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Why haven’t you relocated to a better city yet in your country?

I recently moved from Asbury Park, New Jersey to Tulsa, Oklahoma and it’s the best decision I ever made in my country
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i do
i move on 1.October from Westgermany 90% muslims and braindead wokies town to Eastgermany with 15% migrants and 35% AfD voters town.

It´s not perfect, not paradise on earth but my new flat is 2 times bigger and i have fast internet and a balcony and it´s 100 euros cheaper than my small ass noisy flat at the Train Station. So that´s a huge W for me

And by the way who is going to pay for my new apartment ? .... J O B C E N T E R
Because decent jobs are concentrated in fucking Seoul. I want to move out to Busam so bad
I working on it
nice. Good luck
I've lived in:

- Seattle WA (current)
- Vancouver / Portland PNW
- San Francisco CA
- Los Angeles CA
- San Diego CA
- Phoenix AZ
- Orlando FL

moving around is a good thing to do I'd recommend it for everyone. find out what places you like best and find your tribe
Did you like Arizona and Florida?

t. Trying to move to Arizona, Colorado or Florida and had several interviews in those places
I can’t because of disability. I will be stuck in nigger hell (Louisiana) forever. FML
Anon are you living on Tulsa time?
Only decent places for me to relocate
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Tell us about Tulsa
and do what for a fucking job? i'd love to move anywhere that isn't the GTA, but i'm broke and i need to work
Wouldn't you get more/better benefits in a different state? If you don't have kids to feed then you have nothing to lose.
Really comes down to how much you like driving and american suburbia desu. Both states have notorious sprawl. If I were you I'd choose Colorado but I've never been there so hard to say. I've heard it's just more suburbia americana but with a nice mountain backdrop, which is more than FL or AZ have at least.

I lived in Arizona for like 7 years thoughout middle and high school. I lived in Florida for my first job after university (also my grandparents moved there around the same time so I've explored most cities in the state).

Phoenix AZ is changing really quickly, due to a lot of datacenters and manufacturing facilities moving in. Job prospects there are likely the best out of the three. But it's also the worst option for livability, with heat in the summer months being extreme and unbearable.

Life in Prescott AZ I've heard is quite nice. A lot of the northern towns in AZ can be comfortable and escape the heat quite nicely. If you work remotely then those are good options.

Tampa FL is a pretty nice city and if I had to live in FL it would be there. There are decent job opportunities in Orlando and Miami, both seem to have better job prospects than Tampa. I really hated my time in Orlando though - it's an ugly city outside of winter park and wasn't a great place to live imo.
You dont get benefits unless you declare yourself a NEET who cant work at all. I make 50k/yr working from home (live with family) but if I had to pay for a nurse to assist me with eating/dressing/etc it would not be enough.

Plus NEETbux aren’t that great if you aren’t used to absolute poverty.
Isn’t it like 5% white nowadays
I believe it's the whitest city on that list.
why are datacenters and manufacturing facilities moving into a literal desert lol
I'm in Guadalajara, Jalisco and I want to move back to Cordoba, Veracruz, as this place is boring as fuck, but there are no jobs on Cordoba so I just go there during my vacations with my family. Why Cordoba? I have a house there on downtown, there are many places for the family like the alameda ( a huge park with kids games and where you can practice running in the morning as dogs are not allowed ). Then on the afternoons we walk around the city buying tacos, tortas or seafood cocktails as there are many places that make them really good. I don't even need a car over there as I live really close to downtown. Sometimes my wife and I go to strip clubs or bars where trova is still played. We also go dancing to other bars that play cumbia or salsa. Once we get really tired of dancing and drinking we just walk back to our house. Here in Jalisco you need a car and you can only find oxxos and not really that much nightllife aside from strip clubs or getting drunk at a bar.
Land and electricity is cheap
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I've lived in 4 countries and 6 cities.
I've been through Tulsa to see an air show at the air force base nearby, what a fucking shithole
I did move from the parisian region to a 10k people town in vendee (atlantic coast).
It's poorer but the school of my children is like 95% white.
You're brown ?
i did the opposite in my country, I come from a small 10k town that is 95% austrian and moved to Vienna which is like 50% austrian these days
Shit vienna is that bad ? I thought it was still a nice place. You mean 50% brown or 50% other european nationalities btw ?
Tulsa is really nice. I grew up in Norman and Oklahoma is really underrated, I live in Maryland now and honestly I miss the one story brick houses with nice lawns quite a bit. You can get a McMansion for like 400 grand in Oklahoma.
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If you look at a map of Phoenix it should be a bit more clear, CHEAP real estate since you can expand infinitely in all directions.

this makes development in AZ incredibly cheap which makes it a desirable place for capital intensive projects, cost of real estate development is often the largest expense for projects like these in more urban areas

its apparently the largest metro area in the southwest USA which has a fifth of the US population, so latency for datacenters is low.

Phoenix also has sustainable power which makes large datacenters less polluting:
>Perhaps even more attractive, given the recent emphasis around datacenter sustainability, is where Phoenix gets its power from. The state has a pretty healthy mix of nuclear and sustainable power and is home to the largest nuclear power plant, the Palo Verde Generating Station with a net capacity of 32 million megawatt-hours

these projects get state government incentives to build there too, because Phoenix has to exist for some reason and this is as good a reason as any

eh there's a lot of browns here especially in the younger generations. Most common religion (about 1/3) for primary schoolers is islam iirc but there's also a lot of eastern and south eastern europeans
I'm not white and think that mentality is a bit unhealthy to have if you ever want to live in a metro area
Im moving my brown ass and bringing my 4 primos with me to some timmy towns. I hear oklahomie is good. They'll bring their wives and 2-6 children each as well.
i don't live in a city and i never want to
Browns are locusts. They will eat the world.
When I go to Cordoba this is my itinerary
>Monday - Friday
8 a.m: go buy some picaditas at San Antonio Church with the family
9 a.m: buy some chinese shit, walk around downtown doing window shopping
10 a.m: sit at the park, talk to old acquaintances and buy an ice cream, I buy the currant ice lolipops. May be buy a snack like chips and an horchata drink, Then we walk around 7 blocks crosiing el mercado and go buy some birria de chivo, soup and tacos
11;30 a.m eating freshly made goat

Truly a walkable city

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