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no one else was making one edition
Its fucking over
Roy "Chubby" Brown
Right so the non-larper consensus is if you didn’t meet your wife in uni it’s over?
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reckon you need to just take life as it comes rather than resigning yourself to unfounded fatalistic rubbish
hoovered the stairs and the living room
I didn't like most of the women at my uni. Lots of posh, tarty-looking birds who seemed to have zero personality and all looked the same. I could never have found a wife there.
my cat will be eating good
wouldn’t mind a shag

unless you get introduced to your friends' friends that are single then it is basically over
reckon barbers can sense if you're a shagger or not and will give you a better haircut if you are
sucking a covfefe
Ah so you found your wife elsewhere? Glad to hear it all turned out well mate
can i hoover your arse with my mouth?
mad how thunderf00t was right about how the titan sub failed
bet his voice will be even more smug now
waaagwan bredders
I'm saying I'd rather be alone than force a relationship with someone I don't vibe with.
I’m in a foul mood and want to wallow in a purposefully limited worldview and moan about it
going on a long bus journey soon
chat is this real
>wonder why im getting fat
>look at the amount of calories in my fast food order (only dinner)
>2400 calories
hmm... i see... i see...
that's not going to do anything except make you even more miserable, bizarre logic you're operating on m8
might start carving a hieroglyphs into my arm like teenage girl
something to do innit
sat here in bed not doing owt
you work out why then?
should have a wankeroo
What do you know
Australians live life on easy mode
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no not the hecking poster count
never worked out in me life
sometimes i get the urge to get tattoos but then i realise that's fucking stupid and pointless and normie-tier behaviour
got an experiment lined up for later in a sec hh
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>tattoos are... LE BAD
Hh brother
Pouring bleach into piss?
Bring back hanging I say
I see more people seething about people saying they dislike tattoos than I see those people that dislike tattoos seething
why does pouring sodium hydroxide into piss make it go purple
you have no idea, the entire stream of western culture is geared towards americans so you never have to think about anything at all, you have no idea of the yankisms i've absorbed just through basic cultural osmosis and had to unlearn just to avoid getting bullied for exhibiting yank-tier behaviour
I am completely despondent
Tattoos are just a way of saying “give me attention” without saying it out loud because that would be too rude. People who say it’s there to express themselves and cause it looks nice are stupid, because you don’t need to permanently etch something into your skin to express yourself, you speak English and can use words for a reason. Wankers
I get tattoos on women, because they are the weaker sex and need to appear more intimidating. But on men? Lma0
No chemicals nigga
alri goebbels
*wanking off my chorley*
corr blimey this is a splendid romp
I think the reason I most look forward to China ruling the earth is that all of their last names sound like slang for 'cock'.
eating fancy sugar nomnomnom
sugar for my experiment later
What is the point of these memes, they could be used for assisted suicide or all sorts of body horror operations, or the black market and lots of other things.
where my ATL niggas @
total me victory
reckon life and finance and stuff isn't as bad as people say it is, my job pays just a bit more than australian minimum wage and i live very comfortably, i can even afford to be a junkie
Do you rent or own a home? If renting, how close are you to being able to purchase a home?
you can't suffer in aus
Tattoos are European tradition. Our ancestors thousands of years ago were getting tattoos. Things only changed once Christfaggotry became the norm.
Leftypol going to a pub with exposed brick walls, abstract paintings hung up with lamps pointed at them, fancy stools and £15 pints from companies who put more money into their logo than the beer they make called “the Kangs Battyboy”.
mental how the vast majority of the world likely is going about their days with unwiped, pooey bums as we speak
Yeah and it’s been the norm for 1800 years, I think it’s time to let what happened back then go.
renting and not planning on buying any time soon, realistically home ownership is a pipe dream, maybe one day i'll come into some money and it'll be feasible but for now it's simply not going to happen, and i'm ok with that
So if Islam becomes the majority religion of Britain and bans alcohol, pork, and forces all women to dress in binbags, should people 1800 years from now "let it go"?
Coronavirus but more deadly that affects only a certain demographic
I’m so incel that I’ve never even been to the pub before in my life. Just too incel for it. Even fucking leftypol goes to pubs and I don’t cause I’m afraid of what they’ll all think of me.
>anons still droning on about the “great replacement” being real
By that point white British people wouldn’t really be a thing, so it wouldn’t really matter, we wouldn’t be their ancestors, it’ll all be a bunch of pakis.
I have enough for a deposit (I think) but just can't imagine spending the rest of my life indebted to Mr shekelberg
Do you want me to hold your hand and we can go together? Xx
mate how have u never been to a pu b didn't your family take you when you were a kid for a sunday roast or a pub lunch sometimes
You are the first poster in this thread to mention "the great replacement". Meds now.
crimson and clover
In bed. Farting.
this dumbass >>202587402 is effectively making claim it is reality
Ah so *karate chops your forehead*
>didn't your family take you when you were a kid for a sunday roast or a pub lunch sometimes
Dadberg didn’t allow such a thing because I was a chubster when I was little.
whoops, meant this dumbass >>202587367
to me it seems kind of stupid to even think about buying a house unless you can afford to outright buy at least 25% of it, people put home ownership up on this pedestal like it's some kind of basic human right that's being withheld from us, but really it's just a reason for people to piss and moan rather than get on with life, like yeah houses were cheaper decades ago, everyone knows that, get over it, it doesn't mean you have to be homeless
this dumbass *points at myself*
surely parents fault if a kiddie litkin is fat
If you go to a normalfag chain pub like Wetherspoons you'll just be ignored because nobody actually socialises there, they just go in pre-formed groups.

If you go to a proper local geezers pub people will talk to you, but they won't be mean, there's a lot of fucking weirdos in those sorts of pubs though. Me and a mate of mine at uni used to frequent them because we got bored of the typical student pubs. I remember some chavvy middle-aged woman blabbing at me unprompted for 2 hours and kissing me on the cheek (without consent of course).
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doing a read
didn't realise we had torpedos that a cheeky diver had to drive manually
got plenty of human Tor pedos that post ITT
Jewish women are made for white men
The percentage of Muslims and foreigners in general in Britain is objectively increasing. That's not debatable.

"The great replacement" theory asserts not just that this is happening, but that it's being orchestrated deliberately for anti-white reasons. And I never supported that theory. I think it's happening for greedy capitalistic reasons instead.
>If you go to a normalfag chain pub like Wetherspoons you'll just be ignored because nobody actually socialises there, they just go in pre-formed groups.
Hate this
Feels like school lunchtime but for adults
real, they all post with a Belgium flag
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>Declining native birthrates + a huge unending influx of foreigners simultaneously
It’s not happening chud!
saw a noncehunter video recently and he said he only had tor to get rid of adverts
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*spins in your general direction*
I agree, although my opinion is home ownership is more for people with families. not sure why a single bloke like myself who will never had kids should buy a house, who am I gonna leave it to? what's the point
nice of them to plan ahead for inflation
Getting fucking sick of these ads
>le quirky yank actor voiceover
>casual shilling for big tech megacorporations
>promoting smartphone/social media addiction while at the same time running ads about how "its tough growing up with phones!" (YOU'RE the fucking reason it's tough, you evil fucking cunts)
Vile Jewish Vermin
catberge is on a so called mad one because it is raining outside and she can't go out
Spoons isn't really a pub, it's a pub-themed low-quality restaurant
The two kinda go together. More diverse populace is less unified and less powerful
love games where you can play as hot women
love these things but they seem to absolutely despise being pets and humans
We know why anon really just posted that
>New polling by Opinium reveals that the Prime Minister’s approval rating has dropped down to -26 since Sir Keir became the country’s leader. It now makes him — by a point — less popular than former PM Rishi Sunak which, er, after his party’s electoral defeat just three months ago says quite something.

>Less than a quarter of those surveyed approve of how Starmer has run the country, while 50 per cent don’t like how the Labour leader is doing things. Nearly two-thirds of people think the Labour government has been unsuccessful while a third of those who voted for Starmer’s army in July don’t think they’ve performed well so far. And, to add insult to injury, almost half of the public now have a more negative view of Sir Keir and Labour since they came into office. Great work, guys!

first wanks were to making characters in the sims with massive boobs

couldn't believe it when i found the sex mods
ravenclaw bitch
Mental how fit they are
>AI is going to replace us all!

not so fast there hombre
oh my god no one cares
Where I differ is that I think the sole and only reason mass immigration is happening is for corporations to make profit.

All the social justice nonsense is just additional post-hoc rationalisation. It's easier to sell the idea to certain people if you pretend you're doing it "to promote racial justice and equality" rather than just admitting its for money.
you're making it smarter by correcting its mistakes, stop it
don’t care for yours, i’d rather the facts
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson
The really scary thing about AI is how fucking garbage it is and yet normalfags still worship it and treat everything it says as gospel.
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i get social anxiety talking to AI, proper fucked in the head me
feeling too tired to get cigarettes, and ill only have maybe 3-4 for tomorrow, while i usually smoke 30¬ a day. going to be hellish lads.
genuinely had arguments with mongs that think they're right because ai agreed with them

it's quite the experience
Doing a poo
rorke taking L after L omds
Maybe stop using computer programs as a replacement for real human interaction, and you might be less mentally deranged in future.
how in the fuck are you smoking 30 cigs a day?
quite easily? smoke a cigarette maybe once every 20 minutes?
I would say it’s a mistake to give it a single reason. The ideology of lefties is such that they believe any human should live where they want with no resistance from any government. If this wasn’t driving so many people, we wouldn’t have collectively accepted it.
do you buy those bootleg darbs from those cash-only paki shops for $10 a pack, or fork out $40 for a legitimate pack from the servo?
i enjoy the experience of smoking but the aftermath is not even close to worth it
one cigarette and my tastebuds are fucked for a week
idk how u people do it
Mad how Sydney Harbour is probably lousy with canned dead Japs
Seen Reddit threads where someone will ask a serious question and some soiboi mong will pop up in the comments with
>ChatGPT to the rescue!
>*posts 3 paragraphs of useless AI-generated trash*
what do you mean? i just implied i don't use it because it gives me social anxiety
Least smug redditor
mental how all hitler needed was some mates and madri when he got rejected from art school and all that bloodshed would have been avoided but mental health wasn't a thing then
buy 25g pouches for $70 each from the servo la

never experienced the loss of taste me, and my tongue is turning black from all the smoking lol
drinking the gin
technically dont finish work until 5 aha
got eggzeema
Would typically say this is a made up story but with how britland is nowadays it’s quite possible it isn’t
Only midwits say that. LLMs aren't "true" intelligence, they're just good at generating text.
Leftists don't have any institutional power. All our politicians are neoliberals and they simply do the bidding of international megacorporations (who are the only real force in this world that has any actual power or influence)
you're an alkie mate, need help
>never experienced loss of taste
wtf how man don't you just taste the ash fucking crazy how much it fucks it
Got out the butt plug set
Forgot how different cumming is with your prostate stimulated, that warm and powerful feeling you get
not sure which tactic to take with you so have them all
always found redditors to be very uncanny people, there's been this instinct in the back of my mind that they're not real people, seems only fitting that they should openly surrender their capacity for independent thought completely to AI
Even if you didn't have anxiety, you shouldn't use AI because it's useless nonsense developed by Silicon Valley drones who want to brainwash you.
do weed strains actually effect you differently? Or is it all a meme? Dealerberg has too many and I don't know which ones are shite
only taste it when im actually smoking them desu
4channers are just a bunch of basement dwellers
Because 60-ish% of Reddit is just bots trained on the other 40%’s posts.
hardest i ever orgasmed was rocking on a toy while gooning to dua lipa
eventually spaffed to a coom edit of the physical video and thought i was going to pass out
as i implied and then outright stated, i dont use it, i looked at it once or twice and then never touched it again
They get institutional power from people who vote and think like that, though
at least we have access to high-speed internet
Have a quick browse of the r/singularity sub if you want to see how insane these people are.

They're genuinely on the brink of worshipping ChatGPT as if its their new God.
Cor anon
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wagwarn famm
Starmer welcoming in the boat people like my friends, you bow to no one
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the afternoon scran as it were
lingers for days
had one weekend before last took until about tuesday to not taste it anymore
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Looks good ngl
what's on that potato salad?
what's on the mac and cheese?
more paprika?
what them green things be?
what's the pasta in the cup?

the mind boggles
>one pint of mac and cheese please barkeep
australia is british in culture but not in identity. canada is british in identity, but not in its culture
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They have institutional power regardless of who's voted in. It literally does not matter what happens in elections. Reform could win a landslide majority at the next election and start proceedings to deport immigrants, and the response from corpos would simply be endless slander, scandals and media hitpieces until the government can't go on anymore and a new election is called with a more preferable result.

I don't like Liz Truss but look at how quickly they got her out by doing exactly that. Now imagine how much more forceful the reaction would be if anybody actually provocative won an election
Are you done with thinking
id wipe that smile off his face
there's a place in Tenby that does whitebait by the pint
whitebait is vile thoughbeit
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fucking PORN
why can't the government just force businesses to pay taxes for AI-generated toil the same way they would for a human employee, and then take all that money and used it to fund the nascent neet lifestyles of people who lost their jobs to AI?
feel like it's going to be a long and painful road until they figure this out
If it didnt matter what happens in elections they wouldnt have to work so hard in that scenario. Dont get me wrong the populace is well enough controlled but we paint ourselves in a corner thinking theyre endlessly powerful.
a skinny east asian arse?
carving a pumpkin but the pumpkin is my arse and instead of a knife it’s a broomstick handle
nobody will lose their job to AI
Gay rp discord posters here
Expect blacked posting to begin momentarily
just lost my job to AI
loads of people already have, graphic designers and visual artists especially
i already have albeit
you can't even wipe your own arse you fat clown
I don't think they're marketing to "picky eater" autists tbf
wrecked that cunt
business idea: oh your days
I googled presuppositional argument a few days ago and the AI answer was quite biased. It included weak atheistic attacks on the argument from the get go right under the already subpar definition
Sent that chubster orbiting slimming world
Oh no!!! Think about the webcomic artists!
do a leap of a bridge
wish my brain would either stop being mentally ill or finally crack into complete insanity, sick of this mental purgatory
methamphetamine can permanently send you into the insanity realm
all i need is a groundbreaking idea and i'll be a squillionaire before you know it
In an ideal world AI would just be totally banned. There is literally zero positive outcome for humans as a whole from inventing AI and forcing it into every sector. It only benefits the rich.
sounds to me like in an even more ideal world, AI would be doing everything for us and it would be the rich who don't exist
Why are bugmen like this?
wish a banana chocolate chip muffin was melting in my mouth right now
Leftypol ordering 2/3rds of a pint of hard kombucha
How much did you used to make drawing furry porn mate?
i've never once cracked a boner over any AI-generated porn, so there is that
oh my lord
Why would you want AI to "do everything for us"? That's just a recipe for creating a society full of useless people with no skills, no talents, no intelligence. What you're asking for is for a literal idiocracy. And that society would collapse and break down if there was ever some cataclysmic event which shut-off all the computers/devices running the AIs.

Humans should be completely self-reliant. The moment we rely on technology to do basic tasks for us, we have utterly killed ourselves as a species.
older generations were much more intelligent than us. dont be fooled by fancy technology
alexa, pick my crops
All the people on the know changed over to DuckDuckGo within the last couple of years. What do we know?
Alright guys? Back from work. Had a shower and something to eat now going to have a sleep.
what a... tragedy
i mean the menial shit that no one wants to do, ideally we'd all have plenty of time to focus self-actualisation with everyone being free to pursue their passions without fear of financial limitation and so forth, but admittedly that might be a wildly optimistic outlook, i'm pretty much picturing a star trek tng utopia
anyone snap a piccy of you earlier?
did a wankage to the taylor swift ones a while ago and it opened the floodgates so to speak
hope you washed your cock and bollocks in the shower lad
>ideally we'd all have plenty of time to focus self-actualisation with everyone being free to pursue their passions without fear of financial limitation and so forth
This isn't what's happening though, we're getting the exact opposite. Corporations are still employing people to perform boring, menial tasks, meanwhile they're aggressively shilling AI programs that automate actually fun things like creativity, self-expression or socialisation. We are speeding full-throttle into the most boring dystopia you could imagine, and its all the fault of techbros.
just saw a freakish webm
People are retarded pleasure seeking scum and need the suffering of work and daily existence to exist and thrive
Think we should artificially agree to go back to ‘80s era tech for most of humanity
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fucking howling at the faces you can make on pro clubs now
job interview tomorrow morn, lads
done zero preparation for it
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fucking roaring
does posting animal cruelty videos violate united states law?
>Think we should artificially agree to go back to ‘80s era tech for most of humanity
2006 would be perfect. That's the last year before smartphones became a thing. Social media still kind of existed but it was just a small niche of the overall internet. And computers and video game systems were sufficiently advanced for everything we could possibly need. We had cool tech back then that we no longer have now, too, like iPods.
wish i didnt click on it
at very least it's guro outside of /b/
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ever disrespected an elderly person
if you look at people who were born into immense wealth most of them are fit and healthy with their degeneracy generally only extending to a coke habit or whatever, they don't seem to all be awful dysgenic cunts and they never have to toil a day in their life if they don't want to
Thanks for saying something completely irrelevant to the conversation.
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not irrelevant, i'm giving an example of people who aren't burdened by the need to toil and yet still didn't turn into useless blobs
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>we must speak over the truth!!!
Really makes one think.
why do the chinese love torturing animals so much?
turns out the constant deliberate banging on my ceiling all night and the loss of electricity were linked
get me out of this vile craphole block of flats
antivaxxers STILL waiting for that mass die off
4 pints of Carlsberg down the shithole
Why do you think a world where everything is automated would lead to everybody being rich? It's more likely 99% would be appallingly poor, subsisting on only a meagre amount of UBI and low-quality government-provided housing. Nobody would be able to improve their lot in life because things like skills and talents would become obsolete. Everybody would be equal, as in equally shit.
Turns out staying up all night and waking up at 4pm isn't a great lifestyle choice and makes you feel like shit. Who knew
of all races of earth, east asians are the ones that possess the smallest soul
this lack of spirit makes it virtually impossible for them to feel any empathy. this is so much that, those few east asians that DO possess a soul, segregate themselves from society and live on top of mountains as monks to escape the insanity of their kinsmen
*raises paw*
Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello!!!
kinda the opposite issue here
asleep by 9 and up at 4 every day
would you rather have a kid that was born with a disease that won't have them see their 10th birthday
severe autism yet they live into their 70s?
Hyraxes are so IN right now
is it the kind of autism where i can take them on tv shows and exploit them to get rich?
alri milkman
they do scream and headbutt walls for 16 hours a day though

diseased kid for me
worth it, i can just hire a tard wrangler to deal with it
any man quit they job before without one lined up?
Animal in chink language is thing with pulse
Did him. Unless that is his actual profession
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mad that yanks eat this on a bidaily basis
Is there a compiled list of /brit/ lads who have been done along with an in-depth analysis on how the doing was carried out?
does anyone have a purple bellend
like an extremely vivid shade, way stronger than the gammon skin tone
that one creep in the office that gives neckrubs to the women
adalia rose got a fut card?
they absolutely don't
even in yankland this'd be a ripoff, like $25 or something daft
That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say?
Unless you've been bashing your cock hard I'd message doc asap luvie
many times
rather not think about such horrible things
still yet to work out that anything more than a handful of drinks makes me feel like utter shite
Decided I'm going to completely quit alcohol. I had my last drink ever last Friday.
tough conversation with the ladies on reception getting your appointment booked though

>yes hello I am concerened about the purple hue of my bellend yes it's very purple you see, like a ripe plum
Usually the bellend is a faint pink
Went overboard did you?
That last drink turned into the second to last drink?
does the fear justify the outcome?
Want to shag Gillian Anderson
>pedoshit + blonde
No thanks.
it's not suddenly happened it's always been like this

bit stupid when october is right around the corner
why not make it a nye resolution?
hiking a hitch
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not exactly sure what you're referring to lad
just couldnt stand my job anymore so i quit simple as
sometimes i get the urge to post something extremely inappropriate that has a 50/50 chance of me getting banned
i can't help it, i'm australian
any turquoise jeep enjoyer in?
we can't post sexually attractive 17 year old women?
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same, i just finished off my last bottle of gin, picking up some gear tomorrow, onto bigger and better intoxicants me
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>Decided I'm going to completely quit alcohol.
what? until friday? yh yh heard it all before mate
do you post in sverigetraden? they had a very sexy webm there earlier that made me pop a big stiffy
but when you stopped working did you worry about money and stuff
not him but personally don’t anymore nor lurk it
just a complete mess of a general
Not him but I quit my job because I hated it and had £15k just sat in the bank. Living with dadberg so my expenses were low and that was basically 5 years worth of money.
Made a banging PowerBI dashboard lads

Toilberg singing my praises to all the senior managers, I believe the word “genius” was thrown around a couple of times
wasn't it hard to find new toil after being unemployed for so long?
ive seen them watermark their webms, bizarre general
Powerbi exists solely to plug up gaps in systems
Burritos for tea
Can't wait I'm dead hungry
dropped a level off of a church roof today myself
Not the lad you're replying to but I have also quit jobs with nothing lined up (every time, in fact).

Your level of worry will depend on how much of a financial buffer you have. If you have 6+ months savings to burn then you're unlikely to be tossing and turning at night because you know you can doss for that length of time, paying your own money.

Technically even when your savings run out there is still the social safety net. Say your money ran out after a while, you'd just sign on to UC, apply for a council tax reduction, apply for housing benefit. Once your UC gets awarded you'll have money coming in, rent paid, council tax reduced to a negligible amount. Yes you will need to apply for jobs to placate the UC coach during this time.

What I would say though is if you have no savings right now, and quit your job today, you can't claim UC for 3 months (because you left voluntarily). So really you'd want at least 3 months' worth of savings before packing it in.
Don’t know or care what that means, bore off
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yeah no offense i can't imagine a general full of swedes (by far the most autistic nationality on the planet) would be very good
yeah they do that, weirdos
Not really. I could walk into any runt job because I have retail/warehouse/office experience. Problem is it was impossible to get a "good" job so I ended up just not working for a year, spending my savings and being back to square one
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Labour utterly on the ropes
Theyve completely misjudged this whole thing
hurry up and get to 310 so I can make all the posts I thought up during toil
coughing and cumming at the same time
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thanks... something to consider
Sounds shite, makes me glad I paid attention at school haha
Bet if you re-ran the election now Labour would do a lot worse, probably a hung parliament.
Just proves what cattle most people are. They didn't know jack shit about Labour's policies or even cared what they would do in government, they just voted based on vibes.
can't believe league of legends is still popular, that shit seemed old when i was a 17 year old zoomer back in 2012
recently made it to two and a half years, me
More movies should have a Video Joker
Alri granddad
gone off of a cliff these last years really
oh sorry forgot i was talking to a “genius”, yeah lad good work! bet you’re proud, our smart little man!
well i think governments should be able to make unpopular decisions if it is for the best for the country
most people are such cattle they can't understand basic economics
ah the hubris of youth
you'll be 30 before you know it and wondering where your life went buddy
Don't understand why MOBAs were ever popular. All my mates in sixth form were addicted to Dota 2 and it didn't sound like they ever had fun playing it. They'd just rage and complain about how bad random teammates were.
Didn’t mean to trigger any insecurities lad, apologies x
most economics papers can't be replicated, extremely pseudoscientific field
>you'll be 30 before you know it and wondering where your life went buddy
this will be me, I'm 24 but I don't know how to avoid this
I'm having gene therapy so I don't age
Mate I’m 22 there’s no way I will ever turn 30 I’ll be in my 20s forever
one of those games that’s really bloody fun if you’re winning
haha nah just messing xx
well i naturally don't age, people tell me i look about 18 so i'm genetically superior
*flicks v-signs at your inferior lowly mortal gene therapy-getting arse*
am 27 now
literally felt like I was 22 yesterday
where has it all gone
you'd want a team of economists running the show in any case
No football on this evening
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>Israeli air strikes kill 274, Lebanon says, as thousands flee south of country
274 dead hezbollah members, great news
fucking get it made you worms there won't be a 2nd warning
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Not socialist economists presumably
don't care
not my problem
>one of those games that’s really bloody fun if you’re winning
It's really hard to win though because huge portions of the playerbase are 10,000 hour+ sweaties who will just trounce you if you don't spend every waking second of your free time practicing the game. One of my mates was pretty good and was guaranteed to beat pretty much anyone else in a private match easily, but even he would regularly lose and rage in public lobbies.
lazy cunts
why don't you do it yourself?
free loaders
To 400
make the nu
What the other swedlad said svt is a mess
Let's do it
Isreal? No it isn't
aye, every old game with a competitive scene going has become a bloody chore to play (cs, dota, lol, cod/bf, mmo’s, etc.)
that’s why i just gave up on them, not worth the time
Nah the thread joey is spazmodically rapping out a new as we speak

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