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Thank you, anglos
midwit trash
>ohh one side is le unambiguously good and the other le unambiguously evil this is just like how in real freaking life christians are the good warriors of god and everyone else is satanic and evil!
>also no black people, freaking BASED!
Tolkien was Norwegian thoughbeit
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Thank you, America. I had many keks.
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>also no black people, freaking BASED!
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>also no black people
Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!
Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!
Is it true they cut him out because he was considered too weird by American focus test groups?
Not a single one, can you believe it
watching it in this particular time in history makes me cry of joy
Fellowship of the ring is my favourite movie


Little known fact, Tolkien originally named it the fellowship of the COCK (Gandalf was ENORMOUS)
Why didn't Sauron just cast Accio on the One ring?
fvstian spirit
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True, fuck Manwë
>Shakespeare, Byron, Milton, Wordsworth, Dickens, Hardy
>Swedenigger chooses Tolkienslop
Peter the great should have finished the job.
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>Shakespeare, Byron, Milton, Wordsworth, Dickens, Hardy
We have sleeping pills for that job these days
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There is scientifically nothing wrong depicting germans are black child eating creatures
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it's literally impossible to hate germans from 80 years ago
Think poor Tollers would turn over in his grave knowing American defence contractors were giving their companies Elvish names
this was total shit, it was so boring my lenses fell off during a trilogy marathon
i like narnia
Tolkien is African THOUGH
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It seems really strange how there are all these influential important brits from 20th century who were born and raised in Africa
I really dont get why they are so overrepresented
i’ve always loved how tolkien says that Jesus Christ comes into existence in Middle Earth
>make fantasy setting with very easy morals so you can instead just focus on the story and indulge in the world
it’s just the Bible in WWI under a fantasy setting
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Hey Miyazaki. Can you hook me up?
This shit is fucking offensive to any race mixed man. The disgusting pig on the left causes me headache. She looks like she cleans houses or sucks dick for a living.
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Thank you, Anglos.
Orcs are ourselves (well, elves), but corrupted, the silmarillion almost spells it out.
LOTR is the ultimate manifest of *nglo pompousness and self-righteousness.
Gandalf and Aragorn are CIA glowies, Gondor and Rohan are proxy states used by the West in its senseless proxy war against the free people of Middle-Earth.
Reddit is down the hall and to left, soynigger
Not very inclusive racist. Please respect American culture.
Oops. Was meant for >>202659043
Honestly, I usually don't get too into fantasy shit but everything about the movies are nearly perfect. Why are they so good bros?
Catholics works of art
The themes of these books are actually very opposed if you understand them. Hitler would never throw the ring into Mount Doom. This decision is a rejection of power
you seem fuming, care to post your hand with timestamp?
wasnt it a NZ movie?

anyway its my favourite trilogy
He thinks they're a metaphor for blacks and Asians kek.
post shit and curry stained vishnu altar with timestamp
he doesn't impact the story at all
not enough sane posters to get the mood back on track like this
No he doesn't
The potential of Britons is unlocked when they're not ruled by the creeps in Westminster.
Boring torybot post
>da toriiieeessreeee!
>da tories erywhere!!
get a life
Boring torybot post
2 was the peak of the the trilogy
makes sense
it's in the middle
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>no black people

think again
>Haha yes, I wrote my trilogy to be a profoundly Catholic work. That's correct.
>Yes! It is true that the lands of Middle Earth are actually OUR earth set in the distant past. Actually, the Shire itself is what will eventually become contemporary England.

>No! NOOO! Mordor and the Orcs aren't meant to be stand-ins for the Muslim Turks, coming in from the Southeast to menace Christian Europe! How could you say something so inflammatory? I definitely didn't have that in the back of my mind!
TIL The first Swedish translation of LOTR was so bad that JRRT had a lifelong feud with the translator and had to personally intervene in future translations to prevent it from being fucked up again kek
They prolly just removed him because it's a bit disjointed, movie wise, and interrupts the rhythm of the story once they leave the Shire. Same way they couldn't do the Scouring of the Shire after the ending of ROTK.
Thank you Sweden :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs0AmruS8Ro
3 years of pre-production with many physical props and practical effects combined with a director who was genuinely passionate for the project and really wanted to bring the books' tale to the big screen in a respectful manner (as opposed to "re-interpreting" or "re-imagining")
Same case with Master & Commander

Redpill me on your country’s fantasy kino
I know it's probably an opinion held by many, but I found the Valar very unsympathetic
silmarillion is dull shit
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>Catholicism is just native European themes and values
>native European themes and values
yeah bro the "Totally Not Lucifer" rebelling against "Totally Not Singular God" and making "Definitely Not Sinful World" tale was taken from the Poetic Edda.
Singular evil entities aren't foreign to pre-christian mythology. Neither is the singular God. Christianity essentially borrowed or modified elements from other pre-existing religions, early christianity wasn't that distinguished.
>sinful world
How do you read this personally? I don't see the same sense of shame in the world
>Singular evil entities aren't foreign to pre-christian mythology.
Yes but the archetype of God's favorite Angel being pissy and jealous of God's favorite creation and then rebelling against him is literally Tolkien ripping off the Bible directly, it's not even a "vague analogy" it's a 1:1 copycat tale. Melkor is Satan with another name.
>Neither is the singular God.
Well what "native" European monotheistic entity do you think Tolkien based Eru off of? Again, it's literally ripping off the Bible. A single Omnipotent entity creates the Universe and I somehow doubt this English dude was thinking of Lord Brahma.
>Christianity essentially borrowed or modified elements from other pre-existing religions, early christianity wasn't that distinguished.
Yeah of course it did, those religions being Judaism and whatever other Canaanite/Assyrian/etc. cults there were in the Levant and Mesopotamia, they didn't borrow the idea of God/Yahweh/etc. from "native Europeans".
>>sinful world
>How do you read this personally? I don't see the same sense of shame in the world
It's everywhere in his books. The Third Age is a decayed one, the existence of Orcs, Dragons, etc. is a product of Melkor fucking up things and introducing evil into the world, the Men of Numenor fell into temptation (and "Definitely not Satanism") and got btfo by Not-Yahweh for it and banished from a paradise, etc. Some readers also compare Smeagol and Deagol with Cain and Abel, albeit I think this one is a bit more far fetched although plausible.
Obviously it doesn't need to be a 1:1 copy of the Bible, there'd be no point in writing anything at all if that's what JRRT wanted, but it's very obvious that his Weltanschauung and ideas were quite inspired by his Roman Catholic upbringing.
I'm sure he was born in South Africa.
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>LotR is a WW2 allegory
Forgot to add, JRRT literally studied things like this for a living: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dream_of_the_Rood & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliand
So his work 100% is inspired by Germanic culture as well, JRRT was English after all, but it's not some epic anti-Christian work of Pagan art by any means, it's pure syncretism and combining the two
Get back to the cuckshed Steven.
how do you know about tolkien?
It wasn't rall bad, its just that Åke Olmarks didnt really translate it. In stead he rewrote it in his own style sort of. It was the only version in swedish until a few years ago. Olmarks was a pretty fun guy. He apparently broke in to Tolkiens sons house to get unreleased manuscrips and had a life long feude with him for some reason
What do you mean? Tolkien is incredibly mainstream, literally every present fantasy inspired piece of media rips off Tolkien. Not to mention that the LOTR movies were international blockbusters.
You can find Tolkien fanclubs in fucking Xinjiang or Uzbekistan if you look for it.
I'll admit that its pretty obvious for Melkor and Eru, if you're just comparing the basic structure of the heavenly.
>those religions being Judaism and whatever other Canaanite/Assyrian/etc. cults there were in the Levant and Mesopotamia
I'm pretty sure it was influenced by the Greeks heavily in its early stages, and they had quite a large library of knowledge about various other cultures. They were essentially surrounded by Europeans so, its not that strange.
>The Third Age is a decayed one, the existence of Orcs, Dragons, etc. is a product of Melkor fucking up things and introducing evil into the world, the Men of Numenor fell into temptation (and "Definitely not Satanism") and got btfo by Not-Yahweh for it and banished from a paradise
The problem is that even if he intended it to be a very obvious christian story, it doesn't come off that way (unless you are christian and want to interpet it like that). Nothing about the story of evil decaying the world is incompatible with pre-christian thought or storytelling.
>it's not some epic anti-Christian work of Pagan art by any means, it's pure syncretism and combining the two
I didn't meant to imply it was anti-christian. The inherent problem is that when you are talking about christianity in this context you are not talking about 100% judaism. You are talking about a hybrid religion in Europe that has been de-judaized to varying degrees. LotR still does not give you the impression of something purely christian, because whatever "christian" elements they intended with it are originally European or not significant enough to change the picture. We talk about "christian" virtues like honor and loyalty and selflessness etc but none of that is foreign to pre-christian Europe. So it just ends up looking like a purely European story. Which it is. He made an anglo-saxon myth inspired by what myths already existed. He expressed in his letters that Middle-Earth is roughly equivalent to ancient Europe.
>He apparently broke in to Tolkiens sons house to get unreleased manuscrips
kek props for being a madhatter, the world needs some weirdos to make it more entertaining
no i know i just meant to keep you going what your personal investment is
Chinese gf sucked my cock during Helm's deep charge once.
I was in Valhalla for 10 mins that day.
>I've invented these languages, and subsequently their speakers
>now, how do I make this world around them?
and then it just happened to become the most beloved work of fantasy on earth
Tolkien wasn't a professional author in that sense at all
he was a linguist who made conlangs and wanted them to make sense with backstories
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The /tv/ threads were entertaining

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