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What do you do in this situation?
If I were a wagie I would’ve unironically have already killed a crackhead or a robber. Being a wagie is enough suffering by itself, I have no idea how they do it.
fight the bum to death
without sounding mad ?
What even happens in the US if you assault crackheads? Does the police care? Will anyone report you?
He's a nigger so you'd either get stabbed or go to jail
There's no winning here
>typed while his maid wipes his ass
I know about the memes. Realistically though. If you just walked up behind him and threw a haymaker in his temple and then got off, what would happen? I don't think anything would. What is he going to do?
how do you not get spiritually fatigued seeing this shit on your way back from a 10-hour workday?
Crackheads are not hard to kill. Or just knock him out from behind.
crackheads can endure more than one punch, better choke him out like your first post
why are bulbhead tbp havers like this?
Thats just fairy tale urban legend to make civilians afraid to take it in their own arms.
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tbps can’t endure a singular punch
You really think you'd get away with it in this day and age?
Show him my jujitsu skill aswell
Sucker punch him
amerigolems just think this is the "norm" that theres always a few "bad apples" in every "big city"
Mind my business since he isn't really doing anything other than be slightly annoying
you'd get in trouble most likely, its not worth it unless you or someone u care for is being attacked, in this situation just walk away unless ur fine with being arrested, having to appear to court dates, having to pay legal fees etc
He didn't actually punch anyone wtf?
>mind my business
bro this dude is swinging in front of their faces LMAO
He doesn't actually hit anybody, not worth escalating the situation he is clearly having a mental illness episode. Your people lack discipline and reasoning skills that's why you are irrelevant on the world stage because you are busy risking your testicles to fight schizos on the train
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>He doesn't actually hit anybody, not worth escalating the situation he is clearly having a mental illness episode. Your people lack discipline and reasoning skills that's why you are irrelevant on the world stage because you are busy risking your testicles to fight schizos on the train
K cletus I guess you should pull out grand pappy's gun and wax the whole car because Jatrayvious is off his meds. Notice how nobody did anything and neither would you.
how many dozen sexual partners has your gf had? besides me?
In half the states, you'd be priority 1 for all police in the state and they would call it a hate crime. You would get a show trial and the maximum sentence. Of course, if some schizo gives you a permanent brain injury doing the same thing he's out of jail literally the same day with $0 bail and they probably don't pursue charges.
In the other half of states the police would come talk to you if they could find you and probably end up not pressing charges.
I hate how polarized and political it is here.
Idk. That's why i'm asking. Aren't these people dying in the gutter from overdoses and sepsis in cities all over the US? That shit is happening in broad daylight. What's one of them getting sucker punched in the subway going to matter to anyone?
Man shut the fuck up it's a nigger swatting flies it isnt a federal case. If he actually hit someone it would be different and like i said this same exact thing could happen at you and your cousins wedding and nobody would do shit other than meemaw posting to her facebook
main character vibes
You're smoking crack. White people NEVER face consequences for their actions, unless they're famous and some other rich white person wants to take them down a peg. Remember affluenza? Probably not, you weren't even born most likely.
>Aren't these people dying in the gutter from overdoses and sepsis in cities all over the US?
It's genuinely only in major leftist cities. In the rest of the country we don't give them free gibs or put them in jail for acting like this so you don't see them.
Disturbing the peace is a crime
We give homeless people free gibs and free drugs and generally our welfare systems are so generous it would make americans blush, yet it isn't nowhere as bad here as american cities. There must be something else you're doing wrong?
>there are no homeless in charleston wv
There are more people in nyc alone than there are in your entire country, obviously there will be more visible drug addicts just by nature of population volume

I think you know that though and you're just being a dick sucking retard intentionally
What fantasy land do you live in and how can I get there?
I would chalk it up to lower quality people and cultural shortcomings.
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>K cletus I guess you should pull out grand pappy's gun and wax the whole car because Jatrayvious is off his meds. Notice how nobody did anything and neither would you.
>There are more people in nyc alone than there are in your entire country,
But you said leftie cities, and I was thinking about cities like Denver which is roughly the same size as Oslo yet the homeless situation isn't nearly as bad. Keep in mind that we're also forced by EU to give housing to literal gypsies.
since 3 weeks I need to travel with an inter city train trough cologne and I saw atleast 2 dudes since then that were completely tweaked out on stimulants since. the same dude multiple times. and I dont mean just some nervousness they were literally twitching nonstop and looked completely paranoid. both times they sat in front or otherwise close to me and since I have experience with drugs myself I completely ignore them calmly... but I think this makes them even more paranoid "why can this dude be completely chill while Im completely losing it." the strange thing is they were dressed like they were heading to work like anybody else
It's called Earth dipshit. POC get decades in prison for the exact same shit the local sheriff pats Timmy on the head and tells him not to do again.
>noooooooo why doesn't my melanin shield me from the consequences of my actions NOOOOOOOOO!!!
A little hustle and bustle

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