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sugababes edition
I should really get a job.
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The Irish disease
It turns them liberal
too much computer bad for you
swag on ma nuts, swag on ma nuts
round round baby round round
mumberg had her monthly bath yesterday
>grim mate. your life has just completely stagnated then.
I earn 70k a year pushing around spreadsheets and I've stagnated.
*trots into the thread*

Howdy yall
20 years too late this
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doing a watch
post that thing. the one that drives the jannies mental.
i am not british, i don't live there, and i'm half oriental. and yet here i am.
Irish people have too much blood which addles their brains. It turns them into midwit irl redditors who love blacks.
yeh but you have choices.
a neet living off paltry amounts for decades has effectively burnt all their bridges to a comeback of any kind.
you can do whatever you want, you're just a boring bastard so you dont
get two
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Carlife and a SSRI
Carlife and a SSRI
Make neets pay tax on bennies
bet you love a how you say gay gang bang pork noodle
you spin my head right round right round
when you go down
when you go down down
why is this happening literally everywhere (except africa)
Business idea: gay porn noodles
>it's the Tories fault!!!
Analysis disregarded
watching them from my window
on it bossman
Age of consent laws, for starters
Bit of something for everyone with those lasses
This is just sick
Mental to think how at ceremonies where migrants receive their British citizenship certificates they can decline to shake hands with the woman handing out their rewards on the basis that interacting with women offends their islamic values
If you have British values then you shouldn't be allowed to refuse to shake hands with a woman, else your citizenship gets declined
Being neet wins you internet points but in the real world it genuinely is seen as the sign of being hopelessly pathetic and repulsive and not a serious person who has any opinions worth hearing
At best some Channel 4 documentary maker might feel some sympathy for you as they film you on the revived version of Benefits Street
Got a Vocaroo ready to post but feeling shy, timid and meek
no idea how to respond but have one anyway
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maybe if you're irish diaspora underclass
Contraceptive pill is no longer seen as taboo.
People like to fuck
People don't want children.
I don't understand how people have the will to do things when we all know how much of a dystopian hellhole the future is gonna be
neets are just frightened of living.
People see having children as less of a priority compared with making money. No matter what people say about their 'goals', it always leads to wealth growth.
Unchecked late-stage capitalism and the idea of being rich one day is stopping people having kids, basically.
wank then shower or shower then wank?
Speak your island language
Spoons is like a big cattle pen where the runt classes go to drink their £3 ales and lagers to forget about their pitiful existences
We're just built different, I suppose.
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To get £££ so they can watch the dystopian hell from a position of comfort instead of being a part of it?
Why would I get a minimum wage job that takes up 50 - 60 hours of my time a week and requires me to travel by bus at 7 am every day and interact with the worst of society
When I could just be a neet, have a lie in every morning, play video games all day and get almost as much money?
wank in the shower
Get me immigrated
Get me housed
Get me spunking in the black women
the watch
Grimace at this despite the gf being non-white.
i think its instinctual. other animals do it to when there are various environmental pressures.
as a species we have evolved to be sensitive to certain things. overpopulation, damaged ecosystems etc.
when/if things improve, we'll see more children appear
imagine the food and england's footie team
why do you keep saying that? you're probably not really. you just seem stresed
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I read the first two sentences of what he wrote in Bart Simpson's voice
don't like the feeling plus your spunk turns to paste
bizarre post
Being NEET with your own house is peak comfy
>wake up
>make coffee
>do curls
>hit the pool
>hit the sauna
>homegym time
>go for a cycle around town
>get back
>take vyvanse
>smoke weed
>get drunk in hot tub with NEET gf
>do it all over again the next day
Thought it was a kittens arse end
what a load of SHITE
heathermong you need serious help
bowl of rice pudding on the cards
>non-white gf
pathetic traitor. you need to try harder
Be honest, if you had a knife to your throat and told to convert to Islam or die, any sane non-suicidal person would convert
You can always just lie and then not practice the religion when you're free again
twas a weird one wannit
the richest man in an amazonian tribe is still poorer than the poorest bloke in england
think about that
all anime is dog shit. no exceptions.
might rent a garage and live in it
Love her to bits though
>can't even watch the subbed version
what's the fucking point paying for this if you can't be arsed to upload the original versions
that's not a bad bart impression
Get outta here then normie, this is an anime website
my gf is non-white too
all the white british girls ive dated were annoying. either way into harry potter or no real hobbies at all (unless you count going to festivals a hobby)
The future of Britain is a collapsed mongrelised island with zero culture either ruled by America or the EU
If you’re white, skilled and middle class you will probably still live a comfortable existence separate from the teeming MLE speaking urban brown masses but Britain and British culture will be gone and will be a lost people

Old British culture will appear to the future “Britons” as classical Greek culture did to the masses of peasants and imported slaves living in “Achaea”, the Roman province. The language and even some descended proles may be around but it will be dead.
It makes complete sense when valued agains minimum wage slavery at 50-60 hours a week (not like this really happens as min wagers usually work around 30 max) but it is just giving up on life, let's be real
Just woke up
And there will be a plumbed toilet in this garage?
It doesn't have to end like this.
alri skellig
Doing a wfh except there's no work to be done. I can't even think of anything to do its incredibly boring and I'm bound to fall asleep.
Indian girl best girl
Loved going there in the Witcher
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Why is this video allowed on YouTube?
slave mindset
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Loving in a tent behind the bins at an Asda in Lincolnshire. Don't tell anyone x
I'll poo at the pub
i reckon i’ll just use my kungfu and send the cunt to hospital
why post it here, heatherspaz?
Having a wank under a tarpaulin is it?
Mah nigga pissing in jugs and shitting in buckets
It is what it is
Are you Irish diaspora?
Just pooed yourself mate. Don't believe me? Check it, I'm right.
come to lincoln x
Anglo civilisation got too successful and the people running it and all the money moved to greener pastures while the homeland just became a poor rainy island
Then the wog swarm was the death blow and soon there won’t be a Britain
*fingers gun's you and winks*
Dunno really
Nowt wrong with being a NEET. So long as you're not harming anyone do whatever you want. If anyone else cares that their problem.
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Used to take drugs on the clock when we moved from office work to WFH toil during covid. I would wait until noon then take 100mg tramadol so the afternoon was nice and comfy.

Then after the shift ended I'd gob another 150mg immediately and that would be me until noon the following day. In retrospect I was addicted to tramadol for a while there but still, it was enjoyable.
Get pins and needles and numbness in my legs with an alarming frequency.
Don't move for more than 10 minutes? I'm done for.
Mad how p diddy has looked the same for like 3 decades
don't want anything
Brings shame to your parents
No reliable steady income
Holds you back from actually getting a decent job with each year you are still unemployed
Less opportunities for attracting a woman
Much easier to fall into unhealthy habits like a fucked sleeping pattern, drinking and drugs

So it isn’t “nowt”. There are problems
Why does nobody criticise lottery winners who quit work for being idol?
it's all the baby oil
Still not sure what i'm expected to do for 8 hours a day at this job. I also don't understand why anyone would go into the office and sit there all day when they only have 2ish hours worth of work.
Same me. Lean about 1 degree to one side for a few minutes and my arsecheek and leg start screeching at me.
is there al list of rappers bummed by diddy?
Lick my arse
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based israel
>Less opportunities for attracting a woman
If it's just so you can end up with a brown woman then there's really no point
all of them
Presumably because they're a net benefit to the tax system.
What if you're rich
This but only if there was no safety net of benefits provided by taxpayers
who brought up brown woman freak
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>Lick my arse
Is there ever a moment when Irish people aren't thinking about blacks?
Any millionaires in the thread fancy helping a nigga out?
wonder if all those cunts who win millions and say they're gonna stay at their shitty jobs actually do
Sure mate I'll give you £100 if you post your willy
Good lad.
Several people posting now have brown gfs
Is there ever a moment you aren’t thinking about the Irish?
I'll help you out when I win on Friday
your willy
What if I'm actually a girl?
They're still idle though
We're living in the BLEACHED century mate
thai bird at my last job fancied me
grown balding man farting under the covers in his childhood bedroom
being rich enough that you don’t need to work now or in the future is normally considered different to being a neet. don’t know if it’s counted in the stats though.

loads of rich people have made up jobs too that they don’t actually do anything for it’s just for “networking” while they live off their fortune. And pretty much all the issues I list aren’t relevant to rich millionaires living lives of luxury and fun not having to work.

The neets in this thread aren’t that. They’re runts with B grades, likely dropped out of uni, watch anime and masturbate all day from their bedrooms in Wigan
no deal
NEETs should be made to pick litter and stuff for bennies
Nothing serious just like a commitment to an hour a day of picking up litter or something
social anxiety isnt an excuse to not work in the online age. get those lying neet dossers to work
You're bitter I don't have to work
There was a lad who worked as a producer at Talksport in the early days, kept his job but he'd do stuff like go and buy a Ferrari on his break
That's actually a fun job I wish I had still
Did it at apartment complexes as a groundskeeper
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The best that office monkeys can get now are brown women
>being rich enough that you don’t need to work now or in the future
ktim except I still work a quite decent job
These days if you've been signed on for longer than a few weeks they'll have you volunteering or it's a sanctioning. Charity shops or other shite.
silly billy
is he yours
How badly are you all balding lads? How are you coping with it?
I'm late 20s and still have all my hair.
prison but for neets and you're allowed out
obviously not because you dont see any of the dossing neets here talk about being forced to do any of that

do white women enjoy these types of songs?
You're proud of being a lowlife
I'm sort of a NEET
Work 16 hours a week doing nowt for 6 months then get 6 months unemploidment
It's comfy
I think of get rich quick schemes and learn webdev and now I want to try selling some shirt designs
Tell that to the lottery winner who's got his feet up
>b-b-but he's contributing to tax-
Doesn't matter. He's still being idle
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34 and it's over, look like a white malteser
Simply isn't true
They make being on bennies incredibly easy
nah it's one in henfield
when they're boppin on dat soul pole
40 and thick as fuck hair. In other words, zero hair loss.
so called "free" NEETs complaining about everything and anything while the WFH chads do fuck all and get paid. makes you think
It's like the fake speed camera signs they put up in random places where there are no cameras
Something designed to put those who think twice off while the actual slugs who don't give a fuck get rewarded greatly for being in the wrong
Entire social contract in this country is fucked
buzzed it otherwise I'd look like a fat steve mclaren
Shut up, doesn't matter anyway.
Sir Kier Starmer has said everyone one benefits or disability will have to look for work, no matter what mental/ physical illness they have
Don't care if you're a schizophrenic with anal cancer. You'll be working the tills at Poundland soon.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5y8g5z67lzo.amp
He's not claiming bennies so no need for him to pick litter :)
hey timmy
GBNews viewers love him
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It's 'Keir'. Spell his name correctly, you fool.
>Enacting anything he says and not instead doing random retarded shit like releasing prisoners
Gosh the neetcels really got wound up when I suggested that maybe they'd like to give back a mere 60 minutes of their time contributing to the public realm in return for the very modest lifestyles they are enabled by the taxpayer
Sir Kid Starver can eat poo
might put a catholic king on the throne, if you know what I mean
I thought the problem you had with neets is that they're lazy. Well lottery winners are too.
Neets should become bodybuilders
>Over three quarters of stars in the Miky Way are RED DWARVES (like Proxima Centauri)
>Only 7.6% are of the same type as our sunberg
>Only about 5% of stars are bigger than our own

Had no idea we were such big cunts or that there was a correlation between size and rarity.
Giving back to what public? The black mother and her seven kids?
gyms and food are expensive
shut up and pay for my next vidya mule
sir cor phwoarer
what about the racist irish lads? surely they're alright?

The Tories seemed obsessed with giving it to any foreign company instead of just giving it to rolls royce
oh shut up lister you gimboid
If a lottery winner inexplicably wanted to claim bennies they should also be picking litter
Go shopping with mumberg at vintage stores and have her buy you some old weight steins
Go shopping with mumberg at grocery stores and have her buy you some proteins
Mumbergs love that type of ting
I'm not actually a bedrotting hikkikomori NEET, I'm just living the lifestyle for the past decade as an act of modern performance art.
Unfortunately nobody really else gets it as I'm ahead of my time, but I'll be recognised as a genius after my death.
Anyway that's why I DO NOT need to get a job Starmer. I AM ART.
being a neet for too long is actually horrible
the longer you go doing nothing the longer it takes getting a job because absolutely no one wants to hire you
ah yes
do go back to talking about spain nonce and queer farmer's latest shenanigans

I'll think twice before bringing some intellect to /brit/ in the future
Being doing some field work at toil recently and that trades lad is telling the truth, women really do look at you differently when you’re in work pants and steel boots. It must be an illusion but it does make you look more virile and masculine and women have been far more flirtatious and talkative to me when I go to site and have to talk to one. Some even for 20 minutes straight while I was working.

Office neeks in their next jumpers and oxfords also treat you like an alpha too. Despite the fact I’m only 5’9 and was being friendly they were still obviously nervous and wouldn’t make eye contact.
forcing people to work is racist
They're merely hiding their fetish for tight brown Indian women with shallow fannois
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When I was signed on I was made to volunteer in a charity shop. Admittedly I only did 1 afternoon a week. Work coach kept trying to get me to increase the days but I said all I felt up to was the 1 afternoon.

They volunteering itself was dire. All the other volunteers were lads in their 20s/30s with aspergers syndrome. Literally every single one (probably me as well to be fair). Except these lads would just stand around and talk your ear off about Pokemon or other video games or whatever other nerdy shite they were into until 5PM.

All the while I was constantly reminded that I wasn't being paid for any of this torment. I got the impression most of the other volunteer lads were on some form of PIP or were supported financially by their parents etc. For them it was one of these where it was "good for them to get out of the house" type deals, like to keep their brains warmed up. But for me I hated every second of it and was only there because the job centre were making me.

It did actually make me want to get a job slightly, just so I could get away from spending 5 hours a week standing in an empty shop, unpaid, surrounded by lads with mental problems.
might learn HTML and javascript

how about you learn to not be a virgin
>Air fryers are now the third most-used appliance in UK kitchens after toasters and microwave ovens, according to an annual survey.

British food getting even cheaper and worse than it was
Get an actual job instead of fantasising about learning to code
may watch Corraline in the picture on Saturday. Never watched it before
It's fun.
Was a great springboard into C++ for me
not one
you can’t fry air mate
your mum taught me that years ago pal

i do. this is just for additional skill acquisition
The black mother and her seven kids are the ones who should give back as she is almost certainly also on bennies
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Business idea: fleshlight gun
Call it Revulva
let the goons out
air frying poo
Air fryers are useful for the odd things like chips, garlic bread, chicken tenders etc but I can't take anyone who puts something like a chicken breast in there seriously
It's a good movie, definitely worth a watch.

Good halloween time movie as well.
>why don’t you have a job?
You were being paid, thats what you did for your bennies.
U shouldve been forced into 16 hours a week for it.
All us neets should go on hunger strike until universal basic income is implemented.
Spread the news to the media and politicians, they'll see hundreds of people protesting and starving to death, and they'll be forced into implementing it no matter how much they despise it and no matter how much the public despise us.
>halloween time
nuke yourself
can’t you mate!
can you not take them seriously no?
cheers for telling us that!
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Need vaginé
>You all die
>Sir Poo Barmer saves Billions of £
>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he make such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a mans sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication wore off
>how did Vito sneak behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose too much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio look like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication
Thinking about a new gimmick
I'm a massive fat cunt, would probably take me a year to starve to death
Bobby sands (pbuh) did this and they let him starve
>have to worry about STDs
Having sex is simply just impossible
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I picked up another 4-pack of Monster Ultra Energy Zero Lewis Hamilton flavour at tesco just there.

down to £4.75 with the clubcard which is pretty good. It tastes nice but the cans aren't textured like normal Ultra Energy Zero cans so it doesn't quite feel like a premium product but still, it is nice to drink.
need dick
gay drink
Bit gay ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
just drink coffee mate
Go on walks with dumbbells
how is being a neet wrong if you have a rich family who support you?
I think my work coach fancies me. Been on bennies a couple years and he makes it as comfortable as possible for me. Even started chatting shit about shopping last time and we have a bit of a laugh. Doesn't even bother looking at my journal or if I've applied for jobs and lets me do a phone call from home.
I do but I'm not gonna have a hot coffee with my dinner. Prefer a chilled fizzy, zero-sugar beverage.
Why not? They come out lovely.
>premium product
what exactly is premium about this liquid slop?
ain't got a dumbbell license
pure runt juice. you should be heavily beaten quite frankly
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imagine drinking this shite
Love kissing boys me
The textured can. But as I say, the Lewis Hamilton version doesn't have a textured can, just a normal smooth can so it doesn't have the premium feel of the normal variants.
any good films?
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yeah there's loads
Any smooth brain koala here
This is my caffeine scran lads
>having energy drinks with dinner
you are a man child
What does Lewis Hamilton taste like then?
energy drinks are for utter cretins
only one i’ll drink will be red bull and rarely, for when i am utterly defeated and coffee just isn’t doing the trick

can’t imagine the type of freak gremlin that drinks shite like monster and rockstar on the regular
It's Ovah
any you'd like to recommend?
Jew just climbed out my toilet
Think they were building tunnels underneath it, concerning...
there's nothing wrong with it
cannot be FUCKED with job applications
why do i have to refill what's already on my CV
i don't mind doing a cover letter, but reinputting the basic stuff over and over again is doing my head in
been drinking this Tenzing one recently
it's supposedly natural and has electrolytes and vitamin c in
Drink so much coffee i can't fit energy drinks into the schedule me kek
seething air frycel here lads
The lewis hamilton monster tastes like peach. I don't know what Lewis Hamilton himself tastes like.

Get over yourself lad
Business Idea:
Selling shirts with 4chan memes on them
all nice and well but the batons will be oiled up soon *taps on watch*
i drink a lot of yerba mate but a lot of people don't seem to know what it is and when people ask what I'm drinking with a goofy metal straw I don't feel like explaining it
the british empire crumbled and now the mother country England is crumbling even further

meanwhile Israel is only rising. cope
I'm a proper cretinous gremlinous freak me
Well he must taste like peach surely. Otherwise they're lying to you.
mental how the North American posters here have all had the end of their willies cut off
>Pepe sucking cock, crying and giving a thumbs upJpg

One I currently lack in the vault
Cobson, mate.
Only thing wrong about being a rich neet who lives off private wealth is expecting joe average to understand and emphasise with your experiences and struggles, or being completely unaware that your existence is pure luxury and trying to be something that you are not
Bennie neets who are proud about taking from the pot and not putting back in are just decline merchants who shouldn't be enfranchised in any serious society
rare good yank post
have mine in a jar on the window sill
might start a street gang, CGF, who's in?
See builders necking that shite at 7am on the tube
Just get a coffee
Couple Gay Faggots?
grime when you go into someone's house and they're drinking monster and vaping
might start putting a few spoonfuls of instant in my monster
don't bother if you think it'll lead to a job
Rinsed that homie
no jobs in that area?
As opposed to what? A chilled Hobgoblin and a cuban cigar?

get over yourself
my penis will be in a vagina tomorrow, or maybe saturday
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none, especially if you're self-taught
whiskey and a cigar are grown up and refined
cretinous gremlinous freaks, but if it's just me and you ;)
proper little spastic aren't you
got an interview in about 8 hours, going to call in sick
how much does she cost
Stop vaping and drinking energy drinks.
>A personal trainer died after taking caffeine powder the equivalent of up to 200 cups of coffee, an inquest heard.

>Father-of-two Tom Mansfield had miscalculated the amount of powder he was meant to use on kitchen scales.

>On Tuesday an inquest heard Mr Mansfield began clutching his chest and complaining his heart was beating fast after consuming the product.

>Minutes later, after going to lie down, he began foaming at the mouth. His wife Suzannah alerted neighbours and family, and called an ambulance

>Paramedics tried to resuscitate him for 45 minutes but was later pronounced dead at Glan Clwyd Hospital in Bodelwyddan, Denbighshire.

What a way to go
ok. not looking to be a web developer anyway. just thought they'd be interesting skills to have in addition to my current skill set. could still find a job in the tech industry and not be a code monkey.
If you're not obese or hideously deformed maybe you could put your cock in my arse
if you're serious then you're making the biggest mistake of your life and should cancel it while you still can
Me currently
two shots of espresso and a line of caffeine powder, brunch of champions
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they're laughing

he just got his arse chewed up by a hippo and they're laughing
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bedroom reeks of my cheesy feet and my cheesy bellend
lucky to be alive
thought this was brad for a minute
shat myself
Life is pretty easy when you're good looking
cronem are active
>spud man up
I'm trying to help you realise how pathetic it is
grown men do not sit at the table with a colourful can of fizzy drink to go with their meal
I bet you drink it out of a fancy glass as well don't you
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tech is a shit industry to be in. goes through insane ups and downs and is quite competitive as it is. i'd pick a different industry completely
I want the news not the olds!!!!
get the rubes edish made
who the fuck needs caffeine powder
like what is the point of it
get the new made
i can't make one lads for reasons so just get to it yeah
briefly considered making the new but then didn't in the end
have a guess dickhead
So this is it... the final ever /brit/ thread...
I'd get it made but I feel it's someone else's turn to come up to the plate
Full stack. Ephedrine, Aspirin, Caffeine.
You need precise doses
Burns fat like a mahhhfaahh
any of you could have made the new instead of posting this shite
might make a pizza tonight
start my dough at half five or so
can we get an actual /brit/ thread with an edition made PRONTO
ill make it hang on just a sec
B vitamins you fat fuck
glory days
glory holes
do you think it's possible for the chinese to put covid in my vapes
Fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
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>man dies in lake

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