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All the lads edition
Lovecraftian horror just crawled out my arse
Paul William's main research interests are Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, Mahayana Buddhism, and Medieval philosophical and mystical thought.

Williams was a Buddhist himself for many years but has since converted to Roman Catholicism, an experience he wrote about in his book The Unexpected Way and in an article, "On converting from Buddhism to Catholicism – One convert's story."

Oh no no no buddhist bros a leading western scholar converted from buddhism to christanity!
No more blonde women.
irish blood, custard tart
this i'm made of
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Gonna give this a go. Reckon 100 is a decent target to aim for
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Oh that must be Dennis
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cool song
2/7 stars let's go
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bet I can do 150 plus easily
if the spelling has to be perfect and it fails if you spell it wrong sure 100 is a good aim if it is forgiving/multiple spelling attempts then more like 150 to be not utterly embarrassing
not a single person in that room has the faintest shred of self-respect
Utterly humiliated in the Tesco earlier when my card was declined, cutie at the till bestowed not a single glance into my eyes afterwards
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you wake up in civil war-era Ireland
there is a grafitti from roman times that says this
something deeply wrong with the souls of blonde women
I'll stick to brunettes me
look mate if youre so gay why dont you do us a favour and shove your guitar up your arse so we dont have to listen to you missing any more notes
did you have to walk around the shop putting all the products back on the shelves whilst everybody laughed at you?
idle wanking hands
don't think the Romans visited Honduras mate
yeah and my trousers fell round my ankles while I was doing so
Feel like my balls are about to burst cause I'm so horny
What is this, what are they all lined for? For one big group sex sesh or what
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seems they got rorke last night
so this is what mousenonce posts when he can't post the mice
but the spanish did and they were their heir, in fact Columbus a direct descendant of the romans did
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Where do they announce shit like this?
he didn't think of that idea himself, that's been around for ages
Er nah I think it was a for a 1-to-1 sit down with each of the birds so that they lads could individually voice their concerns about why so many young men aren't flourishing in today's society, are opting out of work, are falling behind in education, and generally seem to be afflicted by a general malaise.
any good subreddits?
I have an odd physical condition where I can survive an absolute crushing of the balls, I don't do any of that drama-queen wincing shite that other men do post-ball-impact
Mass DM to their OF subs normally.
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nth for the baddiedem
men would rather share the same used up twat than get a girlfriend that is not white, say less if you are brown, you are not even human
the only job willing to hire me is a fucking sales company
rorke watching clips from idiocracy (2006) on youtube and leaving a comment that says something to the effect of they predicted the future
money is money
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You have 10 seconds to sell me this pen
Some excellent money to be made in sales lad (if you're a psychopath).

Over the phone obviously, not going door to door selling macaroons.
two black bastards
business idea: third world immigration is open to single women only
Used to have a good brain in me before I became a brain rotten mentally ill waste of oxygen
What life could have been, would kill myself if I knew what was best for me
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Feeling rather Yakubian right now
Getting dark now
Sir Poo Taker
you talking about britain?
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monkey is monkey
this is a magic pen that prevents hair loss and makes your knob bigger
New gimmick: going to the toilet
But not pooing
just got out of bed, did I miss anything?
relationships with neurotypicals aren't worth the imposter syndrome that inevitably comes with them
Off to bed cause I'm so bored
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i am by attraction/definition almost totally straight but have had sexual contact with many more men than women, albeit all my romantic relationships have been with women. and i think this is quite common
>imposter syndrome
a neurotypical trait/diagnosis
begone neurotypical freak
this causes 'roids
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*teleports behind you*
Is it imposter syndrome if you're legitimately neurodivergent while playing a role among neurotypicals?

At that point you literally are an imposter.
can't get any more bent than shagging men but actually liking the "personalities" of women
Why is homosexuality so intertwined with British culture
Is this some innate thing that Americans lost through puritanical religious beliefs
Hate guns. Should be illegal.
And we go to rorke, from this thread, whats your thoughts?
when you are reduced to kissing the screen
is that not the same thing?
what is battymans babbling about?
my gf is neurotypcal but we get along fine because she understands and accepts that i'm a freak, remember even normies can have certain quirks, for example she has a pet eel and works as a pastry chef
americans have a bizarre obsession with prison rape
Reckon the largest animal I could kill would be a mouse
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alright this is my last clonehero post because i admit i'm fully aware of the vibes i'm creating here. i feel it as i post this. this is the last one.

dreaming by system of a down
just kill yourself you useless fucking freak. take a knife and cut your arms open, down the road not across the street
you mean the largest animal that you could bring yourself to kill?
Tried to start a coding project but utterly cannot and will not be ceebed with it
cursed image
>someone who understands and accepts that you're a freak
this person can only be a freak like you
Killed a giant crane fly the other day that somehow entered my room in the middle of the night and wouldn't leave me alone. I still feel trauma and guilt about it.
that's because they've got shitloads of black lads serving life sentences so they just fully embrace the gay lifestyle
was about to wank but this webm genuinely turned me off
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coding is a complete dead end lad
ancient 'mmick
howling that you think religion makes the benders go away
for a man to do this, it's just pathetic.
y'all need to stop simping
need a hobby
any suggestions?
*throws a bottle at you as you leave the stage in disgrace* stop missing notes!
Dark out, isnt it?
Twenty to five.
the brownoid mind doesn't register shame
Hollywood =/= Americans
getting pretty sick of your attitude to be honest, i hope someone beats you up the next time you leave your smelly bedroom
poo wanking
Sir ____ _______
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don't be a prude
Mad how hard the wall is. Got a clientstein who's a 40 ex-model, she's not ugly obviously but she's not really fit either. Probably in the top 2% of women her age and I don't fancy her at all. Grim to think about desu
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Did alright I reckon.
Sorry I was busy. Here:
Spelled Kyrgyzstan wrong about 20 times before I gave up and right clicked to use autocorrect
what are these physics??? this is so unrealistic this is not how women look like in real life
It would've molested your entire family had you not done it
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Sucking a henneys autumn gold
viral for who? the most deranged goblins on the planet.
once again the blonde women theory proves true
nah every time somebody gets arrested or convicted the yanks come crawling out of the woodwork to post how "bubba's gonna stretch em out"
Imposter syndrome is feeling like an imposter when you aren't.
too big and elusive to capture and release
>looks 40
how do you know so little in africa? you really coudln't come up with uganda or ivory coast and shti? embarrassing desu
and the carribbean/central american u missing so many my son u cant remember belize? u cant remember trinidad and tobago? i cant believ eit oyu're a disgrace x
collect stamps louis
america is easily one of the most homoerotic cultures on earth, second only to russia
why are most of them black or brown? do POCoids not get pussy at all?
does normalfag mean people that are good and act properly, or does it mean the common denominator sex obsessed drug using degen or does it mean something else.
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imagine being only 18 and so pornbrained that the idea of shagging a woman after 50+ other men have spaffed in her appeals to you
so I'm just a literal imposter when I try to be a normal person when dating women
got it
The lot of you should've been molested as children
The kids are aging like custard
names? I want to wank it to them.
very attractive girl filling up at the petrol pump
once again the feeling hits me
fizzy juice
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I did get the ivory coast though. These are the ones I missed.
I know them once I see them. Was doing it without cheating so my brain just couldn't come up with them and went blank
just drank a few millilitres of apple, peach mango and something else juice
Losing loads of weight and I haven’t even been eating differently or doing more exercise. I weigh three stone less than I did in March.

Ol’ metabolismberg has really stepped up his game lately
Grim when you see a woman on the telly and think 'corr, she looks good for someone middle-aged' and then you look her up and she's like 32
I am gonna sell furniture to old fucks when i can make money stealing grills and selling them
blonde and blue eyed white women are not common at all, all men dream with fucking one at least once in their lifetime
you have cancer
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uhhhhhhhh nothing ever happens bros?
what is causing this phenomenon
then being a normalfag is good.
Just a reminder, Dr Mouse is not licensed by the GMC
She’s filling up with BP on her way to fill up with BBC
Be warned it's super grim

Imagine losing weight entirely through passing gas
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mwad that they're prob millionaires cause of this

I'm thankful the gyaldem aren't that depraved x
my ex was blonde and had blue eyes
she was evil
genuinely go to a gp and get your hormones/blood checked that is not normal
haddock and chips for tea deeeee lats
browns killing each other isn't a happening
the islamic world has dropped the bag
Doubt it. I feel healthy and have no other symptoms.
Well, I feel fine. Better than ever desu. I was overweight before now I’m a normal weight, it’s not like I’m underweight.
imagine the relief and being diagnosed with a terminal illness

>you have 6 months to live
Thank fuck
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lad it is not normal to lose that much weight without making any lifestyle changes something has changed inside you
you owe it to yourself to make sure it's nothing bad
Can’t imagine it because I like my life lol, that thought just fills me with dread
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That's fair if you enjoy your life x
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>those ap- apples are probably sour anyw- oh i got one, nice
Israel just announced they are in fact planning a ground invasion of Lebanon.
Why won't those evil bastards give it a rest? Will they not stop until they get WW3?
Unfortunately it's an awful way to go so not something to be pleased about.
garage phones up and says my tyre is ready, then when I get there the cunt's fucked off because of a family issue so I can't collect it. Takes the piss
london paki
Think we worked out the other day that you actually gain weight by farting
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Sounds like youve just gotta roll with it
Israel just announced they are in fact planning a ground invasion of Cornwall.
Mental that the IDF monitors /brit/
You're not obliged to wait until your body gives up on its own.
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the sounds of missing notes like *clink, clonk, clank*
good thing you can't get booed off stage in this game
i think theres a lot we can all learn from this
Off to bed, hope I don't wake up
israel is objectively in the wrong but gotta admire them for correctly realising international law is gay and just doing whatever they want
just saw a convoy of israeli tanks rolling through woolloomooloo
Nice cope
This cunt thinks he's a druid
my buy a euromillions lottery ticket

could do with all that money
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not all of them look like alexandra daddario
this thing was a two storey tall lizard 65 million years ago
The UK MUST condemn this new escalation and aggression by Israel
you won't get any thoughbeit
Favourite food?
Honestly, mind would have to be a good BLT.
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having me a little can
wonder how the lebanese girl I shagged last night is feeling
size is relative
to an ant, that's a big can
catberg status?
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Self service touch screen at tesco has been covered with some ambiguous crusted up liquid for the past week and no-one has bothered to clean it
used to go on these keycamp holidays when i was a wee lad
sort of like butlins abroad
was a laugh tbf. always made holiday mates (see each other every day for a week and then never again)
good times.
it's true
used to go on these keycamp holidays when i was a wee lad
sort of like butlins abroad
was a laugh tbf. always made holiday mates (see each other every day for a week and then never again)
good times.
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you don't know that!
yes but to me it’s a little can
both outside, enjoying the late summer sun
mocha flavoured this one, got roped into it by my colleague
Those helwit pouches are always really cheap so I assumed they were shit
Where’d you meet her
I want a Christian Arab gf
this is what my brother is like
might play a rhythm game
iran won't do shit lad it's grim to say but the kikes won
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Italian sub probably
So the janny allows basically cuck porn to be used as the op image posted by an Ethiopian Jew? Interesting.
they’re alright, like velo better personally
oh my god i love the map dust, i can pwn so many noobs on it
maybe today i can pwn enough noobs that i can raise my rank in the server from 3 to 1
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bet they've all got a better life than you now
prison gay nonce
hinge 3 years ago
believe I said something racist that turned her off but recently reconnected and we've been shagging again
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was too busy at toil to post today. it not right
I love slightly chubby Asian girls
Anyone care to post some?
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I know the problem
isn't it funny how this general is meant to be for actual british people hehe
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not bad
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I enjoy pizza.

>dude dominos is rubbish!
Get a life.
haha yeah probably hope they're all well x
How about you pwn the musky smell in your bedroom by one shotting the window open?
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why don't druggies just stop taking drugs?

drug addiction is a meme
wtf kiwis are massive
i thought they were like kiwi sized not even joking
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>no taiwan
alri CCP
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>and fellow academic
haha fascinating stuff mate *turns around and talks to someone else*
classic comedy
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look at their ginormous poos
We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza but are also selling arms to the Israelis at the same time
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alright lads
you're a menace
>Sharples that's not your ID!
one of the only ones i was surprised i didnt remember tbf
looks dry where’s the oil and vinegar
a hoagie should be slightly soggy
this strikes me as a little bit gay
have never imbibed any non-carling liquid
Can imagine the whole cinema chortling at this one
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leftypol turning a blind eye to this one
feel like i read this happening every quarter or however it works
Might become a furry
all of my ambition has left me
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we should be selling weapons to both sides
Just can't be doing with your shite today lads
How do you both get St. Kitts and Nevis but forget Fiji? It's like the only country most people know in that area after Australia and New Zealand
They just make this shit up
wouldnt it be rorke? leftypol is in government
only way to win a war, be a nation that sells weapons to both sides
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all those pacific islands blend into one for me
the chink living in a cave selling spades in a gold rush
1.1% to 1.2% is not an increase of 1.1%...
St. Kitts and Nevis has a memorable name
can you still snort ketamine if it's all needley? seems a bit dangerous that
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are dez and big george
Put gay porn on
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
Neighbour's catberge came into my garden so I gave him a sweet treat x
alri lads been away for 3 days what have i missed
It's from the legendary faicco's deli
$26 sangweech
ZOMG the line went up??! britain is back! all praise to the line!
I'm 41 albeit.
most economically leftist

hate the sound of this mong's gabber
belgium spamming more than usual
thats literally it
You got upsold asbestos and talc lad

nice one
the angloid woman in her natural habitat
you are lil waffle
man who wants to live by his own moral code tries to cope in a society that doesn't let him
imagine not having him filtered oh my days
you cant afford dat shit
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saved a bunch of skye's tiktoks x
james joyce ova heya
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imagine torching that whole house, killing every single one of these subhumans
i don't believe in using 4chan's filter, i harden my own mental filter
what is this in reference to
Vocaroo this for us
to my life
it's s isomer lad, apparently it's supposed to look like that
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This is what Lebanon used to look like.
Then Israel came along and destroyed it.
what is your moral code then?
LOL poor fag cope
just stick to poundland sandwiches little boy
Vocaroo this for us
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Just the crystal habit of ketamine, means it's pure.
you mad asl
Vocaroo this for us
You already know how the street shit go
Catch an opp, drill an opp, shotty leave him on the floor
D-Thang block, niggas knowin' how we rock
Fat slugs like they came in a Milk Duds box
so it's safe to snort the little shards then?
oh a joke! i get jokes haha
Bop it with a spoon to turn it into powder, you fucking amateur.
Vocaroo this for us
crush the shards into powder you imbecile
pussy afraid of exposing his meek white boy voice lol
same reason why you won't post a hand timestamp
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Why not?
Afraid everyone will recognize your voice?
off to bed
but there's a lot of them
he's a natufian tranny like the dutch freak
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>fucked sleep schedule
>less than 6 hours sleep
>go to sleep relatively earlier
>only get 2 hours of sleep
>stay up for a few hours
>go back to sleep before noon
>get 5 hours sleep
>stay up until i go to sleep at the same time as before on late Saturday night
>go to sleep
>get 3 hours sleep
>Monday morning
>stay up for a few hours again but longer
>go to sleep
>get 4 hours sleep
>wait until late Monday night like the previous nights but earlier
>get 4 hours sleep
>also have night terror (sleep walk nightmare) because of the mounting sleep deprivation
>Tuesday morning
>go to sleep again after noon
>feel like the insomnia has gotten worse aswell as the light keeping me from sleeping sooner
>get 5 hours sleep
>pitch black when i wake up
>go to sleep late at night at same time as previous nights
>get less than 1 hour
>cant sleep again so wait a few hours
>get less than 1 hour, get woken up by noise
>Wednesday morning
>realise i'm in a really bad state
>head is fucked, cant think
>go out of bed but heart rate goes up when i move and talk too much
>the added stress and anxiety i feel about it makes me go really faint like i nearly had a heart attack
>any slight movement at this point and my body freaks out so i try and relax more, breath better and find a comfortable position to sleep again
>feels almost impossible in the state im in
>takes me 3 hours to get to sleep
>sleep from noon for 5 hours
This is one of the worst things ive ever experienced in my life. Genuinely thought i was going to die. Still not out of the woods.
I have had nearly 5 days of not getting more than 6 hours of sleep now, i am in this fragile state of needing to sleep every few hours due to these short patterns.
have 5 (You)s

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