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Cat edition
want to die
throat's hurting form all the cock i've sucked today
What have your experiences been of women in the office environment?
was gonna say school girl legs anon is a decent gimmick but I don’t think he’s joking :/
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want to cure my hangover with hair of the dog but i know anything i drink is going to come straight back up
hello :)
all me
I can change
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Rorke never stood a chance...
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6 dead. This could be a quick one.
I'm not
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he never stood a chance
How many and what sizes?
come on catberg you magnificent bastard
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Peng lasses with big tits who massage my cock while I'm TRYING to WORK
At my previous job they were alright because they were a minority (35%).

Here's it's more like 55% women, and I can't stand them.

Female managers give poor instructions and groups of female workers talk too much.
First for fuck this slow arse captcha
Haven't been paying attention since the election, presume everything's going swimmingly for Labour?
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The violence comes to an almost complete standstill as the tributes finally rest on the second night.
Lads I can't stop hooking up
4 cocks all about 5-8"
I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated (Yeah)
Cor, how'd you organise that all in one day?
Always get a sore throat after deep throating 8 inches
turns out acting in the same way as the previously government who were wildly unpopular isn't very popular
middle aged hags who give you advice on fragrances and cute autistic women who let you shag them
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be sexy and a whore. Simple as.
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Every dog has his day.
need an academic to tell me why exactly they're doing this
why pull a sprint to become extremely unpopular
People at work who bitch about others do my head in.

If you've got a problem, go fucking tell them.
the dragons in skyrim only have 2 legs, which makes them wyverns not dragons
how did they spend 5 years making a massive game all about dragons and manage to fuck up that little detail? they clearly didn't have enough pedantic cunts like myself on staff
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>you call yourself brook but you're a man with a penis.... i just can't understand it
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ever had sex?
no just be born a woman. Makes it easier.
yeah with your mum mate
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Doubt it, gay men are largely slags
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The violence continues into the night and Candace lets the girls down.
does that mean the liverpool crest is a wyvern instead of a dragon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ah nice she's a good lady
gives good head and loves anal, as my dad says
Drunk on honey rum liquer and ordering a kebab
one of my old colleagues flirted with a girl at work and she reported his for sexual harassment. nearly lost his job.
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just imagined a scouser saying wyvern
not into bum play me, it's gross and smelly and quite gay
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The fourth day comes and goes.
it's a bird you mongo
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>*gets advertised everywhere*
nigel thornberry
noone will believe Huws lies
you know a british town is irrelevant if, when you google it, the first result is their local football club
love, peace, and harmony oh love peace and harmony very nice very nice very nice very nice well maybe in the next world maybe in the next world
His name? Sir Keir Starmer.
australians can't dance
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The death toll ramps back up as the sun goes down. Four cannon shots are heard across the arena.
ah yes i remember being a teenager as well
isn't it breathing fire? idk I don't support licerpool
pretty fucking cold
"kid starver" is the funniest nickname for a politician ever
it's carrying a frond in its beak
I feel a wreck without my little china girl
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thats every British town
Feeling horny again
Do you reckon Kier Starmer has tried to get a blowjob from Angela Rayner? She seems like the cheeky type who would engage in such behaviour.
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Was leaving the mall with wife and saw a little black girl licking the windows of a nail salon

Just sloshing that shit up. Blacks are so dumb, where were her parents, probably no dad and her boon mother was in there gettin her nails did
that's what i thought too lol
remember one of my teachers in school saying to one of the girls in my class she had a nice smile
not sure he got reported or fired but he was gone the next year
not london
Dogberg no!
columbo's got this, cold as ice
id more guess she drunkenly forced herself on him
in dreams you're mine all of the time
Caca perro
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Another hunger games, another feast on day 5.

The bloodiest feast in many a generation of /brit/ hunger games leaves the arena much more lifeless than before.
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>brookie attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Teacher at my school got sacked for being an alky and coming in wasted

One of the PE teachers was a nonce who shagged sixth formers too
i cultivate a persona of hating children so no one suspects me of being a nonce (which i'm not, but suspicion is as bad as actually being one)
remember the cuckio meme?
Boring shite. Unironically top yourself
that snake Blair
sir tony blair doing what he does best - bombing innocents
Blair kills nigel kek
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*destroys your hunger games*
You're all insane I don't even the bitch's name, you're all a projecting niggers
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stfu saddam
hope you get murdered in Melbourne x
i'd stick my knobule 'twixt her piss flaps
>w-we kill u
I don't a man who can pose a threat to me
My town shares its name with a very well known US President
Vaginas are so grim
out doing deliveries on my own tomorrow for the first time in my new driving job
thanks resident of obama, herefordshire
alri gaylad
sacked troon can't resist plundering a cave
Yeah, don't get vaginas or women desu
>inb4 I'm no man
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Brookie allies with DTFIC.
Blair is set out to kill every last tribute and take his victory.

This could very well be over before the week has ended.
*shoves a lynx can up my bunghole*
think about it, and understand it
president pootown had a great foreign policy
fucked it
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think about it
do something about it
Pooey lynx lad is back
you'd rather explore a man's poo hole would you?
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The Feast leaves in its wake the biggest single death toll of the competition.
Yeah, as long as it's clean.
Men are fit, women are not
have reminded myself what "DTFIC" stands for numerous times but the information immediately leaves my head the moment i stop thinking about him, it's like it's a piece of information that's so stupid my brain refuses to commit it to long-term memory
Lincoln seems absolutely lovely
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>DTFIC goes to sleep
Wish this was real
Also his ancestral home
Jimmy Carter visited here a few times
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>Lichess Blitz rating back up to 1500
I could add her back and end this annoyance but I know she will pose even a bigger headache while providing nothing of value to my person not unlike a leech
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fuck off
Based Jimmy. Best President of the last 50 years.
Funny poo moment
I don't get of average women from an Arab country because I know they will have an inflated ego
interesting series of events
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Despite being one of the most violent /brit/ hunger games in living memory, it ends with a series of much less violent events.
listening to dj shadow
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i was quite enjoying my chocolate mousse until that
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who the hell is brookie, is it sacked tranny?
ALDI berries
I warned her about those discounted fruit
What was it?
should i watch that final episode of the grand tour
never watched any other episode and only bits of top gear here and there, but im bored
im irish
you poor man
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And with Brookie's death, DTFIC from District 12 wins it for Canada!

Jews keep throwing shitty people at me because they can't stand the sight of a comfy person
cockney rhyming slang.
because he is hairy
would unironically snog her after that
Mental how badly he mindraped the rest of them
Can't even motivate myself for a wank just want the proto bf here to kiss and cuddle and then hold down and violently shag
funny how he's not here to see this when's he's usually here all day
hello brit

is your country a brighter, more hopeful place than it was six months ago? :3
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Blair and Brookie fall short.

However, DTFIC and Brookie were both from District 12 and won the games together despite one having to die.
feeling tres shittey as they say in france
DTFICbros... we've made it
kek was thinking this, the one night he takes a break he wins Hunger Games
Tony Blair. Now there was a prime minister.
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Love are Kate
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you can't post that
mental how all women are slags
Lotta men are too
think it must be shit being circumcised.
>becomes a tranny, can rename himself whatever he wants
>calls himself brookie
>two literal killers get no kills
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A summary of all six days for those who missed.

The bulk of the deaths being at the beginning and end.
cockmogs me
muslim girls love white uncircumcised cock
DTFIC won and also killed his nemesis Spaino. Quite a night for the lad
based columbo
can confirm
ive read my muslim gf's diary and there's pages dedicated to fawning over my willy
Saving up my load for the proto bf's arsehole
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There ends the September games, with 3 tributes with a joint tally of 4 kills each.
>muslim gf
comtemplating a cheeky cry
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Mental how badly he mindraped them
Crazy how blair killed all the good guys
Just like real life
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What even is space? Some 3-dimensional construct you can move around within as some sort of living object?

What schizo came up with this shit
>Sir Kid Starver and Sir Tony Blair both on 4 kills
>Nigel with only 1
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it's not actually them
comes from this
really didn’t like that scat webm.
very digusting.
so I'm at the pool hall, and this girl comes up and she's all like "uhhhh" and I'm like WHATEVER
eat the cookie, brookie!
>women all died with no kills
Might wear a butt plug to work this week
think i just accidentally cured my depression by asking myself "do i want to kill myself?" and saying "not really" then suddenly i felt a huge weight off my shoulders that's been there for years
fucking miraculous
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can only get
can only get
bought m&s socks since I was there already but they come halfway up my shin
not too comfy, prefer a quarter or so up
Blog on
on the Choc "O" Nut Crumble
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September's hunger games ended 3 days earlier than April's.
Also with alot fewer kills
might wank
might not
they also left uncomfortable marks from the top of the sock being too tight
this is weird since they're size 9-12 and I'm only 68kg so don't really have thick calves
nothing pisses me off more than sweet caroline and that part where everyone says so good when it's not even in the song
For what purpose
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Oops wrong statistics.
I will never forgive sacked tranny for this
Looks delicious desu senpai
to stop him shitting himself perchance? ought to give it a go yourself lad, maybe you'd make it through a mart without sharting
love finding old YouTube videos like this with not many views x


they're about 13/14 here, so about 30 now, mad
slightly disturbed by how that webm of the lass licking shit off her buttplug gave me a boner
Yes it is in the song. What part is not in the song
He says "so good"
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>23. Spaino
>24. commiemong
tried on my £300 suit today and it looked peng
might put it on and have a wank
>motorway service station down south
>till worker refuses my Scottish note
>laugh at them as I leave it on the counter and walk away with my goods
once i get a home gym, i will be content in life
that's what they always say
got a rack, platform, bar and plates. I am not content.
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In contrast, this was April's previous feast.
what about your change
Where it began
I can't begin to know when
But then I know it's growin' strong
Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who'd have believe you'd come along?

Touchin' hands
Reachin' out
Touching me, touchin' you

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
thought I looked pretty ravishing in it (not in a rapey way)
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how the fuck am I supposed to know my car wasn't insured
fucking pisstake
I knew a Caroline but honestly she was kind of bookish and very unsexual. Not too sweet
history and philosophy are dangerous tools for navigating life
probably from all the emails and letters they send you
>sacked tranny decides to not go to the feast
first time in history this has happened
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>arr soogs spears dogberg only for him to go on and kill commiemong
lmao was your car impounded?
britishers repeat "so good" three times after he says so good just once
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can't stop burping
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Nigel has made top 4 twice in his three appearances.

Sacked tranny/Brookie has made 2nd place twice.

Bradley has not made it inside the top 10 since his first appearance in April.
You ALWAYS know. You must always know.
You set up a direct debit then you monitor it. Get a bank statement and check it, put a note in your diary and cross-reference. Get your bank to send you confirmation which you put in a drawer. You check that drawer on a monthly basis. You put your statements in a folder in that drawer. You check your outgoings and make sure they are consistent.
You NEVER presume that your direct debit is more important to someone else than it is to you.
You PROTECT your earnings. You CHECK you're covered. You NEVER EVER EVER get caught out.
reading about the sex lives of Olympians and feeling incredibly bitter
not had a wank in 5 days
fully concious victory
calm down martin lewis
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shame mousenonce was didn't turn up this season, he was making strides
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based mark
Hoping for a mark revival personally
Thinking about brown bums
i could knock out andrew tate
I may have gone too far in a few places.
Hate it when people talk about their sex lives and how much they’re shagging.
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Love a black man's arse
femoid revenge next time lads
If you had a sex life you'd do the same
because they're all shagging like crazy, pretty much having orgies in the olympic village and bragging about how much pussy or cock they get, while I'm a lonely virgin
If you put a bunch of young, fit, good looking men and women in the same vicinity what do you expect to happen?
this is me.
I don’t want to go toil.
orgies are grim
Written in a somewhat pretentious manner but this is sound advice.
Got drunk and ate too much again
why are you wasting your life on this website itt at 5 to 12 on a Sunday night
Ejaculating into a tissue
I unironically love looking up everyone I've ever dated and seeing that they're in a new relationship and a lot happier with their life
*places a flower on Catberrgue's grave and walks off into the rainy night*
always liked this meme
why are you
Every girl I got with always had another dude waiting around the corner for them a day later
I instead am spontaneous with my flings
As is the life of a man these days
I am terminally unemployable. I have no work history and no qualifications beyond A-levels. I am 25. I wish friends and family would stop asking me if I've got a job yet. THE ANSWER WILL ALWAYS BE NO. STOP FUCKING ASKING ME. I COULDN'T GET A JOB IF I TRIED. I WISH I'D JUST MADE AN ONLYFANS THE DAY I TURNED 18.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9r6fvRDLlM literally me
cor would love to shag this lad up his arse
kek this used to be me
it's okay you'll get a job at a supermarket soon enough and you'll learn to love it and regret your years of unrealised agency
the mentally ill autistic NEET yearns for mundanity
same reason as you
Dreading toil on the morn
life is too hard
Only if you are born with subhuman genetics
my genetics are fine, i just had a difficult upbringing that has left me mentally fried
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really regret quitting my job without having anything lined up
think I'm crazy for not trying harder to keep it with my shit CV. honestly scared I've made myself unemployable
big american TITTIES, cousin
got any qualifications?
>muh upbringing
>muh mental elf
fuck off you sad useless pozzie
sort yourself out
Don't want to hear about your sad gimpy life on a Monday morning
new BPM just dropped, 40BPM. cardio works.
ever been abroad?
nope lol. half way through an accounting qualification though
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Does Europe absorb all the migrants who rock up to the coast? How many are sent back?
enjoy spitting on the less fortunate do you? make you feel like a big man?
yeah if tasmania counts
poop on a loop
ah lol
yeah you'll be fine if you just stick to that
hopefully. I am enjoying having something to work towards
rorke says we don't send back enough, leftypol says we send back too many, hard to know whom to believe on the matter
>yeah if tasmania counts
tasmania is very different to mainland australia, they have a fast food chain that sells baked potatoes there
not another country though is it mate?
I've drank (beer) extensively throughout australia, the united kingdom and united states
wee woo wee woo early alert
in spirit it is

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