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glowies edish

old and busted >>202533090
first for sexo con cum
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I was just trying to say that if someone knocked on your door a 8pm or whatever for political stuff, they probably want to unalive themselves because anyone doing that risks getting shot. Or maybe it's a campaign to get you to dislike the candidate because they're showing up at a retarded time
The fact that you're still defending yourself instead of moving on really just makes you look like an even bigger glowy
been binge watching dui bodycam videos, really scraping the bottom of the barrel on youtube
try live pd
yes, can't you watch videos about history or something?
it's too late in the evening for introductions
anyway what video games are you playing?
>Who or what is shown in each of the images?
>What historical events or processes are being shown?
>How can those differences be explained with historical evidence?

I have to compare and contrast the photos. I can go of on a tangent about smallpox, but I'm not sure I can get to 750 words. I breezed through about 450 words just tonight for a different project but that one had a lot more instruction and things to talk about.

I guess I can always just write what I can and leave it at that. A 50% is far better than a 0%.
hey hi hello
why does she glow
The Sega Master System was better than the NES. Sorry, but it's true.
OP antagonized me, and here's a list of his charges
>pictoral battery
>pictoral assault
>tampering with evidence
>obstructing justice
>off topic post
>trolling outside of /b/
>resisting arrest
>possession of drugs
>but I'm not sure I can get to 750 words
I just gave you points to expand upon. Each point has a bunch of things you can talk about.
you may be suffering from an undiagnosed addiction/addictive behavior
Have you tried –and not being facetious here –going outside and looking at the stars?
it's all really very grand this evening here in Washington
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>what video games are you playing?
prince of persia
the convenience store didn’t have what i needed and im sad
have you played the "new" one?
"Prince of Persia The Lost Crown"?
It's been on my wishlist for a bit because I enjoy platformers, but idk just haven't gotten around to it yet..
also $40 for a platformer is a bit much
no but apparently it's pretty good
Did they have this? *hugs you*
what were you looking for
I was going to make a joke fedpost to match the edition, but I don’t know how to do that without risking a door knock, even if I coat it in lots of irony and coded language. Canadian speech law is a lot more strict than what Americans can get away with
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Im playing the new zelda :3
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didn't realize i needed that
If I’m struggling to meet a minimum number of words, I find that the easiest way to crank out papers of any given length is to create a skeleton outline with a number of good, thought-provoking points (the number of points actually used depends on the overall length required by the prof), and then flesh out each of the points with some fluff until I reach the minimum. In my experience, professors don’t generally care that much if you do some relatively aimless rambling, as long as there are some gold nuggets within.

Eventually, you should get to a point where you’re struggling to stay under a maximum number of words, while still hitting all the bullet points from your outline that you wish to address, but that takes some experience with writing, I suppose.
it’s in the autoplay mix i think
it mostly just plays in the background while i play satisfactory, i think history videos would be too dense but i’ll think about it
i definitely have an addictive personality but i already took an incel walk today
they did not thank you
they had my energy drink i wanted though i wanted a sugar free red bull those make my headaches go away in like 5 minutes there’s just something about them
Smart. You sound like a non-drunk person.
Wow I almost just googled something again. I have to actually do CSI style research protocols these days. Literally been leaving my phone at home so they can't track me. There's literally a base on the dark side of the moon. That's not that big of a deal because I'm not married.
my neet bucks for this month hasnt arrived yet
listen to my schizo podcast https://youtu.be/r8p44wQMtNE
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genuinely feel bad for people who don't hang out in /cum/ late at night
>Literally been leaving my phone at home so they can't track me.
I hope you’re setting it up to watch movies on Netflix or something while you’re gone, or else you’re just going to get flagged for suspicious behaviour and draw more attention.
I was high and now I'm sleepy
Kill yourself

They swear it's called magic the gathering because they were harvesting nerds virginities. They said Tesla was celebate. The theory is that mtg players were gathering a type of energy called "dollars fiat USD gold bull", and denial of sex helped them.
good night
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any retard brosss itt?
and what about all the cameras watching you and your car's license plate when you're outside
night bud
Do you think they named their Marjorie Taylor Greene transgender Neanderthal character after Magic The Gathering as a subtle nod to that nerd harvest?
holy fuck someone kil me already

i want to fucking die
I don't have it. I don't have anything. I barely want it anyways, everything but sex is worthless. I "lived" here.
>not having your face unsuspiciously obscured
>driving your own car
you made this? okay i threw it in my queue for later
This is just Gnostic heresy with yet another rebrand
Who the fuck are you? How did I get caught up in this?
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imagine she wears this while breaking up with you
Your CSIS minder.
you probably make good money on weekend nights
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Reminds me of this.
Prefer not to say.
Just ate three eggs and two pieces of toast.
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what's the best thing to put on these
cheese, herbs and tomatoes
colby jack cheese or peanut butter
Cheese or peanut butter.
based snacker is totally loyal to the marketing photos
it makes me sad when you post these i don’t think you’re that dumb
sorry anon
God is posting here. I'm not sure if any of you are real, but he's literally watching the portal entry point and juicing humans for money. It's totally fair to blame him. I suggest we rally all the able bodied minds to kill him. Worth it. Worth doing this, if I had the power, people wouldn't be suffering, because this reality wouldn't exist. So he's actually, really doing that. Literally he's doing that. I think people think he isn't doing that, but I swear he's at the hospitals watching women create children. That's the point of our creation. We need to shut it down. Alright so literally he is at the hospital's. And everything else you know is also true. That's not a good thing is what I'm suggesting. He is robbing humans for their gold, because harvesting it himself is too much work. Alright so literally he is robbing humans after allowing their creation. Alright literally were being robbed and forced into existence.
this is scary
cheese of course also really good with chili but that doesn’t really count i think
least schizophrenic canadian
the cure for male depression is 90s mafia movies
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>took an incel walk today
a software patch on a system which requires a complete refactor of the codebase
i believe in u
but you gotta be honest with yourself, and find a professional psychiatrist who does too.
check out psychologytoday.com and find one in your network.
there is so much beauty in life, anon
don't forget to ask for help to see beyond your plight
wtf delete this
how did you get a video of me taking my bath earlier
good night
good post
vancouver is fake
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My brother in Christ....
Caviar and gold paper like those YouTube videos.
I have no talents, no hobbies. I’m good at nothing.
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We bring the BOOM
It doesn't matter. Looks account for 95% of dating and how people treat you.

Anyone that asks me I Just tell em to hit the gym, get some nice clothes, and get a good haircut.
i’m irredeemably ugly
is that a banana
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Yeah...but unless you were literally born without muscles it doesnt matter.

Looks don't matter that much on men. Just height and muscles.
what the hell
it looks like they didn't use a starter when they baked it it's just a brick
i'm sure you're not anon don't sell yourself short
What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.
the non-latina path is the wrong path
but i don't think a latina would be too useful if I move to japan
>which alien race should i marry what an exciting postmodern choose your own adventure
Just stick to your own kind. Simple
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what did captcha mean by this
A Latina yells about the dishes, and you can just put the dishes away. A white girl yells about Palestine and the Patriarchy, and you can't do shit about it. I know where I'M at
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There's literally a face that was bulldozed out of the moon. Every pic on Google is photoshopped lol. Probably was less than $1 mil to do that. Not that impressive. At least it's not another dick. Kill yourselves for letting them get away with this.
something about taking the vax gives me such a rush
i must’ve gotten it 25-30 times now
oh dear
i have some feelings about palestine that are very unpopular on tiktok and insta that i would be crucified if i shared
this is part of the appeal of this website to me
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the uk is far superior to america lmao
very organic posts
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LMAO my captcha is JYSAR
for me personally i'd prefer to not live somewhere where a woman's only recourse for defending herself is a rape whistle
*pokes /cum/ with a stick*

*stick goes right through*

I see.
ok cool mission successful now go away
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you see most of europe is safer than america. sorry but brazil is on average safer than america
oh no, where'd my f*cking son go?
I don't know but you better f*cking run hoe

I'm the Wizard, I play my bass backwerds
stupid brits, get out of my thread nerds
hell no, got no goatee on my face

slap this brit's ass like I slap my my mother*cking BASS

*drops mic*
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i have been thinking about this hippo pretty much non stop today
if she was on the ballot i would actually go out and vote
>no hips
>no tits
do yellowfever fags REALLY
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this gimmick sucks
you apologized the other day i thought you were being sincere :/
sorry bored and feeling contempt for this site, nothing personal
i missed you mr. random-mid-girl poster
I love her ass what can I say
hey anons
i want to visit the great states next year, but i have never been, and i'm mostly used to traveling in europe.
im not really sure what the best way to go about it is, however, as when I travel in europe I just park my car somewhere and then explore the city on foot, because european urban layout is very dense and centralized. so basically the shopping streets, restaurants etc. are centered around historical landmarks and stuff. i know a few of the US cities are also like this, but when looking at google maps at other cities it seems like everything is very spread out.
what's the best way to explore cities in the US?
Apologizing again but I saw a bunch of faggots in here and I thought, fuck it, I'll do what I want. But that's not considerate to the few in here who aren't faggots so I should really just keep it to myself.
It depends on which cities you want to visit, but mostly you'll have to drive from one location to another unless you're in highly urbanized places like NYC.
Cities are trash, however. The real America is small towns.
try to focus on specific neighborhoods or districts when you approach a city since everything is much more spread out
you can get ubers and stuff if you need to get around, but don't just limit yourself to the tight urban cores, a lot of the best stuff is not smack downtown
you'd be better off planning an itinerary and following it as opposed to just random meandering.
renting a car is probably a really good idea so you aren't so tied down by transportation concerns
it's okay dear i would never try to tell you what to do, i just thought you got it out of your system lol. there's nothing wrong with liking pretty girls but i just don't share with the class what i find attractive. but you do have a point that it doesn't seem to stop some of the anons here from posting gross stuff so i really can't even complain that much its really tame. i just worry because obsession and coveting isn't a good coping mechanism because i've been there
what should i do with my last 30 minutes of consciousness today
i love women with prominent brows and square jaws
doesn't matter
doomscrolling 180 10-second videos on TikTok
i refuse because i did this for probably two hours today already
i tried being a nihilist and i didn't like it
i want to genuinely care about things even if we all die in the end
>even if
“I can’t enjoy this movie because it’s only 90 minutes long and doesn’t last literally forever”
I had a crush on a few girls in high school but they all turned me down. I didn't bother with going after chicks in college because I figured it would be more frustration and heartache. Now I'm in my 30s living in my old hometown and have never been in any kind of relationship, much less had sex. Sometimes it really eats away at me and 100% fuels my porn addiction. That being said I'm kind of burnt out on that chick.
i agree
we will get along bro, i know you a real one
Whats your guys opinions on jews?
Yeah god told me it was normal to not have sex, because people were being killed. But when I look around, it's like 80% of the people are actually having sex, and only a small number are being killed or are incel. God is so annoying and ugly.
big fan of Tim Heidecker, don't really care about the other ones
See >>202538266
He's vaguely funny on camera but the actual Tim Heidecker is the biggest faggot the world has ever seen
I prefer Sam Hyde
are you actively seeking out relationships now?
there are much worse outlets for your frustration than looking at porn on the internet so don't beat yourself up too much about that aspect, at least
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A fine morning.
my state :)
Porn addiction gets pretty fucking bad when people fall too deep down that rabbit hole. People getting into increasingly weird porn until they’re looking at illegal shit, and even abusing kids irl, people trooning out and committing suicide, etc
i like this video
>are you actively seeking out relationships now?
No. I tried apps a while back and got zero matches. Since then I've let myself go and put on about 30lbs. I don't think it's ever going to happen for me now.
That’s a fun video
It’s really not that hard to lose weight and whip yourself back into shape, if you can commit yourself to doing it. Even if you’re not concerned with chasing tail right now, there are big health and quality of life benefits etc
He lost his spark in 2016 and totally stopped being funny in 2017. I don't know how people find him funny now. His best stuff was done from 2011-2015 IMO.
well, just don't close the door on it entirely.
you can always try to improve and work on yourself solely for your own sake and for your benefit alone, and all the other stuff falls into line later on when you're in a better place mentally and physically
not to pry too deeply but what do you do for work ?
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Yeah, I'm trying to get back on track although it's easy to get demoralized considering how my life turned out in general. If anything I'd just like to know what it's like for a bit even if I feel like a relationship isn't for me.

>not to pry too deeply but what do you do for work ?
Sporadic editing and motion graphics stuff. Nothing regular. A friend of mine might be able to get me a decent job at his company but I'm not holding out too much hope for that. I live with my dad so yeah, I'm a living, breathing woman repellent at this point.
>the heckin normalfag niggercunt MTV reality tv show is too grim dark for you
Yeah but it’s passing through multiple layers of irony, okay??
To be fair Hitler did a lot of really cool things
i think you may have more to offer to a woman in a relationship than you think you do
i have to go i take a sedative medication before bed and im losing the fight i wish you the absolute best and good night
Thanks, anon. Have a good rest.
I guess not. His early 2010s work with Nick, Charls, and the rest of the folks who used to collaborate with them on projects really resonated with me and I still look at those videos fondly today. They captured lightning in a bottle and really pushed the envelope in ways I'd never seen mainstream comedians do. Meanwhile, this shit Sam has been doing with these Xanax-popping wigger zoomer yes-men is just that, shit. The fact that he still calls it "MDE" is insulting.
thank you, anons, very helpful! will make sure to rent a car and i'll make a more detailed itinerary to follow this time around, then.
i'm still undecided exactly which states i want to visit, because i think all states have something worth visiting.
do you know of any good ways of tracking down local events such as fairs, festivals, etc.?
If you can get a regular income, there are ways to frame some of the other stuff to make it not seem so bad
>needed to move back with my parents because they’re getting old, and needed help around the house [actually I’m a saint; not a loser]
I agree to some extent, but I feel like his stuff has improved again to some extent more recently; basically when Nick and Charls came back into the fold. I agree the Sam+zoomies era was pretty shit, but after WP2 filming started, some interesting things have started happening again. It’s not quite as good as the golden era you describe, but it’s still some of the better stuff that’s out there today IMO
I'll give that a shot, thanks. Only problem left is that I live in kind of a middle of nowhere place so meeting people will be hard. I see girls out in public all the time but hell, they're probably all college chicks who are taken, right? You can't just cold approach chicks anymore these days.
I guess the fact that Google is so great, all will bow or will be shot
me and you are going to an irish pub next weekend and pull some milfs
That's fair. I wish Sam hadn't burned bridges with some of the old crew but it is what it is. Things could only go up from the Sam + zoomer retard era and recruiting Nick and Charls again is probably one of the best ways to accomplish that even if it could never completely recapture the old magic of the College Cunts days.
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>who are taken
it don't fuck with my conscience i serve my auntie that raw
women are right about men lacking proper empathy. there is something seriously wrong with most of you.
Im a dog
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I just spent an hour and half making the most hideous pie chart with posts from the archive.
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coffee, anyone?
thanks bossman.

I always get so unbelievably worked up in other threads, just arguing endlessly, then I visit /cum/ and it's just chillers.

I will learn the ways of a chiller
What’s racist about that?
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A real woman
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i love Reggie
Go back to shit we don't like you
you do not = everyone
i dont like you either, but i cant filter you. keep your sh itty garbage thoughts to yourself
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so anways, i love Reggie
bye for now. going to spit on that fat cunt
wisdom tooth still aches
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Need a bitch whos as loyal to me as Ghislaine was to Epstein
listening to Skillet - Rebirthing

does person which wrote the lyrics believe in reincarnation? cause it looks so according the text

in Russia there are Christians which believe in reincarnation, a small community
Any Christcuck who believes in reincarnation would be considered a pagan by other Christcucks here
some Jewish people believe in it too
it's not paganism
In amerishart evangelical Christianity, anything that sounds scary, foreign and unorthodox is pagan or satanic
>In 2003, two fish cutters claimed to have encountered a talking carp at the New Square Fish Market in Rockland County, New York, in a Hasidic community of about 7,000 members
>the carp began speaking in Hebrew, shouting apocalyptic warnings
oh my stars. it would be hilarious to goof around in one of these communities for a day or two but you'd probably go to prison
Big if true
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i disagree
i hate comcast so much, bros
How about /cum/cast
that doesn't exist, goober.
So fucking bored
>when you make a great post
someone needs to make a bunch of racist/sexist/political posts or complain about amerimutts (not racist for some reason)
good post also
if there's anyone that deserves your support is porn game developers and i'm talking about the real ones, the japanese niggas out there hustling making sprite animations everyday not the patreon bucks weg shitter that does nothing and makes thousands
Hello my fellow /cum/sluts
Unfortunately I didn't die in my sleep. Instead of getting isekai'd and waking up in a fantasy world full of elf gfs I instead woke up in Canada.
Stay strong brothers, because my own strength is failing me.
actually, you did die in your sleep.
you've been isekai'd into a world where everyone knows your regrets and mistakes, but refuses to talk to you about them
My life is at a standstill and im too lazy to do anything about it
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hello. time for church
pray for me please
pray for the death of all gays
My only regret is that I don't have a harem of elf gfs, anon.
That's it. That's the regret.
will do anon.

no but ill pray for their souls.
thank you
Pray for elf pussy.
i am not going to church
wake up
wake me up inside
I have awoken
Can't wake up
i feel like if get any closer to any women i will inevitably simp hard for her and she will get the ick
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God really created women and made them cute as heck just to torture us with impure thoughts
Her gums are gross
Why post a picture unrelated to your post?
Is that German humour?
fo shizzle
LOL if true
there's murder on the dance floor
i got more glocks and teks than you
Should I go for a joggy woggy?
remember back in the days when niggas had ways
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She’s cute with her cute gummy smile
i don't know what that means ( i am white)
wish they made it easier to get a job
people love to boast about how many hours they work a week but then they're precisely as broke as i am. congrats nigga you wasted your time
I have more robux than you
sucking on a lollipop right now
Do you want to play Dress To Impress?
deep throat it
for family
looking forward to gooning later
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i got murder on my mind
I will choke and die

just testing to see what the quads are
hilarity ensues
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and good riddance
going for an incel haircut
are you going for the buzzcut or the bowlcut?
last time i got a buzzcut my mom started crying and my dad said you don't look good son
One thing about the Diddy case going on is that even though these showbusiness multi millionnaires potentially have access to the coolest most exclusive stuff in the world like owning supercars offering unique driving experiences, the possibility of flying in a private jet to wherever whenever on a whim, sailing along the shores of the most paradisiac islands in a yacht. Have heterosexual sex with women their age. They'd rather do gay shit in a basement
Such waste of wealth and possibilities is an insult to unfortunate poor honest struggling m'en such as myself
that sounds so gay, grab them by the collar and tell them to get a grip
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reddit be like
first of all i'm black
my controversial opinion is that it's bad to lie, even about things you don't like
what are your thoughts on fiction?
that's too broad of a question
I want you to realize that fiction is made up of things that aren't true (lies), even if they are performative and the audience knows that the statements are lies.
so your opinion that it's bad to lie applies broadly to fiction.
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women be like
giwtwm (the girl)
More like Diddler was part of an Epstein-type blackmail operation, and rising stars had to participate in his gross blackmail rituals to get anywhere in the industry
I did and I ran by some indian family and oh my god they smelled so fucking bad jfc
it's noon
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>leastern standard time
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back from church

i prayed for you
you will catch a 3-dayer for saying the most obvious and banal things possible
shut the fuck up californian
i don't believe that jesus worked a single day as a carpenter
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the salty slop they serve you guys over there is hardly even food jajaja
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That's j-word food
>nutrition score: A
lol. lmao
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i dont feel good
what happened bud
gayreeks are turk rape babies which are arab rape babies which are just j-words
ate too much hummus
go for a walk. you'll be okay
white castle
i'm too obese to walk
H'what is the purpose of this?
we stole your hamburger and made them infinitely better, you don't understand or even know true flavor
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>turks are jews
is this nigga retarded
Yes cryptojews. Arabs are semites
no, you are not.
i'm too ugly to go outside
you don't know that.
it's very rude to accuse me of lying.
you're not
Wiener Schnitzel restaurant in New Mexico

a drive through german fast food restaurant, wtf boomers did not suffer
mass shooting in Alabama
No one cares because they're not h'white
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>canadians dont have WienerSchnitzel
you don't know that
my swiss friend got offended when i told him we call it der wienerschnitzel instead of das
need to kms
>we call it der wienerschnitzel
kind of lame
Ackchyually, that’s backwards: “Jews” are crypto-Turks (Khazars)
need to live myself
hamburgers and fries here are mediocre to pretty much any shop in america, doner is mid af no flavor just affordable slop. Hummus bomb. Chocolate bomb.
oh so they're still around but dont even sell wienerschnitzel? nevermind, im not that jeaous
why do blabois do this when they lose an argument over who buys weed tonight?
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I want to kiss you
ChilI and cheese slices don't belong on 'dogs
yes they do, it's fucking delicious
are you from chicago?
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any cincinatti chili enjoyers in
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eau claire, wisconsin

one of the more flamboyant facades ive seen on these chinese restaurants
its 90% of hotels in america and dont pretend otherwise
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I love going to chinatown in SF and seeing all the old signs and buildings for restaurants with all their decorations

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