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Italy has seen next to no growth during our lifetimes

>“As a result of the revision, 2023 GDP volumes stood at a level for the first time higher than the maximum reached before the 2008 financial crisis,” says Istat. According to the new data, Italy’s GDP is now 0.2 per cent higher than its peak in 2007. Evviva!
>But in many ways, the milestone is a reminder of how weak its economic recovery has been compared with other advanced economies.
>Canada and the US reached their 2007 output levels in already in 2010 and last year output volumes in the US were one-third larger than then. Germany and France reached that milestone in 2011 and their economies are now about 15 per cent larger than in 2007. The UK economy was larger than in 2007 a decade ago and it is now up 18 per cent from that level.
>Actually, Italy’s economy is not much larger than at the turn of the century, compared with a 60 per cent expansion for the US, 30 per cent growth for France and Germany, and 40 per cent for the UK.
>This is the result of a prolonged stagnation in productivity, argued Chaar, who attributed the trend to a “lack of investment and innovation” coupled with an “inadequate” policy setting.


shithole EU countries need to be put down
the sooner the EU becomes a superstate the better
>Why does Italy exist
Because it made and it makes surrounding countries seethe
>Why does Italy exist
nice holiday destination and good food

also, the UK is literally the last country to speak negatively of anyone else's economy
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It's truly astonishing the seethe we generate by just existing, since contrary to Spain is not our ex colonies who seethe at us
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why does the UK exist?
> is not our ex colonies who seethe at us
I see quite a lot of seethe against Italy from Croatia and Albania tho
the average shitalian hates Draghi and he is the only one that did something good for this shithole
this should tell you everything you need to know about this country
literally two people
no need to seethe because you're doing worse than us Nigel, go loot a Gregg's or something
Ma non hai un cazzo da fare testa di minchia
True, but it wasn't exactly colonies in Croatia since there were native Italians at one point, though true they don't like us.
Albanians should shut up since we're pretty much the only cunt in Europe who had been friendly with them
We were occupied by France,Spain and Austria but we're not nearly as butt hurt, it's not that hard to move on.
get back in the pen, miserables.
>something good
Forcing people to take the jab if they wanted to work or take the bus? He can fuck off and die.
nuke shitaly
>noooo not the hecking vaccine my weak third wolrld genes can't handle it
You're here with us you cuck
You are brown you pig-fucker
At least shitalians finally reached it again. I don't think we have managed yet.

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Don't know how, but from 1986 to 1989, Italy happened to have a higher GDP than the UK.
good response
I suppose you are posting from work?
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Full of brown people but we're so back I guess.
Italy once had a decently growing economy, for a few decades after the war, yes
but it is basically stuck in the 80s
They unironically need the 996
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pic related
americans work more than them and even they're lazy
If Italia has a million fans, then I am one of them.
If Italia has ten fans, then I am one of them.
If Italia has only one fan, then that is me.
If Italia has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth.
If the world is against Italia, then I am against the world.
>la bandiera
>il commento
L'abominio negro meticcio che farebbe impallidire il turco medio da quanto è imbastardito ha parlato. E' passato dall'essere un paese 90% bianco ad uno 50% zambo nel giro di un'ottantina d'anni, eppure passa ancora qui il tempo a pontificare su popoli che sono al mondo da tre mila anni. Sparati in testa, Mr Mutt, siccome delle tue pistole non ne riesci a fare uso alcuno contro le orde marroni che esistono nel tuo giaridno e del fior italico non sono affatto imparentate.
Stop making god-emperor Macron angry, chud governments CANT succeed and NEVER will
Macron de France and Elkann ze kike have destroyed our industry in the span of 8 years more than ww2 did. Our economy now entirely relies on sex tourism and niggers picking up tomatoes
Because the constituent assembly decided that this country had to go on after world war two instead of letting it collapse like it was supposed to and all humanity had to pay the consequences and will continue to pay the consequences.
Why are you so perfidious against us insted of poojeets niggers and northafricans?
FIAT has always been shit, barely kept afloat by gibs injected into them at the expense of all taxpayers
Besides, the um just imported more pakis and jeets

Italian population didn't increase in this last decade, while UK, Germany and France imported millions of rapefugees.
We are losing more people every year than when we were doing in the world wars. Every year the number of newborn children decrease. The immigration hit a record in 2023.
But the GDP has grown 0.2%
Based meloni, the future Is bright!
>We are losing more people every year than when we were doing in the world wars. Every year the number of newborn children decrease.
That's not a problem. Italian women + BBCs and Nafris will save Italy's birthrate.
Sparanti in bocca
Better late than never should be the title of every Italian's autobiography

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