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Invited: all Europeans. E.g: /brit/, /fr/, /deutsch/, /sauna/, /sverigetråden/, /norgetråden/, /nederdraad/, /esp/, /pt/, /éire/, /danmarktråden/, /føroyar/, /isl/, /skandi/, /fo/, /balt/, /polska/, /v4/, /kurva anyátok/, /hrv/, /slo/, /ex-yu/, /ita/, /hell/, /gr/, /cpб/, /srb/, /ukraïna/, /mol/, /pl/, /malta/, /benelux/, /lux/, /cz/, /sk/, /cz-sk/, /bos/, /mac/, /balk/, /ro/, /cyp/, /tr/, /ch/, /arm/, /ge/, /az/, /alb/, /бг/, /ქართ/
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We are known for our art, look at my oil painting
Am i invited?
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Europe could be great but in reality sucks
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*flies loudly into your thread*
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out out out
Europa ist nicht das selbe wie die EU du schwuchteliger drecks Somalier
Wahey, good thread Sven

How are my fellow Europeans?

That flag predates the EU you fucking stupid Dorftrottel
Why does /euro/ never get any posts? It covers every fucking European country and you niggas don't want to post for some reason

Yes of course
> Why does /euro/ never get any posts? It covers every fucking European country and you niggas don't want to post for some reason
Because most of the internet is Americans and Indians
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remove burgers
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And the Council of Europe is a cucked institution that opposes the death penalty, abortion bans, restrictions on immigration, and other good things. Just recently, their court ordered Switzerland to pay a Bosnian drug trafficker who was expelled €25.000 because of some vague reasons. How can anyone but the most extreme anarchist, communist or jew support these institutions? These are precisely the type of organizations that prevent us from making something grand out of Europe, frustrating us at every move.
Hello, I love europe but I'm over 6 generations american from all sides of family. I hope to move to europe and start a european family someday
Yeah, a ton of these are just bullshit. I fucking wish the EU was what it was made up to be, instead we get regulations for shit we don't even have, just to make sure we don't accidentally have a good industry in a new sector.
Look at the comments on this shit
>yeah we have fuck all growth but uhhh america corporations or something maaan
I am a European
4chan is only 47% American, see here:


I dunno the total of European posters on here but it's probably at least 20 or 25%.

>muh cuckoldry
Grow up you stupid cunt
You are all below us. Slaves
Nice argument, retard. The belgian is right, the CoE is a retarded institution that cripples its members.
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I accept your defeat, thank you for the discussion.
we are asian actually
>Why does /euro/ never get any posts? It covers every fucking European country and you niggas don't want to post for some reason
The various european generals are in their respective languages, while this thread is in english. There's not much to talk about either, at least without heading into politics and getting three day bans.
Always, yet in a world where everything sucks I find it occasionally pulls through with something vaguely resembling humanity.
It's a cope but it doesn't get better.
It feels very misguided to me to have a ban on politics on an international board, I can understand if you're discussing in depth stuff that you'd delete it but a ban? Arguably any topic is political especially when the primary motivator for the whole board is nationality.
How can we discuss our differences without veering into something that depending on the degree of a moderator's antisocial tendencies, can always be interpreted as political?
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i would DIE for italy!
because most of those generals posters don't speak english
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wonder if pic related is still accurate
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Fack off
How do we save europe?
don't invite /balk/
nothing but absolute subhumans in that general
federalization under a chud dictatorship
Hello! American here! I just came by to inform you if your country is White or not.
I will fight and die for our people.
Nothing to smile about in my life
Well, what do you want to talk about? Life seems so hopeless, I'd just fry some mititei and drink some beer one last time next to river, then blow my brains out (if we had guns)
Find it within yourself
halts maul du dreckiger inder. räum dein land auf, mach den müll weg und bau ne kanalisation + wasseraufbereitung du scheiß affe
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A man in Kungsbacka made the worlds largest butterknife the other day
Imagine how big that breadroll would have to be >>202677091. Really makes you think
absoluter schwachsinn, braucht keiner. unter der spast sieht aus wie ein rettichkasper
schweden ist voller schwuchteln, unglaublich
I admit that point about politics, I've had bans for that unfortunately

But anyway there are other European multi-country English-language threads which seem to consistently have posters - threads like /med/, /icy/ (insomniacs of central yurop), /v4/, /balt/, /balk/, and /dixie/ attracts Europeans for some reason
Sweden does well for a country of only 10 million people

I guess it's because Sweden is wealthy and everyone has the internet, and Swedes speak English well
Exactly the sort of eccentricity I like to see

Do you think about homosexuality a lot, Hans?
just ignore the cringelord
Schweden sind Schwuchteln die massenhaft Neger und Kanaken ins Land lassen
Diese dreckigen verschwuchtelten Svenksjävlars gehört die Fresse eingedroschen, dass die Knochen hörbar knacken und das Gehirnbrei überall herumspritzt
Ey ich bin grad so hasserfüllt, ich hasse dieses Scheißland, in dem ich leben muss, ich hasse Europa, ich hasse EUCH, ich hasse mein beschissenes Leben, aber am allermeisten hasse ich die Hausis(jannies)
I can't explain our pressence on here. None of those factors are unique to us. I think we just have more people who likes the board culture plain and simple
peinlich, sei einfach ruhig
Take a break anon
/ausnz/ also, we are attached to them
Post proof that this is real
Holy milk
because europe isnt actual cultural group like some of those and most of those are circlejerks either way
EU countries should've never assumed our debt to reduce greek bond yields.
They should've let them go to >40% to the point we couldn't issue debt anymore.
Loaning more to someone who can't manage his finances is stupid. Also poors should never be allowed to borrow.
yeah well it was a thing that was done to save French and German banks
because this board is already mostly /euro/ so it's a pointless general
Do you Europeans have sex in your country? I have not had sex in 11 years
i have never felt the touch of a woman
>Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
what the FUCK
i refuse to believe every 1 anon out of three is female. this is disgusting unironically.
how would they even know the age and gender of posters anyway?
Should've let those banks go belly up.
When you lend to someone as seedy and untrustworthy as the greek government you deserve to lose your money.
It's also amazing how greedy these fucks were. Greek bonds were on the verge of a 'junk' rating and they were still x4 oversubscribed because the high yields attracted degenerate goomblers (+ ECB backing)
f pidors animals
Cookies or something probably
Good posts

Germany also let in a lot of immigrants by the way, doesn't that make you a "Schwuchtel"?

Finland's per capita rate might even be a bit more than yours, and Norway and the Netherlands are well represented, although their per capita rates are a bit lower

Denmark is much lower for some reason
In America men now count as women if they say so
they are very feminine
>because europe isnt actual cultural group
I would say it is, especially in the context of the world. Other countries in the world have very different cultural standards and political systems compared to Europe.
in Finland we speak "Europe" as in place outside of Nordic nations. In casual talk we dont really count ourselves in it
That's similar to the UK where "Europe" can refer to continental Europe, away from the islands of the UK

But you're more deeply entwined with Europe than we are, since you are in the EU, and the Eurozone, and the Schengen Area
yeah...the only Nordic country though. Denmark has lots of opt outs, Sweden is not in the eurozone, Norway and Iceland arent in the EU
not a coincidence that we are the poorest one as well
I think Denmark was probably in the most similar position to the UK, when we were in the EU, given that the UK had similar opt-outs

Anyway I still think European countries have a lot in common, especially compared to other parts of the world. We of course have differences too, but there's still a lot of shared culture.
Since we have to avoid politics, we might as well talk about infrastructure.
Rail Baltica is a series of high speed rail lines going from Warsaw all the way to Talinn, designed to make the baltics more interconnected with the rest of the union. Altough it's become unlikely, the project was originally meant to go all the way to Helsiniki, just across the gulf from Estonia. Using a new tunnel built specifically for this purpose, resembling the chunnel in purpose and function.
I think it'd be pretty cool, but like most EU projects it takes ages, and is constantly scaled down. I think you can technically drive to Scandinavia already by using bridges and tunnels going from Denmark to Sweden, but a being able to do a full loop without leaving Schengen would be cool.
Another project that is seemingly in limbo is the oder-danube canal. It's supposed to connect Poland to the Danube, going through Czechia. It'd make Szczecin a more viable port and help much neglected north-south commerce. Unfortunately it hasn't progressed much since it was announced, and a few years ago the czech goverment revoked permits for land reserved in order to build the canal.
The Danube is an interesting point too, as having it fully within the EU would bring about a lot of economic benefits. It's honestly suprising how long some balkan countries have been kept in the waiting line considering this. Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria would all stand to benefit from the eased transportation.
To offset the gloomy mood, Croatia has managed to connect the souther part of it's country with the mainland. The Pelješac Bridge connects the southmost part of the country with the rest of the Schengen area. The two parts are disconnected by the tiny Bosnian coastline. Before, you either had to resort to a ferry, or would have to go through Bosnia, both of which were a hassle. It's a shame it was built by a chinese contractor, but what's done is done.
One ironic thing about the whole situation is that the area of Bosnia which prevents the link is populated by Croats. And, to add on top of that, Bosnia mostly uses Croatian ports for commerce instead of their own undeveloped coastline. The boundary dates back to the Ottoman era, when the southernmost part of Croatia was the republic of Ragusa. To avoid bordering Venetian Dalmatia, it ceeded the surrounding area to the Turks.

As to how it could relate to the wider EU, the most promising candidate from the western Balkans, Montenegro, would now be connected to the rest of the EU by road, should it join.
Nordics dont really share the mindset of continentals. Like for the Dutch, Germans, Belgians, the French, Poles its a lot more natural to support shit ton of integration and whatever. They live side by side, they have their own systems. Nordic systems are very different and we also see us as very different and regard our societies in higher regard

if we werent such small countries and would have a bigger voice shit would be so much different
swedes worship american culture
Sweden really has a unique take on the world. It might look like they are just copying America or something to the untrained eye but not really
doing a big fat fucking steaming poo
why is /brit/ listed first? why do you pander to british people so? it's too much
Because you have so many niggers and the swedish population is tired of all these niggers.
Negro fatigue in the white population caused this.
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I support this cause-
My Europvan brothers...
Because Europe is too fragmented.
The US is one country. China is one country.
They are able to operate more effectively.

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