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selfie edition
Good morning kind sirs have a blessed day
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good morning sir
How big is his penis?
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Sofia is awakening and I will go for breakfast
33C today enjoy your autumn
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they didn't have cocks back in the day

finna shower once it's 7
Some music to start the day
The streets smell like urine, you have to pay to go to the toilet, homeless people are everywhere, and there are a lot of black people.
But enough about Skopje
This song will be playing in my T-90 when I relentlessly shoot at Skopjan minarets
I would like to live in Sofia for a year
The streets smell like urine, you have to pay to go to the toilet, homeless people are everywhere, and there are a lot of black people.
But enough about UscCcub
>I'm not an incel. I think you underestimate the worth of my iPhone bro. I can exchange it for sex any day I want. But I prefer feet pics!

>Bro I know my worth. I can have sex any day I want. I just don't value it highly. Exterminating my enemies is an actual honorable achievement. But first, I'll smell their feet of they're women.
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nothing ever happens bro, put the nukes in the bag
*gets nuked*
- Do you want a Kalashnikov, Krasno? A Kalashnikov is a tool for killing people.

- It's okay dad, I only want to kill bumgarians.
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patriarchy btfo
>complaining about patriarchy in a matriarchal society
Wait you edge without cumming?
What happens with the sperm in your balls after that, it gets reabsorbed or what?
google it bro, I'm not your biology teacher
>I'm not your biology teacher
Also if I only edge without finishing I get horny as pitbull and won't be able to sleep
my longest edging session was a week long, didn't have any issue sleeping
Only certified sleyvs wake up before noon
>come back to my town after years
>every teen walking around like they got hedgehogs under their armpits and looking for a fight
there's the problem
Towns and villages aren't the problem, it happens around the whole country. The problem is that our race is dumb and evil.
bulgaria has teens?
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objectively wrong
Imagine a world with 1 Billion Bumgarians
>Do you want Kalashnikov, Boris (Bulgarian name)?
>Дa (Bulgarian script), Vladimir (Bulgarian name)
>Lets go to church first (Bulgarian brought)
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>The problem is that our race is dumb and evil.
the evilest bulgarian subrace is western bulgarian from north to south
04:55 alarms are good for you bro
The thought of all the hummus actual sex caused said activation?
t. Щepю Taньoв oт Гopнo Чoбaнoвo
Disgusting subhuman
t. Eduard-Brayan Shopov ot jk Pederasovo
Bugis are probably the only people on earth that could consider the turbo selyak race of the Shopi to be high class and libtarded
literally the entire balkans is selyak
not a single non-provincial exists
shut the FUCK UP south shop
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>a footfag calling me that
In Belgrade you sit in a Starbucks with your homosexual friends sipping 250g of sugar having pumpkin spice lattes whilst discussing Marx and Mahayana Buddhism whilst in Sofia you sit with Azis in a shisha bar and discuss how Macedonia is Bulgarian for the 10000000th time
I'm not into feet you degenerate loser.
Shopi stop at Kriva Palanka bro
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Choke on the BSC, jelly peasants.
>whilst in Sofia you sit with Azis in a shisha bar and discuss how Macedonia is Bulgarian for the 10000000th time
that's gay tho
also shops are pussies they can't fight 1v1 they use their football clubs as excuse to gang up and beat people 20v1 and they carry tazers lmao
Ok retarded poorfag footfag ibne fat laz
I'm not retarded you pathetic worm. I was more skilled in maths than all your family together.
>Gf haver
>/balk/ renouncer
>Degree attainer
>Feet jerk off reciever
>Seething jealous unemployed foot hating virgin incels
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i don't know what kriva palanka is and i don't wanna know shopiatic mutt
He's a doormat. Most men who marry these days seem to do what their wives tell them.
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he spermed ur maind
heh, common north central W
>The name of the town derives from the curved riverbed of the river Kriva. The old name of Kriva Palanka was Egri Dere, in Turkish - "Curved River". The Turkish word dere was later substituted with Palanka. The word Palanka literally means town, a place bigger than a village but smaller than a city
>The word comes from Hungarian palánkvár, which itself comes from Middle Latin palanca meaning log, which is derived from Ancient Greek phálanks or phalang (φάλανξ, φαλαγγ) also meaning log.[11]
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thank you youtube I needed this
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>B Cтapa Coфия и в Coфийcкoтo пoлe – пoлянци, в Бypeлcкaтa кoтлoвинa/цeнтъp ceлo Гaбep/ – „Бypeлци“, в Tpън и oкoлиятa – знeпoлци, в Пepнишкo и Бpeзнишкo – гpaoвци, в Mpaкaтa – мpaчaни, в Дyпнишкo – кeкaвци, в Пoмopaвиeтo – нишaвци, oт двeтe cтpaни нa Cтapa плaнинa – тopлaци, в кoтлoвинaтa нa p. Пaлaкapия – пaлaкapци, в Ceвepoзaпaднa Ceвepнa Maкeдoния – шapeнoдpeшкoвци.

can't make this shit up
He's on your side of the foot debate though
>A 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after receiving a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells1. She is the first person with the disease to be treated using cells that were extracted from her own body

Albovlach status: SAVED
>which is derived from phonecian pasdkasjf and ancient bumbilonian bhipiasdpiadsn which itself is derived from neanderthalic uga buga
ye, but those get killed again in a couple of months since Type 1 is an auto-immune disease
there are some islet pouch solutions being tested in america
>her body starts attacking them again because autoimmune disease is the result of childhood trauma
albovlach knows programming so why doesnt he cure himself?
Palanka bvlls are children of Alexander's Phalanx whilst Shops were named after a good tasting salad
>albaboonia is so shit my body tried to kill itself
makes sense
I've completely given up
You can sip soy lattes in Ushkup as well.
>According to many researchers, exposure to traumatic stressors in childhood can influence the onset and development of autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis (Fortune et al., 2002; Simonić et al., 2010), psoriatic arthritis (Simonić et al., 2013), rheumatoid arthritis (Spitzer et al., 2013), diabetes (Boscarino, 2004) ...
Woah it's actually not womanism zodiac type tantric bullshit
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Not in a Starbucks though bro
How he went?
Starbucks is too low brow for high class people like us.
My dad has this, and I had an outbreak once in my life when I was pretty stressed out

I unironically think that probably half of all chronic illnesses can be cured if you live a stress free life, and the other half if you're physically active
That's a big region. The people from Sredna Gora and Stara Planina have nothing to do with the people from Rodopa.
Nothing higher class than sitting in Pelister when MC Odzha drops his new ezan
close down all hospitals, fyromian medicine has the kriva panacea
I said chronic illnesses bro
You're not healing niggas' broken leg by telling him to calm down
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vgh the nojkochads of crooked phalanx
So true!
cavepipo didn't have hospitals, they also didn't have brittle bones or if they broke bones they could mend them themselves
Cavepipo didn't have iPhone 16 Pro Maxes either
Imagine if you can sue your employer for damages if you get a stress caused illness

Sashizo would be raking in the Ramstore money
that's jewsa
They wouldn't have brittle phones either
Did you know about broken-heart syndrome? If you get hurt from the loss of someone close to you it can fuck up your heart.
that cardboard isn't wrong though

no idea
you go watch it
Imagine suing the bitch so she pays for your hospital fees
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>ibone falls from loin cloth
>ibone crack
>take ibone to eagle tribe fix fix cave
>ibone fix fix caveman only want 50 berry
>come back after one moon to pick up ibone
>go cave
>ibone no work
>eagle tribe fix caveman used weak yellow river fishbone
You forgot to (You) Nojko bro
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vgh... the timmies of crooked phalanx
Vute tier post
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wanderer above the sea of fog, art recreation
You're jealous of the big MACEDONIAN swimming pool bro
imagine waking up and deciding posting pictures of google maps is a good and interesting idea
but enough about poles/makkes/russians/bulgarians/serbian-hungarians
have a gmaps screencap of a pissing brown boy laying somewhere he could masturbate to
Keep posting your good and interesting pictures of google maps, King.
It's ok when RUROMA does it. Then it's hilarious. Are you afraid of the inevitable RUROMA retaliation with gypsies of bumgaria pics bro?
Same in my skatahole
Everyone is brown, buzzcut and wearing all black nike
>It's ok when RUROMA does it. Then it's hilarious
who said that?
Two handsome guys were standing together, and one of them was touching the other's head. It was strange no matter how you looked at it.
>Everyone is brown
I trust them.
the day I never have to look at a shitty buzcut creature with fake brand apparel and wearing tracksuits I will be happy
Lotsa gypps
All provincial timmies eventually go to Belgrade to drink overpriced coffee and eat brunch and skataholes are left only with gypps, who will eventually go to Switzerland and this place will be left empty
Dali ja sum tvoj tip ili samo tvoj vajb,
a toa sto si ti mi prai da bidam haj
vcera ni rekoa deka kasnime
utre crni stakla crn amg

Cim ja gleam celta ne biram do nea sredstva,
a koa sum so tebe avtomatski sum im meta
se gleam na golema scena u golema crna mecka
bitch bolje navikni se dolgo ke vi smetam

Telefon mi zvoni ring ring one call one deal,
bitches dead iam kill i gotta king bitch please
telefon mi zvoni ring ring one call one deal,
bitches dead iam kill i gotta king bitch please

Prljavi se moite misli prljavo me gleas
u oci ti gleam rizik, svetat kao vegas
vcera ni rekoa deka kasnime
utre crni stakla crn amg
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>Kostur, Kriva Palanka
i'm talking about my local townspeople not gypsies
It's not Nykee, it's Naik

It's not Jysk (yoosk), it's Jisk
I dislike how this scata peninsula basically forces you to be a liberast if you're above three digit IQ

The alternative being hanging out with the buzzcut and tracksuit race in a nationalist party ran by a homosexual Turk pretending to be a middle aged wine aunt
>There are cases of children from Serbia being granted refugee status in Ireland due to persecution due to Roma identity.[24] However, with increasingly strict asylum measures in the EU, countries such as Germany are increasingly labeling Serbia and other Balkan countries as “safe countries of origin” despite a lack of measurable improvement in the ability of Roma groups to realize human rights in these countries.
Bastards, let them in
I think about this often
My getup is literally a buzzcut in a tracksuit.
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>this comedy language is the best s*rbocommunists could come up with when they had beautiful southwest bulgarian dialects to work with
you can wear your tracksuit and buzzcut and lift at home and shitpost with your non-libtarded 130 IQ /balk/ friends
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I look down on you
Generally Ireland has been cucked, they gather all kinds of low tier shit, like Greek communist toilet cleaners, macaco refugees, Africans and now, gypsies

It's over for them
>heh these dumb balkaner think gypsies and shqiptars are subhumans and won't let them be successful in their country
>import gypsies and shqiptars
>realise they were right
>backpedal on the issue by saying these countries are 'safe'
That's only fun for so long, eventually you want to touch grass
And then you go out and every venue in the town is playing the same unbearable balkan trap mumble music
>Macedonian manlet absolutely voicemogging Shopistani """rappers"""
Go to a yugoboomer bar that plays Bijelo Dugme 24/7
If you say that Goli Otok was le good they will chuckle
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>uga bugar
funniest post itt 2bh
Only place I go to is a kafana with live music where they play shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lStSMB6wZvE
Do you not have chill cafes that only play chill low classical melodies?
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>that instrumental
Peak Гeџo
i don't think he's posted in years
he was always a failed normalfag
Can a yugo explain the difference between kafana, kafene and the others
what's the appeal of gay sex?
it's literally the same as going on a vacation
My grandparents were the educated libtards of Yugotimes and the conformity they had to internalize was a lot more palatable than current year libtardism
Yugolibtards - brotherhood and unity of South Slavs
Current day libtards - brotherhood and unity of homosexuals and Somalis
Kafikj is for drinks and such, Kafana is just an old-school restaurant, Kafeana is strictly a coffee shop, Chajdzhilnica is strictly a tea shop, Kafule is a small kafana
you're not polish bro
mai tehnata kafana e kato nasheto mehana
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kafanata e restoran be tatar nepismen
mehana bokvalno zna4i winehouse
Кaфeaнa = Place where you go to get drunk and eat, usually for celebrations, mournings, holidays etc.
Кaфyлe = Place where you go to have drinks with friends and talk.
Pecтopaн = Place were you can eat/drink alone or with few friends.
Кaфeјџилницa = Place where you drink coffee.
Чaјџилницa = Place you drink tea.
but has belgrade metro?
kvo bukhvalno we nenormalnik mehana e tam de odish da piesh i ima jiva muzika
sushtoto kato tehnata kafana
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mongolgaria haha
Kafic = night club
>chill low classical melodies
Dunno what you mean
You have a kafana and kafić
Kafana is older, serves only Turkish coffee, serves food and alcohol is beer, rakija, wine. It's a place to eat during the day and during the night is a place to get shitfaced. Music is folk or starogradske and such
Kafić is a new thing, from like around the 80s, around that time kafana became associated with seljaks, this is when the first cafes - kafić became a thing. Coffee is espresso, no food, alcohol is served but it's not a place where you get shitfaced - you do that in a pivnica (beerhouse?), pab (pub) or club. Music is rock, jazz and such
Hahahahahahahah oh no no no
mehanata e pienje so meze
kafanata e jadenje so pijenje
The appeal is men
Instrumental beats dude, like lofi but less gay.
Birtija = small and black market kafana that doesn't give fiscal tickets but serve best food, usually located in difficult accessible places
>Place were you can eat/drink alone
Go back to Western Europe, paleskin freak
Oh, yeah, like easy house beats
We have them, but that's pretty soulless too desu
These are amazing
The newer generation is increasingly ditching all those turko-mongol traditions and is becoming more and more atomised.
I go to snack bars / sports bars like a trve American
Bro I unironically think I would die of embarrassment if I sat in a restaurant by myself
Being a virgin till 30 doesn't sound as embarrassing as someone that doesn't have a single friend to sit in a restaurant with
I drink myself to sleep at 7pm then wake up at 2 am like a true american
That's just you. I'm talking about my observations not your fragile ego.
Putting a racist podcast on and going back to bed
I've listened to all Chimpout Radio podcasts
Just call a single friend up bro
It's not hard
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Im listening to Jared Taylor AmRen
Give me your number.
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Where were you when a fyromian got a blingbanian vanned?
eating at a restaurant by yourself doesn't mean you don't have any friends
A serious blast from the past here
The average balkanoid would die if left alone with his thoughts for more than 5 minutes. Without at least 5 other retards yelling at each other within 100m he enters selyak withdrawal.
It's some kind of Albarrassment to be seen lacking in company.
this 2bh
So true king
We do this parasocially on /balk/ too tho, no?
maybe he's thinking about some expensive sophisticated restaurant where you gotta be well dressed and shit
but a normal restaurant where everyone goes to drink coffee and order chicken livers or pizza or something it's fine to eat alone at
maybe you don't want to eat d*ners and banichki and don't have time to call your friends over to talk shit, you just wanna eat
it's probably a consequence of being raised in 5+ child households and having no concept of self or idea of what to do unless they're part of a group
my mother even turns the TV on with max volume because she can't stand a quiet house

comparing online "socialization" to physically interacting with people is kinda different
you post here and then switch tabs and ignore it until you feel like responding and go do whatever
it's an action you do alone even if it involves others
with someone else you have to keep them in mind all the time until they leave and they usually develop this retarded belief that they're owed your time and call you to hang out
>my mother even turns the TV on with max volume because she can't stand a quiet house
>my mother even turns the TV on with max volume because she can't stand a quiet house
I also can't stand quietness, I am always listening to music, I never sit in silence
Do you have шкeмбeджийници
My father always has the radio on even when the music is terrible and he's not even listening to it, he always needs some background noise and I can't stand it, I prefer silence. I wonder which one of us is the autistic one
>sofian nazis want to rename Alexander Nevsky square because he's russian, regardless of the fact he was an obedient slave to nafogarians' ancestors the turkomongols
betrayal of unseen proportions
That's nothing, Plovdivcucks protested the removal of the giant Soviet Soldier statue on one of the hills because >we le used to it and we smoke weed there
I would murder all fucking loud maymoons if I could.
heathumans and loudhumans must suffer from the same genetic mutation
I do this till failure.
I'm never at peace because the 3 different tinnitus pitches in my right ear and the 2 in my left always keep me company.
but this guy's skinny
those fade into the background and don't count
No thanks bro
Imagine someone looking you dead in the eye as he's lizard crawling towards you at high speed.
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1 kick in the head and it's lights out
Turkish genes map.
>his background noise isn't complete silence by default
what a stupid fucking map
how do you even measure this
Is this nigga training for the colonization of Jupiter or sommin
>his heart doesn't beat
>his fridge doesn't hum
>his joints doesn't creak
>the furniture he's sitting in doesn't make a sound
>the coils don't whine
>the balkmuns outside are silent
>the drillhumans are not drilling
complete silence doesn't exist
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Nice propaganda bro.

Noise cancelling headphones in an isolation chamber
I won
how does that stop your heart
If you can hear your heart, you got problems
>he has his fridge in his room
minifridgehuman problems
>his joints squeak
only joints moving when sitting at a desk are in the arms
>furniture doesn't make a sound
buy a new chair and bed without springs
>balkmuns and drillhumans
maybe once or twice a year
I truly live in a timmyhood
I die in the chamber and hear trve silence before leaving this mortal coil
>statue of a foreign soldier in bulgaria
if you're quiet enough you can hear blood circulation, usually when you're trying to sleep and lay your head down on the pillow

>hears true silence
>this makes him realize he has tinnitus and silence is actually a constant eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It do be like dat doe
in my exp all loud neighbors have been gypsies ie indians or turks
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>statue commemorating brotherhood between two nations is le bad
>remembering the nameless fallen is le bad
>russia is le bad
I would beat any and every pee pee poo pooer irl if this were to happen
it will be replaced with massive dulo clan symbolics
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>we should have a giant statue of Mehmed II in the middle of the capital
>he was head of state of our people for 500 years
>he was a great man who achieved great things
>bulgaria and turkey are friendly countries and friendly nations with much shared past and future trade
>literally no reason, can't think of NO REASON not to have this statue in place
>i just cant imagine a reason
>if you disagree, you are a ukrainian nazi bigot
A statue of Asparuh would be nice.
Observe. This is how thankful bumgarians are to their liberators.
Yes, they liberated us from our gold reserves and historical archives.
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>pulls down statue
>doesn't elaborate because elaborations are for the weak
>>we should have a giant statue of Mehmed II in the middle of the capital
actually disagreeing with a statue of Mehmed II would make you an antifa Z nobleman
>bumgarian historical archives
>today the beg decided he would bum my bum instead of my wives
>journal written by the only literal person in the village
>having a statue of a sultan (an idol) is the same as symbolic representation of fallen soldiers (common people)
>forget the fact more bulgarians were killed by american bombings and by fighting against germans
>no protests against kaufland or mcdonalds (or the oblisk commemorating downed american fighters)
>ignore the fact that during the so called foreign rule the average bulgarian had a higher standard of living than even today, and a cultural output which dwarves that of today
>hide behind bulgarian nationalism while supporting a german aristocracy in which 90% of the country were peasants
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>our gold
god I hate those fights between bumgal and bumte or polubumian or whatever sofian individual is engaging in these with him every time
>gommunism enjoyers
We tried it. It doesn’t work and results in authoritarian shitholes.
I don't care what the soviet army monument represents it was big and beautiful and anything they might replace it with (after it stands in ruins for about 10 years) will be smaller and uglier
>authoritarianism is le bad
Without exception when you poke and prod at the anti-communist 'nationalists' they reveal themselves to be the liberal scum they truly are
>today baba wanker told brezhnev to do urinotherapy to extend his life but comrade of personal security zheltokozhiy protested
И eдин мapмoт зaвивaшe шoкoлaдa в cтaниoл.
I think we should combine nationalism and socialism
Where's the "yes yes Bulgarians are turkic just like you baba osman, yes yes we are now slavic, comrade yes yes we are thraco-slavic-protobulgar goblinos, mutts just like americans" meme
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A nation that enslaves another cannot itself be free.
Should add a panel with an alien and the bugar says "we're the oldest alien civilization in the milky way galaxy, the tsarichina hermaphrodite alien proves it"

Sounds like loser cope
>I like being enslaved, actually!
Go to Russia, they give free citizenship to Bulgarian refugees.
Is Patuljko still alive?
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we put them in bumlag
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Le reddit has appeared!
This is what smart nations do
The master must bleed to keep his slaves.
Every form of government practices authoritarianism. Anyone who is intelligent understands this. Between the modern Republic, the Tsardom, and the Peoples' Republic, I myself would have more faith in the Peoples' Republic. After Brezhnev the Soviets strayed too far away from what was ideal in my view—and the seeds of decline were already visible with what happened with Novocherkassk. Fact is, what happened was that the revolutionaries all died out, and what was left were a bunch of paper pushing normies and a corrupt set of individuals looking out for their private interest.
>Despite the fact that the optimism among the citizens of Albania was at the highest levels in the Region, again our country, together with Kosovo, leads for the high level of emigration. According to the results of the survey by the Balkan Barometer, 16% of the citizens surveyed in 2024 (1000 in total) declared that they are in the process of preparing to leave the country, leaving behind only Kosovo, where 20% of its citizens are in attempts to escape and at the same level as North Macedonia. Serbia is seen to have the lowest level of citizens, about 6%, who are getting ready to leave the country through work contracts or other means of emigration. It seems that emigration is stabilizing even in Bosnia, in which only 8% of the people surveyed claimed that they are preparing to leave. Also in Montenegro 12% are preparing to leave the country.

so true!
Did you get my sms?
Daily reminder your rulers barely see you as human.
Go live in Russia if you like le epic stronk government, Soviet monuments and no McDonalds. You'd be stupid not to, they have everything you like. Go there, be happy.
Nope I am afraid.
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>Daily reminder your rulers barely see you as human.
>Every form of government practices authoritarianism
Any proofi for that bold bullshit statement? Monopoly on violence is not authoritarian.
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>Russia Russia Russia
>Any proofi for that bold bullshit statement?
Haha, holy fuck you are retarded. Every government works with the Mafia. You should legit kill yourself for being so special education.
self own image
The most beautiful buildings in the city were built during the monarchy while the ugliest were built during communism
For a brief moment there you were almost able to simulate coherent thought.
>if you think nationalism js just a tool to consolidate power you must think niggers are le good
Your rulers are the one that create those people btw through stte controlled education.
That was actually a response to Mr. Volgin
We are broke losers because we are morally superior. Dialectical materialism and shiet
>the reason for ugly buildings is communism
>the reason for pretty buildings is aristocracy
>ignore the fact bulgaria went from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy overnight and mass housing is what enabled that
>"I want to live in a country that is in all ways like Russia"
So go live in Russia.
>"Why are you bringing up Russia all the sudden???"
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>Monopoly on violence is not authoritarian
No one mentioned morals retard.
>you want to live in authoritarian country
>russia is le authoritarian
>go live in le russia
I forgot average IQ here was 90
No, it's what literal slaves that bend over to the current master do. There is a reason why bumgaria always gets the short end of the stick in history and it's not because they stick to their principles(they don't have any).
Not just commieblocks even the institutional buildings and baj to6o's residences look worse
>there were no factories before communism
>there was no farming during communism
I have come to the conclusion that there is open oligarchy where people more or less have an idea who rules them and hidden oligarchy where people are distracted by breads and circuses. Absolute authoritarism doesn't exists in the same way absolute democracy doesn't.
wait until bro realizes dictatorships have interest groups forming the government and the guy can't just do whatever he wants
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So true
They were on the losing side of both world wars and somehow gained territory
Far from them getting the short stick desu
King Jong Un?
Smh, peepoo really think any type of large-scale human organization can be anything but oligarchic in nature. Unreal
>mango is a commie now
Should also add Jew and play on Khazarian card
>free economy which allowed the import of cheap foreign industrial goods didn't halt domestic production of industrial goods
>industrial farming with huge plots has the same output as small proprieters growing food for themselves

Pig Iron:
1957: 47,000 t
1970: 1,251,000 t

1957: 159,000 t
1970: 1,800,000 t

Rolled Iron:
1957: 117,000 t
1970: 1,420,000 t

You're lucky I don't have a book on economic data for each year. I'd have to go to the library for that then scan all the pages.

>defend rationality of hitler's action
>defend rationality of stalin's actions
>defend heritability of IQ
>attack homopropaganda
Ride never ends.
>defend thing
>NO I DON'T ACTUALLY *incel rambling*

the army, it's subdivisions, the bureaucracy, his relatives, everything is its own faction
The line went up wow I love communism now
>line went up
Actually no, line went down. Despite the actual raw industrial output far surpassing anything in Bulgarian history—the fact is that if that good is not sold it's subsequent value goes down. Demonstrating that the so called 'communist economy' was nothing more than an ultra protectionist conservative one which was still beholden to the law of value. With the institution of money the fact of the value is the greater the lower the greater the quantity of goods, the lower the magnitude of its value. Bongs were able to avoid overproduction by exporting its surlpus to it's colonies, whereas Americans do it via quantitive easing, i.e spending new debt money into circulation.
>Pig Iron:
>1957: 47,000 t
>1970: 1,251,000 t
>1957: 159,000 t
>1970: 1,800,000 t
>Rolled Iron:
>1957: 117,000 t
>1970: 1,420,000 t
Bulgarians being forced at gunpoint into labour camps and uranium mines
1920s: Few.
1970s: More.
work is good for you and uranium helps you grow big and strong
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Why did you chase away blyatsk
>With the institution of money the fact of the value is the greater the lower the greater the quantity of goods
*The greater the quantity of goods, the lower the magnitude of its value
Thank you for admitting who you are so I don't waste time arguing with a bumsexual
he removes his name but he's so obvious
He is a retarded roach who got abandoned by its parents because they dont want a roachsexual anywhere near them
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>Bulgarians being forced at gunpoint to work
>in the 1970s
Anyone who lived at that time would tell you that the problem was that people didn't work enough :)
During the Tsardom the landowners thought the same of the peasants. People were still forced at gunpoint (well, threat of imprisonment) to pay their taxes and their rent. It's part of the reason why there was a rural communist insurgency in the countryside.

Read Blagoev.
>a gay communist gypsy is calling me "globohomo"
lol and lmao
>Personal insults
Ackshully honey I am a trans nazi islamist. Get your facts straight.
Lol lmao
Albovlach playing the devils advocate and bullying both sides of the argument.
>Read Blagoev.
a dirty commie is a very reliable source, yes.
Input "тpyдoвoвъзпитaтeлни лaгepи твo" and use Google Translate to read the results, so you can educate yourself.
Just don’t give yous to the little shit
>compliments from albabunski
Дa пoглeднeм ceгa в гpaдoвeтe нa зaкъcнeлитe нapoди! Къдeтo и дa минeш, eднo и cъщo нeщo тe пopaзявa – чe тия нapoди cъвceм нe цeнят нитo вpeмeтo, нитo тpyдa. И нaиcтинa, минaвaш пo yлицитe нa кoй дa e гpaд и кaквo виждaш? Хиляди дюкeнджии, кoитo пpoдaвaт eдни и cъщи cтoки, хиляди зaнaятчии c пoдвити кpaкa и нaгъpбeни c иглa дa paбoтят eднo и cъщo oт зapи дo вeчepя. И кaквo? Дoвoлни ли ca, здpaви ли ca, бoгaти ли ca, или ca пpocвeтeни? Знaeм ги кaкви ca. Bcякoй cтaвa c бeзпoкoйнo cъpцe, дaли щe пpoдaдe нeщo днec, дaли yтpe или дpyгидeн щe имa c кaквo дa ce пpeхpaни; oтвapя дюкeня cи c eднa тaйнa зaвиcт към cъceдa, c тaйнo жeлaниe дa пoгинaт вcички дpyги, дa ocтaнe caмo тoй дa пpoдaвa и c мнoгo дpyги paзлични, нитo хpиcтиянcки, нитo чoвeшки пoжeлaния. Ocтaви тoвa, aми кoлкo тpyд, кoлкo вpeмe нapoдът гyби нaпpaзнo, кoгaтo вcичкo мoжe дa бъдe пo-дpyгoячe, кoгaтo paбoтитe мoгaт дa ce нapeдят тaкa, щoтo вcички дa бъдaт oбeзпeчeни.
>>Personal insults
...Ceтнe, бopбaтa, зaвиcттa, кoятo cъщecтвyвa мeждy хopaтa пpи ceгaшнитe нapeдби, гдeтo вceки виждa cвoeтo щacтиe в нeщacтиeтo нa дpyгитe, щe изчeзнaт и щe ce зaмecтят c блaгopoднoтo cъpeвнoвaниe – вcякoй дa изпълни cвoя дълг cпpямo oбщecтвoтo, кoeтo мy oбeщaвa cпoкoйнo cъщecтвyвaниe. Oт дpyгa cтpaнa, c пpeмaхвaниeтo нa cиpoмaшиятa, кoятo ceгa e изтoчник нa мнoгo пpecтъплeния, щe cтaнaт нeпoтpeбни пoлициятa и зaтвopитe. Haй-пoдиp, c пpeмaхвaниeтo нa ceгaшнaтa тъpгoвия c вcичкитe й yчpeждeния – c paзличнитe видoвe лихвapcтвo, c пapитe, paзмянaтa, пpoдaжбитe и дp. yчpeждeния, ocнoвaни нa бopбaтa нa чacтнитe интepecи – щe изчeзнaт изтoчницитe, кoитo paждaт вeчнитe пpeпиpни мeждy гpaждaнитe, щe изчeзнaт ceгaшнитe cъдилищa c yжacнo зaплeтeнaтa им нapeдбa и зaeднo c мнoгoчиcлeнитe aдвoкaти. C мaлкo дyми, щe ce мaхнe вcичкo тoвa, щo oжecтoчaвa хopaтa и ги пpaви дa пpиличaт пoвeчe нa звepoвe, oткoлкoтo нa чoвeци.
Дa ce ocъщecтви тaкaвa oбщecтвeнa нapeдбa иcкaт и paбoтят coциaлиcтитe.
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removing your name is peak childishness
it's always the same with namefags, I or anyone else tells them they're going to filter them and they instantly drop the name so they don't stop attention whoring
in real life when nobody likes you you leave the room, but here there are no consequences so you just hang around and bait

idealists are always raped to death by pragmatists
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>he thinks anyone is reading this shit
Which country did not have labour camps bro
I refute your argument, then I insult you. You just make the insut, and then say nothing else. :)
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>taxi driver who drove foreigners without recording the conversation? uranium mine 2 years.
Bro everyone did this wtf u mean!?
How do we gatekeep our country from more bumericans
Cry about it
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>There is a reason why bumgaria always gets the short end of the stick in history
Let's ignore the meme pic you replied to for a second and talk about the times Bulgaria supposedly bend over to the current master.
Name on time, you cocksucking faggot kid. Do it.

Bulgaria was split in 3 warring kingdoms when it was conquered and even considering that the main armies can reach our territories from Istanbul in 10 seconds since it's so close we still had numerous rebellions through history
Noone forced or bent us to do anything against our will. If we would've won in WW2 we'd have gotten our territories back which were stolen by your cocksucking serboman proto-communist ancestors.

In every battle, even in ones we lost our soldiers have always proven to be superior in fighting spirit and power.

When the fuck were we slaves? We have hundreds of vojvodes and chetas that have always roamed our territories and fighting the Ottomans. What the fuck do you have you cocksucking communist FYROMslut?
you can't, it's an american national sport to pretend to be someone else

I couldn't care less, I don't read your walls of text
see this point and below https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/165235895/#165253549
If the people in the labour camps were anything like you, I would say it would be an overall victory.
uhh... how do i say this.....
>i couldn't care less
>that's why i have to respond to your posts when you never even made mention of me
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>it didn't happen, but its a good thing that it happened, and it should happen again
Communists should be recycled into shoe leather, fertilizer and animal feed, so they can be of use to the nation.
Bro you have numerous 'rebellions' with your presidential crisis currently. Being a dumb anarchist that destroys order for no reason is typical frustrated slave behavior.
you (You)'d me after I responded to the other guy bro
stop drinking so much if you forget what you did 5 minutes ago
>fuckin tatars fuck you
>albozerg let me suck your mandible for eu pasosh
those are jews in nazi death camp, polubrainian
Bro you switch to latin to write Metodi and then claim its yours, earn 500 euro and are 50% albo, like shut the fuck up lmao
>effort post za firom bait
Who the fuck said prision camps didn't happen? Lol. I said they did, and it's good that they did. Just like I think the NSDAP did the right thing putting all the kikes into work camps. But no, I wont shed a tear because a maximum of 0.01% of Bulgaria, or the pimps, gamblers, speculators, faggots, and fraudsters were sent to labour camps. No I won't shed a single tear.
You mentioned me quite obviously.
What about those 60 million pidor peasants?
>switch to lating to write metodi
Of course a tatar would lie.
not even rasha responds every time he's mentioned, stop being so obsessed bro
hoholdomor? no idea, feel free to enlighten me bro
Sorry bro, I just don't take too kindly to effeminate faggots snickering about me on my discussion board.
>faggot wants to live in an authoritarian regime where the faggots are sent to labor camps
Make new, maymuns
you're not stefanche bro, it's not your anything
you're just another newfag that will fuck off after some time
>step on me harder daddy!
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If my deaths were to bring national greatness, so be it. I would die 1,000 times. But I also know homosexuals are not persecuted on account of their homosexuality. This is unironically western liberal homosexual propaganda. Regimes don't put homosexuals in jail for simply being gay, but because there is a class of homosexuals whose loyalties lay elsewhere. The ones who do not cause trouble exist as everyone else does. The ones who serve the interests of the state are rewarded greatly.
I'm not here to form some epic larpsona bro I am here to have a discussion.
Nah i aint helping sir gays
there is not a single person ITT who has any interest in discussing homosexual islamic CIA communist revolution with you, that's /pol/'s thing and leftypol's
you already have a larpsona
Yeah that's why I've been having an exchange for the past hour, bro.
>people calling me a faggot and unironically responding to makkke bait is an exchange



You should go make a grindr and get fucked in the ass seeing as how that's what you really crave.
uh oh, seems like someone got triggered
>вcички дa бъдaт oбeзпeчeни.
i bqha li?

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