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incels like us edish
Want to get into the Resident Evil games but don't know which one to start with. There are like 8 of them and on top of that several of them have remakes. Somebody help me out
oh shut up you tart
so does this chart somehow indicate whether you're an incel or not? as in the bluer the more virginous or something?
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Any news about vietlad? what happened to him and his escort?
incels should become night watchmen
easy to do and even if something kicks off you just sit in your office and call the heavies
then 2
then 3
then 4
then 5
then 6
then 7
then 8
heard 4 was good
>got offered mental health first aid while I was minding my own business at a train station

fuck sake
Sucking a can aren't I
I wanted to become a taxi driver and travis bickle maxx
do you need it
reckon since they're immune to sexual blackmail they would make good politicians
lol this happened to me once because I was pacing up and down the platform
Will you clearly weren't just minding your own business now were you
my detritus life
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If they got into power they'd probably just use it to manipulate people into sex lmao
raping blake lively
you need charisma for that
I was
Okay I had booze on my but I just wanted to get home and drink it. Train was delayed you see
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>offered mental health first aid
we call it rizz now grandpa
Not if you're a politician you can just rape people
do you reckon buying a balaclava would get you put on a watchlist?
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I've lived in Toolongabba my whole life except for the one time I went to see the cricket in Wallabanalla.
jobberg is offering me private healthcare
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In Australia yes
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just say it's for Halloween and you're going as a rapist
what if i'm going skiing in switzerland or something and i want to be prepared when i get there in case i can't figure out their weird european money system
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Has your gf ever been shagged up the arse by another bloke?
Need this whole "relationship" thing out of business. A small percentage might manage the true connection of decades, but they are a minority. For the majority it's a long series of failed relationships and hookups. Something must be done.
that's nice. or is it?
Do the locals call it Toolo, or Gabba?
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Rate me bros
Don't think glowies will care
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Well, Rorke?
never asked
Me? I love disco, coke, and fucking women.
In bed. Farting.
do it lad. asap is best because they are taking on for Christmas this time of year. online application, they should get back to you quick. it was next day for me and the interview was just a formality. takes about 2 weeks to get in from there because of dbs check and some stuff to fill in online. if asda dont have delivery jobs going near you then tesco, sainsburies, iceland (food warehouse), and waitrose all do delivery.

its a van. bigger than a standard tradies tranny van but its a light goods vehicle and in the UK you can drive with a regular licence. i might go for hgv in a few years but i've never had a driving job before and want to get used to it before taking on long haul and overnighters. if your struggling for prospects like was then i say try it
reckon god was originally a man but trooned out just a few years ago after it became trendy
religious idea: preincarnation where you get reincarnated backwards into the past
>yeah lemme get uhhhhhh poorly drawn DSLR camera on my tits thanks x
mental how ww2 would have been avoided with some mates madri and mental health for hitler
Bro is responding to posts from like 12 hours ago as though they're still even here...
Going to watch the PlayStation State of Play
She's got DSL alright heheheheh
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thinking about this homeless guy that went insane on /g/ again
Sheep wouldn't kick a ram out of the flock, another ram would.
Wow that's so cool are your friends going to be watching too?
do you think that's why he gave men superfluous nipples
Thanks for reminding me I completely forgot about that
Approximately 0% chance I'm reading all that
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get them released
Are you okay?
We're all in here, lads
from the looks of it he's gone insane on facebook
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Please tell vietlad to post more of his gf in case he ever returns x
playing videos at full volume from my phone speakers while I'm on public transport
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corr just 30 or so more lifetimes and i get to see them cleopatra titties
in the uk parents give them to children as a birthday present
fuckinh sseamiogng
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>British father-of-three, 31, dies after being hit across the back of the head with a vodka bottle during stag party in Prague
you're a nuisance, johnson. hand in your badge and gun
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He's a homeless "writer" complaining that the state didn't give him a house because they don't think he's pathetic enough. He insinuates that the reason he isn't pathetic enough is because everyone lies about how bad their life is and he didn't. The rest is the kind of waffle you get with "professional" writers.
love this
mad how people believe this shit
Vietlad will never post again.

Big tit mum joi
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That's terrible!
sticking my finger up my clacker
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>Well, look who decided to come out of his little cave!
First time I had avocado I thought I was meant to eat the skin
What are your thoughts on that?
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>right wing party gains momentum
>leftists fill their undies and proceed to shit-fling about how the right-wing party are really... LE FACISTS!!1!
>moderate sheep start running to the leftists because the msm told them to
>repeat for 100 years
>now we've got a PM babbling on about sausages while outlawing pints and cigarettes, and their right-wing opposition are all pro-immigrant wogs
sicked of it
Don't know
Haven't really thought about it before
Not funny or interesting enough to post, you're shit
>Starmer's Labour
Pick one (1).
I am not gay
I never will be gay
The most right wing party in existence could win a general election but they'd instantly get shut down in parliament. I propose a new machine.
>During the sentencing hearing, Huckle's lawyer, Philip Sapsford QC, read a statement from Huckle where he blamed his crimes on his immaturity:[8]

>I really understand and acknowledge the true scale of damage it caused to the Malaysian community. I had hoped to escape this mundane life of solitude in the UK yet was overwhelmed by the attention I received in Malaysia. I completely misjudged the affections I received from these children. My low self-esteem and lack of confidence with women was no excuse for me to use these children as an outlet. I am open and eager to rehabilitate from this offending behaviour. I don't want to become a martyr to sex tourism in Malaysia. This was all my doing as a consequence of my immaturity and I'm truly remorseful.[8][45]
seen some runt actin runty so i full bashed him
I am gay
I never will be not gay
Well now you are so tell us
what the hell is this crap
>norway elects right-wing government
>they still get a bunch of immigrants anyway
literally means nothing
quite drunk lols
I think those asian countries need to start forbidding males from entering their country unless they can prove they're not an incel
mad how this happened in France and Germany recently
seems like the entire continent is bolloxed
Doesn't bother me
Don't know what kind of answer you're looking for
Right-wingers are terribly unserious people. No surprise they can't get anything done even when they "win"
feel so ashamed that guy was worried about my menthol elves
I'm just minding my own business for fuck sake. what does this mean for other areas of my life
remember pussy riot lads?
can't stand uppity females myself, not that i hate women, it's just that they act like victims all the time when they have literally nothing to complain about so they make up the most arbitrary shit
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>The same people that want to ban cigarettes want to legalize all drugs
Lil paki fella on a moped delivering slop made by his paki cousin.
If you buy takeaways YOU are the problem.
it's not a matter of being unserious, it's just that they are controlled opposition and are playing a facade on purpose
meloni is "fascist" in italy but they still get a ton of immigrants. it's all theatre
Neoliberals want people smoking weed instead because it makes you into a lazy, unthinking, compliant drone who won't resist against the state or corporations.
Had a really hot black lady bring me my Chinese food the other day
Always thought it was so cute how you guys call it "takeaway"
labour won't ever legalise drugs. daily mail readers who think that one huff of weed will make you a maniac for the rest of your life would flee labour even faster than they already have.
you could sue him for discrimination
God this new Dragon Age game looks like fucking trash

new yuyu just dropped
Get your mum to cut your hair.
Don't buy products online.
Stop buying takeaways.
YOU are the problem.
cigarettes and tobacco are one of the only huge industries not controlled by jews
makes you ponder why hate against it is so prevalent while other harmful stuff like porn isnt
How are you resisting?
There was only ever 1 good one
so what's /brit/s opinion on tattoos? do you have any, and would you want to get any?
How is it not controlled by the Jews?
do you spend most of your idle time imagining how much better life would be if you werent gay or do you not really care
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they're a good distractcessory for mid women
I've got a few yeah, big fan. Not gonna tell you what they are cause I don't want to get doxxed
wonder whatever happened to medvdev
i know he was president and technically putin's superior a few years back but putin was always the one in real control, strange system they have in slavsylvania
we've been ruled by neolobs for 50 years and we're still decades away from pot being legalised
please think for a minimum of 3 seconds before you post your inane fanfic of what you think the world is like
the thought that there are men here with tattoos disgusts me
>we've been ruled by neolobs for 50 years and we're still decades away from pot being legalised
Mate have you been living under a rock? It's practically already legalised now. Every English town centre reeks of putrid weed stench. You even see people just casually walking down the street smoking spliffs like they're cigarettes. Police do nothing.
i thought she was about 13
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>During the trial, further details of Huckle's murder were revealed with it being made public that Huckle endured a lengthy torture with his hands and feet bound before being gagged, strangled using electrical cable,[60]raped, having his jaw broken,[61]being sodomized with a kitchen utensil,[62]and then having a pen with a blade attached stabbed into his brain via the nose.[63]
Just thought of this for some reason. Love the Aussies, great bunch of lads

you got your address tattoo'ed on your wrist in case you get lost or something?
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Weed is a nigger drug that's why they'll unban it
Love my gf so much lads. I seriously don’t deserve her.
The new 'eitch

I was under the impression Putin was merely a frontman for the oligarchs
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toxic positivity is the worst thing on the planet

reading about how it killed Concord
Why'd they do that
You and I have exactly the same definitions of green and blue OP
hard to infiltrate i think
very self sustainable with a farm and it was handed down generation to generation
you want police cracking the skulls of uni students smoking a little weed in the park harming no-one, but you're also appalled by the banning of cigs and alcohol? pick a lane, mate. and weed is still heavily punished, lad, you here all the time about police busting farms - the only reason it's been reigned in is because of tory cuts.
for 4 hours ive been thinking about a girl at tesco.
yesterday i went in about midday and she was on the till. she couldnt find the bread item id picked from the bakery. she asked me to help her so i leaned in to look at her screen and had some banter while we found the item but then had a moment. i think because id leaned in and our faces were close it was one of those romantic hollywood bullshit moments where you would kiss except that would obviously be totally inappropriate. but there was definitely a moment.
today i went in just after 7pm and got my basket of stuff. 2 checkouts. 1 was empty so i went to it and its this bitchy older woman who doesnt talk much. like she looks 60 except has those horrible fake nails slags in their 20s get. it was only then i glance across at the other till and it was the same girl from yesterday. black hair, pale skin, nice blue eyes. looks a bit like billie eilish. and i see she is looking at me and she smiles. i smiled back and nodded and could see she had that look. its rare i ever get that look although seems to be happening a bit more recently. but ive observed it at times in the past, that look when a women looks game. i finished up getting my shopping but was distracted by it and didnt look back again. and now i cant stop thinking about her.
then give her to me
Don't care for tattoos
When it comes to women if they're going to have tattoos they should be good ones instead of the squiggly cartoon shit you tend to see
Sounds like it was written by some Gamergate incel so shall be skipping that one lol
>i know he was president and technically putin's superior a few years back but putin was always the one in real control, strange system they have in slavsylvania
It was because of term limits. After 2008 Putin couldn't run for another consecutive term so Medvedev got put up as a puppet while Putin became Prime Minister. In 2012 he could run again, so he did, and then a few years ago he passed a law that extended the term limits so he could keep running indefinitely
Somebody with a 90 IQ and no long-term thinking skills put together that photo.
how about you shut your twat mouth? you sound utterly gormless right now. you're just embarrassing yourself
Fix you're keyboard
think he's got a point though
leave her alone toby. she’s not interested. don’t scare her stay out of her way
I don't have any. I'd regret having something on me forever and think it stupid a month after I got it. I've never seen a girl look better for having a tattoo.
Tbh it's not that deep really I just think it smells disgusting and I'm annoyed on a personal level by stoner culture.
hope she cheats on you with a bbc
>The new 'eitch
>266 results
why is keir banning pints then
Weed smells absolutely disgusting though, especially in public when you know some wog or wigger runt is smoking it
Weird thought to have mate lol
really not keen, doubt ill ever get one
Love smoking weed me
fair enough, sorry for lashing out there mate - made myself look like a right tit
She has a child. Same thing was happening to me with a girl at Iceland. She'd come up to me while I was shopping and chat. Had a daughter and was in a relationship
And it still hurt your little feelings
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mates are all taking the piss because I mentioned my girlfriend thanks me every time we finish having sex
to free up beds in our hospitals for pensioners by booting out uni mongs who need to get their stomachs pumped
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well go ask her out next time then
better than regretposting on /brit/
think on your first day as prime minister an envelope gets hand delivered to you which contains pictures of you noncing a kid although you don't remember doing it because you were drugged surreptitiously
don't know why they've bother installing term limits, it's always these shitty countries that have deceptive pretenses that they always find a loophole through, the political classes are such immature runts
Weird thing is that the USA didn't have any term limits until the 1940s

FDR won 4 consecutive elections in a row and suddenly they went "uhhh maybe this isn't ok" so they changed the law
read this whole post so i'll comment
stop being retarded and go ask her out next time
dont be the retard that ignores signals like that. the feeling of rejection will be better than the cringe of wondering what if. please
so russia is absolutely fucking massive, yeah? then why are they so poor and shit at war?
she still wanted your cock you mong
im far too handsome to be making the insane posts i make on here. time to get a clue and start making those comments in real life
You lads tried those new Cheez-It crisps they’ve just released? Mumberg got some at work and says they’re lush
FDR also massively increased the size of the federal government by threatening to add justices to the Supreme Court until he got a majority there. The man was a tyrant.
She didn't share?
richer countries are richer because if you drop money it's easier to find because they're smaller countries. russians lose countless amounts of money because the land is so big they can't find the money when they drop it.
don't bring her round them they'll be saying thank you after every time they chat to her and then start snickering
Brits do not simply ask out girls. It's just not the way things are done in this country.
Iktf lol
She shared them with her work husband
I always feel weird with single mums, like it could end up with a child looking at me as its dad/her seeing me as a father for her kids. Dunno what it is, can't be doing with them, which is sad, because they're usually desperate.
don't really have a problem with weed as such but the antisocial pricks who go around stinking the place up with it should be put in the stocks nobody wants to smell your shite when they're doing their shopping or riding the bus
When I was twelve I had sex with my friend's big sister and so I went on, but by the time I was 20 I didn't care for women that much
got 10 tattoos not sure why it gets the inceloids so riled up
so you do have a problem with weed and with weedmongs
Too bleepin cold innit
sounds like another case where the country would be better off if pensioners were put in boats and sent to the arctic
i always thought the yanks did have term limits before ww2 but let fdr have extra terms because of the war and they didn't have the resources allocate to elections
Just one of those weird things this website has latched on to for seemingly no reason. Like how everybody on 4chan thinks artists are all "trannies" now
so how long was the sex break between first losing your virginity to the school slag and then having sex with a proper girl
then do whatever brits do to advance a relationship with a woman that are giving them signals then lol
she raped you
no they should just smoke it in their house or in a legal cafe style place and not in public where they force everyone else to put up with the stink but they won't because they're selfish cunts who need flogging
Nah, it was an unwritten rule. Before FDR, no president ever attempted to run for more than 2 consecutive terms, so it hadn't been an issue
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trannies are disgusting
>got work tomorrow
>just eating crisps and watching YouTube stuff on submarines

wfh is life on easy mode
failed step 1
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we dont do anything unless we are drinking then we shag and next thing they are living with you
Why DO you have this image saved on your computer?
reckon lexi belle was at her peak when she got chunky
>pricks who go around stinking the place up with it
used to be me in my dude weed lmao prime. as a teenager with my friends. it was fun and i thought it actually smelled good but in reality we probably all looked like idiots with sickly red eyes
taco belle was definitely not the peak but she's worse now than she was then
It really is, genuinely just comfy as fuck
Dossers life for me lad
because he is obsessed with trannies who live rent free in his little paki skull
>tells me that brits dont ask women out
>replies asking how to another brit that tells him to do exactly that
wish the chinks would admit they made Covid in a cheeky lab then i’d forgive them
is mgtow or nofap a cult
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sir keir weddingcake x limon cello starmer
How many images do you have saved in your tranny folder?
whats that guy beneath the air conditioner doing
another 1200 gone on viva street
fucking finished
represents a kid seeing it all
might start Escortmaxxing
I get it now. I thought the masonic tiling had some significance
Ghost of Tsushima... 2!
>then why are they so poor
only the uneducated working class.
the rest just work some civil service job or in IT as hackers for the FSB
all you man can fight in ww3 im going to fake mental health and clart all the tings while you’re gone
wanking my sad little willy
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dont take it personal mate. im asking him because asking women on dates seems so foreign to me. ive never dated. the only people in couples that ive ever known to date met through dating apps and thats an americanised system. almost every couple i know met through family, friends, at school/college/uni/work, or at the pub. there was never a process of dating. from films and tv i know its different in America. if you have advice ill be glad to hear it but its not the done thing in England.
>pride = bumders
>envy = trannies
>greed = billionaires
>lust = coomers
>gluttony = americans
>wrath = mass shooters
>sloth = neets
the signs of the end times are all around us lads
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>needing to fake
The Bible is literally not real. its fiction.
uh huh
>most biblically literate atheist
highkey all me
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>The Bible is literally not real. Its fiction.
bloody hell sarge, I can't charge the enemy trench I got mennal elf issues yeah?
wtf are you on about? We've had online dating for decades, e-harmony used to run ads on TV and Radio for years in the early 2000's
done probably at least 10 poos today
Can tell you've never read it.
online dating has become a lot more prevalent over the last 10 years thoughever
Is Hinge the new dating app of choice these days?
more like they wouldn't trust me to hold a gun
its helped me with my confidence. been losing weight and being healthy for a few months now. putting in more effort to take care of myself and be social. saw 2 escorts at the start of this month and feeling a lot better about myself and interacting with women since.
Hinge is shit in my experience, only got two matches on there and both of them never responded to me.
Had much more success on Tinder and Bumble.
>I read it therefore its real
Jesus is King
what's your favourite passage
where do you find them?
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/v/ is crying because Ghost of Tsushima 2 has a wamen protagonist.
don't care
menthol elves dancing their way down me ol' jappers
Tell that to the anon I was replying to so he can stop attaching notices on the local parish notice board asking for a wife
only freaks used it before apps. i remember at school in the late 2000s and someone found a teachers online dating profile and he was the laughing stock of the town. not just us students but parents and everyone. it actually worked out for him he met a woman and ended up marrying her but they were considered nerdy losers.
as for apps its an americanised system of dating.
asking out a girl who works on the till at tesco is unheard of for our generation.
I hate being a zoomer I don't even like people my age i mostly relate to people around your guys age
wish i was better at sex
any tips?
what do i say during sex?
how do i 'take charge'?
what positions do girls like?
na tinder is still the best bet
i didnt like hinge at all the one time i tried it
bumble is the worst
you'll grow up to regret being bitter and twisted in your youth
Need to get myself unbanned from Tinder
i was like this and now that I'm part of that age group everyone thinks I'm a miserable bastard
can't win
might marry a single <30 year old mum
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How do Bongs deal with the fact that they never were able to outmatche France when it comes to music ?

i am just angry because i can't get work because the american economy is so shit like jesus christ we are living in weimar republic conditions
what's the appeal
the 1st one was at a brothel. i got talked into driving a friend of mine and a couple of his coked up mates. its called La Maison in Bury and is a bit grim but desu i had a good time and cant complain especially since i didnt pay.
the 2nd was an oriental girl i found on vivastreet. surprisingly wasnt a bait and switch. had a really good time, well worth the 120 quid i paid for the hour.
got hooks up on bumble
met my actual gf on hinge
Carol Vorderman has been awfully quiet ever since Labour came to power, I thought she was all about holding the government to account?
If you say Jimmy Carr, it doesn't like a Jamaican saying "Jamacia"
It's like classical music but by black people.
what happened to get you banned?
i fucking hate how companies appeal to investors by making fake job listings so they can trick them not sure thats a issues
mad how all you have to do around here to rake in the (You)s these days is chat shit about religion, when i first came to the 'chon you'd get dogpiled for doing the opposite
don't know honestly
obviously excluding "smooth jazz" which is just soft music
i'm even a decent pianist but i massively struggle to get the feeling for jazz pieces, let alone enjoy listening to them
i think it was for repeatedly making accounts and deleting them. It's a shadowban, so I can make my account again and swipe away, but it doesn't show my profile to anyone.
I am a woman and that's that.
whomever writes definitions on urbandictionary assigning random words to obscure sex acts really should have their submissions deleted and the authors executed
>anal sex
what's the appeal
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are you cute and single ?
is that a Jamaican mispronouncing Jamaica?
show cock
poo and that innit
You are Spainnonce and that's that.
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Ghost of Yotei looks good. I love Hokkaido so a game set there sounds amazing. Need to play Ghost of Tsushima in the mean time. Was kind of hoping for a Final Fantasy IX remake announcement but oh well. It was alright.
women don't post things like this
need a redhead gf whom i affectionately refer to as "carrot juice"
That sounds unlikely desu. If they thought you were making fake profiles they would just ban you. No offence intended but shadowban sounds like a cope.
It's complicated
>Was kind of hoping for a Final Fantasy IX remake announcement
There were murmurings that a FFXIII trilogy remake was about to be announced, but I guess it didnt happen
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Anon that's a m-
Actually never mind.
Seem to have a sore throat/cough. No congestion yet which is odd as the usual timeline for a cold is
>Sore throat
>Runny nose
do you get poofed up the bum by lads?
Might start writing a diary in 2025 - then again, I reckon I'd probably get bored of it after maybe a week. My family have kept diaries of every single day of their lives since the 1800s - with daily glimpses of their lives - from births, deaths, geopolitical events, etc. Meanwhile, i've got fuck all.
I didn't mine XIII to be honest. It was okay. Not amazing or anything but alright and I did enjoy it. I prefer XIII-2 to XIII overall though. Never played Lightning Returns and the timer system kind of puts me off as that's one of the reasons I didn't like Majora's Mask.
you've got covid
diddy parties are over you will have to stick to your zoomer cohort
omdz what is u doing
Don't think I have. It's possibly due to me eating mouldy bread the other day.
>and the timer system kind of puts me off as that's one of the reasons I didn't like Majora's Mask.
Well I thought I was just wasn't getting matches at first, so I went to delete the thing again and i kept getting an error message preventing me from deleting my account. I also noticed that if i go off the app and back on, the same 10 people show up every time,
I looked it up and found that other people get the same issues and the reason is because you're shadowbanned.
sounds good
bad luck then. probably have to get a new number in that case.
probably get a new SIM card next year. Part of the whole reset thing is that you need new photos too and I haven't got fuck all. I can get maybe 3 decent pics between now and 2025
Just a heads up in case your still here you need 4 pics to make a new tinder these days.

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