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FAM_Orchids-infographic_1480x2490px_Final-609x1024.jpg edition
Paul William's main research interests are Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, Mahayana Buddhism, and Medieval philosophical and mystical thought.

Williams was a Buddhist himself for many years but has since converted to Roman Catholicism, an experience he wrote about in his book The Unexpected Way and in an article, "On converting from Buddhism to Catholicism – One convert's story."

Oh no no no buddhist bros a leading western scholar converted from buddhism to christanity!
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Do you ever just lie there in the dark, head under the duvet, all warm and comfy in the pure blackness, watching until your eyes start to see weird things?
mad how all the world's 190 iq oxbridge grads, jet set playboys, canary wharf traders and back garden chemist psychonauts find the time of day to come and chew the fat with us on /brit/
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can see the monkey faced ones willy
how is it fair how real madrid just wins everything
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squattoil ticked off

quite a nutty session
how is fair that you're a gaylad in a world full of soup
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You posted this exact post last thread and got mocked for it
He was clearly a pseud who only like Buddhism because he thought it was exotic and never understood the theology.
Also Catholicism is literally paganism, saints were used as a replacement for local deities, etc.
what the deuce
thought an alien was gonna fucking pop out with how she's acting

what a cretinous oaf
posted it again award
Why am I farting so much?
>one of the most respected western scholars on buddhism
also you
>Also Catholicism is literally paganism, saints were used as a replacement for local deities, etc.
oh i'm laffing
abstaining from gymtoil and squattoil for a week while I get my shit together, stretching calves every day to hopefully have a great squattoil session next week
because you shaved your arsehole
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Seriously, what would happen if you just quit toil right now?
family hate me for being a jobshy layabout

when you think about it it's their fault really for not raising me properly
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Janny: No more mice, Toby.

Mousey: What?

Janny: I said, no more mice. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been banned a long time. They didn't go up to Hamilton and tell ya. You can't post mice anymore.

Mousey: Relax, will ya? Ya flip right out, what's got into you? I'm posting some mice a little bit, that's all. I'm only kidding with ya...

Janny: Sometimes you don't sound like you're kidding, you know, there's a lotta posters around...

Mousey: I'm only kidding with you, we're having a thread, I just popped a fresh SIM card and I haven't seen Canada in a long time and I'm posting some mice, and you're getting fucking fresh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

Janny: I'm sorry too. It's okay. No problem.

Mousey: Okay, salud.

Mousey: [takes a drink] *posts the mice again*
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listening to the OSRS soundtrack on a quiet rainy day while I NEET from home is just incredibly comfortable, the feeling is unmatched and it makes me so positive and nostalgic. I've never found something which made me feel as good about life
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Liked by a 34 year old who works for Ferrari.

enjoyed this when it was originally posted and I've enjoyed it again here
dont really understand the rules about capitalisations in headlines
is it just articles and prepositions? i noticed theyve capitalised Am
what about a really long preposition like throughout or notwithstanding. thatd look weird uncapitalised
what about heroin, you ever do that?
are you a supermodel?
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I am original and unconventional.
Suppose the question you must ask yourself is: do you have more to offer this bird than the many, many, MANY, multi-millionaires she will be around week to week traveling on the F1 circuit?
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Anyone have the iPeng 16 yet? How is it?
Today is the birthday of Michael Douglas (80) AND his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones (55)

imagine having the same birthday as your wife
must be mental
how do you not just feel insecure about yourself when a woman has may more achievements than you do? serious question
wtf you don't belong here
he got throat cancer from eating her out, as I recall
I have a seven year old Motorola and it works fine.
All me
she has slept around with a lot of those man, I'm almost certain. she's surrounded by them constantly and in those social circles, you're nothing to them.
disgusting thing to say in a catholic general
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>Former Royal Marine, 42, dismissed headaches as 'eye strain' from too much screen time - now he has deadly brain cancer and a year to live
one go on zeta jones' fanny is like smoking 30 fags
I have the same birthday as my mum.

Meaning she had to suffer squeezing me out on her birthday and then couldn't celebrate a proper birthday herself for years because it was always about the brat.
shouldn't be laughing at this, but i have done because of bradders, you see
mental how you can have a good life just by being born a certain way
cop it or naa?
There are men in this thread with hard girthy penises that have never been jerked or sucked off by another person
Why don't you lads whip your cocks out and post them here?
He's not one of the most respected scholars on Buddhism and that is beside the point as he clearly had no idea what the Buddha was talking about and merely was in the right place at the right time to translate one or two obscure Buddhist texts into English.
He quite literally had a childish crisis of faith about reincarnation as if he had never thought about it before.
>walk to the tube station like I always do
>bunch of urban youths hanging around
>they notice me
Why were they mean? I was just wearing a peacoat
Why did she marry that old prick?
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love chinese cuisine me
little wanker just couldn't come out on your due date, could you?
Not really that mental as it’s one of the fundamental things of our existence/society
People have only tried to pretend it isn’t the case in the last generation or two with movies where chad or stacy are a bit sad
Okay now do Christian priests and preachers, there's far more of them
what achievements? she could be a admin assistant at Ferrari for all you know lol
I'll reply to whatever post I want you aussie mong even if it's a year old.
Dark Brandon on a mad one
>replying to a 1 year old post
apparently she has suffered from depression and bipolar disorder
unlikely, but even if she was just that. she views it as a high position. so would a lot of others, because of the brand reputation. she will be surrounded and exposed to those with success and "more". she feels that she is on or working to that level. she doesn't see you on the same level.
Chad and stacy aren't real.
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bizarre behaviour
the priests aren't trying to normalise it though are they they do it in secret because they know it's wrong deep down
queers on the other hand want noncing to be accepted and legal
Excellent post, raising the bar for /brit/ posts
didnt know i was talking to a mind reader
finished learning french
going to learn german
*replies to the book of genesis*
I know you didn't, naturally
You didn't learn French.
Why didn't all the salt water creatures die when the oceans were diluted with rain water during the Deluge?
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*enters /brit/*
comment ça ?
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are salaries any good in the military?
god put extra salt in the sea
The Battle of Kiev will be some laugh.
Didn't happen, it's a fiction
too disgraced to show his face here isnt he
Wie gehts Hans? Du magst nicht /deutsch/?
lol no
>knows to put a space before the question mark
Excuse me as you're obviously fluent. Carry on.
*sits on fat arse and wanks*
Wasn't the war supposed to be over in just 3 days, ziggoid?
same way he made it rain loads, he's god
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Then why did Noah have to save the land creatures?
so they wouldn't drown
went back to bed instead of doing a day's toil. Mental 'elf break and that
Why would he go all out on the outfit, gloves, mask and everything, and then just stick on a pair of old trainers to ruin the look? Bizarre
Ich komme aus England
Ok what about all the fresh water creatures that would have died when the ocean covering the globe was salinified?
Eh? Are you fucking retarded? The rain water fell on land and absorbed the various minerals and salt from it
That's why the sea's fucking salty in the first place you doughnut
alri chumblecockers
mousenonce the movie
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Thoughts and/or opinions on facesitting?
so we launched our lifeboat so we wouldn't drown
im really unwell but I have to toil away
there was an aquarium on the ark
Ok then why didn't all the fresh water creatures die?
So you're telling me he rounded up all the plankton and mollusks and waterbugs that live in fresh water all around the globe and put them in aquariums on a boat?
Think all of this adhd/depression/autism shit makes people less empathetic
You either have some diagnosed issue wrong with you and get breaks and acceptance for it or else you’re a normal person going through a rough patch and nobody gives a shit
>monkey face orchid

Dude look at this
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bronchitis toil still ongoing
No, but I probably won't even match with her anyway. I already have the validation I need just from her sending me a like lol
Dating apps are almost exclusively useful for validation. I don't approach anyone irl, but just knowing if I look at a hot woman they most likely think I'm attractive feels good, as superficial as that sounds. Wasn't like that for me as a teenager :')

she's older than I am, good for her if so. If she likes me for who I am, why would I be insecure about that? It's not a competition

I've been here longer than you lel. I've posted in /brit/ since it was /anglo/ and the exodus of /trans/ posters from /sp/ because >they do it for free. Remember stuff like Fat Cam, Bog Sim, Lord Craven, Irish fitizen, Irish slags etc. etc.
unironically hot
Been invited to training for a runt job next week. It's only 3 hours though. Not like a first day and you do your training then start. Seems a bit odd. Is this normal or some sort of "you don't actually have the job yet, turn up and don't be a mong for 3 hours and then you do"?
Need love more than I need sex
Don't forget there were dinosaurs on the ark too according to creationists
bro hitting the pen too hard :/
Germans call gloves "hand shoes" (Handschuhe). They are very silly people.
>there's far more of them
There really isn't, underage sex is absurdly normalised within the gay community
Sorry but I have a very hard time believing that actually happened.
what is this shit
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made this the other day for the sucking a tapioca orb collection but didn't post it as I didn't know if you were about and it's not turned out great but have it anyway
Oh my science look at these giant lizards and their wacky world! What? Of course you’ve never seen them they lived fifty trillion years ago but of course they were real! The scientists say so!
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got squats tomorrow, dreading it, going to in agony for days afterwards because i took a few months off the gym and my body's still struggling to re-adapt to it
at least i have plenty of opioids and tiger balm if worst comes to wost
Thanks for sharing
Who's to say they didn't
dogpilled AGAIN
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Why would god kill all the fresh water creatures but command Noah to save all the land creatures?
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need a job where I can shout at women
Why are Americans like this?
Have you ever asked why you're destroying your body?
done him in
Das stimmt nicht.
I assume you're not planning to but it's worth saying: don't try to put up whatever numbers you were doing before your time off.
you mean by doing drugs or lifting ewights?
did you mean dogpiled?
just booked the tip for friday
Why you believe what the (((scientists))) be telling you
What are mums and sisters for
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eclectic scrandemic inbound
Pieces I'm Excited To Pull Out Of The Closet This Fall
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Looks like my dog
dog nut
My tip has a booking system also. It's not too bad to be fair, can always book the same day no problem.
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Baffling that people believe in the Abrahamic God
At least pagan God's are interesting
no, definitely not, i was up to around 120kg before so i think 70kg is a good starting point and then if that's too light (which it probably will be) i'll fine-tune from there
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please help me..
grotesque little trollop
You're absolutely right, it is baffling
You hate science and facts and reality
But you gobble up the slop children's fairy stories in a 3000 year old Jewish fantasy book as being literally true
always funny how mental trannies are
Lifting weights. You sound like you're dreading it, so why bother? Why are you doing it in the first place?
Being a man with long hair is so grim because sometimes you'll attract cute, smart and slightly unusual girls (the aim) but most of the time it's complete degenerate mental illness turbowhore freaks.
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educating myself
I'm a scientist myself.
why can't they just leave the anime alone for us normal people ffs
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attractive but also slightly depressing
how are you 34yrs old and not in a relationship, looking like that, with that sort of career?
im guessing she's always felt that "something is better around the corner", but now that she's around the corner and noone's picking her up, she's turned to daitng apps
build the canals
What country and year is this from, because according to the latest census about 50% of the British public don't believe in a God
would join in but it's a bit far innit x
anime nonces aren't normal
it makes me stronger, look better, cultivates mental discipline, basically zero downsides to it if you're not a retard who ego lifts with weights you can't control properly
sounds to me like you're most likely a skinnyfat coper who's come up with a convenient excuse to stay that way, yeah i've seen your posts before
*is inpatient around you*
what the hell is that random finland in england
i didn't realise Thailand was that big lol
no chance Alaska is that small compared to Tazzy
aren't we all m8
seen all these irl except buffalo and wolf
Do they really look so different and like all of these types? Some look so grim
t. virgin
What hospital you in lad?
Committing suicide. You won't miss me.
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it's comparable climates
utter nonsense, a yank definitely made this
Do you actually think you look attractive because you lift weights? Serious q.
how comes they're all the same in porn then
most look quite nice honestly, even the flappy ones
those drawings seem exaggerated
grim looking fanny for grim looking bloke
haha no just kidding you're nkt getting any
love women but refuse to stick my cock anywhere near such disgusting things
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I really like the teal chroma PS5 covers but they're only for the slim model and I have an original and I know it's not worth getting a slim just for a plate cover :(

At least I can get the controller
Thank Allah I'm attracted to cocks and not those eldritch monstrosities of fleshy gore
Royal Brompton & Harefield
be quiet you fucking clown
>do you think you're attractive because you're fit and strong
idiot boy
hate women
love fanny
fuck off avatar tranny
Camera angles
So you're out about your attraction to men then?
done him
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done him
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What's the last song you listened to?
I don't think I will leave the house today. There's nothing for me out there.
not left the house since yesterday me but might do a leave today, mental like that 2 days in a row
went to park earlier and speed walked 5k in 30 mins
just do it you'll be glad
Beast in Black - Touch in the Night (extended)
you have to be at least 18 to post here
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yeah get it
I see he has woken up finally and is gearing up for another epic all-day meltdown
falling for a girl in london that I've never met
state of me
that's 5k steps btw NOT km
probably focused on her career, 34 is still young enough to have time to meet your person, settle down and have 2 kids
Didn't ask
Proud of you lad but nah I'm staying in. It's 3PM, the day's gone.
just get on a plane lol
How does one stop being a clutz?
Having a cup of tea and enjoying the rain outside. I might do some studying but don't want to overdo it as I'm still a bit unwell.
Lol I was gonna say that's how fast lots of people run 5km
sped walks into /brit/
she said she would come here
imagine you could shag yourself up the arse at will
the world would be a better place
The English don't know how much better they have it than us Scots.
might go on /r9k, see if it's still the same mob of incel losers it was 10 years ago
Just answer the question.
Not left the house since last Friday and only went out to get booze
Sounds lovely hope you have a comfy and rejuvenating day de lad
i don't answer stupid questions posed by clueless zoomers
lol yea
I try to go for the ol' 10k a day meme
What's next on your study schedule?
Addition and subtraction?
Or has your university mathematics course progressed to multiplication already?
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>10 gruelling days alone on a desert island with nothing but a 17 year 364 day old lad for company
Chuds be like
>Le west has FALLEN... Society is too... LE DEGENERATE...

Also Chuds:
>*goons to porn 10 hours per day*
>*has fetishes*
>*troons out*
>*flirts with "femboys" on discord*
>*gets addicted to anime*

Genuinely WHY are they like this, lads?
Thanks mate. You too. Got to look after yourself ain't you de lads
damn she wants the aussie greencard
shut the fuck up you stupid little bitch
top yourself groomer
only ever worked in the NHS me.
i wonder what the corporate world is like. i do quite like the idea of working in a fancy office and having high-powered business meetings or whatever.
Jannies - 99% women (male)
Don't recall that happening but glad you're happy
I'd give it to her lad I'm down bad
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I hope Scotland and whales become independent so i can laugh at your ass as this pathetic little island that was once the "Empire where the sun never sets"
WTH I thought the Irish lad was the only Chad here?

Play your cards right and get Hamilton to post in /f1/. It'll be top bantz, you'll be a legend mate x
shut the fuck up you stupid little bitch
still some juice left in the "I'm a dentist" larp ripe for squeezing, it seems
would still give jane mcdonald one
has israel turned lebanon into a giant glass crater yet
Corporate office world has for some reason decided offices should be like libraries with no assigned seating and just long desks where everyone sits together. It's horrible.
nasty little leaf
whales is never leaving scotland in theory would survive for a little bit
It's nothing to do with me and mine.
shut the fuck up you stupid little bitch
not left the house for two weeks and that was only to get a haircut
find the idea of dating again cringe. just too old for that shit
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Thing is mate all those office jobs are meaningless. It's the people on the ground who are really making the world a better place. My work is meaningful and if all of the people with my job role went on strike suddenly society would crumble.
how old were you when you realised canadians are worse than yanks
Mark has a PS5 Slim. It for him. It may not be for you, but it for him
fancy a wank but can't
if anyone wants to request a song on guitar hero, i'll play the first request i get
are there any christian denominations who reject the bible or at least downplay it's importance?
arranged marriage then?
just die then, you ugly old cunt
no games
just saw an opportunity for a great troll post but i decided against it now that i'm an upstanding pass holder who can't evade bans anymore
I’ve always had my own cubicle at every job I’ve had dunno what sort of gay place you work at
expelling a poo from my empire where the sun don't shine
I've seen things, and I know things, that British people 100 years ago could never hope to comprehend
Such is the way of it
This is Mark's PSN account
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When I get home I'll post my WW2 pick x
It's well topical imo
shagged too much and will likely never have a normal relationship with a woman as a result
he got Robocop and it lush
gaylad gayliy strumming his gay little guitar to gay songs
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NYC Hinge btw HAHAHA
Fucking Harvard Law School and Stanford, just ridiculous

(not a match or a like don't worry lads)
the amount of times ive got ill recently is making me feel old
felt invincible up until 25. never used to get sick before then. but 27 now and have been ill a good few times this year.
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past it
what you mean in the sense that they do not get their revelation about christ from the bible? no but there are those who like mormons would not be called christians by other denominations (and not just in the, you are the right sort of christian sense) but who claim to be christains
there are also gnostics who are loosely inspired by christ
don't know what is impressing you so much about this

proper convincing filenames, these
i'm unfortunately just playing with my keyboard, holding it as if it's a guitar hero guitar. but it's not too bad, i mean it works
why have you started saying 'mate'? one of your tranny discord friends say it and you want to be like him?
Bet she's extremely boring and has zero personality outside of wanting to appear "rich" and "prestigious"
>be rich chink
>parents pay for you to go to good schools
>get into harvard off prestige of school
don't see what's ridiculous about this
dunno, just can’t really imagine finding someone I like enough to date again knowing all it entails
Vast majority of women are shit
Americanised Chinks kill my yellow fever dead.
Years of bad habits have taken their toll
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women owe me sex
I despise NATO and capitalism, Ukraine has a nazi problem, but I recognise Russia is evil too and is an imperialist fascist hellscape
You're a useful idiot at best and paid shill at worst
might dye my hair black for a while
black hair, pale skin and blue eyes looks kino
atlantean if you will
Is this dick head a match group marketer?
shut up
Anyone else having an affair right now?
Been with my gf for a while but I’m shagging this slightly older bint who's an absolute freak.
Pretty sure my gf might be cheating on me too but she seems quite comitted to me which is a bit awkward.
mad that women like this are even on the same apps that normal people use. A woman like that is already set for life, just seems strange
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curious shape
2, 1
how fucking poor are you if you find a rich asian girl going to a prestigious uni beyond the pale
you've been cooked
Who is SHE
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wtf why are the pc controller things so expensive
don't blame you
the incel fit
what even is a groyper
no we don't sweetie
true, imagine getting titmogged AND arsemogged
i'd still furiously pound both of them though
be quiet
the ridiculous part is that I just set my hinge to NYC out of boredom and it's absolutely full of these girls, just seems like a whole different world
Not any different than London
>At least pagan God's are interesting
Not really
wish I knew

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