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Tinicum edition

finna take a big stinky poo
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post your own /cum/chan
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got amber alert
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Nobody ever loved me like she does
Oo she does. Yes, she does.
And if somebody loved me like she do me,
Oo she do me. Yes, she does.
please don't tini my cum.
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How do you really feel inside? a girl I used to know once told me that I was just pretending and was crying inside all the time. she was quite right.
its tough bein a fat hairy smelly ugly nigga at 22..how do i hope to cope..may be lookin at an ogremaxx angle
If you want strangers to help you, smile. For those close to you, cry
when a girl says she's from connecticut that's how i know she's got that OLD family money. on that "estate that they've been holding onto since the revolutionary war" type shit. on that "overseas vacations twice every year" type shit. on that "we own a vacation homes up in the ski resort for the winters and another down by the beach for the summers" type shit.
fuckin connecticut man.
im brown and im from connecticut
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Very nice
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West Virginia
mountain mama
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cum cum bum
The air is colder and the skies are darker during election years
I JUST found out that you don't have to penetrate your asshole when wiping your ass. I've been doing it all my life and always took like 30 minutes trying to get it perfectly clean.
the only brown people in connecticut are in hard hittin new britain because of the puerto ricans.
Is this real
I will still do this, sorry
sounds like other people just have low standards
How do professors do zoom calls with students?
Is it like a predetermined thing where you're expected to show up, or are they like "oi cunts the zoom call is in 30 minutes"
its your responsibility and your life right, youre only really wasting your own time and scholastic efforts
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Tomorrow I swear I will study and not waste another month
>driving in mexico
im going on vacation why would i subject myself to that. I had a money belt on even when i went to a safe country like japan so id imagine i would be fine
Sometimes I like to buy a block of parmesan and just eat a whole bunch. Made bruschetta, having some pasta tonight, gonna get wine drunk on friday and eat a bunch of it with some cured meats, maybe a pizza and shred it on top
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every day until you like it
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would you a Colombian mommy gf?
with my job we have zoom calls at the same times every week, but we also have a group chat and spam about the zoom 30 and 5 minutes before because more people actually show up that way. I guess toilbergs have more incentive to micromanage anyways
did everyone get b& yesterday? slow ass /cum/ today
i'm on /sp/ posting in the monday night football gamethread
but none of you weenies like sports, so, oh well
I just finished my 3 day ban today
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Politics or bantering jeets too hard?
tonight's dinner: nachos with ground beef and refried beans.
The first one
I think someone got butthurt because I btfo them
Posting was broken so I logged off
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>I think someone got butthurt because I btfo them
would not surprise me, once I was arguing with someone here and as soon as he said "I'm not replying anymore" I was immediately b&. Coincidence?
I like sports, just not NFL
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I unironically believe either there are government shills here who start reporting whenever they get btfo, or it's one of the woman posters mass reporting opinions she dislikes
do you have an ass cleaning dildo or something?
>tfw not paid by uncle sam to browse /cum/ everyday
tfw no annoying yapping american gf
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A bit of both tbqh
i love onions so much
im having horrendous gas pains i took a gas pill almost an hour ago and its not helping and i dont know what to do
all i ate today was oatmeal and a coffee
whens the last time you pooped
I lived there before and have family that still does
Now these are the quality conversations Im here for
Delco buhls stand up
*Sits down*
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Just ordered food.
finna jerk off soon maybe idk we'll see i'm a spontaneous person :p
How do you have 4chan notifications
4chan app on the playstore
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/cum/ always wants to talk about latinas and big breasted women.
Why don't you all focus on more intellectual pursuits
that's boring nigga
For classes, it's at a set time.
For office hours, they say that you need to schedule through email beforehand.
I assume you meant university, and not high school. No idea about high school.
>fast food restaurants/takeout
The eternal /cum/ topics
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the /cum/ truck
shut up dumb ai slopper
which intellectual topic would you like to discuss
haha same
Tranny jannies love going through archived threads to mod me for politics off of /pol/.
business idea: cut your gums by flossing with paper
I always get 3 day bans for talking about those things.
aint nobody dope as me i'm just so fresh and so clean
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favorite metro boomin album?
How can I make whitoid friends?
At my college, it seems to me each stick to his kin but I casually see mixed groups.
/pol/ really messes up my real life perception. Are people interested in befriending immigrants like me or these are liberal students trying to score woke points?
make indian friends in india where you belong
Holy based and truthpilled.
i'd be your friend as long as you're not lebanese
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Women with small breasts
business idea: insert toothpick under toenail then kick wall.
I am not Indian though.
I am Arab. I already have enough friends form my cunt even here.
And what’s wrong with me wanting to befriend locals?
big fan of b cups, me
Business Idea: You are now manually breathing and blinking.
business idea: we sell our business ideas for money
how am I supposed to integrate to Canadian culture then?
You cant and you wont time to go back Mohammad
Trick question. You're an International Student. Part of your agreement for getting education at our universities, was you agreeing to go back after graduations.
You're not supposed to integrate. You're supposed to get your education, then fuck off back to where you came from.
Anything else is you committing fraud.
Dairy Queen is fucking awesome and if you disagree get the fuck out of my face
Saar he eats Tim Hortons he is Canadian now
gonna replay infamous 1 and 2.
Tim Hortons is no longer a Canadian brand. It's a jeet brand using what the UN calls slave labour.
cum posting quality doesnt fluctuate unlike other generals or boards I have been known to frequent
Have you tried joining a club or something?
stop being indian
Mohammad doesn't realize that Canadians are super nice, and would be friends with random people. This is why he's never going to integrate with us.
I am not paying 15k a year for an education it’s rather my ticket to PR. That’s the plan since the start, me and the immigration officer who stamped my passport know it. Me saying otherwise beforehand is just formalities.
>is you committing fraud
how so, when there’s a legal pathway for me to stay here? Funny thing, just recently they introduced a program for francophone students like to get PR the moment I finish my degree.
You Canadian retards targeting your anger at me and other international students when we did nothing but plan according to the laws and information presented to us beforehand is really stupid. Please get it a grip. Don’t want us? Vote Adolf Hitler or something and change the rules.
Okay, my dear compatriots now since you know I am staying regardless, mind helping your countryman to integrate to the great Canadian culture?
not reading allat
you're not gonna find any decent answers here
what would your tranny name be if u decided one day to switch gender identity
>I am not paying 15k a year for an education it’s rather my ticket to PR
Unironic fraud.
Canadians don't like that.
>mind helping your countryman to integrate to the great Canadian culture?
Go back, sandnigger. You're literally committing fraud.
ice capp to be exact.
It’s really a hit or miss. But, once it hits it makes up for all the miss ones.
I affirm. You are. I actually like you.
>francophone students like to get PR the moment I finish my degree.
Fucking doubt, Quebec is trying to kick out all the foreigners to the rest of Canada. The Bloc is trying to get Quebec even more powers.
>I am Arab
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Words of wisdom.
can americans answer my question? i think these types of relationships are common in your country
>I affirm. You are. I actually like you.
But I'm the anon saying that you're committing fraud. Now, go back.
i'd probably be a shelley
every shelley i've met was insanely hot
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Sum lite reading
fuck off
Food's here.
if you say you shower every other day people respond as if you just said you shower once a month
Wish I could hear a conversation between Charles bukowski and Norm MacDonald
so fucking excited for trump 2024
I am Tunisian.
Does he need to be that close to the mic? It's making me uncomfortable
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one of the stupidest things about the state-mandated featherhead worship is that we all pretend like any of this gibberish is meaningful
so fucking excited for pizza Friday
RIP the other brownies won't want to make friends with you. If you were a gulfie you'd have lines of Pakis trying to worship you lol
Well yea the bullshit the government is doing is fucking stupid and borderline embarrassing, but neglecting the political aspect, I still find the culture respectable.
You would be more connected to the cosmos if you weren't always on that phone.

Touch grass.
mmm mango
damn you got me
all of this is gibberish
In college rn, any liberal professor does land acknowledgements before starting class, but the rest don't. So philosophy and English literature classes we do land acknowledgements but for compsci classes we don't do them.
>I still find the culture respectable
Pacific Northwest are the only injuns we have in Canada with a legitimately interesting and developed culture. Iroquois sort of too but they are more American in origin.
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Literally no westerner IRL knows or cares about the difference between narfis and gulfies
Next time ask if they plan to give their land back or if it's just something they say
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That's why I said brownies and pakis
Neinty Nein Luftballons
Land recognitions are getting more and more full of themselves. I can't wait for this to go out of style.
A blind bunny and a blind skunk were running. They crash into each other
They both explain they're sorry and that they're blind
The skunk asks if he can feel the bunny to try and understand what it is
So the skunk says "soft fur, fluffy tail, big ears... You must be a bunny!"
The bunny says "greasy hair, smell like shit... You must be a paki!"
tummy ache update
laying on the floor trying not to die
waiting on a door dash delivery of ginger ale and tums, im going to try to eat some buttered toast because i had a 100 calorie packet of oatmeal today and that’s it and i think that might have something to do with this
For classes with liberal professors, you just write papers with as much liberal viewpoints as possible and you get good marks
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to common unenlightened fellow who isn't /int/maxxed, I suppose it is
>I still find the culture respectable.
Some injun myths are fun to hear, like the Greek/Roman/Norse myths, but their culture is boring as fuck.
Bannock and pemmican are interesting though. Pemmican has a crazy impressive shelf life, for a pre-refrigeration technique of food preservation.
lake tittycaca
We never did. All of our profs just put them in the syllabus, and never mentioned it.
Actually that's what every non-injun prof did, regardless of the class. And my university had a dedicated university for injuns.
I spent my entire time in indigi studies, challenging our socialist teacher with conservative thought.
Got 95% in the class. If you feel like you need to bend the knee, you're too stupid for university.
where did you get this video of me?
daddy is making me food after coming from India
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land acknowledgements are funny because it's like:
>we would like to announce this land belongs to the peepee poopoo tribe
>what? you want more? no that's it we are just naming it not actually doing anything
Cute if foid
Creepy if dude
1/8th black woman
>coming from India
I bet your dad will be happy to stop having diarrhea constantly.
This is what the average black woman will look like in 2124
Earlier this year i had such bad gut pain from being constipated I thought about going to the hospital, when i was trying to force myself to poo I put so much pressure on my stomach i ended up vomiting 3 times and almost passed out
Ding fries are done.
At the rate black women abort, I'd be amazed if America had any blacks in 2124.
Lads I relapsed
This shit is getting expensive
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Should i have more chocolate or no?
LOL ok
Whats your poison
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what percent black is this woman
Um bro... That isn't chocolate...
all ya niggas unhealthy as SHIT
going to crack open another can of bubly
I got nearly 100 thoughever
Just found out about Bill C-63 wtf
Indirectly supporting the Canadian economy, nice
>nearly 100
You learned nothing, and didn't do better than me.
Super fucked up bill. I'll see you in prison for our lifetime charges.
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We got pre-crime before GTA 6 :skull: :skull:
> it's only Monday
jesus christ our lord
its gonna be a long week
Yeast factories
I didn't take indigi studies but I got like 98 in philosophy
Didn't know it was Canadian, I prefer waterloo or 365 whole foods sparkling water anyway Bubly is expensive for hot little you get.
>98 in philosophy
Doubt. To get such a mark, you generally have to actually submit something really impressive. Not just regurgitate leftistshit back at them.
Unless your university is a joke.
How much though
how little*
It's PepsiCo so it is American but Canadian icon Michael Buble is the spokesperson.
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what percent black is this woman
is that Jazz Jennings?
i don't care
20-30 percent i reckon
I'm pretty good at formulating sound arguments, but I do like to play to my audience.
only the brown tootsie roll lolipops are left
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This general sucks!
im from delco originally, sup
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Why don't you guys trust the science? I trust the science. I actually do heckin love science.
I do trust the science
I trusted the science thats why i got 2 doses of science juice injected into me
she’s probably over 60% but her admixture is east African.
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I trust the Science
name a good general
I wish i was a little kid again i regret wasting my youth playing video games
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what percent black is this woman
I especially trust the science on global warming
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100% sexo
Guan Yu
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i love short women
All race related science has been silenced and demonized by the powers that be since the end of ww2
like 1/16th, very african nose
Short Women are made for Short Men fuck off
all races are exactly the same but diversity is also our strength but our goal is erase the diversity and just be one mixed-up race
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bread is in the oven, I repeat, the bread is in the oven
The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence for a genetic component behind IQ differences between racial groups.[142][143][144][145][141][146][147][148][60] Growing evidence indicates that environmental factors, not genetic ones, explain the racial IQ gap.[39][141][149][146]

From Wikipedia
this webm is old enough to drive
this girl, old enough to be your grandmother
What is this a depraved euphemism for, you sicko?
The evidence says whatever the financial backers want it to say
feeling a tad nostalgic for those magic school bus pc games from the mid 90s
What exactly is his argument? That because of some biblical myth, we need to regress to pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer societies?
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Remember when Trump said Ted Cruz' father needs to be investigated for being photographed alongside Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the JFK assassination? Did he ever follow-through on doing that or was it like when he said he was gonna jail Hilary Clinton or get Mexico to fund the border wall where he reaches a point where he basically admits that he'd be lying if he said he was ever gonna carry out his promises and everyone has a good chuckle before collectively resolving to forget the whole incident and move on to the next cute thing Trump's gonna do?
*ejaculates his incel splooge all over this thread*
To be honest, I think it's mostly culture that produces productive and unproductive members of society or good and bad character traits.
Feeling nostalgic for those plug and play spongebob games where the controller was spongebob's face
ya'll my bitch
Feeling nostalgic for those plugs my uncle would give me and tell me not to show my parents.
Clicking on stipper pole ads on fb marketplace is one of the best things I've done this last 5 years
Rodrick Heffley
don't you just love it when you're in your underwear and a food delivery guy knocks on your door even though you didn't order anything
Spinster why do you keep leaking your kinks into the chat
I noticed arabs cook beef very well done, not really to my liking
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Sold a bunch of old consoles, controllers, wires, and games to GameStop and got $450 in Steam gift cards
I got a large cheese pizza with extra sausage
Probably could of got a lot more on ebay
>to gamestop
you utter retard
You're an idiot.
If gamestop was willing to pay you $450 you could have gotten more than $2000 on ebay.
leave him alone
tummy ache update
ginger ale and toast are helping and i can sit up again
door dash driver took forever for just going to cvs and getting ginger ale and tums
i feel human again
I never noticed how short the hooters shorts are
I'm not putting all that crap on eBay. That sounds annoyingly time consuming. I don't care what you say.
i'm a master
very, very dumb move
of being a bitch.
the dough is rising
You could have put it all on ebay as a single lot and still gotten more than double the gamestop price.
You fucked up.
Nah, still sounds annoying to do.
white trash behavior tbqh
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me walking into cum
im back
That white guy looks demon possessed, dude has "wife and child beater" written all over his face
welcome back what were you doing
was watching this is us
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oh i've heard people talk about that but i've never seen it
i still need to watch that other movie about the gifted kid but my monday has been pretty chaotic so far
first episode was kinda boring and chaotic. i get the emotions but still felt over the place.
you know what fuck you bitch
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I need a good job
You need to calm down
https://youtu.be/Yyj0YvyipRA https://youtu.be/Yyj0YvyipRA https://youtu.be/Yyj0YvyipRA
Amateur hour on /brit/
Aw man, rimjobworld needs to update
do you have any skills
im flying to brazil tomorrow
hopefully i dont die
i am calm i am calm
post a woman with really big boobs
I'm 21 just drank my first beer
Coors Light
Hard to focus
i feel like this sometimes
what's in brazil
boeing strikeists are going to town. i dont even know what they want
not many. I'm very analytic, I'm fit and I read a lot.
Game of Thrones would be better if Jon was an edgelord throughout the whole thing
the white man marches on
do you have anything particular in mind already
my wife and her family rn
why would that be better
i'm sure it'll be fine anon
if anything just be a little extra cautious about pickpockets or walking into a rough area on accident
going to start pretending i have a gf
oh hey it's you. long time no see.
is she your wife now or do you plan to wife her up platonically
my loaf of bread is cooling on the rack, I repeat, the bread is cooling on the rack
>post isnt even in the archive
mustve been good
The only job you need is a footjob, king.
I was more memeing. I've been there a few times already
Been married over a year now. Still just waiting on USA immigration. It's a pretty slow process
too many things. going to keep applying to work on the railroad
i want a bite
Good ol' anon and his shenanigans haha
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sailing from life to death
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so how about this Space Marine 2
prob means it was pizza
I'd wait until it's on sale
hey it's the blue footed booby i remember
>have an excellent post lined up
>open /cum/
I'll wait til next thread
ayo dis nigga finna boutta fall his ahh ova!!!
>married over a year
I hope the new RimWorld dlc goes on sale for Halloween since its horror themed
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I did one 100 hour vanilla playthrough a couple years ago and haven't touched it sense, is it worth getting back into?
rim dis ass niqqua
If you had fun then yes I'd say so
Especially with mods
I'm losing my mind
phew there's still seats available on the flight to vegas.
America first
nigga just pirate that shit

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