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But historically they had been a powerful wild beast invader. They are actually different from gooks. They have No say to claim so
Why Japan so obsessed with the Poland? I swear to God every other japanese thread is about polaks
shut it zipperhead
another evil jap thread
Why not whole board is obsessed with Indians and sometimes Jews

Why are whites so sensitive
Was it the self esteem moment back in the 90s telling you are special and a participation trophy
you are right
i love poland but the perception that they have always been victims is a complete myth
although i hate korea's victim complex, this shithole has actually been hit by all of its neighbors far more than we have hit them
What did Korea do to it's neighbors? I only know about the kind of shit the japs used to do and what happened during the 50s when your country basically became a huge chess board.
>a Korean agrees with a Jap on Poland
Ngl, it's not looking too good pans...
No, we were not you complete retard.
go back bartek
Almost nothing
Regimes on the Korean Peninsula have mostly recognized China's primacy, and attempts at preemptive strikes have been few and far between, often stopping at the planning stage
Interactions with Japan were far less than those with China, at least since the Middle Ages
Only the semi-nomadic peoples of Manchuria could be said to have been persecuted by the Koreans, but even they would later take much greater revenge with the founding of the Qing
>i love poland but the perception that they have always been victims is a complete myth
Because most nations didn't know that our neighbors like Ukraine or Lithuania exist, for them this part of Europe is either Germany or Russia and they were our oppressors.
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Shut your whale hole Takeshi and pay Nanking reparations.
No, history is just last 100 years and we are poor victims the world needs to love us and defend us
Dude, this narrative is specially spread by American media to justify American aligment and involvement in eastern European/Polish affairs (and that's a good thing and what we appreciate), otherwise your average American hillbilly could ask
>why tf do we have to care about Poland and spend billions on defending them
Hopefully that average American will never learn about actual history.
Yes, once again: only 100 last years count. Lets not talk about the past after all Poland was created in 1918 or 1945 according to meme maps. If anything bad happend before it was some nobles from a minority not Polish hussars who conquered moscow and saved Vienna.
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>yankee war mongering terrorist dogs want us to fight for their geopolitical interests like a chujkranian asshole.

I thought idiots like you got BTFO in Iraq?
Except we were for most of our history.
When we stopped it was because the szlachta was more interested in selfish gains than maintaining the country.
The only time we can honestly say we were a victim was Napoleonic betrayal.
I hate you, you vpn faggot coward
>But historically they had been a powerful wild beast invader. They are actually different from gooks.
This is good. Only loosers live on their knees all the time.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with pretending to be somebody weaker than you actually are. There are only profits due to this. Nothing lost.
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The year is 1683 the Turks had completely surrounded Vienna and it was theirs for the taking but brave Polish king Sobieski said “fuck that” along with his Polish hussar cavalry completely routed the 140,000 Turkish army and sent them fleeing back to Turkey.

300 years later Germans invited millions of them into the heart of Europe.

Fuck krauts
taiwan's not a real country
I'm not much of a fan of you either, idiot.
"Poland always a victim" is a perception in the west not in Poland itself.

In Poland we rather say we are unlucky. Most bad things that happened on Poland wasn't fault of the people though.

Partitions of Poland would be the example of that.
Poles are weak nation. Savage pagan lithuanians did 90% of the conquering in LPC, and they only conquered parts of the Rus after they were devastated by the Mongols. The Germans always knew the polak was subhuman. Swedes litteralt raped and plundered the country while having a sixteenth of the population, and once Russia finally united and consolidated it's power, it was inevitable it would conquer the vain polak. It's pole recognized this then eastern Europe wouldn't be a joke and would be an independent pole of power in thr world.
Poles are too dimwitted and stubborn.
>Except we were for most of our history.
only we weren't.
>The only time we can honestly say we were a victim was Napoleonic betrayal.
Actual mental illness lmao
Lithuanians didn't conquer anything, it's just that the devastated principalities took the governance of lithuanian warlords
you misspelt BBC
>Little Polish Cock
>But historically they had been a powerful wild beast invader.
If you mean the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth I have news for you... Otherwise, literally there was no time Poland was great, like what are you on about?
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my love for poland knows no bounds
>I have news for you.
no, you weren't wuz kings
We wuz defeated German crusaders in the biggest medieval battle in history of Europe
Not really. We've done out fair share of medieval conquests, just like anyone else did, but it was in no way excessive. In fact, probably more tame than any of our neighbours. And even then, that was 300+ years ago, so who cares
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No polska I actually love you. Don’t be ruined by global power. We are also rolling with the punches here.

Plus protect your women from this kind of guy. Your women are very very weak with this as japanese women are

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