardinia all same culture
>Greece, Bosnia, Slovenia all same culture
>Cornwall and England not same culture
>Brittany and France not same culture
>Poland somehow still half Germanic in culture
impressive work
I've been to Pécs many times, don't remember it being German
is there a reason why Italy isn't three different countries? It was never historically united in any meaningful way since the Roman Empire (unlike Germany which had the HRE)
Sardinia has nothing in common with Italy and should be independent. What does Sicily, for example, have in common with Lombardia? When people think of Italy, they always think of Sicily or Southern Italy. On the other hand, Milan and Turin are basically French cities.
>is there a reason why Italy isn't three different countries?
What an irony, considering your history.
My country is basically monoethnic and monoreligious, so don't start. Meanwhile you're asking an Italian anon to tell you who Vittorio Emmanuel and Garibaldi were, because I guess they don't teach you that in Swiss school.
In short, there was a lot of people who didn't think Italians from the other side of the country were basically aliens, that's why Italy unified.
>When people think of Italy, they always think of Sicily or Southern Italy
depends what you consider Southern Italy I suppose, most tourist go to Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Milan
I'd say most people still consider the Tuscan country side as the typical Italian landscape, which is very different from Sicily or Puglia, though I guess still terrone.
Anyway, the Italic culture still existed all throughout the centuries, so it's not like it was pulled out someone's ass, and central/northern Italy were always pretty connected culturally, even through the HRE and the Papacy.
There was still a massive effort to Italianize the cunt in the 20th century but that's true for a lot of other nations as well.
Can anyone name these sporadic extra European ethnic units?
>My country is basically monoethnic and monoreligious, so don't start.
You're a special kind of stupid if you think that the legitimacy of a state depends on it being monoethnic. (Ignoring for once here that Poland has historically been one of the least monoethnic nations in Europe), Poland is the perfect example of a nation where the idealistic delusion of "one people - one state" clashes with the reality of it being Germany's and Russia's playground. It figured that a Pole would be in such a state of denial about reality.
>because I guess they don't teach you that in Swiss school.
Ignoring here again that I don't consider this argument to be particularly strong, I strongly prefer to be lectured about Italian history by an actual Italian, rather than a Pole. Next, you're going to lecture me on Swiss politics.
>In short, there was a lot of people who didn't think Italians from the other side of the country were basically aliens, that's why Italy unified.
No, nations don't just unify because people from opposing parts of the country like each other. That's a stupid argument. It's also not true. The south was forcibly integrated into Northern Italy which was in essence nothing more than the continuation of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont. Once Italy unified, policies were enacted that specifically sought to standardize language, speech and culture across all of Italy because no such standardization naturally arised unlike in German Europe, where people from both Schleswig and Switzerland (1000 km apart) have been in command of Standard German since the 16th century.
>Poland is the perfect example of a nation where the idealistic delusion of "one people - one state" clashes with the reality of it being Germany's and Russia's playground. It figured that a Pole would be in such a state of denial about reality.
A historical abberation. Poland was unified for a longer time than most european countries. But what can I expect to find on /int/ if not pop-history brained know-it-alls.
>, I strongly prefer to be lectured about Italian history by an actual Italian, rather than a Pole. Next, you're going to lecture me on Swiss politics.
The gall of a retard who just tried telling me about my own history.
>The south was forcibly integrated into Northern Italy which was in essence nothing more than the continuation of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont.
Yeah, and now the English are living under the Essex yoke according to your logic. Fucking dumbass.
Check the monarchy referendum to see how the Piedmontese dynasty's popularity was spread out.
There's one culture, the human culture. Unironically, if some space humans start excavating europe eight thousand years from now, they'll come to the conclusion that we were all the same culture since we bury the dead the same way and our pottery is just a bunch of IKEA glasses. They'll probably think Bulgaria was the richest country with all the glasses they've produced.
I don't think this discussion is productive in any way. We talk past each other.
Maybe, I should mark my comments with /s, or some other equivalent, since many apparently can't recognize posts also meant to trigger/annoy certain nationalities (that I triggered Poles and not Italians amuses me). At the end, all conquest is by sword. As if it mattered what kind of cheese people eat there.
retarded map lol
1. Italic
2. Iberian
3. Mediterraneo-Alpine
4. German
5. Netherlandish
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Everyone I know has ikea-hemnes furniture.... even the fucking airbnb I rented in france had two pieces.
someone didn't get the 1945 memo
>is there a reason why Italy isn't three different countries
it was united by military force, that's your reason

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