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he's fucking dead. i don't know what to do because i loved him so much. he was my best friend and such a good person
there there, anon
calm down and get off the chan for a while
say a few prayers if you're religious
I'm sorry lad
Hold onto your memories of him, Anon.
moja sucut
that sucks, I wish you speedy recovery from this loss
I'm sorry, you have my condolences. I feel the same way about my dad, I hope that doesn't happen any time soon
that's deep feels, life must be valued
No one will mourn your passing.
this is 190
he raped his niece and retired his trip because his e crush called him creepy
Life in such as way as to make him proud and keep him in your memories. And take care of the rest of your family.
He's not passing anyway
What caused it?
He didn’t catch you cross dressing did he
Do you support R*ssia or not?
That sucks anon, i'm sure you'll find another one
upřímnou soustrast. You have my condolences, anon
you jest but the initial shock of receiving the news of a death of a loved one is strange to anyone else who's never experienced it
i remember my when my dad died, i just woke up from a nap - immediately after that, i started browing Steam since they had a summer sale on
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What did you buy?
Going here propably isn't the best way to handle this situation, talk to someone in the real world. Family members or other people you know, even if you think it's going to suck
heathermong meltie
proof that 190 is a soulless gremlin
it's heathermong
Good for you
Why do you even care?
gotta check my library for that, it was 3 years ago
I'm sorry anon, try to live your best life in his memory
Heathermong you should kill yourself.
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I'm sorry to hear that man, I know it’s fucking 4chan and people like to be edgy assholes. But I genuinely hope things get better; praying for you.
nice avatar toby

I've lost my dad when I was 15. The tough part is going through the pain, the years. The emptiness eventually will become benign, even if it never disappears. You'll get used to it, I promise, and you'll even forget it's there.

Bre... You need to live your life, continue living. Remember this.
Live. Live your life, for him. Not for his sake but for your own sake. He did everything he could so that you can keep on living.
Between him and you, you know the reverse would've been infinitely more soul crushing for him. You always knew the day would come and you know he loved you until the moment he took his last breath.

O să fie bine.
Acum este greu fiindcă trebuie să treci prin asta, ca orice copil, dar, nu dispera – în timp, va fi bine.
Dumnezeu să-i ierte și să-l odihnească în pace.
Fuck off
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Ignore the giga-autist. He is an extremely mentally ill 'person' who posts on /brit/.

God bless you. May your father find eternal rest, and may your days be blessed. Never forget the joy he brought into your life.
fuck off mousenonce you despicable little freak
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>my dad had a heart attack
>he's fucking dead
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>my dad had a heart attack
>he's fucking dead
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One more proof englanders are sons of the devil
It's one mentally ill spastic.
Im sorry for you loss anon, I hope you'll find a way to cope with your grief
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