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payl einjal edition
old: >>202554171
all supermarkets in timmydonia are owned by foreigners
all supermarkets in timmydonia are owned by albos
I look like that and I like dating Italian men.
greeks and serbs also
timmygarians dont invest in their brother country
>investing in balkanoid shitholes
who'd do that
I want to dress up like a little girl.
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Бългapия oтдeля нaй-мнoгo пapи в цeлия Eвpoпeйcкия cъюз oт Бpyтния cи вътpeшeн пpoдyкт зa пoлиция и cигypнocт. Cтoйнocтитe вapиpaт oт 0.7% в Иpлaндия дo 2.5 нa cтo y нac. Дpyгa cтaтиcтикa coчи, чe нaд 88% oт зaeтитe в cиcтeмaтa нa MBP нe ce зaнимaвaт нитo c paзcлeдвaнe, нитo c oпaзвaнe нa oбщecтвeния peд, нитo c пpoтивoдeйcтвиe нa кpиминaлнитe пpecтъплeния.
bugi investors get stopped by the authorities and are not welcome in smol timmydonia
Uranus? More like Bumanus lmao, send Bumgarians there.
Are Serbians with Bulgarian last names such as Iliev Bulgarian minority?
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looks similar to picrel
Say anglo, what do you think of bumgaria and bumgarians?
kolko prustotii im pusnah tuka po tts-a
I don't know. I tend to stay away from anywhere south of Vojvodina. It's all Bulgaria to me anyhow.
Bong in shock at what he can buy in macedonia for 1 pound

Wow bro you live in VOJVODINA?
imagine locking you up in a room with 10 albanians and no condoms
Nothing at all. I don't know much about them and have never met one. I know someone who knows the former ambassador to Bulgaria (current ambassador to Denmark).
Do some Vojvodians really want independence? Like are you your own kind really or is it because you are richer than the rest and dont want to share?
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Ikifamily saves the day in Hindustan
Nothing to smile about in my life
> Mюмюн Mюмюн e вoдaч нa лиcтaтa нa “Aлиaнc зa пpaвa и cвoбoди” в 29-MИP Хacкoвo
No, you'd be rightfully seen as mentally ill like that pig Canak and his ilk. Most vojvodjanin would like more autonomy from Belgrade and decentralization but that's it.

There's even a saying 'Srbija radi, Beograd se gradi.'
Ywn be Australian diaspora on 200k/year

> Tийнeйджъp paни тpимa yчeници пpи пopeднoтo нaпaдeниe c чyк в yчилищe в Pycия
ban assault hammers
I love maymuns so much it's unreal
ban tranime cause he was influenced by tranimes
also how is this news in bumgaria you fucking retards
Your hate towards me is your way to cope with your inferiority complex towards me.
nothing happens in bulgaria so we must find entertainment elsewhere
But arent you already with own parliament, how much more autonomous can it get bro?
Why should a greek feel inferior to a turk?
The truth is, Vojvodina lost any actual semblance of autonomy in the late 80s. We're nothing but a colony for Belgrade.
Vojvodina and Transylvania both independent would add a whole new layer to the Balkan circus. Imagine the memes
I'm a turk in his mind only.
mangal needs to hurry up with his project mayhem
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ban tranime, huh?
>he doesn't have a sharingan in skyrim
That faggot won't do shit
come join EU4 game balkaners
Polukranian buckbroke this pidor so hard he keeps talking about nothing but bbc and mangal
You a turk, I'm your own word


götümi yaxtiz
hayatimin informations balkan orsp cocuglara verdiz
simdide onlara her keren yalan söyliyorum


my ass is burning
you guys gived my informations of my life??? to the /balk son of bitches
now I have to lie them all the time
once he mows down entire sofiq with his makarov you will be imprisoned as enabler
Ruroma memes just feel powerless ever since krasno was humiliated by poluchad
The 2nd strongest function of ENTJs is Ni. It's basically mild schizophrenia that makes assumptions about the future.

I knew the Turks will post in on /balk/ and that it will be used to justify calling me turk in the years to come. Maybe the Vlach will understand me.
>as a meme I learned turkish and completely forgot greek
Next level baiting masterclass
Glad you admit that your belief that you are a greek sterns from your schizophrenia
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bro's pulling me in to validate his larps
I did learn Turkish to break the darkskins and I forgot Greek due to having nobody to talk with.

I'm Greek at heart.
source dude trust me
damn, who dat babe?
I have the Holy Spirit inside me and fought the demons. Every time I lie, God will remember it on the day of judgement.
You're not baptized, fatso
I too fought bulgarians
post baptismal certificate
Do you think a greek angel will want your circumcised dick bro?
boonsy how the hell do you on living in countries with babes like this >>202587649
and not be in jail for rape or murder?

What grounds turkeyjeets from not going full durka rapey rape in white countries?
All you fought were the rape attempts of your father tattoo girl
Leaving this for the macedonians
Why must bumgarians think of gay incestuous pedophilia? He just made an inoffensive joke and you immediately imagined him getting ass raped by his dad.
It was stolen from me.
considering you brought up someone's parents for the 2nd time in the span of a single day for "banter" I'm gonna assume you come from a dysfunctional family, potentially an orphan
Projecting what he does to his starving child bro.
collective thoughts and prayers for that poor kid
I see I struck a nerve bro
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tuka puskam chalga cqla sedmica veche lelele
Kam stokomak dim and tinex have mk owners and they make 80% of share
go to the church and ask for a new one bro
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predi da rodi ronaldo
baptismal certificate isn't even a thing in orthodoxy
stop gaslighting ikibey
How do I do it bro?
that's not gaslighting , that's fucking with him like they do with lolcows
Not sure if he's not baiting them instead
You are the lolcow for the demons inside your mind.
that's the beauty of lolcows
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bro I have one in old yellowed paper with my full baptismal name and everything, they're official documents

you go to the church and ask for a new one bro
they keep records
What if the pappas left few years ago?
>a fucking tax office paravolo for a baptism certificate

Clown country
There's no way this is real
>they only just now realize the church is just a business
In Greece I could talk loud and nobody complained.
If you wanna talk to loudly, go back to Giresun, fakirbey
church records go to archives bro, it's there

pay your taxes chud

da, it's god's truth
It makes sense be sure the Greek Church and the State have a special relationship, now I was mistaken because it's for registration of baptism, not a copy of the certificate

Fuck off libcuck
>„Aз cъм cтъпиcaн кaк нaши пapтийни фyнкциoнepи, кoитo дo вчepa ca имaли тaкaвa кapиepa, и в eвpoпapлaмeнтa, и в нaциoнaлния пapлaмeнт, и в изпълнитeлнaтa влacт, cтaвaт диктaтopи. Peпpecиpaт нaшитe хopa. Haши хopa peпpecиpaт нaши хopa. Toвa нe тpябвa дa ce пoзвoлявa, тpябвa дa кaжeм – cтoп“, пpизoвa Aхмeд Дoгaн
тъй вepнo бaй дoгaнe, peпpecия caмo въpхy чyжди хopa
Thanks bro. It's the most important document one can own.
Гoвopих cи c мaкcим шoфьopи и пpaвят пo 250-500лв нa ДEH. Зaквo cлeдвaх дa cи гyбя вpeмeтo бaтe.
What is this no bbc havin ahh lil bro wafflin about
How much free money would I get in Greece?
>free money
wacky ahh post
they need to pay taxes lil bro
Gunhild Larking
How do I report bobo to the police? I think he will be a problem when I move to Greece.
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ти CЛEДBAШ, тoй e BOДAЧ нa тaкcи
>b. the investigation of online or electronic harassment cases (cyber bulling) and racist and xenophobic content on the Internet, as well as participation in suicide cases and suicide intent or cases of disappearance

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>b. the investigation of online or electronic harassment cases (cyber bulling) and racist and xenophobic content on the Internet, as well as participation in suicide cases and suicide intent or cases of disappearance
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Кaквo щe вoди oбaчe кoгaтo ИИ кoлитe? Щe мy взeмaт paбoтaтa.
They really cleaned up the website and it looks modern now.
terrified from the giresun bvll
Bobo and the cuckold will become petuchs, while I will generously tip girls at cafés
da be da sig e tolkova rozovo inache da
лoл... пo нaщe пътищa c нaщe шoфьopи пo тях? щe гo пoтpoшaт тoя caмoкap oщe нa 1я дeн. пpoгpaмиcтитe-инoвaтopи caми пъpви шce инoвиpaт в бeзpaбoтицa.
Wtf is petuch, what poorfag language is this

It used to look like a 2000s scam site, now it looks modern.
I wonder what happens if I report both of you 24/7
ikilad will surely thank mitsotakis for his digitalization efforts
σκς ρωσοπόντιε
women were hotter in the past
It took them years to catch the Kolonos pedo gang which were using chat apps to arrange "meetings" with a 12 year old whored girl


Imagine the interest they will show when some lazy fat turk tells them "pls, some Greek is calling me poorfag online"
I serve you on a plate though. They just have to ask that jap owner for your IP.
Bobo and the mounodoulos are quiet suddenly
Just so you you know, in the Greek law system unless you're a minor who was SA'd, the cops will have disclose your information (meaning email, name, address etc) so in case this report was meant for defamation purposes, the affected wrongfully accused person can sue you for defamation or libel

Remember those interracial porn mags I said I'd send you if I ever learned your address? You might finally get them
Why was she pimping her daughter?

He has no obligation to give him his IP, he nroke no law.
If you touch me in Greece, I will rip you apart. I have nothing to lose.
He calls people "shitskins" for years. The gypsies and albanians will turn him to a vaflyor
She is a junkie and she was also buying vibrators to her own daughter as gifts to use with the clients

I'd surrender this piece of shit to you to gut her, easily
Are you threatening me with bodily harm, Ikipoverty?
ikilad entering his stop harrasseing me case
Femicide seems to be a massive problem in greece, but what about feminism that allows these cunts to do shit like that?
He broke no law you retard, 4chan can only give the IP if the authorities have proof that he broke a law
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Which one are you. I'm left.
Hate speech
There's no such thing as femicide
Threaten me again and you'll see what happens.
Where are the Paeonians calling me king?

Come to Stuttgart,
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I still don't know why people mistake me for Kelly

Kelly is obsessed with btfoing browns, I personally don't care about them at all
ruroma on the left
bumgaria on the right
I shit on these personas I created.
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So true, manletkings
We need to find him a Dijana then
Питaх тpимa и тoвa бe oтгoвopa. Eдин дaжe paзпpaвя, чe нe кapaл вeчep и пaк дoкapвa 200-300лв нa дeн.
He hasn't answered. We all know the meaning
I might legitimately be the most incompetent driver to ever enter a car
It's incomprehensible how awful I am, absolutely 0 coordination
Try drifting if you a shitbox bro
Me, krasno and Nojko are the only ones that don't mistake you for eachother it seems.
I did that, it's fun but doesn't really make you a better driver
Who are you you're not Angelos
You would fit perfetcly in ROMANIa move here.
Next time you visit Athens, move from the airport towards north via Attiki Odos and exit in Pentelis Avenue towards Vrilisia

There's a place there called Plateia Eleftherias, I'll meet you there and all your questions about my appearance will be answered
The one who looks for sisters.
Would you really beat up a 160 cm obese turk that can't do a single pushup? It's not that much of an accomplishment really , would actually lookw orse on your part than his.
I am confident that there are 13 year olds that would beat him in a fight.
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Right one is your home?
Im a good driver
Are you the one who dresses like a homeless turk?
Iki would fight dirty though
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>biit up this patetik krii4r
Would you win a fight against me?
I've never seen a mosque in my life, Ikipoverty. Nor I've heard the goat shouts of a shitmam. My ancestors took care of it.

When you decide to man up, you know where to find me.
In the High school we had a manlet skinny snitch who once snitched me and my pals because we skipped class to play football

His punishments was we took him from the legs, turned him upside down and we put his head inside inside a shit bin in the female toilets.

This is the only way they learn.
I could literally choke the life out of you in 30 seconds if you were locked with me in a room. i could kill 3 of you at the same time.
Naturally we have to ask the following question: How many Ikis would it take to beat you up?
You are afraid of me you cockroach.
Imagine how different boons life would be if he were 190cm
I can't imagine how different my life would be if I didn't crash it with no survivors.
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>he doesnt know what the church constitutes
Go back
What's your upper arm width. I'm confident I would knock you out with proper training
It's better than yours already.
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ideal wife:
True, I only have a samsung
Who is this boy
20 cm wrist, 40 cm biceps 80 cm waist 179 cm and 74 kg.
I can do 100 pushups and can press a 75 kg hand gripper, i would murder you iki
And the attitude of a Huawei
onlyfans for worshipers and the chat moderators buy new cars with the proceeds
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>nooooo, don't read usagi drop bro they timeskip 10 years forward and the old man gets together with the girl
>they ruined my wholesome overt femoid fantasy manga presented as a dad raises a little girl sim, it's so disgusting who could have expected this(everyone, the whore was blushing from the start)
ok and? I sometimes forget how obsessed normalnigs are with incestshit, they act like you raped their family if you don't agree with them
it's not even incestshit at this point, it's just fags complaining about people who know each other getting together because normalfags hate age difference and think power dynamics are real, what's with this obsession with getting married ONLY with people you have 0 connection to otherwise it's grooming
also I'm sleeping early today to fix my schedule
literal copium
i bet her penis is bigger than mine
My stats are inferior, but I will channel my wealth towards strength, instead of food.

I will try my best to overshadow all of you.
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>40cm bicep
How long have you been lifting?
Is it because I'm mixed race that I feel so attracted towards blue eyed blonde white women
why are bulgarians so much stronger than other races
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Bro, Reece breeds your women
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One arm to flex with, another arm to take the pic with, 0 arms left to feed child with
whos reece i just got out of prison i dont know the new ones
3 months
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>a twig necklet with a 5/10 gf
sure showed me
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she chose him over a tatargarian
it's over for the tatar race
y is this mangaldonian still in mangaria?
>its over for the tatar race because a 5/10 girl chose a twig foreigner
Why wasn't he beaten?
there's some who'd beat him just for being black or a foreigner but mostly if he acts kind and humble nobody will hurt him
I'm sick
Who says he wasnt
bolen za ui
How many bumgarians have you buggered in prison bro?

Saw watbetter looking bitch rim obese nigger assholes, fuck midgets and dogs
even mid girls choose foreigners now
it's over for tatargarians
>lets make my kid a mutt to make his/her life worse
>How many bumgarians have you buggered in prison bro?
most faggots were gypsies but i haven't buggered any of them either
as a blasian he fits perfectly into tatargaria
Why did you go to prison? Also you need to catch up with the new bumgarian bumkan lore on /balk/. I think mangal might try hitting on you too, should be some kino days
>go to school with tatarina
>wank it to porn
>she goes to usa
>moves in with obese black brada
So true, Khan.
Bro its literally turkgaria poster and he posts here every day. Gullible gyp
have mangodonians ever been anything but cancer?
2nd casino robbery, got caught again
Owner had emptied the safes the day before I got there and an employee recognized me despite the balaklava
Why would he do that though? Why would he create a new persona just to argue with it, he doesnt seem mentally ill enough to do that?
Ok i was wrong, it is a larp
>why would he create another larp
Its never happened before bro
absolute retards itt
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>nooooo, you can't sleep before 3 in the morning it's still so early
why is the human body like this
Your job requires you to see these documents but they arent yours
codemoon problems
you don't walk it enough
you'd rather believe i'm a prison warden than someone who did time lmao
>плoвдивcкият зaтвop
yep, nailed it with the casino larp
>vuterast works as a prison clerk
makes sense
true, I didn't lift today because I got lazy
its also the weather not being cold enough, you can instantly sleep when it's cold
He isn't a prison clerk
Im the casino guy retard i also promised that i wouldnt post any screens anymore
>The life path 7's journey is often a solitary and inward one, according to Kaerhart, with these people often becoming reclusive or isolated. They are meditative and grounded and have no problem retreating into their own minds. They may come off as a bit removed from people, and that's because "they need to be alone, and that need to be solitary is essential to their existence," Kaerhart explains.
>"In love, life path 7s need a partner who's going to understand that they need a lot of alone time," Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen. "These people are the seekers and the philosophers and they genuinely just love spending a lot of time on their own—and they need it more than any other number," she explains.
>Careers: researcher, writer, computer programmer, financial analyst, psychologist

It never began. Incel timmy even according to meme pseudoscience.
Basically (and take this with a grain of salt) I'm not very sure so don't quote me on that and be wary, what I'm telling is that I'm no expert, but who on the internet is right? Anyways, taking your question into perspective I really have to reflect and again: I'm no expert (!!!) but here's the thing: basically what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm not getting your question so could you come again?
Wassup Chris *suck suck*
he's talking from my name btw i didn't make that post
so this is shizogarian's plan to shit up /balk/ so he can make /bvll/ again...
Quality content
>bumgarians shit up thread
>i know let's make /bvll/ag that will surely fix everything
I fail to see the logic here, it only works when Ruroma bullies bumgarians, plus the one thats tarted it last time was polubrainian.
First the shizogarian starts arguing with himself in bumgarian then others join in, and that causes the bullying.
what the fuck are you retards talking about
That actually makes sense and i have seen it play out a couple times.
Bumgarians mainly get bullied when polubrainian starts chimping out though
Here's another shizo take: in the early days of /bvll/ there were posts in bumgarian from a Russian, German and Romanian flags all in the same thread.
>post my release papers
>still think i'm pretending
how deep do people here larp to make you guys so suspicious
Bro I'm at least 10 people. I'm simply projecting my guy.
that's your problem tho
we have people ITT who acquired foreign passports and moved countries just to larp better
balk is a determined larp community
Maлaтa Пyмпa - Гyчиeвaтa Бaндa

Jyх, oх, бpp, бp.p. бaндa Гyчи, oх (Toa e тoa тoкмy тaмy, Гнeaлц) Jyх, Лил Пyмп, јyх бaндa Гyчи, oх (Oх, Би-Бигхeд нa pитaмoт) Jyх, бp.p.бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи , бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи) Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи) Пoтpoши тpи лaвици нa нoв cинџиp (Jyх) Љyбoв мoјa кyчкa пpaви кoкaин, oх (Oх) eбaм кyчкa, јa зaбopaвив имe (Brr, yuh) He мoжaм дa кyпaм кyчкa бeз вeнчaлeн пpcтeн (Ooh) Haмecтo дa oдaм и дa кyпaм Balmains (Brr) бaндaтa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи) бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи бaндa Гyчи, Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи) Пoтpoши тpи лaвици нa нoв cинџиp (A?) Moјaтa кyчкa caкaј кoкaин, oo (Бpp) Eбaм кyчкa, гo зaбopaвив нeјзинoтo имe, јyх (Jyх, јyх) Jac нe мoжaм дa кyпaм нe кyчкa, нeмa вeнчaлeн пpcтeн, oх (нe) Haмecтo дa oди и дa кyпи Balmains, ayy (Brr) бaндaтa Гyчи, бaндaтa Гyчи, бaндaтa Гyчи (бaндaтa Гyчи) Moeтo cлaбo чинeшe пoвeќe oд твoјaтa киpијa, oх (Toa гo пpaви) твoeтo мaмa cè yштe живee вo шaтop, јyх (Бpp)
no reason to post here then
don't remember if it used to be better before or same as now
>3 years
That's a Bachelor's. Every true buga gorilla goes through buga uni aka prison
Cè yштe ce лyти co нapкoтици вo „пpoцeдypитe“, a? (Дa) Jac и бaбa ми зeмaмe лeкoви, oх (a?) Hиштo oд oвиe cpaњa нe e нoвo зa мeнe (He) Eбaтe гo мoјoт yчитeл, нapeчeтe гo тoa тyтopcтвo (Jyх) твoјaтa aвиoкoмпaнијa, eбaми твoјaтa кoмпaнијa (Eби гo!) Кyчкo, здивoт ти миpиca нa нeкoи цигapи (цигapи) Пoвeќe би caкaл дa eбaм кyчкa oд пpoeктитe (Jyх) Me избpкaa oд aвиoнoт oд Percocet (Brr) Ceгa Лил Пyмп лeтa co пpивaтeн aвиoн (Jyх) Cитe вpecкaaт, „Eби јa Becт Џeт“ (Eби ги) Лил Пyмп cè yштe јa пpoдaвa тaa мeтeж (Jyх) Хaнид нa мoјoт зглoб, пиe нa Teхникa (Бpp) Eби кyчкa лил, нaмopaј јa пичкaтa (Штo?)
Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи
Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи)
Пoтpoшeтe тpи лaвици нa нoв лaнeц (a?)
Moјaтa кyчкa љyбoв пpaви кoкaин, oх (Jyх)
Eбaм кyчкa, гo зaбopaвив нeјзинoтo имe (Бpp)
He мoжaм дa кyпaм кyчкa бeз вeнчaлeн пpcтeн (a?)
Haмecтo дa oдитe и дa кyпитe Balmains (Jyх)
Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи (бaндa Гyчи)
Бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи, бaндa Гyчи
Пoтpoшeтe тpи лaвици нa нoв лaнeц (a?)
Moјaтa кyчкa љyбoв пpaви кoкaин, oх (Бpp)
Eбaм кyчкa, гo зaбopaвив нeјзинoтo имe, јyх (Jyх)
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All I can say is that my biceps mogs all of you
i shall entertain your larp as the naive tard i am
1. how overpriced was the store
2. did the guards leave you and the other bulgarians alone
3. funniest and saddest stories during your stay
why you hiding the queen of spades tattoo bro
Stop replying to yourself bro
Brat 6ti scepa dzurlata or tukati
kolku si visok bratmi
to not intimidate krasno
>1. how overpriced was the store
a little
some things were underpriced such as the lighters which were 80 st outside they're like 2 levs or some shit
>2. did the guards leave you and the other bulgarians alone
most were chill but there was some cunts who wanted to catch you with something illegal so bad they could bust your entire cell looking for it and leave it busted up
>3. funniest and saddest stories during your stay
not much of either to talk about lmao it's pretty fucking boring
i have some funny ones but too much typing, most involve a dwarf
Casinos are bad places to rob. If you need tips lmk :)
tf did a dwarf do to get into prison?
>lmao it's pretty fucking boring
isn't there a library, a workshop or educational classes? i thought bg prisons had that shit
ikiboon's lost cousin
sheytan is tempting me again with learning chinese
>isn't there a library, a workshop or educational classes? i thought bg prisons had that shit
theres a library
there's a school and a whole sector meant for those who go to it but it's grades 1 to 4 so it's a whole sector full of gypsies
if you want to work theres work too but still boring
Gonna try to take advantage of their ineffective pedo punishment system mmm?
fitting it into the next plan would be foolish
maybe in the last year if all the other objectives are fulfilled but I think even then it would be reaching

the bumgayrian mind is truly profound, but I'm not an english teacher sexpat 30 years ago
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Yall niggas need Jesus
found this picture from school (no I'm not in it)
bro posted a self-portrait
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literal creaturas
is this unironic zoomer speak
You live around such people, yet you insult my family.
you're the mongol in the middle bro
Μάθε ελληνικά πρώτα
Οι Άγγελοι θα μας βοηθήσουν στον άγιο πόλεμο κατά τον Τούρκων.
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Το σκουλήκι φοβήθηκε.
least greasy shitalian
Guno fakirbey
Ποιο χρώμα είναι το iPhone σου;
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What is your favorite moment in the epic 1999 movie "Escape from Albania" by the great Salieri?
Most memorable actor/actress, scenes?
This is based on the real life story from one of our very one diaspora italian posters
I actually once tried to watch some movie about albanians fleeing to italy but fell asleep or something
You should watch this one
Monica Roccaforte's performance is very touching
It will make you feel things man
>In Albania, a woman abused by her communist father decides to escape to Florence, Italy where her friend finds her work as maid for a perverse rich family. Meanwhile, her boyfriend is arrested in Albania and needs her help.
truly hearthbreaking
Bro you live next to mongolia
tupak krade pesni od vrcak
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I had a weird dream about mangal I was playing darts with him or something like.
>the cashier girls hand grazed mine when she was giving me the change back
>her skin is so fucking soft it gave me a boner
Fuck... incelbros I can't hold on any more...
Nigga mangal is really scary and mysterious(and perhaps dangerous) ngl, 100% cia asset who sane would move from US to Bulgaria anyway
Thank allah I still dream about high school instead of about balkhumans
Imagine earlier she touched her punany with that hand and all her pheromone are now on your hand, you literally had a second degree of pussy touch. Later virgins.
bro you are touch starved. try to be less of a shut-in
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>all he needed was a soft female touch and his hatred for humanity was thus extinguished
been moving my pc from massive ass fully ventilated maxx comfort modern mid tower to tiny matx shitbox that has a dvd rom for the past 2 hours
literally taking a break from that shit
psu barely fit

bro bulgaria is true mongolia ask any macedonian flag they'll confirm
Bro you have more mongolians in your neighbourhood than I have in my entire country
>her skin is so fucking soft
DM profited from that
Fate is determined by the heart. If a person is confident, then his future will be bright. If a person is full of resentment, he will only get worse.
Poor people pursue dopamine, while rich people pursue endorphins.
Billions must live.
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sleep schedule adjustment failed, we'll get them next time

no cap frfr, this post is not bussing

I already know Greek you barbarian

truly pic related
Days get shorter days get shorter days get shorter
New episode of talk tuah just dropped
thanks for the info bratmi, who's the guest today?
Days are too long, life is too short
Stefan janev aka sashko aka chopel aka semata, about the cia, slutwhores, schizophrenia.
Based xoktoua appreciator
are her podcasts any good?
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who's this hapaholic
why do russians have so many words for men who were raped in prison?
This man literally lives in a cave
You fall in a pit. In the pit there are a dick and a donut. Which one do you eat, which one do you put in your ass?
oh GOD can BUMGARIANS stop talking about BUMMING for 1 GOD DAMN SECOND

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