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Official gay club ID-pass)

I still don't understand what the blue paper is for.

- Education in Europe is not comparable in quality to Russian education, this is recognized by all those who managed to study in both places. The methodology of teaching in Russian universities is a unique thing and was formed almost independently of Western “schools”.

- The world rankings of European universities are artificially inflated by European private organizations (which are also official) to lure students from poorer African, South American and Arab countries into the European economy. European education is more of a brand than an education.

- The highest level of crime in Western Europe, there are real separate ghettos like in the USA where armed gangs rule. There is no such thing in Russia and never will be.

- In some Western European countries, walking the streets during daylight hours carries the risk of losing personal belongings or, in the worst case, getting stabbed in the ribs.This looks shocking to me. In Germany, drug addicts snort drugs right on a bench near the playground. And for them, this is normal.

- Severe economic inequality. Although this is a global problem of capitalist countries, only China has managed to cope with it by becoming the country with the largest middle class in the world by N-thousand people.
- The absence of democracy, the standard of which the EU positions itself as. Censorship and detention of opposition, paid by interested parties and banned media, bloody dispersal of demonstrations - this is the new hypocritical reality of the EU.

- Incompetent degenerates in power who not only delight with their moronic behavior, but disappoint by passing destructive laws for EU citizens. Politicians change often, so they have no experience and no understanding of where they are and what they have to work with - hence the calls for preemptive strikes against Russia (to get a nuclear response) and other childish shit.

- Total LGBT propaganda that affects all spheres of activity everywhere, which means there is a lack of rationality in society. I am not homophobic, but, for example, gender dysphoria is a mental diagnosis of a man that will not make him a reproductive woman, you can write a hundred books claiming otherwise - it will not change the reality. Gender dysphoria requires understanding and support from the family, but to demand the same from society, making yourself the axis of social processes, is the height of selfishness.

- Lack of resources for sustenance. Europe is a locust wasteland that imports resources for its economy from other countries (irony: mostly Russia), which is why it is so important for them to remain colonial powers in Africa and keep their governments there (Russia is currently fixing this problem for the African people), the stability in these regions and the mood of Russia directly affects consumer prices in the EU.

- Lies about corruption. Many European countries claim that the EU is synonymous with low corruption, but this is also a falsification, firstly, there are such poor super-corrupt countries as Greece, which cannot help but influence other EU members, and secondly, from my experience I can say that in Germany you can buy absolutely everything, down to weapon parts for self-assembly.
- Crappy electrical outlets that are annoying to find the jumper cables. (Joking)
how do I move to russia
jan kowalski from warszawa, mazovia oblast here, I agree with this post thoroughly. life here got very bad when we joined EU. under russia we had hospitals, schools, factories, now we only have LGBT parades and trannys. my sister froze to death last winter because EU dictators refused brotherly help from russia. we need to do something about illegitimate neonazi regime in brussels
If you are retarded enough to believe any of this you deserve being inevitably press ganged into 2 day TZD operation
John Smith from Hackney, London here and I agree with this message.
I have to admit, I was wrong about Russia, but reading your post open my eyes, and i can clearly see decay of the collective west.
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if i come to russia, will i be arrested on the charges of espionage
Helmut Müller from Hamburg Oblast and I agree with this thread
I have the Romanian and the Hungarian pass. There's not much difference between the two, except I'm not allowed to go to the USA with my Hungarian one. Ask prez Bidet about it. But they ain't worse than the German overall, better than the Serbian one which also has access to Schengen. But just lol at the Russian pass.
We got schuko here, like Russia and Germany.
Russia is the greatest country on earth
>Education in Europe is not comparable in quality to Russian education
>The world rankings of European universities are artificially inflated by European private organizations
almost definitely
>there are real separate ghettos like in the USA where armed gangs rule
Outright lie from far right agitprop
>walking the streets during daylight hours carries the risk of losing personal belongings
maybe, but only in the ass of the ghetto
>Severe economic inequality
Outright lie, it doesn't get nowhere as bad as it could elsewhere bcause even the gutter trash of society benefit from a nice welfare safety net
>The absence of democracy
>Incompetent degenerates in power
>Total LGBT propaganda
In western europe yeah
>Lack of resources for sustenance
True in any advanced economy
>in Germany you can buy absolutely everything, down to weapon parts for self-assembly
Not related to corruption
Russoids unironically believe all this shit kek
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seethe about the facts he says you traitor
True, i respect Russian education and agree. Althrough we too have some pretty good universities.
ok ivan, stay away then
lmao sure, the prestigious Russian science institutions. why is it that in majority of STEM fields Russia basically doesn't exist? even China, India and LATAM publish more research in scientific journals than Lomonosov or St. Petersburg universities. and no, there is no bias in these circles, scientists from all over the world want to share their findings with others in order to establish themselves and collaborate with others, its just that your "superior" labs and institutions dont publish shit, and all the Russian names are associated with western universities.

im not saying we are perfect, but i am saying you are high on copium.
Go back Ivan
Cool bait
Then why is Russia an uneducated third world shithole without plumbing?
I'm from the Rome oblast and after this post I'm convinced that Russia is in fact not pathetic but very strong
When posting bait it's important to make us believe you believe yourself.
Otherwise people will not respond.

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