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Off To Buy The Lovely, Lovely Cans sub-edish
>Off To Buy The Lovely, Lovely Cans
bit late pal
been on the vodka today
but crucially, not drunk enough for a hangover. that's key.
hello if you have any questions about christanity give em to me and i'll try to answer them for you
cans lads here. cans lads here. everyone give him attention. cans lads here.
eating poo
its called not giving a toss
Is god real?
*raises cup*
Pour me one out lass
Landlordberg wants to increase my rent by 30%
is it illegal to format someone's phone? Say they were filming you doing something and you grabbed their phone and formatted it would that be illegal? Not like they'd have any proof anyway
what makes you think you are capable of answering these questions to a good standard
straight from the loo?
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Turkish catberg
fucks sake lad, you proimised you were all done eating poo
I hope you agreed and included a tip for his time
clearly someone does give a toss if they feel the need to identify as agnostic
substanmtial (100+ books) study of christian theology
We're taking you off the Leftypolll case, PD Rorke
opinions on investing in UK government bonds (gilts)?
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yes i think
Go outside man please stop doing this to yourself
Going bouldering tomorrow
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nth for the holodem
reading books =/= intelligent
give it a rest would you? it's just cringe. i feel embarrassed posting in these simpy attention seeking le cans threads
just fuck off. you're not even british
might go out on the lawn and do a big art attack
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Bumble will be a good way to meet Women. Let's check out the potential matches!
didn't say it made intelligence but it's why i have a knowledge base to answer your questions
i look like that
did I fuck
had to eat air fried poo today as had none fresh in. good enough but not the same as real toilet poo.
Diego is the Bez of /brit/
would rub my willy with and kiss a cute tranny such as >>202524610
but i would not fuck them as that would be gay
no you dont...
and plus you dont like me. im the /cum/ brit
get the leather jacketed bolsheviks on him
fuck up
who is that
Big fan of bouldering me
I went outside today and didn't know what to do so I just walked about town on my own looking at the old buildings and found some books in a charity shop
Walked home, got some katsu chicken from tesco and then played age of empires
Diego is the local paedphile here
Where the FUCK is mikey?
Clue gained.
Sounds pretty dull, what's the returns like?
fucking hell grim
do you lads eat your poo cold or heat it up first? I normally microwave it but my mum said it's weird
Off to the font borough with Diego for an on wall sesh
bought this today (40 quid half price)
Rental "market" is so retarded
The excuse of "well nearby rentals are more expensive so you have no choice but to accept my increase" is bullshit. The other landlords increase rent because
1) their buy-to-let mortgage has increased. In that case, what has another landlords financial situation got to do with me?
Or 2) they just want more money because they can
Landlords never reduce rent so the whole """market""" is a load of bollocks
lil timmys match loool
Okay time to continue doing my chores
dont know or care either way so thats the most applicable term
Good evening, faggers
This is the way.
the hoodlums are tightening their durags
have fun
>I will never be a young english lad in the 80s walking around with a bunch of punks and goths
My life was over before it even began
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Wanna take you home, show you my bedroom
Take off all your clothes when I've just met you
Boy, you've got me thinking about the maybes
But I'm already somebody's baby
thats cap
mad how california niggas are having their lunch right now
and we're preparing to sleep
bit rude of you to assume I'm having a good evening
No clues were gained, it was miserable and awkward.
I hate people
Pretty sure I walked past a girl from work who blanked me
What do people do outside
Just sit on a chair outside a cafe drinking a cafe watching npcs walk by?
Would have kebab sauce stains on it instantly
Good lad
was literally just explaining this to my cat
damn liam gallagher sounds like shit
currently saving 28k a year in hope of becoming a landlord and doing this
you WILL pay market rate
I'm about mate. Just laying low
Here's some tunage to tide you over
>Current number of /brit/ threads in the catalog not at bump limit: 4
Wakey wakey Janny!
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Well Rorke?
renting out my 2nd flat for £800 atm
should i raise it to £900 or £1000?
housing market's fucked here so tenants will have no choice but to pay it either way haha
no the most applicable term is "dont care" which is not a position because the premise is that the person answering the question has a view on the existence of god
agnosticism is a belief claim just like theism or atheism
it is stating that you do not believe it is possible to know whether god exists or not
the crips are doing something else too x
personally I ride my motorbike really fast round bendy roads
just spilled le precious cans juice on the carpet
gonna mop up up with le big chips
*gollum voice* precioussss, my preioussssss cansssssss
ahaha lol
can or do not can, there is no french fry
btw cans
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I'm still pieved
but youre not lol
No shitposting I just saw an extremely cute blue eyed ginger Irish girl with a black guy when doing a bit of grocery shopping

It's over. Actually made me feel sick lol
Oh my word not house price discussion again

I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Renting is better than owning a home
never watched anime
give me one to try (preferably on yt or netflix so i can watch it on the big telly)
if there were no more immigrants then there would be no housing shortage
soon, don't worry lad x
thats cap
Put your name on
been saying this for like 3 hours lol x
offer him a le can, lad
canslad offers cans to lads regularly
btw cans
watch that terminator anime
What about billionaire immigrants from Tel Aviv?
hope you get run over by a lorry
What kind of tv/movies do you like?
Blackpill is a psyop to make you give up
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he has not right to look like the piffy beside that kike
>I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Renting is better than owning a home

Better to rent the money to own than to rent the home outright (if you intend on living there 7+ years)
yes its 2 more hours
looking at random towns in nebraska in 2008 on google maps
imagining how things were then, and how they are now
a strange feeling
how so?
lmfaoooo fuck off do you listen to that, fucking hell.
This is why communism is the way
State provided housing that you own
if im outside im usually in my 19 plate audi
not much risk of being run over
cope lol
fuck up spastic
always been a fan of canada. not because he's a good poster, he's a FUCKINTRANNYYEWEARWOMENSCLOTHESANDYERSPAINO
you're fuckin SPAINO! ye tranny! throw yourself off a bridge!
no, i like canada, because it starts with le cans
btw cans
not sure sorry
need to fuck a girl while she's on her back with her feet up in my face and a pillow under her arse
last time I tried it it was uncomfortable but I'm going to start stretching more to prepare for this position
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rorke in the mens bogs hassling the beautiful tranny who wasn't allowed to use the womens
My 12 year old son isn't physically capable of cutting his own finger nails. He's perfectly fit and able, he just doesn't seem to have the strength to use clippers; my wife cuts his nails and sees it as totally normal. It makes me want to scream.
I support women's rights and workers rights
odd post
cute boy
CAN you dig it, suckaaaa? haha, just a play on words with booker T's famous catchphrase there. canslad loves wrestling. almost as much as i love le cans, but not as much. probably love wrestling more than the BIG chips though
btw cans
probably shouldnt let a 12 year old cut their own nails anyways but its your kid
HOWLING how abysmal Liam Gallagher's vocals are
The music is actually really good which makes it sound worse
hope you get smashed up by a lorry
spewing rancid sewage out my buttock region
It's crazy how much of a gammon you turn into when you buy a house
I was a proper socialist right up into my 30s then I finally bought a house and now I'm like hurrr house price must go up muh equity they better not build x within 100 mile radius of my house
he's 12 not 2
an oasis tribute band would be better than this
Going to sleep. Nite nite all
He called Hulk Hogan an N-w*rd. Said 'Hulk Hogan we comin' for you *igga'.
are they doing a heaton park gig or is this on telly somewhere?
I started shaving my little moustache hairs on the edge of my lip at 12
>uterus is a masculine noun in Latin

How do transphobes explain this?
lads, why aren't you giving canslad any (you)s? what more can i do? are not not entertained by my mention of the word cans?
i'm going to have to bring out the CANNED laughter in a minute. aha
don't worry, canslad will still post for a few more years
btw cans
im going to sleep as well. hopefully i dream about Reggie the mouse
I'm alright Jack mentality
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Socialists should be imprisoned.
his belgium vpn got banned
He's performing at the boxing
Guitarist is trying to look like Noel and for a while was dimly lit, obviously on purpose, but is playing better than Noel does which gave it away
lads... cans?
btw cans

PS. cans?

so gn everyone except the /r9k/ raiders shitting up the thread. gn
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arrest him
Goodnight Mousey, hope you sleep well x
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granger level 3 hairline on the lad
manchudster united
anyone thought of that before?
you can have that for free
think I'll head to Asda tomorrow morning and be passive aggressive to the staff knowing full well they won't answer me back lmao
*slaps knee and stands up*
Right then, time to get the packet of crisps from the kitchen
*walks away and kills myself*
Back from the shop with the BIG Cans
Didn't get the chips, making them at home
Might even do a mad one and have a can now before the scran
They get paid for it though. You don't get paid to go into supermarkets and have a meltdown.
*walks over your lifeless body and nabs the packet of crisps*
dont mention your bf in the asmr video you aren’t supposed to do that

is christine a trans or just a butch lezzer
good tune either way
would honestly love it if you feel head first into a deep fat fryer
damn AJ has a beautiful singing voice
You don't get paid to dress up in your sisters underwear when your family goes out for a meal without you but here we are
howling at your liberal use of the word cans
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I get PIP for gender identity disorder you mong
curtains a'still a'twitchin', but no ones a'helpin'
mental that you can walk into bookstores in Japan and there'll be books of gay anime men having graphic sex on full display
What is this
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Ai paki moment
So you admit you have a mental disorder and aren't actually a woman?
often get beer insecurity and worry I'll run out and not have anything to drink
just checked the fridge though and fortunately I have 5 beers left
employed "woman" unmasked
How did you find him irl
been nursing those 10 beers all day
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this strawman is so weak
he wasn't very careful when posting stories from work
Unemployed Spaedo spams this thread so much its not even funny

Barely even human
not going to lie if that really is sacked tranny I'd totally pump her rotten
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my 62 year old dad has a better hairline LOL
5 isnt a lot
It's not even this thread though. Those moments where hes not here hes off somewhere else being a nuiscance like /sp/ when the footy was on
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Lads I'm seeing straight from the jungle africans in my smallish town/village on a semi regular basis now
It's over
Literally just wanked to Chinese AI porn
Sure wonder what life would be like as a neurotypical
the half jew anon is here
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chin up chief don’t let the bastards grind you down
Fuck off Spainpaedo you evil kike
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sad to think this is the last ever /brit/ thread with the employed woman trip.
same here in my rural cornish village
starts with 1 family but give it a year and it's half the village
it's over
Just a sec babe I got another hour of spamming to do before we go out
nah thatd accentuate her jawline
never realised that weird glen bishop kid from mad man was the directors son
makes sense
he cant act for shite
You're a gypsy wog, now fuck off
Love Israel
Love Russia

Homogenous countries make leftypol go haywire
All landlords should be brutally ziggered
There's no confusion, you're a man
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Um that's not me guys
Wonder what his last ever post will be

very cute x
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i was a big fan of sally draper in that
might do a rewatch
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thoughts on Kingsley?
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>Um that's not me guys
Hey, the Gay Shop just called, and they've run out of YOU
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have you met my wife?
thats not sn thats some random cunt from r9k
sure it isn't
why don't you wear your nametag btw? is it because of me?
had a couple of estrellas left over from last too tbf
Spainnonce projecting his fetishes and fucked up thoughts onto the rest of 4chan 24/7
looks like noel fielding
mad to think some smelly little virgin here just waltz into Aldi and started taking pictures of the staff
I'm coming back for you baby
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Bloody love them leggy French Jewish diaspora
which aldi? I might pop down and ask her out
my olympic folder is too big, can't find the one of the chinese girls wantint to take a selfie with simone
Ah I remember. You're that fat smelly lad who started crying at the self checkouts because he put a £20 note in the coin slot and broke the machine so he couldn't buy his pot noodles, right?
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Lol that was me last week
I live in the area, you see
Embarrassing effort
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ST boiling
lets see if i get evens and have another. not looking for one.
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stinking patter
So, lad, you're confirming that tranny is you?
just SHAGGED a girl in the arse

Legally consensual just ti clarify I have not and never will be a rapist
ever shagged her up the arse?
not that funny
people dieg mate
youve gone soft rapelad
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just SHAGGED a girl in the arse

New blacksonblondes scene up btw guys
lol based stalker anon
what a stinker that was
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Another image of Sacked Tranny assisting a customer
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The scrandemic
Haha rape le funny guys xdddd
Juvenile cunts. All of you.
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These pictures suck anon
even me? i didn't do anything?
Tilde do you know that balding lass that keeps getting posted here? Is she a friend of yours?
Where is this?
you just went and snuck a picture of a child you disgusting nonce
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Professor Moriarity is certainly a very intelligent man but the idea that he could advance from 19th century scientific knowledge to the level of hacking and taking control of the starship Enterprise in only a matter of hours is frankly absurd.
Lads, I'm not sure if that is spaino desu
It would mean he has an actual job and not spending his fucking life on here

Are we sure that's spaino and not just random tranny?
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Sacked tranny
Having a cider and enjoying the storm. The Russian word for storm is бypя but штopм is also acceptable.
i need a sports streaming site pls
Can't see shit in these pictures
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That's sacked tranny on the right btw
big blokey hands
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lads here's a picture of sacked tranny I took earlier
taken on your nokia 3310 was it?
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Fucks sake
Every time I want to play OpenTTD I have to relearn the signal mechanics and station/junction designs
Uncle Rork, you got to kick that man's BUTT
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Our Ruby really hit the wall
say cans again LOL
playing pokemon emerald lads
currently got 5 badges with this team

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Also the actor is good at doing a posh English accent but he actually is a yank from Arkansas. Did you know that?
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That head
why didnt any of you pussy niggas get closer
yeah? getting a refresher on those master hellish vids?
sending high value cargo across the lines to the receiving points?
getting a mail route going in a chosen city?
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fuckign screamng
you just know that's sacked tranny
I really like the Treecko line but being stuck with absorb for so long is unbearable. Leaf blade is only 70 BP too which is still lacking. Swampert absolutely dominates that game.
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oh my days
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>Mom got ‘rush’ from repeatedly suffocating baby, MO cops say. ‘Last time he was blue’
clearly not him
looks like a 40 year old woman
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sacked tranny is 27 mate
hardly young
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What happens in Durham, England?
chinmogs me
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Durham is the place people who didn't get into Oxford or Cambridge go to uni
mom also remembers how baby sang i'm blue da ba dee da boo dye in that heartfelt moment
just opened some bubbly to celebrate this momentous occasion
Just keep planting trees to make Frufingford like me
Back from the cinema. That place is dying out quick. I left during what would have been peak time back when I worked there, and not a soul was around. People only show up for Marvel slop these days.
Anyways, Return of the Jedi was better than I remember.
Thanks for reading my blogpost x
Sacked tranny think he spec ops
bro came from 1983
i'm all for some sacked tranny bashing. i just don't think that now pretending that random middle aged bird in aldi is him will affect him in any way at all. i'd rather someone actually find the real sacked tranny. need to record themselves having a convo with them at aldi so we hear the gimpy voice from his vocaroos
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I do not believe that lass is Tilde.
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Good post.
Name on Adam
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His skull is so masculine you can see it in a blurry picture from ten metres away lol
6 /brit/s in the 'log
anyone know how i can watch the video without making an account/becoming friends with the guy
janny's nut gon flake
blow your head smooth off
why didn't you win the league? xD

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