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Lord in the Heaven, please bless everyone who enters this space in the Internet.

Please also bring joy to out life by giving us new music today. Amin.
shameless pedophile transsexual
Kirie eleison!
>Amin instead of Amen

Ikibey still maintains a significant Turkish influence in his life, despite trying to rid himself of it.
y'all losers can't keep one thread alive without your resident american? not that it deserved to be saved
Snitches get stitches, poooooooooorfag

ai em gkrik
Your ideal wife
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Playing Serbia in Vic3 right now. What should I do? Obviously I'm going to form Yugoslavia, but I'm wondering what counts as part of Yugoslavia. Thrace? Albania? Bulgaria? What say you?
build nukes and launch them at bulgaria
>Albania will be separated from Former Fyrom, Tirana will begin EU accession negotiations
So true, King.
If I were an entj girlfriend haver, my hand would never let go of her asscheek
Tirana, tirany
Doesn't actually matter doe, as Montenegro has been the front runner of EU accession for years with no progress on sight
They don't even have bilateral issues either
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lost, thank you bot and boon
Nothing to smile about in my life
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In former Fyrom, a foreign army can celebrate without displaying the banner of the host country.
I live another day to praise God.
We are an Apple family, while you use jeetdroid.
Smokehumans are allowed to send disgusting smells in your direction all the time but if I fart it's ewww and disgusting
Azis shall be the ruling monarch
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>Bulgaria’s Roma population was estimated to be around 98,451, according to the 1920 census
>Bulgaria’s population in 1920 was somewhere between 5.5-6.5 million
we are not even counting the bulgarians in Macedonia, Serbia, Greece and Romania
if Yugoslavia existed, 70% of it's population was gonna be of Bulgarian stock
Genociding the serbs was gonna be only the first step, next were the gypsies and the turks, so be quiet little girl
Ok mangal, but your grandgrandparents were up for genociding too
not mangal, he loves the serbs unlike me, he always hits me when i speak bad about them
Mangal really managing to turn genocide into a homosexual activity
Smokehuman detected
Should i give my children slavic names or latin?
Why did you rape him bro
Indoor farting needs to be made illegal like indoor smoking immediately
My name? Amyntas. My son's name? Phillipos. My grandson's name? Alexandros.
>Examples of Slavic names in Romanian, or names introduced from the surrounding Slavic areas, include[4][3] Bogdan, Dragoș, Mircea, Radu, Tihomir, Vlad, Vladislav, Vladimir, Miroslav, Casimir, Anastasia, Irina, Milena, Olga, Raisa.
I feel like most of the early wallachian rulers had slavic names
initially i had no intention to rape him but he always manages to point his ass up in my direction and to shake violently until i go and *dicipline* him. i wouldnt even call it a rape since this is what he wanted. He is a needy whore in heat
Why are you gay bro
They did, slavic and greek mostly
>Quiet peace
Slavic Timmy
Olga is Norse originally, ekshuli
From Helga
Its slavized version of Togomerius greek
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There was an early medieval ruler from Banat which had borders with both Bulgaria and Serbia arround 1010 year his name was Ohtum he was probably cuman/pecheneg
Latin translation of Tihomir
Peace is Irini in Gkrik
Like Agia Irini
By entering togomerius in google there are only romanian results. Seems to me its just another cope
>Why are you gay
just because i played with the butt of an emastucalted turkish boy doesn't make me gay, bro
his anorexia makes him lighter than most women and i can carry him with one hand
He was pvre Tvrkobvlgar
Fyrom didnt exist back then bro
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pigs, more like the french
>Eĸcтpaвaгaнтeн дeбaт пo тeмaтa зa ниcĸaтa paждaeмocт в Pycия извeднъж ce пpeвъpнa в cepиoзнa зaплaxa зa имoтния пaзap в cтpaнaтa. Cпopeд виcoĸoпocтaвeн пoлитиĸ пpeдлaгaнeтo нa eднocтaйни жилищa нe cпoмaгa зa ecтecтвeния пpиpacт нa нaceлeниeтo и зaтoвa пpиcъcтвиeтo нa тoзи тип нeдвижимocти нa пaзapa тpябвa дa ce oгpaничи. Cпopeд дpyг зaĸoнoтвopeц пo-дoбpoтo peшeниe e дъpжaвaтa дa oпpeдeля ĸoлĸo мoжe дa пeчeли пpoдaвaчът нa жилищeтo oт вceĸи ĸвaдpaтeн мeтъp, cтaвa яcнo oт мaтepиaл нa Гaзeтa.Py.
We were called the Roman empire in those times bro
Besarab the founder of wallachia also had a turkic name
Only 3 people ITT can read this and 2/3 are open homosexuals
Demographic crisis? Pay 50.000 euro per child with requirements (work/education history of parents) plus grammar/language/basic math test before payout and youll double it. Costs around 5bn but why shouldnt this be worth it, its future consoomers.
I think it's polubananian reading our local news again
Bulgarian emperor Simeon was the first non-Roman getting this title so you are correct bro
Because all humans are equal Chuddy and the Haitian cat meat enjoyer will be just as productive as a child of PhDs and costs only a plane ticket
How does it feel that your "countries" were created by BVLLGARYA and you're forced to speak bulgarian every single day and all your thoughts are in bulgarian perpetually from the day you were born until the day that you die?
Bro tranny gypsies like Elgabalus were called Caesar before any Mangal Khan left Mongolia
My thoughts are in English
t. Average zoomerbvll
They are right. If I was dictator I would also ban pets or introduce insane taxes for owning one. Also tax breaks for children havers (gypsies won't benefit because they don't pay taxes anyway)
>uga bugar
all slaveic "languages" are just rural dialects of russian bro
Read again what I posted bro
My hypothesis is based on if countries had actual interest in solving their demographic problems bro. Pretty sure Russia can afford paying this
>Roman emperors born in Rome were called Roman emperors bro
Thanks bro now I gained new knowledge
No problem Mangal
Can only happen in an ENTJ fascist country like North Korea
Western libtards would choose demographic ruin over racism
Hows the tranny fucking going bro, did you top a man today?
I'm a stone cold incel bro
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Hop in loser we're saving Russia
Haha the poluchad just lures krasno into posting and then reports. Mossad tier
It’s CaZimir
I wonder what even was the report type he chose as he reported that post
guess I'll start doing that to bumgarians too
an intuos pro medium would be like 400€
that's basically just stock profits for the past couple of months
You need to give such things more thought bro
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He can't become a millionaire richfag yet because he hasn't followed Xpozed's way

/balk/ without Xpozed
>cocaine, weed and cigarette users
>grindr and bbc baits
>neetdom through the roof
>schizos run rampant and steal money from their parents to go to schizo music festivals and Greek vacations
>Maηgal wouldn't kill itself

/balk/ with Xpozed
>a perfect hub to learn programming
>ideal place to exchange actual tips for financial success
>chad energy though meaningful employment
>schizos will kill themselves out of shame for being useless
>Maηgal will kill itself
writing a wall of text I wont read [X]
feeding starved polubrainian junior [ ]
Polukranian won again
eating spicy pringles again

the central committee is still deliberating
main reason is finding replacement nibs for the pen that I won't need to order 3 months ahead from china, but apparently you can just cover the surface with a cheap plastic sheet and that will lower friction a lot
Will you actually draw doe? Or are you just buying something because it's cool?
Based Brazilian Orthodox warrior
My grandgrand father evaded the draft for balkan wars bro.

The one who fought in russo-turkish war was sent to the Caucasus. Didn't fight Bulgarians.
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I'm debating pulling forward "achieve a low-mid level of proficiency in drawing" to the next 5Y plan from the 15Y one. I'm currently in vacation since all objectives are done for this year but it'd be a waste to do nothing next year as well until the current plan ends, so I could test it out to see how the progress is over a couple of months in order to balance the load before the plan is finalized.
Why not start drawing with tools already available to you and move up to a tablet only after you've convinced yourself that it won't connect dust in some drawer
Ke umres za makedoniq i ke ti haresva
>russo-turkish war
it should be called "dad and mom fight" in bulgarian history books
What does cunny have to do with this bro
2,35% of my problem solved.
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what tools bro, even getting started with trad based drawings the guides say buy X type paper Y type pencils and some 75 year-old living corpse says start drawing shit I couldn't care less about for 6 months because they're aimed towards delusional "artists" who want to make "art"
their goals are not aligned with my own
I could spend a couple of months drawing boxes and spinning them around with my 5 cent pens and 50 cent notebooks but I don't think that would achieve much. Going for the intuos over the other more expensive options would probably be correct tho, 400€ isn't much.

who knows bro
>Vinaver was a convert to Serbian Orthodoxy and identified as a Serb, despite his Jewish heritage.[12] He was married to an ethnic German woman named Elsa. As a result of Elsa's anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic views, the marriage was a tumultuous one.[13] The couple had two children.[14]
How the fuck does this even happen
kek, I'm not orthodox, neither a warrior
I just like byzantine style chanting
Dont you ever shut up about politics
File deleted.
Good morning my liege, King of balk/int
Hi i dont post often here

Im drinking coffee now at a local cafe
I have slept for 13hrs
Dunno but i also get reported like every post of mine gets reported
Tomorrow there is a great party in skopje

After i am done with the coffe i will go to the park
You reported the Greek guy
He will never forgive you and he probably you ETERNAL harasmed
nothing like chugging a monster can after chugging a pringles can
Do not put this skata into your body.
Stop impersonating Sashko you liar
/balk/ is about culture and so its /int/ filo me

So anyway how are you
One of the skatobulgarians here hacked me
How has he hacked you
Why do you have cp bro
two years will probably be enough for N2 japanese...
Apple sends e-mails about suspicious activities.
Is it true Albanians want the Italian occupation back?
Bro I'm a late teen to early 20s man

Bro why do you learn useless chink speak?
It's not a bad idea actually, larger housing would incentivize cohabitation
though the idea of a ceiling on profits is retarded
bro, chinese comes later even though I'd prefer to do it first
the plan has priorities
also you're 30 something and without a degree, tsk tsk
at least go become an electrician or a plumber ikilad
He can only do it if hes a janny or a mod

You never leaked your isp data like ip and stuff
STEMshit crushed my soul bro

I was one of the best of my class
Hmm unless on the deep web he tried to log into every angelos itunes

Unless apple users database got leaked
bro learning to cut wires barely qualifies as stemshit
wonder when you'll stop inventing justifications and go to work
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Bro I produced the best workpieces in a class of 30+

I'm not joking when I say I was superior, but now my body is in pain 24/7.
bro I'm talking about work, not adult daycare
>my body is in pain 24/7
lose weight bro
Hmm you quited in second year in engineering school right
Lmaooooo not a problem on my tsinkjeetphone!
go back to adana
Dude chatgpt and greek accent lol
Is hes ancestors from there
accidentally bought almost half a kilo of fried salted peanuts

don't overdo it bro or you'll need insulin injections
They kicked me out bro

Did the voices tell you?
bro I'd die without insulin injections
What party king?
Nope i remeber from your posting here
ok bro
*hides your insulin pens*
Hmm at 12.12 sunset party

It will be an awesome party
We call peanuts kikiriki
Bro you are so mentally ill that you make up stuff.
I have too many of them bro, all the boxes wouldn't fit in your apartment

bro has an external locus of control
bro is a slejv of others' actions
Ok do you have a diploma than
Bro the medicine makes me weak.

Yes bro

Now can you make a sex robots
bro that's the definition of external locus of control
honestly bro I kind of of feel bad for you despite you being an absolute bastard who needs to be beaten
diabeetus is no joke and as you age it'll get worse like you can become f20, go blind, they might have to cut off your toes etc
Ok i have 5% battery soon i will go home
Pidorashkans have the most resources in the world yet live like congolese silverback herders
Charge it with string theory
my life is suffering bro, why do you think I plan to retire at 30
I already accepted the risks and have taken steps to mitigate them
if I kept working I'd die at 50 from exploding eyeballs due to stress or something
if I make it to 60 with everything reasonably intact I'll consider it a win any year after that is a bonus, meanwhile firsties are planning to live to 85 in their delusions
I hope you get cured
stefan janev could cure you with string theory
Krasnoblyat did your father use the dedovka jedi tricks on you today? Usually you dont have money now you have money for peenuts thats odd
Interesting bro but is that the real reason why i'm lazy? I don't think so
just choose to not be lazy bro
who hurt you bro? you've been seething for the past 4 hours or so
iki and i traded fetish videos his mail is greekboy##... and before that apo... it was 2016-2020
Lube or spit how did you buy those peanuts? Be honest
Makkes were right. Tatars are retards
>homoerotic fantasy YET AGAIN
why are tataps like this?
My body is lazy and in pain bro. Its difficult to explain but imagine my soul as an ENTJ palikari while the body is an obese turk
excuses are excuses bro
laziness and pain are not valid reasons to not do something

Listen to this masterpiece balk bros, my new anthem
>who hurt you
His dad by making him uga bugar hahahhahaha

Tell us more
тoшo - not russian
nope i wont dox iki nor disclose what fetish was about
>dedovka is trad and not homosexual
>you are homosexual
I think we all know what happened when you got those peanuts. You massaged some regular nuts before that
I have anger problems bro. When i face incompetent subhumans (most people) i scream at them. I did that with police officers too

When i behave like myself, they will put me in Bardovci bro

Thanks bro but i would have never called me a "boy"
>scatoyarsk chechnya oblast
Imagine being poorer than some random krokodil enthusiast from kamchatka
>Kelly was right about Iki's foot fetish

I don't think bobo was right about anything captain cuckold
doubt bumgars even know who their fathers are
Show Captain Cuckold the port of Athens.
Kek he's so right about you, though
But a foot fetishist? That's big yikes tier, feet are smelly and disgusting.
even MONGOL is more wholesome and a sex-haver

boonbros, we won
>dirty feet? No!
>dirty vaginas? Hell yeah, i'm the sigma!

Just use any pencil and paper for a week bro
You might instantly dislike it
Mongols and tajiks are busting krasnoms clitty in the other room thats how lil pidorashka gets food also he dumpster surfs and sucks off people on parking lots for peanuts
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Daily caloric intake of poluchild status?
Brown women, which I like, have clean vaginas

Meanwhile white girls have all kinds of dirt inside theirs, no wonder you're so attracted to them, Ickybey, the king of dirty human parts hahahaha
Only jamalspawn nation of Bulgaria can accuse another country of miscegenation whilst looking like a cross between Azis and Oleg Mongol
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quiet, torbeshqip
Put child of Azis and Oleg Mongol in eiai and that picture will be generated
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EU accession negotiations status?
I mean that's the plan bro, I'm probably not buying anything until December the earliest. I'm just categorizing the options.
>You might instantly dislike it
like or dislike isn't really relevant, it's part of the plan so it will eventually be done
You literally look like cigans merged with chudcevicoglu because thats what you are.
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UMMMMMM but you see bro, being poor is good and the EU is bad so you're doing us a favor. Heh tatars really are stupid.
Couldn't have said it better myself, King.
Poverty = sovl & trad
Prosperity = homogay, modernity and foreign
if this shithole gets in before 2030 I'll laugh my ass off
Your plan can say curing your diabetes bro
Doesn't mean it'll happen
which one do you think bulgaria is bro
Le eternal debate between the city and the province
Plans are reasonably achievable things that can happen using your own efforts, not delusions. If amerikkkans invent a cure living in a country with socialized healthcare that will pay for it or having enough money to just buy it are the options.
Then why is pidorlandia poor and trans and gay?
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me coming home from work and ignoring my woman so I can post about bums with my bros
jenooo wheres my salad and rakia, dumb useless bitch
Bro you're not gonna draw if you have shit talent, and you're not getting a new pancreas, be real
I'm just saying that you should try out the hobby you're getting into before spending money so you don't end up like a woman with a closet filled with equipment for hobbies she quit after 2 months (my mom)
What a weird way to spell "Allah"
Amusing how American diet politics still doesn't exist in the Balkans
Salad is just something tasty you eat at the start of the meal with rakija whisky in America it's a signaling thing for libtards and the devil for meat eating boomers
Boiko said monkeydogies will not enter the EU
The long reach of the Pumpkin strikes again. Lesson learned: Do not call him uncivilised
>he fell for the talent meme
hahahahaha, stop visiting /ic/ bro
it's not a hobby tho
it's like saying dont get started codemonkeying if you don't have talent when it's just a job you have to do and plenty of people without talent do it
talent is irrelevant for mid tier results, it only becomes relevant if you want to aim for the top tier
>you're not getting a new pancreas
you can, but it will be destroyed by the immune system again
they are trials in progress for islet pouches etc but those will take forever to show any progress if they ever do
I literally don't even know what that board is bro

Also, I don't really care about this conversation anymore, feel free to buy shit you won't use
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I won
We already found out you cant code dish out the next larp
Another day another $150 in wagie tokens
36k annual?
25 after goy taxes and tip
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Germans are deranged.


66.000 for 10 skatoderma children. Fuck this country
What's the point of working? Germans lost their mind. All that money for islamic skatodermes.
This is what happens when they stray from Christ, they will raise the brood of foreigners that will vanquish them
Deuteronomy 28:43-45

I cant believe it. Nuke this place
>blue eyed yt devils will become extinct in our lifetime

And that is great news
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bugaboys - bum, bum, bum, bum!!.mp3

bum, bum, bum, bum
I want you in my room
let's shit up /balk/ together
and post gay shit forever
bum, bum, bum, bum
I wanna post bum, bum
let's spend the night together
posting about BUM

whoa-oh, whoa-oh
(everybody get on /balk/)
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
(bugaboys are back in town)

whoa-oh, whoa-oh
this is what I wanna do
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
(let's post some bum)
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
one on one, just me and you
whoa-oh, whoa-oh

bum, bum, bum, bum
I want you in my room
let's shit up /balk/ together
and post gay shit forever
bum, bum, bum, bum
I wanna post bum, bum
let's spend the night together
posting about BUM
shit i missed stab

bumgarian weather, when will the sun turn off ffs

why are you poor?
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too bad you can't force that AI to just straight up recreate copyrighted songs
Shit roll at life I suppose. Not going to give up yet though
"slow eurodance" spat out this

life is cringe type music

justin bieber type gay shit

"balkan turbofolk": hilarious shit, 1st one is a banger

VMRO DUPIMNE about to sell this shithole to Orban and the chinks
God speed
>another recruiter contacted me for an interview
just let me have only one job you niggers
stop provoking me
Hahahahhahaha leei eve go pak se iznervira
De be coek poleka smiri se malku ahahahaha
Damn window cleaning is booming?
Lmao he looks funny af
Where is this from

some CIAлгa video
tf you on, timmy?
Pa kaji koja e
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Take some stefan janev wall of text and make it into a song
Meanwhile some of the your compatriots beg Fidias (Cypriot eu mp) to make you EU members via recommendation
All Christians are invaders. Leave our world.
Nihao saar
Christians are the best ever
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Macedonians cant beat us on football what chance do they have at siphoning eu funds, burning garbage for eurojews, facilitating gang wars, drug trade and weapons smuggling?
Access denied
Hahhahahhaha nice, Stefan 2pac Janev confirmed
>EU members
current gobmit bets its stakes on chink funds instead of eu funds
Smart idea, the EU sadly can't counter neither of the big players (ru, usa, cn) because unlike them, we have 0 resources and the only European countries which do have either money or resources aren't members the union
Germanics and the French gave the brown hordes everything they need to destroy us in a few decades.
But iki you are the brown hordes. You contribute nothing to society.
stefan 2panev
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>Smart idea
the money will only funnel corruption at least with eu they'd throw tantrums when they saw you go full retard on the general population but with the chinks it's unrestrained mafia
everyone awaiting the return of the king of corruption right now pic rel
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If mango was a woman.
Mangal could never be that white
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I am this close to kidnapping a Wizzair plane and crashing into Sofia
>tfw Albania is gonna be in EU first than us
What did we do?
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buy wireless headphones goy
don't worry about the battery near your eardrum which can easily be remotely detonated by jews by the way
She was in Hezbollah bro
That's why wired headphones are superior
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I really want to turn Sofia into Hiroshima inshallah
uhm sweaty the wise men and women decided that, not us
I am craving a chocolate donut with a creamy filling right now...
The Mossad operative can garrote you with the wire.
The wise men and women in Brussels I mean, after they saw firsthand what enormous peasant Zmicko is
Hahaha haha, Po-poleka coek, uspokoi se we
Its not our fault you elect people who sabotage your country
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I am announcing that I am going to get a Wizzair plane 2030 and crashing into Sofia
(If we don't enter EU)
it is our fault though, tapak
Also baba Tito lol, she shat on the Prespa agreement in her first public appearance
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Bought another property near plovdiv i have to go check it out though that sucks
twps are impotent and then say niggas that breed are genociding them
just get albanian pasosh bro
We must protect Europe from the maymunodonian savages.
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so trve my albo fren
Completely honest, non-baiting opinion, stop allowing your politicians to brush away every problem in your country by just screaming about us. First it was the veto, now its this constitution that literally is affecting like 5000 people
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weakest timmies in timgaria
politicians don't want to actually join, because then they'd have more oversight compared to the free roam they have now
on paper this shithole has the eu laws copied directly, the issue is nobody enforces them
>fyrom elects new officials
>they start monkey business with Bulgaria and Greece
>they then suffer the consequences of their actions
>"who do we blame about this?"

And once Albania enters before you they can veto you, ohrid agreement will feel like cake for you
Bro EU funds are the sweetest for them to steal. Make politicians of the slavic kind are getting orders from Serbia and they get it from Moscow. Imagine Makes joining and the make albo coalition demaning stuff from Serbs to lift vetoes
heh I'm #teamwired
no one cares about the 5000 Tatars in Macedonia we gladly would add them in but everything else for the agreement is ass aids
>muh monkeydonian is part of the organtunian tatar language
>muh histories are linked and you must change your history books of anything that resembles tatarophobia
>5000 tatars
Sorry bro
It's 100000 hahhahha

>Currently, 100,000 Macedonian citizens have acquired Bulgarian citizenship, meaning that they have proven their Bulgarian roots.

ej sea ke bejtam pak jas
kriv mi e celiot svet
gnasen e sekoj moment
po-gnasen od glup tatar
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one of my close friends has a Bulgarian passport and we spend removing Bulgarian license plates and throwing them in the dumpster in our spare time
he is totally a bvllgarian chad
Bro it literally nowhere says your language is Bulgarian, this is completely fabricated from your politicians. Yes, hate speech against other EU members has to be removed from school books, from yours and from every other member state books bro. Logical, isnt it?
>and then these EVIL creatures were complaining over the license plate stickers we used to put on your cars before the Prespa Accord

it was before but now this entire thing is on you
things will spiral out of control and albos might throw another hissy fit in the not so distant future making them grow even more powerful if you want a greater albania this is how you'll get it and believe me no one wants more albos roaming around the balkans
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ah yes the whole world is bulgarian
south serbia is bulgarian
all of kosovo is bulgarian
albania is bulgarian
>muh bulgarian carstvo
fuck you and your country

I don't have any negative feelings towards Grks after the Prespa agreement as being called "North Macedonia" barely effects anything other than making boomer VMROmutts seethe
He is as Bulgarian as the Ukrainians in Donbass with Russian papers bro. He is a statistic that plays in our favor.
Stop harrassee with politics
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Would you bedpress this tatarlar
>that you had empires is insulting to me
Sorry bro but this is not how the world works. You can hate us in your free time but not in your school books, as simple as that.
Trvthnvke - bugarite sa ogromen problem za drjavata
Fyromians, being a servile race used to being commanded from Belgrade, really thought that Germany would raise an eyebrow and we would understand. Because you know Fyromians are white people and Bulgarians are yellow tatars.
i neznam sho da napraam so nifff
So true, Khan.
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mate there is nothing in the school books that is against you
all of the critiques from the bulgarian government are communist macedonian revolutionaries / and removal of "bulgarian fashisti" while you dont learn our revolutionaries in your books and emit the "we didnt du nuffin wrong BVLGARIA LIVES MATTER" approach
Tell me about Tsar Samuil.
Tell me about Lazar Kolishevski
They admitted him as "rather being Bulgarian"
I have no idea who that is bro
Never heard of the guy.
>Tsar Samoil rebelled against the evil tatars and founded the Second Macedonian Empire. He also had a friendly scuffle with this guy called the Bulgar-killer but they were only pretending.
ahaha eto kak se izoblichavat hlebarkite i falshivite idoli
Poдeн e нa 12 фeвpyapи 1914 гoдинa пoд имeтo Лaзap Пaнeв Кoлишeв (cpeщa ce и Кyлишeв) в гpaдчeтo Cвeти Hикoлa, пpиcъeдинeнo към Cъpбия пpeз 1913 г.[1] Poдитeлитe мy ca бeдни зeмeдeлци, кaтo cпopeд някoи изтoчници мaйкa мy e влaхинкa, a бaщa мy e cъpбoмaн.
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i zakvo prodaljavate da postvate tuka s tiq gadni protivni lainometi kato si ima balgarski 4chan godini nared?
lapai mi kura tranita nema da ti hodq u smotaniq sait
sho nemam drama u jivota i doagjam tuka da si praam sharinu i zabavnu
saw muscular short stocky runner pelenjel who stared at me
if she didn't have headphones on i'd ask if she pegs
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if you Bvllgarianchads haven't heard of him why would we add every piece of YOUR revolutionaries as "HEROES" during the occupation such as Bogdan Filov, downplaying of Ivan Mihailov (portraying him as a gigachad saviour of the Macedonian region) and Todor Aleksandrov while you dont even have Panko Brashnarov, Dimitar Vlahov and Kuzman Josifovski or just apply them as "TRAITORS" or "SRBOMANI"
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