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Years pass but this one thing dosn't change.

You are NOT getting in.
>not pictured : Indian migration
Pajeets make up for like 30% of those trying to get it. The legal pajeets are legal, what can you do.
Indian people traffick themselves by the hundreds
What's "sir" in polish
Paaaaaaan thank you for redeeming the visas
>The legal pajeets are legal, what can you do.
so what's the difference for us, eventually? the only difference between legal and illegal is literally that the latter filled an application. Almost everyone who wants it, gets a visa to Poland and effectively we have no way to do proper background check because how the hell can our government investigate whether some guy from Pakistan or India committed a crime there? These are places where you buy a good conduct certificate in a bazaar for $10.
>the latter filled an application
the former*
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>You are NOT getting in.
that's bullshit and a right-wing meme, in reality Poland does let everyone who wants to come here. Poles, especially Polish women, are really excited when they see foreigners here because they think it's a sign that Poland is developed now, diversity is good because that's how it is in Netflix movies and so on
The year is 2034. Warsaw pride parade 200k attendance. Warsaw only 50% white pole
This guy represents a party which allowed the biggest number of exotic males into Poland ever and literally sold visas for money, even to people accused of terrorism. Their hypocrisy is disgusting.

Btw, fun fact is that the whole visa scandal was revealed only when a group of Indians trying to cross the US border were caught, after investigation it turned out they first got a Polish visa as a "Bollywood crew" to get to Europe and then were smuggled to America.
Did anyone honestly forsee that Poland would get overrun with Indians and it's culture replaced by American stuff?
>culture replaced by American stuff?
yes, that was rather predictable because Poles always wanted it, we worshipped America from the beginning of existence of the US
>overrun with Indians
that one was pretty unexpected, I must admit
>This guy represents a party which allowed the biggest number of exotic males into Poland ever and literally sold visas for money, even to people accused of terrorism. Their hypocrisy is disgusting.
So all your ancestor fought and died for what exactly? So some guys can just take it without spilling blood?
But they are

We import them from Turkey, they go to Germany and then they come to you :)))))))
>So all your ancestor fought and died for what exactly?
our ancestors and national heroes fought and died for America, any more questions?
>Soon overlap malaysia/canada in size
they can just walk in through the open EU borders albeit
Can you give example the reason why polack being weeb for usa since colonial confederate america era?
>find out about beer prices in Poland
Indians and Slavs are genetically related, we are basically cousins
because America was against our enemies (Germany&Russia). The stronger America is, the weaker Germany&Russia are.
but Mahmood...you cannot drink beer.
US is cool, only chuds and browns seethe at it, both groups that Poles hate.
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i thought it was like the ireland fanboying usa because many early european immigrant in america was irish origin
>Poles, especially Polish women, are really excited when they see foreigners here
Does this apply to Germans
Asking for a friend
dude, literaly 2 days ago I saw a German guy with a Polish woman on the train (they kissed multiple times during the journey btw)
Of course, the fact that there is significant Polish diaspora in the US does make our ties to America stronger but we love America not because of that, more like Poles immigrated to America because we already loved and worshipped America.
God I wish that were me
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me too
i wish i could have been born as a non-Polish guy in Poland, my life would be a paradise
Whats so bad with greece that they dont want to stay there
just cross the border
Allah (swt) doesn't see under the car, right?
I'm afraid you'll expel me like you did my grandparents
before it happens you will still manage to score like 10 girls so it's worth it I guess
thats a Balkan thing
God sees Malaysia as clear as day
this is why I MUST move to Poland
We actually use pan as often, if not more often, than Indians. You your close friend don't have to add this prefix when talking to you otherwise they're seen as rude. Poland is quirky and unique like that
I will never have a qt Kasia gf
I suffer in Germany
so you mean the Malaysian way is to claim that while Allah sees under the car, he does not see what happens outside Muslim countries, right?

I guess a lot of Malaysians go to Singapore only to drink alcohol freely and they think Allah doesn't see them?
Just come to poland and wave your passport
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I will.
I've been as far as Zielona Góra but all the girls I saw were standing at the side of the road and didn't look like gf material
>he thinks he will find a virgin
sorry, no such thing in nature after 16
what no?
i mean, that sentiment of "God can't see me under my roof" is a Balkan sentiment

the whole of Earth is God's domain, what do you mean he can't see you drinking alcohol in your room?
he sees you peeing, shitting, masturbating, etc. but he draws the line at alcohol? kek

you dont have to travel outside of the country for that, alcohol and hookers are plentiful here - just expensive is all
Aryanians are too proud to want to move to Poland and that's good for them
Lasy Aryanian moved here in 7th century and basically created our nation out of Baltoids
It's over
Yes, although her grandparents might seethe at you
okay but if you're a pious Muslim then why do you want to violate God's rules then
They took my ancestral homeland because an Australian painter with a God complex made the rest of their countrymen chimp out 100 years ago
They have nothing to seethe about
>alcohol and hookers are plentiful here
not vodka and not white pink-nippled women THOUGH

i guess all "western" things you have in Malaysia are only accessible within the Chinese community
>They took my ancestral homeland
nothing to cry over, Ostgebiete was a poor shithole even in PruBia
there is a reason why things like Ostflucht and Osthilfe existed
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is it easy to have a pretty gf in poland?
Yes but it was still home. Brandenburg is hardly any better
In my opinion Polish women are some of the ugliest in Europe, but it's easy to get a gf if youre a foreigner at least
if you're Korean? sure, our women love Koreans (and all other exotic boys)
if you're Polish - it's easier to cut off and swallow your own balls
well, blame your grandparents for moving to Ossiland instead of choosing Bavaria in 1945

anyway, there is still a German community around Opole, you can live with them if you really think it will improve your life but it most likely won't
the visa thing was a hoax, 260 total sped up visas. asiatics will pay you a bribe even if the visa has 100% approval chance, just to get something extra.

It was the election year, go figure.
I'm mostly shitposting, but I do plan to visit more
>In my opinion Polish women are some of the ugliest in Europe,
incel cope, our women are objectively pretty and i say it as a hopeless hateful incel, literally this is why i am so angry, if i lived with a country with ugly women like anything in Asia, I wouldn't give a shit about who our women date, because even in Poland I totally don't mind when I see a fat ogre dating a black or Indian guy - because I wouldn't want her myself. I only get angry when I see beautiful women with ugly foreigners, because I feel like they steal that woman from me. But truth is, most women in Poland are just pretty so I often feel that anger.
Even if that was true it doesn't really matter since their hate for Germany is dogmatic, unrational and frankly schizophrenic. For example my grandmother thinks thats Donald Tusk (our current prime minister) is demon send from hell that works for Germany to make Poland atheist and make Hitler come back.
idk man, women in czechia italy france and ukraine were much prettier when i went there
so you can include these German-majority regions in your journey, just to see what it looks like. Try Krapkowice and the villages around.

But won't be surprised if a person with a German name and surname calling himself German won't be able to speak even one German word with you. That's how our Germans are.
you weren't to Czechia or Italy but to touristic centres in these countries and it's more than likely that most of the women you saw were not native residents of these countries
can.i come to poland? i am blonde and blue eyed muslim :D
I think it's pretty easy to tell if somebody is a tourist or not if they speak italian
> am blonde and blue eyed muslim :D
fun thing is that it's actually better to be brown and black-eyed here as these traits are seen as exotic and attractive

but of course you will still find a lot of girls ready for you simply because you're a foreigner and a Balkaner (exotic itself). Just remember to announce that you're not Polish before you enter the club or ask a girl out, if she confuses you for a native Pole, you'll have no chance to score.
Pretend to be a turk and you will have a harem of 18 year old sluts by the end of the week
oh i dont want girls im not a sexpat, i just wanna visit poland because you guys make my fav games and i like polish sweets. I also admire your fast development as a nation, you're becoming firstie in real time. It's surreal seeing an ex-commie state that's been abused like us succeeding
I know a Polish F-Albanian M couple, they met in the UK but now live in Poland. So it's obviously possible, Polish women will date everything that is not a Slavic male.
i'm neither pious nor muslim
just have an interest in religion in general so i know a bit about laws and rulings on things

hell, i used to drink whisky almost every night when i lived alone

you can get smirnoff for 153 zloty here
>white women
we unironically have a lot of white escorts here, but yeah usually only the chinese buy them
It's crazy for how long wartime propaganda can affect people.
I wonder if, after their current regime falls, later generations of Russians will face a similar amount of hate in the West despite being born after the current shit show

We'll see. Maybe I should brush up on my Polish (dare I say, give it some polishing)
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>In my opinion Polish women are some of the ugliest in Europe
well, you know, they say that one man's trash is another man's treasure
>that's been abused like us
but dude...your people ruled whole Turkey, it's all the Balkans that were abused by you, not the other way round
see >>202616235
im from the UK too, my mom is actually estonian (keralian though)
Ive seen polish girls in the UK but never really approached any. Idk why you guys hate your women so much
nah we didn't rule turkey, we ruled egypt and sudan though but it backfired in the end. There are more of us outside Albania than inside Albania. I'm not even a real Albanian, I am diaspora. Shit is fucked
>you can get smirnoff for 153 zloty here
but that's only if you're not bumiputera, right? I can imagine they won't just sell it legally to a bumi and you need to ask a random orang cina to buy it for you or buy it 'under the table'?
not much problem
I'm coming
>Idk why you guys hate your women so much
lol, it's them who hate and despise us, we just respond with the same (they don't even care though because they just hate&ignore us and have enough foreign lovers not to pay attention to whatever Polish guys think about them)
>There are more of us outside Albania than inside Albania
xhamadani vija vija
by law, yeah you can't sell it to under 21's and muslims
but money is money leh, i used to buy my whisky from the liquor store but then again i lived in the capital city at that time so no one gave a fuck
If you're a brown turd worlder they obviously look angelic, im only compared them to other european women
actually I'd strongly advise against alcohol and I think that's one of good things about Islam so you don't drink it. My father's alcoholism ruined my family and my childhood and it's a common story in Poland, probably like in every third family here.
we dont hate our women, we just recognise dating trends. Polish women are big anything cock as long as its not polish only
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>agreeing with something about Islam
thats the first step to accepting it
careful on your path, eh?
>thats the first step to accepting it
i'd gladly accept islam if only it could give me some benefits, so if our whole country became muslim with typical muslim social and marital culture then i'd happily revert to islam, but now, when i'd be muslim alone and no one would care about that, would make no sense to me because it would be only cons and limits for myself with zero benefits

islam is only beneficial for individuals when the whole society adheres to it
Isn't it funny how nobody cared about Poland until the Russian Invasion and now everyone's praising Poland for defending EVROPE against PYCCNA and claming they'll be the next superpower
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i will never understand the polish mind
you guys are like the epitome of tradcath, we shouldn't even be having this conversatiom
>Isn't it funny how nobody cared about Poland until the Russian Invasion
wut? poland was already worshipped by western chuds and /pol/ around 2016 when our chud government boasted about
>muh ZERO muslim immigrants

actually it was only after Russia invaded Ukraine when suddenly /pol/ realized that Poland is part of the American-led globohomo empire and started hating on us
>you guys are like the epitome of tradcath,
lmao what
i mean, our guys can be, but as long as our women aren't, then it makes no difference
our nation is dying out because our women prefer to date and have sex with everyone but Polish men, nothing else matters
ive been to krakow and you wouldn't believe how easy it was for me to get in
>wut? poland was already worshipped by western chuds and /pol/ around 2016
Yeah, only chuds, tankies and redditors used to care about eastern europe. And Poland in particular i don't think much was known about your country aside from plumber jokes, the Holocaust and your space program
>you wouldn't believe
yes we would, we know the reality of this country
i want poland to be strong
just because poland is full of chaste non-feminazi beautiful women unlike my country

you can easily pick up girls in asia as european guy
yes, and nothing has changed
>you can easily pick up girls in asia as european guy
not if you're Polish because truth is Polish men are just ugly, objectively
the ogre meme didn't come out of thin air
NTA but the reason Eastern Europeans tend to be unattractive is because they don't take care of their looks. Slavs in particular are tall so i think you guys would look pretty good if you get a new haircut and wear some fashionable clothes
cheer up, lad
you'll find your polish lass sooner or later
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>Slavs in particular are tall so i think you guys would look pretty good if you get a new haircut and wear some fashionable clothes

>y-you just need a new haircut, I swear bro
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>new clothes, all you need is new clothes!
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>just try lookmaxing bro
they don't get gibs
40% of young men here are incels dude, you don't realize how big this problem is here
also Poland has the lowest birth rate in the world after South Korea, we went below 1.0 this year
He has potential, just needs to shave his facial hair, eyebrows and get a new haircut
no cap
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