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All colonizer should return their stolen loot
Unfortunately all of the artifacts will be destroyed in the Indonesian Civil War that begins in 2029
I am happy for your cukture being returned to you, aside from moral issue in this day and age it is not necessary to physically possess objects when they can simply be scanned and exact replica made
>the Netherlands returns stuff that nobody cared about
Big deal, the Egyptian stuff simply ain't going back
>pagan shit
in most cases they were purchased by private individuals from private individuals before the states that now supposes ownership of ""their"" ""heritage"" even existed.
The dutch would probably take better care of those artifacts unironically
Real countries have them otherwise you would desecrate or destroy them, it's for your own good
exactly. notice they only give away shit nobody cares about to keep up appearances
>200 year old statues
kek who fucking cares?
How did one small island country make EVROPA kneel?
Given that those countries always destroyed all their own artifacts, I think they should be thanking europeans for keeping some safe. It's like the chinese whining about stolen treasures when they literally tried to erase their history for marxism
It's significant because if it was any other time for the Dutch government in history, they wouldn't even remotely think for a second about returning anything. And it's not just these few items, they've returned about a thousand or so cultural artefacts they took from Indonesia.

Interesting times we live in.
ancient indo braham status have nothing to do with today' islamic subhuman SEAmonke dog.
This. it should stay with the dutch or go to nepal or india
agreed and then we should recolonize your countries so westerners can see all this stuff in its original place for affordable round trip rates.
More like the Dutch are just a bunch of cheapskates
Once they found out we can actually keep those artifacts (unlike some thirdie countries) they gave the burden of keeping them to us
This is a big mistake
We're fucking thirdies, every penny should be allocated to more important matters like building the economy
Fuck archaeologyfags
So you'll destroy it like the primitive troglodytes you are
Nah we prefer bombing Aussies
So when are Indonesians giving these statues to us?
What statues?
i'm ok with that for indonesia, you guys seem stable enough
but places like iraq and syria should wait
why does indonesia need these? isnt that a muslim country now?
not all muslims are isis who think those statues are being worshipped
or atleast i hope not
A lot of them were also gifts given to explorers, traders and diplomats.
>All colonizer should return their stolen loot
... so that muslim extremists can immediately destroy them. Sure.
you have clearly not seen what muslims in majority do to every single non-islamic structure or statue then, and only here to spout some morally superior libtard crap
>let me tell you about your cunt
you don't get it jeet
we treat hindu gods, artefact, and temple like how eropean treat roman pagan shit
my university have a ganesh as it's symbol and even the cuddies mudlim don't give a fuck
>itb nigger not talking about his dork ass campus for more than 5 minutes challenge
kejauhan. our national symbol is garuda & literally everyone watched my little krishna
basic hindu theology were though in elementary school. muslim know more about brahma, wisnu, syiwa than father, son, and holy spirit.

>inb4: just be hindu again then
it's the universal fairy tales, every european know about zeus/jupiter but only larper converted back
Shouldn't it be Saraswati
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Please return to the empire
that's personification like liberty statue
>doing jackshit nothing but resources extraction for a hundred years
even the britisher were better than you
unironically this, indogs are radical muzzies
but isn't egypt filled with egyptian statues and ruins?
the extremist muslim is the one that chops the head the moderate muslim is the one that holds the feet. They will certainly put these artifacts in a dump and forget them.
kys indog. glory to colonialism
They recently stole gold from crimeans afaik
I'm still mad about the Bamiyan Buddhas
Not all Muslims yes, I agree. But it took 19 people for 9/11
Fuck until you get your own ground
Yoour own town
Yeah what comes aorund goes around
it takes a massive group effort to do good things and one or two retards to do a terrible tragedy

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