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I know I'm a little late to the party but with Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo being the first female president in Mexico, how do Mexicans feel about it? Will this bring an end to the Narco state? Is Mexico's future bright under her leadership?
>how do Mexicans feel about it?
most dont care/know about that or jews in general
Will this bring an end to the Narco state?
probably no
Is Mexico's future bright under her leadership?
Mexico will prevail no matter what
a continuation of the policies of the current government, for better or worse
Mexico will do fine anyway, the current trade war between the USA and China benefits us
Interesting. seems like Mexico is shaping up to be a great Nation. I'd love to visit more than just Tijuana
She was elected because the party she belongs to (center-left) is the most popular, in large part thanks to the current president's populist and demagogic 4D chess.

I didn't vote for her, I voted for a 3rd way party (Movimiento ciudadano).

>what's mexico's future looking like
All the gibs morena is giving have increased people's domestic economy but I fear these will become a time bomb unless the government increases tax collection which Sheinbaum doesn't seem to have a plan for beyond just bullying great companies who own billions.

The violence issue is deteriorating in the sense that there is no real sign the cartels are becoming weaker, the capture of their leaders is just causing inner wars and deteriorating the cooperation between the USA and México because both cunts want to use it for political gains.

>What's the best Sheinbaum can offer?
Passenger trains and more eco-friendly energy sources, and maybe a more open or less stuborn administration than the current president.

>what's the worst that can happen?
Morena becomes the new de-facto dictatorial party thanks to its immense popularity and the abysmal unpopularity of most opposition parties.
Hadn't this electon the world record for candidates or potenial candidates assassinated?
*for the most
>Will this bring an end to the Narco state?
>Is Mexico's future bright under her leadership?
lmao even
>in large part thanks to the current president's populist and demagogic 4D chess.

Superpower by 2040
Cuba conquered an annexed by 2045
Mexican troops marching on Washington DC by 2050
>Will this bring an end to the Narco state?
The narcos only exist in the poorest and most remote areas of the country, if you live in the main cities you don't have to worry about it.

>Is Mexico's future bright under her leadership?
They are going to build more passenger trains to connect all the major cities in the country to each other, I don't care about the rest, in 6 years we are supposed to have trains, so, yes, Mexico is improving.
>Will this bring an end to the Narco state?
The cartel is not mexico's problem to fix.
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> Movimiento ciudadano
My neighbors says there are cuban training camps in Oaxaca
Why are people hung up on her being Jewish like it's a bad thing? Jews normally run things to be successful.
> t.ADL
>The narcos only exist in the poorest and most remote areas of the country, if you live in the main cities you don't have to worry about it.
fucking delusional
Judeomexichangos are just good shaboo goyims. And I taught apezilians are passives to landlords and banks
>Will this bring an end to the Narco state?
Americans are truly smoothbrained.
Unfortunate. I really wish sheinbaum turns out to be a chudette and deports all centracas, sudacas and caribbean monkeys
>The narcos only exist in the poorest and most remote areas of the country, if you live in the main cities you don't have to worry about it.
Dis nigga is retarded </3
He probably lives in an upscale part of Mexico City and has never left that area or read any news
I'm moving to Mexico (gentrifying a barrio in ciudad Mexico), is this a good time. Don't know much about Mexican politics except that I think Porfirio Diaz was a cool guy
A narco was killed in Polanco (where the multi millionares live) like 1 week ago while he was parking his car
no, Mexico City is a fucking shithole, go to Queretaro, Saltillo or Merida, these are all better cities.
Idk, mexico city council just passed a law about private property that kinda sounds like communism but for real lmao
>I didn't vote for her, I voted for a 3rd way party (Movimiento ciudadano).
Well, that sounds like a bit of a roundabout way of saying you're mentally retarded, but OK. I live in a state with a governor from that party who's known for making absurd promises that he should know he won't be able to live up to and who's got a sketchy record when it comes to a lot of stuff (such as having a PhD from a diploma mill and pretending he adopted a child one time when he was really just taking an infant out of an orphanage to take some publicity pictures). I see Movimiento Ciudadano as the Mexican equivalent of Spain's Vox, or another one of those one-gimmick big-tent parties like the American Libertarian Party and Nigel Farage's Reform UK, whose only real claim to fame is that they've never gotten on the highest executive seat of the nation, which is why they can claim they are "clean".
What Mexican cities differ mostly in terms of is size, age, and a few regional touches. Tijuana is a relatively "young" city by Mexican standards, having been founded in the late 19th century, which is why it's characterized by the prevalence of modern and contemporary-style buildings. I imagine that if you have been around Tijuana, you may have noticed it's got both lower-class slums, middle-class housing developments, and upper-middle/upper-class neighborhoods. Most cities and large towns in Mexico have more or less the same wealth disparities. There are many places in Mexico that are safe for tourists to walk around, even if the surrounding countryside isn't all that safe. The city of Morelia, for example, is a haven of peace in the otherwise notoriously violent state of Michoacan.
I think you might be able to find some places worth visiting in Mexico, particularly if you enjoy Latin American culture, arts, and history, or if you enjoy natural tourism. I suggest you not to expect everything to be perfectly clean and in optimal conditions, however.
almost 40, but a mexicanon said most were local ones and unkwown
So you live in Sinaloa or near the border, Mexico is very big, those of us who live in the central part of the country have a different perception of the country.
You do realize cartel Tepito are narcos too, right?
It's safe and has a strong manufacturing industry presence, but I think it might be a bit small and boring for a foreign visitor. I've met some foreign people who've moved there (some from Lebanon, others from the UK), but I think it be a bit difficult for a young expat bachelor to really settle down there. It just feels too Northern Mexican and provincial. Nearby Monterrey has a larger English-speaking expat community and has more nightclubs, art galleries, bookshops, and hobbyist associations that I imagine a recently arrived expat would be able to enjoy spending the weekends on, but eh, what do I know? Maybe he's just the kind of guy who likes watching Australian-rules football and eating plates of big sloppa, in which case he'll be fine marrying any Mexican woman who'll make some sloppa for him.

Or, well, maybe not even Monterrey might be enough for him and only a cosmopolitan city like Mexico City will have enough of that urban cyberpunk hustle-and-bustle to satisfy his urges.
>those of us who live in the central part of the country have a different perception of the country
Not that Anon, but I live in a border state and I have never actually seen a shooting or a murder in person. On the other hand, data from 2022 says that the Mexican states with the highest murder rates are:
>Guanajuato (250)
>Estado de México (State of Mexico) (222)
>Baja California (196)
>Chihuahua (191)
>Michoacán (156)
>Jalisco (153)
Source: https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2024/02/20/repuntan-homicidios-en-mexico-cuales-son-los-estados-mas-violentos-del-pais/
The geographical center of Mexico lies in the state of Guanajuato, and both Michoacan and the State of Mexico are very close to Mexico City. I'm not saying that Mexico City itself is extremely dangerous. I imagine that the people who say that are probably just saying based on hearsay and videos of abnormal incidents on social media that get spread around a lot.
My point, however, is that violence is not exclusive to any one region in Mexico and
that no part of Mexico is free from violence.
my future is grim so I don't really care about my country

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