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Mystic meg edish
poo aha lads
get the eggs boiling
get the poo pooed
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I'm drinking it at home alone mate. Who do you think is judging you when you have a can of fizzy juice, out of the can, with your midweek meal while sat at home alone?

Are you sitting in your 3-piece suit drinking a vodka martini (complete with olive) alongside your microwave lasagne on a Thursday night on that sigmillionaire grindset, faking it til you make it even as you sit alone at home in a dark room? For whose benefit? Sort yourself out pal.
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is being an egirl or dark academia more british these days
Knew an autistic girl once whose special interest was the Simpsons.
You could ask her literally anything about it and she would know the answer.
Claimed she had memorised the script for a lot of episodes but never tested her on it.
Oh I can do that
Mystic smeg!
>your midweek meal
what you having for your weekend meal?
>I'll have the slop with a side of slop please
I do a cheeky niacin flush now and then but ECA is an old-time bodybuilder stack
Boosts adrenaline
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I don't know yet; I like to live in the moment.
soup from a tin as well. what a vile runt you are
i am not barack obama
>dating an autistic girl
Bit noncey, that
Yeah well mad respect for surviving on 2 meals a week mate
Craving sugar
Need to lift, want to wank. Quite the predicament really.
it's 2024 and we still have to toil
where's the AI robots to wipe my bum
when poo tribes go to war
I regret not talking the autistic girl into sucking my cock back when we were both in secondary school.
She was quite awkward in social situations and I don't think she had any serious friends, but she was very sweet and friendly and I'd occasionally chat with her about cats.
not watching a 15 min video

I will take the QRD
i am in immense psychological pain
Japanese robot toilets will shoot water up your arse to clean it for you at the press of a button
it over, britain brown
got that just done a bump feeling up me nose
Gym first so there is the chance of viewing some fine booty. And then wank once you're home. Remember to wash your hands first in case the last person who touched what you've been touching has AIDS
Lots of people want to toil
My dad can't sit still for 30 seconds
Toil will never vanish
>Lots of people want to toil
no they don't
If you're in your 20s with no work ethnic then your parents have failed you.
Get the drugs bought lad go on
go to bed. that's the solution.
poor response to the '08 crisis followed by brexit, followed by 'rona, followed by ukraine = economy in the shitter
going to score some valium and ket tomorrow
i'm also an insomniac so i can't sleep through the pain either, to add insult to injury
>Ship packed with 20,000 tonnes of explosive cargo spotted floating off Kent coast

feel like there's a migrant boat joke to be made here but not clever enough to make it, me
wish I had a work ethnic
cackling at the mongs who posted in that yanks thread
deary me
Why do English people often get referred to as British, but Scottish and Welsh people are referred to as Scottish or Welsh?
Saw an American on a livestream earlier saying that they didn't know the difference between England, Britain and the UK, but they went onto refer to people as Scottish people as Scottish, but then called English people British.

I have no problem with being called British because that's exactly what I am, but why do English people not get referred to as English very often anymore. Maybe it's because people associate the word 'English' with the language as opposed to the nationality nowadays?
hate freaks like this
>"always need to be doing things me i'm a busybody!"
The Sexual Revolution
What was that all about?
of all the things ij don't care about, this is right up there
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>Saw an American
getting bummed
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americans are low IQ. theres your answer
Have a drink
Cured my depression right quick
Wish the YLYL threads on /gif/ weren't compromised
Laughter is the best medicine
idk guys, I’m not sure this 4+ decade obsession with “growth” is especially healthy for a society
>Nord, Dark Elf, Breton, High Elf
is there a point in picking any other race? frost resistance, fire resistance, magic resistance and +50 starting magicka have to be the strongest starter buffs of them all that it makes every other race inconsequential

orcs have the best once a day power but I always forget to use those
wahey grim scran howling rorke
could sit still forever me. sometimes don't move from friday-monday
I have never referred to myself as British at home or abroad but foreigners see British and English as the same thing.
Britain in 2006 was one of the best countries in the world to live in
Insane to think it is now 18 years since we were actually a world-leading nation in terms of quality of life
Almost two decades of stagnation at best, the economy has hardly grown for an entire generation
got some growth in my pants ;)
Worst game
Nords also had lightning resistance in Morrowind
Tamriel has fallen
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our jez
Pick Orc myself because I just fucking love Orcs.
Classic barbarian Orc. Stereotype breaking mage Orc. Sexy female Orc. Corr.
Orcs shag their mums
leftypol reusing teabags
niccy pouches got my gum in a state gonna have to take some time off
rofl lol u haz a p33n0r zomg
i really think, in reasonable doses, /brit/ is very good for my mental health
this week i'm going to be sacked for shagging about
>tfw you realise anglo-saxons spoke a language closer to german than to english
You get one happening per lifetime. Ours was covid-19 and it was a nowtbarm.

Between now and the end of our natural lifespans, nothing will happen.
That's society's ink cartridge right there, not his
Argonians have waterbreathing and 50% disease resistance, plus their once a day their power gives them 10x faster health regen.
Also in Oblivion & morrowind they had 100% poison immunity with 75% disease resistance.
fat bitches. not even once.
The 2021 census didn't ask the same question as the 2011 census about national identity.


In 2011, 67% of people in the UK identified as English (first or second) and 57.7% as English only.

I would say that indicates the complete opposite of what you stated and that in fact most English people call themselves English.

There are a number of possible explanations for your original position.

A. You live in a bubble. I know that self-reported British identity is much higher in London than elsewhere in England.

B. People tend to lazily equate English and British even though it's inaccurate.

C. Shame from other people, evident in the comments here, the pernicious idea that somehow English people are intrinsically racist and have something to be ashamed of (they don't).
retvrn to trædition
britain in 2006

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that's a lie, we had 9/11 too if your not a LC
Corr, get it
boomers have had about a dozen so not sure what you mean

>fall of soviet union
>2008 crash
>january 6th
There is a very slow happening happening right now. Israel is going to pull western civilisation into a war with the entire Muslim Middle East
really fucked it at toil so i have
This post tells me you're young as fuck.
think we're just being tricked to remove kebab?
what happened
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any day now
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something so spellbinding about the twin towers, mental to even imagine they existed now

and the slowest happening imaginable, climate change, we'll feel the effects hard in our lives
called toilberg a nigger
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got caught shagging the cucumbers
>climate change bad eventhough britain will become warmer
missed something from one of the banks from months ago that was my responsibility so now everythings well late
my nan was telling me about the cuban missile crisis
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very stupid post
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rorke mate
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love this fart
rorkes bird
isn't israel just really a proxy for the west, we let them do their thing because it's what we want
Lake District is a very beautiful part of the world, especially the most remote areas.
The chogger 'fu
pretty cool structures tbf, no wonder terries wanted them down, one trade center is pretty soulless in comparison
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was she now
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is it appropriate to address the elephant in the room that those towers were hideous and the new york skyline looks better without them yet?
hasta la vista tarquin
she was yeah
Have to put myself onto the 'ble but cannot be possibly ceebed with it whatsoever
it'll fuck everything up and give us extreme weather previously unthought of and too extreme for our infrastructure to cope, that and large parts of africa will become uninhabitable so they'll swarm over in unthinkable numbers
scared was she
Need a bf to suck his cock and so he can rail the living daylight out of me
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they were pengers
yes that's what she said to me
Wish I had a life
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building in NYC
need it or keep it?
hi x
Only solution is if we all start literally blowing up megacorp and oil company pipelines
Alas, humans literally never do anything and we will suffer the consequences
started exercising again and my muscles hurt haha
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true, they look so odd in retrospect, its like they shouldnt even be there.

also full of Asbestos, was going to cost billions removing it, good thing lucky larry silverstein got that insurance and didn't have to pay for any asbestos removal
just got paid another 11 grand as I have every month for the last year
and yet....no mates??? indeed money does not buy happiness
I think most people would agree that they looked terrible because they really were just two really tall squares. Nothing fun or unique about them, just squares
for its 2019
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bet she was fit back then. oh how time erases beauty...
need a goth gf
2019 so kawaii
Lucky man
You sir, are a NONCE.
cool it with the antisemitic remarks
Thoughts on slugs?
let's be honest, he didn't really do anything wrong
my brethren
have to pay £300 a week for the foreseeable future all because i got a slapper pregnant when i was 19 and dumb
full english ingredients purchased
>full of Asbestos
does that mean people breathing in that dust got cancer?
got a pretty low opinion of myself. yes
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just spaffed this
Mao? Indeed.
saw a girl who looked just like this with a fat bald manlet boyfriend once
it should've been ME dammit
Your kid growing up without a dad? We'll see him in 18 years on britfeel yeah?
the power of shagging often falls into the wrong hands
no doubt your little runt will grow up groomed and turned into a country lines runt
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yeah, more people died from the aftereffects of the dust than the attack
Toil done, time to occasionally talk about SSM for the rest of the day
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people are still dying from it now
Very irresponsible of them to blow up their own tower really
He didn't do enough not wrong.
What does this have to do with British culture?

I crave it too
it's more addictive than opioids
Both my front tyres have gone flat in 24hrs. Is there something that could have caused this or has someone sabotaged my incelmobile?
drake has done a few collabs with british grime yutes
everything comes down to timing
your shit driving
Them looking like gigantic jenga blocks it was just too tempting to terrorists

you can see why they wanted to knock them down so much
>british grime yutes
What does this have to do with British culture?
seems youre just a victim of bad timing. ive read somewhere that everything comes down to timing, after all
tyrone's virile savannah splooge
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got the bum bum willy bum bum on
pacing it over the speedbumps probably
There are 27 year olds ITT right now that do not remember 9/11
literally, LITERALLY me
>UK chancellor Rachel Reeves is ready to water down her planned Budget raid on non-doms amid Treasury fears that some of the measures may fail to raise any money, according to people familiar with the matter.
literally me
i'm 29 and i don't remember it
I don't believe them
what's the real reason
jamal's safari spunk
i remember my mum watching the news and thinking it was some tv show
just easier to tax poor people more init
they'll kick up less of a fuss
This weekend im going to start making mead. Might start trying to grow mushies too
fuck off mousenonce you evil child rapist
If you don't remember Dick & Dom in da Bungalow, Raven, 50/50, Jungle Run, The Queen's Nose, Demon Headmaster, Yvonne of the Yukon, Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids, My Parents are Aliens, The Worst Witch...
You're either a zoomoid literal baby, or were born into a richfag household with access to cable and yank channels like Nickelodeon
>according to people familiar with the matter
i.e. non-doms who don't want to pay anything
new talk tuah podcast episode is hilarious
for me its that phone call from the guy in the top of the towers claiming he doesnt deserve to die and then screaming as the floors beneath collapse
haha yeah
how do you get into shagging situations as a billy no mates? I'm pretty good at shagging once I'm talking with a lass but can't really go down the pub or club without mates
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feel like SHIT
tropical tonic erupting from mbongo's jungle baton
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I’m povvo free school meal scum and I had Nickelodeon thoughbeit
he's in a better place now
probably reincarnated as some tiktok zoomer
going to update the cv to spite toilberg he'll be seething if he knew
Fucking hell, that's literally my entire childhood surmised
I don't remember the jiggaboo mooncricket yessir massasir on the right
ah yes carpal tunnel surgery, a stable of my primary school experience
on the thursday beers whilst dong an incel shop
I found out at lunchtime on the way home from school. Skived off and watched it on the news.
we had chipped cable boxes
It's a nothingburger
Israel chimped out in 2010s
Israel chimped out in 2000s
Israel chimped out in 1990s
Israel chimped out in 1980s
Israel chimped out in 1970s
Israel chimped out in 1960s
Israel chimped out in 1950s
Israel chimped out in 1940s
found out theres a gay sauna opposite the dumpling restaurant i like to eat at sometimes
What do the zoomoids ITT think when they see this shit?
name what a fitite
I don't believe in reincarnation
mental how there's some worms ITT that think this time something will happen despite nothing happening the last 50 times
the delulu grindset
why the hell does having the cold make your bogies all snottery
Define "Zoomer"
Billy no mates lol
Why is there an x-ray machine in the top right?
Iran gonna respond any day now...
speak properly
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recall going downstairs one morn and the NTL box wasn't working and I told mum and she pretended to not know why when in fact it was because she didn't have enough money to pay the bill

she tried her best, just wanted what was best for me but in the end I turned out a horrible wastrel
might take off my cardigan and put on my hoodie
I'm a zoomer (24) and I recognise all of it
you're not special, grandad
back: aching
willy: not wanking
so this is your 30s....
for me it was the cramp twins and bamzooki, and then sneakily being a runtsworth with big brother after rentbergs gone sleep
why should I do that for you. am I your slave? do I serve you?
wind just blew the window shut
cup of coffee in my worlds greatest dad mug, ain't got one of them have you?
*dunks a biscuit in your brew*
It's called a PROJECTOR, it's what you used to project sheets of paper with back before you could connect a computer up to one.
blast from the past

you've disgraced your mother btw
sorry I had beans on toast for brekkie
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think these bloody opioids are making my hair fall out
that's one reason to stop i suppose
Poor reading comprehension mate
Might start uni age 25
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everytime i look in the mirror i want smash the mirror and stab myself in the throat. why am i so useless and worthless
he's baiting, you autistic freak
It's not bait - you also lack reading comprehension.
im the joker baby
probably your pig yank genetics to blame
same lack of mettle that prevents you stabbing yourself
my fault, sorry mate
>Dumb millenials attached an overhead camera to a computer and used it to stream to a projector
lmao just scan it you had scanners
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is this “incel” in the room with us right now?
They should make soft play centers but for adults
Yeah I'm right here mate
last time i got angry and punched the mirror but had to go to the hospital. i just want to die because i hate myself
ever joke with a joker in the pale moonlight?
always wanted to fart in a woman's face
like to think of myself as the obi wan kenobi of south london
you clearly have misunderstood how those things work
There's one in my room
check for a pair of bollocks between your legs then would you?
sound like a massive fanny 2bh
pre empire kenobi or post empire, reclusive kenobi?
obese wank n jobby more like
iktf, two hopes mate
fuck all jobs about
poo goblin shoving poo up my arse
I love Israel
l'm the Jabba the Hutt of Surrey
I have a millennial cousin and he had a mental breakdown about people my age saying the n word alot
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just spaffed to the transformers thread on /cm/, lads.
i've actually hit a new low.
lot of negative energy directed towards white britons these that

it's a miracle we don't just kill ourselves and just let the globohomo take over
evolved to illegal wanks me
Jesus lad
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incel shopping mentioned
the prequels ain't real mate

i just been depressed my life is a joke and i have no hope of ever having a good life
yeah you're a bit of a wrongun
I look like this and shop like that
can this yank wetwipe stop whinging for a minute?
state of him
My dad worked with Anthony Joshua when he was younger

This was around a decade and a half ago when he was working as a cut man in amateur boxing events.

He told me one story where AJ got knocked out by a right and woke up 20 minutes later… gay. He actually woke up homosexual like tried to kiss the medical professionals and started going on about Beyoncé and how hung David beckham is.

My dad says he got put in an ambulance and he never seen him again.
mate the fact of the matter is, every penny of taxpayer money that isn't going to housing refugees is a penny wasted

these people have suffered unimaginable horrors in their home country and the least we can do is give them free housing, free electricity, free food, free clothing and a monthly stipend of free money. It's a bloody disgrace that we're not doing more so it is
how do US shirt sizes compare to ours
will a US medium by a large here?
prequels are great, its the sequels and avalanche of disney content that you need to watch out for
sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
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same, living on a mates sofa, lost my job, can't afford to live alone if I do get another job, nuke me
rorke bruh you weird as hell
frankly absurd number of melona
stupid bint shouldnt evening have had NTL in the first place. just take your kid to the library and rent books and films for free if you can't afford sky fucking retard
my dad worked as a cunt man and saw your mum a lot. we could be long lost brothers
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Crazy how they got away with this thinly veiled stereotyping
erm mate just because you have different beliefs doesn't make mine any less valid
might try on blackface
quite like the idea of getting wanked, housed, and paid
>prequels are great
is that rod steiger?
Lucas is a jew why would he make his people ugly?
thingken of the gf

playing the proverbial mind games with her

want her to text me
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bring them home

not thingken of the gf
keeping her out of the proverbial mind games
don't want her to text me
pilfering the bfs aerse
and based
Had a hostage roll for lunch
Genuinely upset at how shit my life keeps getting and at this point I think it's just bad luck and not my fault.
From big things like randomly getting ball cancer and having to have a testicle removed or being made redundant from every job I liked due to them closing, to little things like stepping in dog shit or dropping something and it landing in exactly the right position for it to break something.
God is playing cruel tricks on me.
Watto literally wears a kippah you cannot tell me he wasn't supposed to be jewish
much to consider...
no, it's from some norwegian film (can't remember what it's called)
found a cool shirt for £23 on etsy but delivery and service adds an extra £37 on top
absolute state of that
Thinking about the time SSM went to a job interview at co-op in swim shorts
lucas said he was arab
sacked tranny!
George just thought it was a funny space hate he's very simplistic
I got laid off because the company was closing the location i was working at and they wouldn't let me transfer now i am trying to find a job but no one will give me the time of day
reckon we're like twins in the arnold schwazzernigger movie
I keep getting good luck despite my circumstances and behaviour
get right with God then
vile man
What an alpha, you wouldn't dare would you you little worm
wish i cared about buying cool shirts
yank free trade agreement can't come soon enough
weird people, scandinavians
sorry mate
i'll do a little prayer for you
fucking HELL my ARSEHOLE has just gone all POOEY yet again
on the cans and the psytrance
oh yes its degenerate
so this is it.. the last /brit/..
I hope so
you one of them something happeners then? keep seeing posts like this and yet here we are, in /brit/
jeer we are then
am I really gonna drag myself out in this shit weather for a run instead of fucking it off and waddling over to the local for a pint instead?
odds - run
evens - pub
0 - first reply decides
pub innit
stephen king's a pedo . he gets away with it because he was on coke but isn't that also the ian watkins alibi
Eating curry sitting down

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