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Morning edition
>Humans have existed for 300,000 years
>Written history only started 5000 years ago

what the FUCK were we doing?
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your mum
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shagging a girl 11 years younger than me tonight don't let the hags on twitter know x
when’s the last time you did a wank of doom? you know the kind you need some utter filth like a legal porno slag getting 4 cocks in her then pissed on after type to get off
>shagging a girl 11 years
you fucking SICKO
never done this in my life might be time to quit the porn lad
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No caveman ever said any English words because the English language did not exist during their time. They may have used primitive forms of communication that could be considered precursors to more developed languages but nothing that can be classified as English.
Probability that the answer is correct: 99%
free palletline
get the toilet pooed in
thanks for the useless answer chat GPT
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as long as she's of legal age it's fine, you've fallen for seething roastoid propaganda
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Might vote for China
normal people
>I find this image funny, I'll share it once
/brit/ posters
>I find this image funny, I will share it multiple times a day for the rest of my life
but 5000 years ago doesn't mark the epoch of written english
it marks the epoch of written ANYTHING - starting with egyptian hieroglyphs

prior to 3100 BC the best we have is cave paintings
proper can't be fucked with work
it's the end times
new toil looms
16 year olds are of legal age as well
me? only shag girls half my age. More energy than older lasses. Coincidentally does anyone want to come to my 20th birthday night out next week?
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alan mak being completely disrespected right now astagfirullah
Proto bf and I are having a date that's no just shagging later
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the finances
if you drew a realistic picture of this woman you would be called racist
what's that in real money? £300?
Mad how im 22. Mad that. Not done nowt the entire time ive been an adult. Dont plan on doing nowt for a while. Keep paying for my gibs at toil tofay and i'll take care of the thread for you.
yeah i know
hacking your accounts as we speak
you're busted
>Not done nowt the entire time ive been an adult.
how long's that, 2 years?
When I was a kid I felt more connected to cavemen than I do now, like I could sense their spirit around me. It was kind of eeiry but nice too.
Did anyone else have that feeling?
living by the sea is hell, tourists and homeless smackheads galore

i suffer in hastings
you're not a real adult until you're 30
Same desu mate
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Wish we had a school dog
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step aside pipsqueak
Got £16,500 in savings. Building to 20k as an amergency fund xx
No racist but I find their eyes unscruitable and shady
Still recovering from long covid.

Might have to take another 4 years off doing nowt.
Simple as. Not sure if i will survive though once Farage is at the wheel.
I’m going to ask a girl out tomorrow
any advice on how particularly I should do it?
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hack this one instead cheers x
the fucking state of you
>suffering on the coast
wouldn't last a day in any grim in land ex mining town you southern poof
Wouldnt know mate. Not done nowt for a while havent i.
why do you have 3 accounts
Yeah I could feel ancient ancestors' energy around me as a kid. Not anymore though.
approach her as meekly as possible with your head down and your two index fingers poking each other and say "hey uh do you wanna maybe uhhh... you know what nevermind sorry"
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based rabbit
I feel like as this country becomes more flooded with wogs i lose my connection with its ancient energy.
My finances you ask?
$70k in index funds
$15k in savings
~$12 loose change around the house and my car

simple as
So what if I added an i mate. Get over it
good evening ladies you're looking good tonight
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I once tapped a random attractive girl's shoulder on the street, told her she looked cute, and asked her if she wanted to get a coffee after work
all she said was "no thanks", so could've been worse
matey my boy it's "inscrutable"
Never seen a jew in my life.

Still hate them though x
Me too
As a kid I could feel an energy connecting me to my ancestors
I read that as $12K loose change
roger unscruitable
sucking a balcony cig
Yeah, emptied out the spare room in my house so I could have a Scrooge McDuck vault
tracking your location based on the clouds
you're fucking done mate
I didn't know how to spell it
So to me East Asian have inscrutable eyes which make me feel a little nervous. They look like they could be plotting to kill you
I know its what you might classify as nostalgia but all those cute medieval games like mount and blade and runescape have a very ethereal energy about them that my mind always comes back to.
should have gone to Specsavers :P
just secured my virginity for another 6 months by buying some reebok creps
I don't think they have any "ethereal" energy in the slightest
scranning some jellied eels
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nah it's nostalgia
love runescape dearly but ive never played mount and blade and couldnt care less about it
rorke's creps as plain as his mum's cooking
Dont exactly know what the word means but it calls to me like my ancestors or something. So ethereal it shall be.
can I interest you in some jelly deals?
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just heard that the thames is the cleanest metropolitan river in the world
somehow i absolutely don't believe that for a second
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Didnt need your input sherlock. Americans dont even get it. I feel more spiritually tuned to the land of America than most americans do.
The land beneath the car parks, beneath the office buildings.
I could feel the energy of my ancestors around me as a kid
Can't anymore though
make him a rabbit and put him a children's book called the happy rabbi
good post
mad how in europe they're stylish and quirky but in the UK they're literally rorkes creps
Bob Ross was the last good American. Change my mind.

Most good Americans are actually canadian, or foreign born.
the thames is the hardest of all the rivers
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I approve this this message
yeah? what tribe are you in
dumb cunt
Dont know anything about shoes. What a pointless thing to care about.
Brits really are the wiggers of europe.
Come and join me for an afternoon coffee lad
The morning listen
Let's Go Dancing Colinda
bet you don't care about having sex either
Yeah Bob Ross was based. Might watch him now if he's on telly
Dont know what that has to do with anything. But america is stolen land. And not stolen by the british or french or spanish.
Joey wanted a fun day out. She ended up being stripped naked and humiliated
showertonbergstein underway
Haven't wanked in 2 days, gonna put a huge load in the bf's arse tonight
you feel connected to the land of america but it's stolen land and not by the british, french or spanish? is that right?
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This woman is a quarter white
Mr bean. Sex
catberg did a poo on my bed yesterday. still fuming. he's rejected his litter tray so i need to retrain him to use it today.
Northern China and Tasmania call to me.
my ancestor
cant be arsed getting up reckon ill stay in bed until 9 and come into work late and stay late
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rorke on his way to his year 8 disco
the girl from london I've been talking to showed me her apartment and it's some grim looking council estate style building with no trees in sight
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The goyim know
Yeh mate.
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yeh makes a lot of sense (it doesn't)
descaling our wretched kettle
My bf is gonna put a huge load up me later. Jealous chud?
might just toil from the settee today
cba with desktoil
lol this is me
I've learned the reason why Irish people are the way they are
Do you want to know?
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what would you say is your favourite /brit/ micro-gimmick?
for me it's misspelling "going" with a f so you say "how's it foing"
Spit in my face, my love, it won't phase me
Spit in my face, my love, it won't change me
Spit in my face, my love, I've gone crazy
Spit in my face, my love, I've gone mad
do this all the time now
only move to my desk when i have a meeting
if its not an important meeting sometimes i just move to the kitchen and stand with my laptop on top of the microwave
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bit of a blunder
>slavs killing slavs only for ukraine to get repopulated by african refugees after the war
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Anything i come up with. I'm infinitely more witty than anyone else here due to my young but experienced shitposting pedigree.
gimmick: rorke
subgimmick: rorke as tiny animals
we used to discipline mental elves and integrate them into society now we just pay gibs to let them sit and wank their smelly arses all day and post on twitter
would bet everything i own on the restaurant staff not being white
replying "yeah?" to absurd schizo posts
He should cover it up with a scarf like Elephant Man did when he went out in public
it's over for porke
thought surgeons were better than this . theyve given him a tranny scar on his face
back to back meetings until 4, a niggardly day
would probably put me off my lasagne
that's a pretty massive blast for something that can be thrown with your bare arms, is it some kind of C4 on steroids?
nipping to greggs anyone want owt
so sad when you see a woman who is obviously naturally very good looking but has ruined themselves getting fat
why is literally every woman fucking fat
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meetings are great. try sitting at a desk for 8 hours with nothing to do like me
should cover that up in all honesty
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Crafting a poo
got a tough day ahead of me tomorrow looking for work, good thing i have plenty of valium
are you the person presenting or are you just sitting there like a flotatious mollusc observing, pretending to care
Age would have got them anyway
Only teens are pretty
because its what high test chads want
if ever you're stressed just repeat this little song

Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worries
Nowhere to go, nothing to do
No longer in a hurry.
Good morning all my coworkers except me
qweef in my mouth
new fetish unlocked
Smelting a poo ingot
I say "hello" and that's it
Crafting a poo helmet and a poo sword
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the rabbits done them
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fletching a poo arrow
whittling a poo
X - empty space
O - poo ingot
Z - stick


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Why wasn't i born a Dutchman



think your ovens broken mate
got that two face chicago town
don't give a shite about minecraft
not funny
hope this is a meme and not actually what you eat
starmer and his ilk are a disgrace
Men call other men gay when they’re jealous of how pretty that man is
why don't you have an ugly league of legends gf that is an epic troll?
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what I've eaten today:
single chicken thigh
muesli bar
bowl of plain popcorn
is australia white?
grim, is she also eastern european
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goyim fell for the "hate your family" meme
fat cunt its not even 9am
dno didn't check but she has the soulless slavic stare so yeh probs
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Left: for gullible goys
Right: for jews
hahaha or "popcoin" as you folks say whadiyatalkinabeet haha the big lez show haha steeeeve iwiiin throw anada fackin shrimp on tha fackin baaaabie strewth
some of them deserve it
girls find me creepy
remember when everyone used to rabidly hate 9gag? i'm sure many still do but these days most have forgotten about that site
we're all on 10gag thesee days
i am eastern european
They've convinced whites that intergenerational households are "lame" and that they should pay rent instead >>202691723
don't think you're supposed to eat cigarettes
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You can bet they're all goyim
got the rdr2 on
give a wog a suit and they feel all powerful
been watching a lot of scooby doo recently
alri arthur morgan
give a rorke a keyboard and they feel all powerful
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watch out there's a cougar behind you
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got the hangover hornies dee lads
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First thing I thought when I woke up this morning is that when my dad dies my mum will have nobody

She'll be living in that family sized house alone, no husband, no children, no pets, no parents

She's already hopelessly addicted to Facebook

I simply don't forgive my parents for making me. Having children is the most evil and selfish thing you can do.

I'm only alive to see other people die. I love the news. I hate this world so much. Probably more than Hitler did.
the person who chose to replace all the white teachers with browns who can speak a word of English should he raped
>brown people are a problem when they don't speak english

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>all the children are brown
Poster below me gets bummed by the poster above me
civnats are easily satisfied
I'm annoyed at my sister's decision to have kids because I wanted my entire family to come to an end, but I guess they don't share my surname
Fuck off jaded millenial tranny
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and the skies are grey
Feels good knowing Labour will absolutely gape landlords.
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cracking good deal this lads
>wife of 15 years
was she like 12 when he married her?
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feel like it will either make property prices cheaper or the giga rich landlords who are prepared to work with tighter restrictions will mop up the market and with an even bigger monopoly increase the cost of rent even more

if the latter i might just neck myself
heatherfreak still on a spam meltdown i see
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You can get a 3 bed house in rural france for 25-32k
Dont even know what youre on about spaedo

Can you direct me to the posts? Is this heatherfreak in the room with us?
pushing intergenerational strife to atmomise goyim and turn them into lifelong renters >>202691723
prefer the 2 pizzas and 4 beers for a fiver that coop used to do
ringing up heathermongs mum to get her to tell him to stop posting
cannot wait for gen alpha to grow a bit older and start absolutely blasting these arrogant millennials in the same way they've shifted all the blame for all their own woes onto boomers
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1 bed with land for 25k euros
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Same things happening now
Rorke's son
millennials didnt spend their money on comfort like boomers did
idiotic post to think they deserve it. you cannot even fathom the scale of how badly boomers fucked up
don't wank anymore because the post-cum dread is just too overwhelming
if the intervals are to be consistent it would be gen X not millennials wouldn't it?
Doesn't work that way, boomers are always going to be the target because they're the only generation the broke everything for everyone.
fat and bald sisters... we won
sounds like you're an alcoholic
>She's already hopelessly addicted to Facebook
incredibly grim considering it's like 90% bot generated content these days
Nobody cares except you spainmong
grim immigrant mindset yeah sure ill just abandon my family and job to move somewhere where i cant even speak the language
I own these lmfao
yeh mate bet i'd thrive with job opportunities in rural france, lifestyle must be ideal for someone in their early 20s too
I'd rather be dead that live in France. So would asylum seekers. I'm not going to take what the asylum seekers rejected
i feel terrible the next day so i keep it to a minimum
yes I will be going back to sleep after the morning meetings
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spainnonce is not as bad as you. when mousey and you were both here the threads were totally unusable just 2 spastic retards talking to themselves all day
looks grim af
I'd rather be dead than most things. I've never accepted life. It was forced on me and I've never come to love it.
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i feel shite for the rest of the day.
virtually no motivation or energy
self esteem completely dissapears
i feel dirty and degusting
i feel guilty
wanking as a KHV really hits different. i think i'm just gonna stop forever
neck yourself you snide cunt
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Christianity is to blame
The Romans were just killing jewish people in massacres before "christianity" appeared
just looold out loud
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someone here called me a smelly paki the other day for voicing my opinion
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>t. Spainmong

Painfully obvious. Changing to typing in lowercase and calling yourself spainnonce doesnt make it any less.

For a start anyone who is half sane knows how much of a menace you are compared to 2 people who post here a few times a week and are harmless.
Stupid fucking zoomers too retarded to figure out how to make money online
extremely comfy creps
Millenials hate boomers but theyre literally the same.
do you have sex
obviously not
but that's probably more to do with the fact I look like a serial killer and have no game rather than the trainers
Sent him flying lmao
hello my reebok brother
Morning team. Having a lemon slip. Congestion seems to have set in today. But it's not too bad.
>boomer, gen x, millennials
Jewish sociologists invented these terms in order to sow intergenerational division and mistrust. They didn't exist in the entirety of human history prior to the 1960s
Melty right on queue
hello my friend x
do you have sex
can’t imagine pretending to be northern while the fathers of my language were called Monsieur Chaucer et Monsieur Jacques-Pierre
Englishommes are Romance w0g5 fr
literally nothing wrong with reeboks
Are those Reebok or Nike?
The Nike?
Oh yeah
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can you elaborate for us none-virgins in the thread?
wish websites would stop making their scroll bats so fucking small and hard to find, some of us are on laptops and don't have scroll wheels
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It's mad to think how all these meme generational cohorts stem from this one newspaper article: https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,856950,00.html
I wonder who wrote it.
and how should i prove im not him? there is no convincing a schizo what he believes to be true is otherwise. also how can you tell me that posting about "irish diaspora" and now "obeying your parents" for 12 hours a day is not abnormal behaviour?
their entire language was devised by french bourgeoisie
what sort of virgin watches twitch streams
being a streamer could potentially be a fantastic job where you make a lot of money for almost no work whatsoever, but if i were in that position i'd definitely secretly hate my audience
erm its called minimilism rorke you evil fucking chud do you really expect programmers and graphic designers to actually create something user friendly and nice to look at? well that makes you fucking racist you will own NOTHING and be HAPPY
that right is it yeah? yeah.. mad that. anyway one sec.. *walks off to another table*
Going to try and rinse my nose out with saltwater guys
had a bizarre dream i was in kmart or target or what have you and i was looking for preowned ps3 games in the bargain bin, nothing else happened
why not, do you want to be a virgin freak forever?
Sweden has contributed nothing to culture
Wahhh wahhh wahhh

Did not read. You spent all 100 IQ points typing that load of shite and im not in the slightest bit impressed.
they've produced a few good scientists
>post-cum dread
post-cum feels blissful and sleepy for me
yeah cause you're not a virgin and you get to have sex with actual women
*Midlands anglo-norman bourgeoisie who were separated from any actual french influence by two centuries
Post-/cum/ society.
scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelet nigga
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It's south London not exactly a risky bet
meant when i wank
what mental illness do you have?
and I am not frightened of pooing, you know
Any time will do, I don't mind
Why should I be frightened of pooing?
There's no reason for it
You've gotta go sometime
ABBA is better than The Beatles
Oy vey you cant post jews!
a dose of reality
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Cute cat
Hope you penetrate your ethmoid bone and accidentally lobotomise yourself
Why is this nigga spamming about jews being landlords and psychologists pushing out fake mental disorders

bro this is 4chan, we already know and agree
Toillass reckons a lot of 'Hollywood people' are about to be arrested, such as Jay-Z and Usher
Reckon they should put every child on speed for a week and see if their scores improve
from the article:

>Mr Bromley has decided not to name the restaurant as he "doesn't want retribution"

>I noticed a cash-only sign

>he reported the incident to the police. he said they had told him that although it was a hate crime, it was "unlikely" officers could pursue it further.

says it all really. another example of horrible bigotry from foreigners getting swept under the rug from their devoted leftypol dick-suckers
yeah, I was in the shite
yes absolutely in the shite
I certainly was in the shite!
Just use two fingers on the touchpad

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