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morrissey long hair edition
some reckless youths are kicking a ball just outside my window
not on
is morrissey gay or just weird
Need to douche out my arse
>NEW: Keir Starmer says he took £20,000 in donations for accommodation for his 16-year-old son to study "peacefully" for his GCSE exams
nose is clogged up from all the gear i've been putting up it
Not really, happened 4 editions ago
Wake up earlier incel
mostly peaceful exam studies
>gymbores start boring on about their routines
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>Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years in prison for her role in FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, crypto fraud
phillip schofield doing a cast away show because he heard there were buoys nearby
*pokes your fat belly*
leave it on facebook/reddit/twitter or wherever you lifted it from m8
sick of old cunts telling me to "have pride in my work" like mate idgaf aye. fucken dogs think I give a shit about my job? I wanna die in my sleep everything I go to bed. cunts really be out here thinking I give a shift about turning a screwdriver
Fat cunt
Reckon Starmer is more or less identical to David Cameron in terms of policy and positions.
He has destroyed everything Labour was supposed to be.
wonder how often hotel cleaners find pooey condoms from arse sex
got the gymmongs riled up lads
wish ghosts were real
yeah they're big on condom usage, the gays
i actually came upp with that one myself but I understand not all of us can be intelligent and original
we understood that too after reading your so-called joke
whoaaah put her back in, she's not done yet!
arse sex doesn't involve poo unless you're absolutely mentally retarded but I understand you were trying to make a gimmick post
anyways used to shag my gfs arse and it was never an issue
>the gays
straight*ids invented sodomy
why would there be buoys on an uninhabited island?
Left a small brown stain on the bed sheets once
I understood and enjoyed this reference but really it doesn't make sense without the set-up line
Something really suspicious about him desu.

Remember even back in 2015/2016 he was already being brought up as a candidate for Labour leader by anti-Corbyn types, even though he had literally only just been elected as MP.
vampire just flew past my window
not sure what to make of this...
that was blair mate
i know you're young but still..
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ive never met a homosexual who wasn't deeply mentally ill and also an obnoxious arrogant wanker
they are near the island in the sea
yeh understood you could never achieve my lofty heights
Wait you’re telling me political parties have internal structures and loyalties that aren’t immediately discernible to outsiders
It’s a heckin conspiracarino!!
please just get me cummed in PLEASE
sample size: your dad
starmer + a modicum of charisma = blair
Get me get me cummed in
Heaven knows it would be the first time
still calling it kiev
still calling it bombay
still calling it rhodesia
still calling them niggers
simple as a chicken schnitzel
Blair was more left-wing than Starmer IMO
rorke is a lovable scallywag
Labour have said from day 1 they were going to make tough decisions that will upset some people.
im not human
Willards belong in arses
There's a reason nature made them fit together so snugly and stuck a bunch of sensitive sex nerve endings on the prostate
Listening to 'Never Let Me Down Again' by Depeche Mode.
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im little frog
What do women get from arse sex tho
do you ever just sort of sit there and think to yourself "wow we really should send them all back"
Nothing. It’s a meme that was normalised by porn really.
I agree, Blair was at least a Social Democrat. Starmer is just a Tory in a red rosette.
His parents and namesake would turn in their graves at what he's done to the party.
You probably don't mean all the Chinese ladies though.
kill mother fucking depeche mode
Five more years. No refunds.
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Gagging for a papa pengs rn
Incredibly suspicious that these obvious spam posts have never even once been deleted by a janny.
how was blair more leftwing than starmer? if anything starmer being less interventionist on the global stage and at least accepting being outside the eu is more "leftwing"
cheese is not browned enough too oily too much sauce too wet crust will be soggy and doughy
you can grow concrete
Blair never nationalised the railways either
mfw rorke
'TORCH' is today's worlde answer.
Labour? More like Gaybour.
*bursts into laughter*
they're trying to put me in the electric chair
you need to help me
>starmer being less interventionist on the global stage
He’s not. His policy towards Ukraine/Russia for instance is just as aggressive as Boris’ was.
>Starmer accepting being outside the EU
Always check 'extra sauce'
Typically get that with well done thin crust. Which shop has your fav 'za?
doing a woo (wee poo)
Rorke and leftypol both seething at StarmGOD
*removes you from the premises*
Starmer hasn't been given the opportunity for an Iraq yet but look at his track record in Palestine right now, he'd do it for sure.
>starmer being less interventionist on the global stage
what the fuck are you blathering on about
blair literally invaded a country under a false pretenses (and right now supports sending weapons to ukraine)
what constantly calling for a ceasefire
children shouldn't but into adult's conversations
everyone at uni is so anti social outside of clubs
fuck off toby
hate how you cant even argue the contrary to any of the doommongering or you just get called a bootlicker
internet is devoid of critical thought
>blair literally invaded a country under a false pretenses
And do you think Starmer wouldn’t do that?
>Keir Starmer has said he believes that people claiming long-term sickness benefits should be expected to look for work.
Care to explain why Startmer spends his time buddying about with literal self identified Fascist politicians on his visit to Italy, where he proclaimed we need to do Rwanda gimmick 2.0, but this time send them to Albania?
He had no qualms making friends with Fascists when he went to Italy recently.
What “doommongering” exactly?
i think starmer would be less likely to invade/be as warmongering as blair, yes. what evidence do you have to the contrary
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getting into meme production lads
Not enough images being posted in this thread.
>what constantly calling for a ceasefire
Has he withdrawn military support from the US Strike Group in the Eastern Med?
most neets are just jsa runts still living at home being looked after by mummy and daddy
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reposting cause she's fit
He's arming Israel's genocide to the teeth and said they have the right to cut off water and electricity, which as a human rights lawyer you'd assume he understood is a war crime in breach of the Geneva convention.
Shut up retard
not really a genocide though is it mate
not really a genocide though is it mate
She looks nothing like the character she’s cosplaying as. Really horrible and hideous face. Yet more TikTok slag garbage being posted in /brit/ as usual.
Seething non-reply by labourmong because I'm right
Yes it is mate
local place called bonello's new york pizza
Any insane virginial freak man in?
and blair is calling for that is he? retard
how is he arming it to the teeth? how is it wrong to diminish the combatitive capabilities of your enemy? and finally how is this more right wing than blair?
yes i do, i don't find them attractive at all, their appearance, mannerisms, and voices are hideous
>and blair is calling for that is he? retard
Bizarre nonny seqqy
>whole conversation about who is more left wing blair or starmer
>reee why did you compare to blair
you're literally braindead
I need to hear Toby’s opinion on the Israel/Palestine issue before I make my mind up.
how's starmer's uk?
no not really
2.5 million people ethnically cleansed out of their homes and 40k minimum murdered, over 150k "missing people" in Gaza, mass theft of property and murder of civilians by settlers in the west bank aided by IDF soldiers, civilians put in torture camps without any crime being commited, denial of food, water, medical supplies to the victims
yeah? mad that
not really true though is it
korma and a can of lilt cheers fella
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are you claiming independent verified sources and the UN are wrong, and that we should only rely on what Israeli government agents claim?
just saying you're wrong mate that's all
>my independent sources = verified
>your independent sources = israeli government agents
simple as
I accept your concession.
have a little think to yourself why neighbouring countries don't really give a shit (its because Palestinians have been nothing but trouble for decades for all countries in that region). They probably secretly support Israel.
The 2nd gens don't have an accent, do they?
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He's under the spell of a Jewish woman. They're succubi. Their powers of persuasion are unmatched.

pics look good. You're lucky to live in SoCal. My buddy lives in San Diego. Wish the whole world had your weather.
is it or is it not true that hamas accidently bombed one of their own hospitals in gaza and blamed israel?
Okay so you're saying the UN and independent sources are wrong, and we should believe the Israeli government on everything without question. Understood.
janny ban these politics mongs
IDF-berg out in full force it seems
>unable to answer a basic question
you've done yourself
yea well shouldn't have kill 1200 Israelis and kidnapped 150 then
do I feel bad for dead kids being pulled out of rubble, sure, who doesn't, but there's only one party to blame for starting it
See >>202660964
You aren't welcome here, Zionazi IDF operative
about to unleash a torrent of shit into the toilet
Think they've accidentally sent all their /int/ infiltration and disinfo agents to me at once. Oh dear.
>if i keep strawmanning and ignore them then eventually I will win
t. average hamas supporter
mad how leftypol turned into a jew hating conspiracy theorist
Commiemong is that you?
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It's funny because they're coming at you with these rehearsed talking points and you're just knocking them out the park. Brava good sir.
Good morning.
Had sex again today with the gf when I woke up.
Now I'm drinking coffee out of my $1000 mug and enjoying the torrential rainfall we are getting.
So sick of /pol/tards
corrr lovely
not many people know that Slovakia invaded Poland alongside Germany in 1939
of course it is, no one else is this utterly retarded on political matters
Thank you. Hasbara agents can't keep me down. I've heard all of their lies and tactics before.
apologies for being late, was shagging
Why does anyone need accomodation for gcse revision?
I don't get it?
Ok Ahmed Mohammedovic
no but they're still just unattractive, westernised chinky women also usually have massive egos
>Why does anyone need accomodation for gcse revision?
because they're better than you peasant
no wikipedia
Sir Exam Taker
tossing around whether to fork out for a gram of ket
He was innocent unironically
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What mannerisms are you referring to?
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>Florida sheriff's deputy shoots and kills girlfriend 'while cleaning his rifle'
grey new balance trainers were the biggest waste of money I've ever spent in my life
just a reminder that keir's sons are jewish because their mother is jewish
how do you know
How bad can they possibly be
*sings about how he deserves it for being such a fat squirrel*
He was innocent.
New evidence and DNA data proved it.
The family of the murdered woman also agreed, and called for the new information to be looked into.
The Republican judge said he didn't care and killed the black man anyway without looking at the new DNA evidence which pointed to a different culprit, who presumably is still a free man.
Remember if you find a trapped or injured squirrel you have to euthanise it by law, it's illegal to release back into the wild.
Where will WW3 take place in primary? Iran?
I never thought jews used regular phone cases, I would've reckoned they were using case made from the skin of specially blessed lambs sold to them by their rabbi which allowed them to work during the sabbath
>was shagging

How did it go?
wonder why sandy hook is currently trending on the website formerly known as twitter
Quite literally.
just don't like them desu
Your country is currently sliding into a two-tier authoritarian shithole at breakneck speed and you're still siding with the corrupt racist southern retard judge who executed an innocent man?
dont tell me what to do
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wasn't referring to westernised chinkies when i mentioned that, but if you've ever met a proper chink you'll know it when you see it
detective reddit solved this 80 year old cold case where thousands of police and forensic workers failed
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Sausage status?
Don't know how I keep forgetting that this place is completely infested with inhuman evil ghouls
loves his sausages does are keir
Actually forensics solved it when new evidence was found and tested and presented to the judge which proved his innocence.
The judge just said he didn't care and wanted to kill him, and then killed him.
You don't need to play dishonest word games, just say you wanted to see him killed for being black, because we all know that's what you mean.
picking their noses and such?
i heard chinese women have a funny walk
leftypol discord raid in full swing
do you have a lot of chinks in the uk or is it all just blacks and pakis?
ash aura drone tide spy
are due badges hard altogether and dying young
has bad dancing said lordy stay isolated now
There are an obnoxious number of Chinese students at pretty much every uni in the country. They’re also incredibly insular and racist and refuse to interact with anyone other than their own kind.
catyank on a mad one
get the migrants homeless
get the migrants starved
get the migrants raped
get the migrants shot
get the migrants mutilated
get the migrants murdered
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sausagecord raid underway
So the UK is the best performing G7 economy right now.
Why does everything still feel so shit?
touched a nerve did it you shirtlifting faggot

is it because when you pull out it's hard to tell the poo from your skin
Apparently there's a big culture clash between mainland Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese.
In the mainland it's acceptable to spit anywhere in public, piss in public alleyways, eat food on the subway, talk noisily on the subway.
Such behaviours aren't tolerated by Hong Kong locals who are disgusted by the barbarism of mainlanders.
because you read the news too much biccboi
my college (sixth form) was 95% chinese
some of you really are ridiculous paranoid freaks
why don't they just go to chink universities? i can't imagine they're much worse than western ones, probably even better because their culture actually cares about learning rather than being indoctrinated into leftypol tranny cults
come say it to my face coward
Because just because “le line went up” doesn’t make a material difference to ordinary people’s actual real lives.

Good article if you have enough attention span to read it:

His last words were "All praise be to Allah for every situation!".
scranning a bagel and a schmear
It's seen as prestigious in their countries to have a degree from overseas
I'm on the deenz and hot sauce, as it were
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I'll be right over darling
good post
Muslims are so fucking cringe it’s unreal
Want to learn mahjong, go, and Shogi but they seem hard
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fresh trim: received
get the bangers repatriated NOW
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>hot sauce
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>was shagging
how long did it take for the guy to cum? heh heh
Why do blacks still convert to "Islam" in prison?
well that's dumb, but i suppose chinks are prone to vanity
There's tons of them in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
thought this was a machine moth from the thumbnail
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Moved my Hinge location to NYC and it's literally just nonstop Asian girls who went to elite unis who work in finance

This girl works for Blackstone and previously worked for the Bill Gates Foundation and Morgan Stanley lel
need some bangers, hold the mash
they see it as a rebellion against the white man religion
meanwhile the muslims took a bunch of slaves from africa too and treated them far worse than westerners did
literally me
what's up with all that shit with women calling their bfs "daddy/sir/master", and men calling their gfs "kitten/princess/good girl" etc
Is it just me or is it incredibly cringe and grim, to a vomit inducing degree
Just imagine the kind of freak messaging on discord "oh yes come to daddy my kitten", and furthermore the kind of freak who'd find that arousing
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No way in hell she'd give a 104 IQ white boi like me a chance
learned to play these from the yakuza games me
mad how every second poster of /brit/ is a Nothing fan

but maybe being patriotic and buy British phones if you are a Briton is a based thing
she's not matching with you though, these girls are not girls who settle at all
probably a massive bitch
It’s just pornbrained nonsense.
the Buddha was a black man
porn addiction is a national epidemic
i'm envious of her
tarquin oliver nimrod?
Paul William's main research interests are Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, Mahayana Buddhism, and Medieval philosophical and mystical thought.

Williams was a Buddhist himself for many years but has since converted to Roman Catholicism, an experience he wrote about in his book The Unexpected Way and in an article, "On converting from Buddhism to Catholicism – One convert's story."

Oh no no no buddhist bros a leading western scholar converted from buddhism to christanity!
china numbah hwannn
mad how the world would improve dramatically if blackstone were shut down and all its employees imprisoned or executed
Yes, retarded people exist
What is your point?
im not gay but i would hug/kiss robert patterson
mental how the ancient greeks colonised parts of india and their influence on the art and culture is still felt today
Are you receiving psychiatric help?
blud doesn't understand statistics :skull:
see the "chat / profile" at the top and "Send a message" bar at the bottom? That means you're viewing the profile after matching

that's based
Mad how the world would improve dramatically if all pornography was banned
why is he retarded?
Sorry i cant understand your accent
a British military reconnaissance plane did a lengthy tour over Lebanon concluding just two days before Israel's onslaught on the country started.
make of that what you will.
watching minecraft underwater base building videos
Simple mistakes- ale$$ andy Uk soul bootlegs (live from Madison) Vetement hood- fucksnowr I’m not having fun - osyris Israel bear1boss save me prod lo5t x eddie Gianni Playmaker - Lerado prod cashecache Last time - lerado prod mkyfm Correction - lerado prod javi x silas roe Question everything - tomibillsbigger prod tweak dual personality - tomibillsbigger prod nowayace Matrix- Yung kirk Nvr spinning - fucksnowr Dark matter - mkyfm Feelgood_d-b - snoeman Sweep yard - digi X AERATE - Mkyfm - aerate Forgive me - SHONE prod tropical gameboy Free lance - Zeke ultra prod savedher seaside - OGMACO prod lo5t Special affair remix - cultie Plane - Ghandrx x Javi Silhouette- Lucki prod osyris Israel limbo - osyris Israel Telecaster - lerado prod osyris Israel separation - lerado prod osyris Israel x grant lapointe Madonna- prod osyris Israel J0 - Ghandrx x dolo prod dolo
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Got the flu. Reckon this is unironically what dying feels like.
Genuinely interested to read his book considering I went the other way (Catholic to Madhyamaka Buddhist) and can't see how I'd ever believe in nonsense like catechism or transubstantiation again.
Harvard descriminates heavily against East Asians. If you meet one that goes there, that person is guaranteed to be the smartest person you have ever met.
sacked tranny
Seen a horse do this before irl, it then killed and ate the bird, tearing it apart
well no hes just a handsome man thats quite obvious really nobody called you gay
anyone seeing megaopolis?
No but seriously, why would she match you? It's my understanding that most career girls who excel like that are also desiring a partner who is exceeding her in most aspects of their life. Nothing a runt here can do.
making pesto alla trapanese in the old pestle and mortar so i am
the better question is why shes matching with someone thousands of miles away
Mental how there is another Paul Williams from Britain who is famous for converting (from Catholicism to Islam)
I can't wait for Zootopia 2 to come out
I shall be getting release day tickets, don't care if the cinema is otherwise packed with annoying little kids they will not interrupt my furry programming
Was baffled by the fact that 52% of students at Harvard Business School are Jewish.
aight imma head out
will never understand why americans have such a massive cockon for orientals
Same, steady 38.4 rectal reading
Why do you think? I'd assume that they just have a huge range set so they get a large amount of potential.
bro is reading he rectum :skull:
asians think every mediocre white guy is a walking chris-hemsworth tier movie actor
south americans do this as well
they have absolutely no taste in white people
will call mids, amazings, and amazings mehs
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Israel is out there committing genocide and we're just sitting here doing nothing about it
Thought this was an internet meme.
cringey yankified freak post
spainnonce is the exact type of faggot me and the lads would wait for after school and chase home until he cried
What can a goy like me even do?
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They're productive
go and join hamas then if you care so much you smelly little paki
Chinese people will start doing back flips and dancing if you can say anything more than just "ni hao" to them in mandarin
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Got this crazy stomach ache - can't tell if its because I'm hungry or if eating will just make matters worse

Was reading this on the bus the other day
Even worse our government directly aids and funds Israel
Israel had a right to defend itself
sex seems scary and intimidating
stuff that bastard with sausage meat and roast him whole
fucking hell i spent ages trying to get collars and leashes to come up in my prompts there and it just WASNT having it
ooh you're hard mate
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Reading his conversion story, he is definitely a fucking retard.
He became Buddhist because it was "exotic" in the 70s, then managed to get a PhD in Buddhist philosophy from Oxford while fundamentally misunderstanding the Buddha's teachings about time, rebirth, karma, and samsara, which in turn caused a crisis of faith later in his life so he turned to Popery.
Why do Germans support genocide AGAIN? Did you people learn nothing from WW2?
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hes got spiky legs
mince that little twat and serve him up in his shell like a dressed crab
Now the thread is about to end I'll say it since people will forget by the new.
There is nothing I wish more that to be a girl. I have suicidally crippling gender dysphoria since childhood.
No, I've never had any kind of AGP or crossdressing fetish, yes I'm attracted to men.
Can't transition since I'm hideously ugly. I'll just been alone and suicidally depressed my entire life until I die unfulfilled.
This world is an evil place and even eternal non-existence would be kinder.
where's he off to?
didnt ask
Blud's entire perspective on life is dictated by what's in his pants :skull:
I'm an autist, I have a masters in electrical engineering and work in a "cool" and "futuristic" industry that isn't cookie cutter big tech and have showed it off in my profile. I get liked by doctors/lawyers/finance type girls regularly. I've never met a smart girl who actually fully understands what I do even after explaining it
Ah unlucky mate me I'm just an autogynephile plain and simple
alri, rorke
thread has come to a screeching halt
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food for thought: the sausages were a nothingburger
Desperate losers can't "waste" their precious posts (shitty spam gimmicks) at the end of the thread, you see.
sir frank furter
sir frank furter
project on

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