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Work's done for the week I reckon, might pop into the home office to waggle the mouse every half hour or so but apart from that it's the weekend
did you shag her?
Reminds me of one of the HRSadhbhs at the toil
She actually advised on what jiggler to get online to stop teams showing you as away
might sniff some ket
she has a bf but he must be a cuck
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so what's stopping you
>home office
says the porn addicted wanking to her on OF
mikey on a mad one
any hard piping black brothas in?
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Always gotta ruin everything don’t they
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You lads ever read Protect and Survive? Very interesting.

why are Americans so pro-IRA? come to think of it, how come more than half of 'Irish Americans' are protestant and why do none of them speak Gaelic?
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I mean was he wrong though
might go east grinstead
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clearly a bunch of uni kids in here this afternoon. deeply unfunny thread, ill be back when the real OGs are back from toil later. you fat freaks enjoy weird passive aggressive woman tier "banter", like one of those twisted misunderstandings of actual masculinity, like those soy beard burger bars that keep popping up
Irish Americans (the actual ones in New England) are Catholic

Also the guy in the suit was Irish
looks like harvey winesteen
mousenonce going absolutely mental in /cum/ right now
Wonder when the cromwell shake is coming
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>clearly a bunch of uni kids in here this afternoon. deeply unfunny thread, ill be back when the real OGs are back from toil later. you fat freaks enjoy weird passive aggressive woman tier "banter", like one of those twisted misunderstandings of actual masculinity, like those soy beard burger bars that keep popping up
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Have you reserved a puppy yet?
>gets condemned twice by over 170 nations
>claims it's because of "antisemitism"

The Jewish kingdom is completely collapsing

It won't survive another year
sure, but Americans idolise them
and the bostonians and new yoikers might be catholic but that still doesn't explain why over half of 'Irish Americans' are protestants
nor why no gaelic-speaking population exists, unlike in Canada with its Scotchmen
will the last person to leave britain please shag me up the arse.
got a sweat on after a 180g bag of takis fuego
Most “irish americans” are a mix of ulster Scot and English anyway
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"Philosophy is dead. Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science, particularly physics. Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge."

- Stephen Hawking


And yes, Hawking is now dead, but he was still right.
You and I both know thats never going to happen.
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It friday dee lads!!!
Let's have a few bockles and stay out of the bookies. Oh its gonna be a lush weekend. AND I MEAN LUSH
the practical scientist does the business; but the philosopher keeps the books
US support for israel will collapse and they’ll be invaded by Arabs, they’ll then use the Samson Option and send its 200 nukes to world capitals, killing hundreds of millions.

Then after that there will be a genuine global holocaust of all Jews
fuck off dieghoul
Even our state news is running stories about "double standards" for Israel
It's over
Extremely retarded opinion. Most sixth-formers could easily explain to you the importance Philosophy has to life.
mental how I consistently make horrible decisions
>air friar
I'm likely the only actual scientist here
Answer my question about Kripke and then I'll discuss your hypothetical
You're a retard
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its a mentally ill paki who has a fantasy roster of brit characters in his head
No luck stopping them boats then?
dead language lmfaooo may as well be some African clicking
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Do you know this feel?
Raw milk got me farting up a storm
yeah. then she gets a faint whiff of skips and asks me to leave
>you can’t have pride in your indigenous and ancestral language!
Being raped by an incredibly obese woman?
Can't say I do
I once asked a fat ugly lass for a shag and she said yeah, but not tonight cos she was babysitting, so she said I could come over on Monday (it was saturday).
I woke up Sunday morning and realised I'd have to speak to her for a couple of days in order to get the shag, so I just blocked her.
Free sex and I said nah because i don't like speaking to women
looooool thick cunt Irish diaspora
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Nah just settling
Dear diary, mood? apathetic
Oh yeah you're smarter than the guy who was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge for 30 years, aren't you?

Jesus Christ you guys are idiots
I am yeah
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
don’t see what gaelige revival has to do with intelligence
not heard that one in nearly 20 years lad
I am actually
>Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge for 30 years
probably a diversity hire wog
the purple filter they use on all these is scarily accurate
pissing out my arse
He has a moronic opinion of philosophy.
Doesn't matter how "smart" I am relative to him, it's a fact.
Diego why don’t you go and get laid ffs
When were you the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics then?

Stephen Hawking was white
Been awake and I the thread for nearly half an hour and not one of you have told me that dame maggie smith has died. Useless the lot of you
done those dunelm-kruger retards
Mathematics is never going to get you a gf. I am 32 years old and I havent used maths literally since i put my pencil down in the final GCSE Maths exam in 2008. I still make 60k a year.
back on't road again
Dame Maggie Smith has died lad x
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She's dead.
Pathetic trolling
Have to agree, you only need to read some of Hawking’s other quotes to realise what a moron he was in some respects
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How do Orthodox Jews survive and get food/essentials? When they are obliged to pray and study scripture all day, and think working is vulgar and sinful.
saw someone on bumble who was trans and had a child, grim
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We’ve all been there

We all know the feeling, the atmosphere, the regret. You never forget it
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Get a load of these pecks
trans as in a man pretending to be a woman or the other way around?
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>bro please
>just another 10 billion of investment bro
>bro we're so close to AI being perfect
>the progress we've made bro
>just 11 billion more, please bro
>next big thing bro
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Room was definitely purple for one of my last single flings but at least she was hot

Major daddy issues thoughbeit
I've never had intercourse with a woman so no
imagine if the only thing anyone remembers you for is a wall
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Cracking English Folk playlist de lads

i dont see how STEM freaks think maths is "universal"

An alien race isnt going to know what calculus is, and their numbers are probably pronounce like WOOOOOO WILOBOBONINONO BLOBLOLLOVFRTUFE
Nobody is perfect. He was a brilliant scientist, one of the best, but had a monged out superiority complex toward philosophy which made him never seriously engage with it. Instead he just flung his shit at it from a distance in his popsci pulp.
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cute AI dropping its spaghetti and getting all flustered
yeah the first one, xhe was a trans mum
No one is going to remember me
Proper Sheldon Cooper esque autist then
many many times
He rebuilt the Pantheon, and BTFO the Judeans, 500,000 dead Israelites
get him reported to the social services asap lad
that kid is 100% going to be nonced
Do you know what calculus is?
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>1,425 migrants arrived in UK on small boats over weekend, official data shows
Premarital sex is a sin you piece of shit
Pathetic concession

When were you the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics then?
no what am i gay
would love to shag a 70+ woman
Literally an invasion.
Just pulled the flaps of my man-minge apart like velcro
get them wanked rorke
You are not worth entertaining
I've heard he was even more of a dickhead than that, then he got ALS and everyone forgave him.
Personally don't care much about cosmology and am more interested in other topics.
Lad, calculus is a fucking fundemental concept of logic.

It's like saying you don't get why stem freaks think that gravity is universal
yer da works the tills in tesco
what physiognomy is that
shall be subbing to this
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>The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord, 33 but the married man is anxious about the affairs of the world, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided.
what ethnicity is she
least retarded relativist
looks like someone that would be stung by noncecatchers
mong screenshotting your own unfunny posts
Tomorrow at 9am I will be there in Dover ready to welcome the migrants and I will have my wanking gloves on. Anyone want to join me?
have you ever really lived if you've never been shagged up the arse?
Half white half Filipina
lost my ‘ginity and had a few shags with a girl larger than this at uniberg
No thanks
how old
Uh no it's even part of the Jewish religion that Israel will collapse next year
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going for a gloveless approach myself
The only consolation I feel is I lost my virginity to a cute tight bodied Chinese girl who is a cosplay slut now

Thing is she’s my age so she’s 31 now she can’t keep that up for much longer
Vegemite is just Marmite for poofters
good afternoon fellow redditors
What the fuck do these small boat people all do? Are they seriously all split between being on benefits and being uber eats drivers?
yes but the woman was black and i was a massive vf and my willy wouldn't get hard so she just sat there for ages playing with my tiny flacid willy and then started crying
Grim but I had performance anxiety with my gf so it took a while before I could actually properly have sex so not one to talk.
Everyone knows this
Read that as Cheeky vegemite pizza
hmm this would probably actually taste alright
anyone here learnt german?
already know french
don't know if there's any point learning another european language but asian languages seem so difficult
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leftypol wearing a long trenchcoat, with skin and bizzare makeup with red around the mouth that makes him look like a clown. he approaches small children playing in a park, he says "hey kids, you wanna know how i got these scars" as he pulls the coat open revealing his putrid bloody rotting neo-vagina. "well you see, my mother (male) was... a groomer...". the children scream and run away
Fucks sake rorke
Yeah pretty much, and organised crime or slavery.
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Think she was 21 at the time

Fucked her at work
Never had vegemite but I love marmite so I'd probably love that if it's the same.
Pyramid scheme
Are you me?
My ex was very patient bless her
Argument from authority fallacy.
Put up or shut up.
Show me Hawking seriously engaging with philosophy and not just being a contrarian faggot.
Does the UK have a national hero? Like Joan d'Arc for France or something
Lads, I think I'm going to have to just buy a new shirt for this fucking event

I like my old shirts. I don't like how I got too fat for them now and they look terible
wahey spaedo and wiping the image md5
rorke having a blast with the latest switch jrpg
and you?
toil complete
gardening toil complete
supermarket toil complete
now its just incelwalk
and showertoil
The grey market here is huge, deliveroo, working illegally in takeaways, crime ect
Mr Bean

Brit nobility.

Generations of inbreeding and have never done any form of strenuous activity or work in its life
You know what else tastes good? Pussy. Go get some.
King Arthur
I was 29
Bomber Harris
Vocaroo this for us
the entire history of Australia has lead to this one crowning achievement
in my smelly bedroom doing drugs
highk,ly doubt it tastes good
diego's not gonna like this paritcular post
Bernard Manning
Yeah, me
If you don't understand Hegel by the time you're 25, it's over for you
how would you know?
Well I didn’t think so the first time but it grows on you
I've tried to make a number of people kill themselves over the internet, mainly foreigners

I just fucking hate most people
dunno maybe i will maybe i wont
Load of leaves blew into my room
>and this... "cronem" you keep mentioning. Are they in the room with us now?
Go on then, who are you?
what do you mean by understand the top scholars debate among themselves what exactly everything he wrote meant
get em wanked
Disproven by Thomas Reid
Mad how people don't know about the antarctic ice wall or phantom islands

>haha oopsie poopsie, this island that appears on several different maps through history with settlement names doesn't actually exist
>just a wacky error with cartography lol
>why did it have town names?
>shut the fuck up schizo, it didn't exist OKAY?
Hegel was a virgin freak

For me it’s Kierkegaard, I live life how I want, I’m a leaf in the wind
select beer from fridge where cold
one for us programmers ;)
bit weird to say someone who was before someone else disproved the person they were before
but you do you
I've already told ya who I am
has there ever been an actual good movie released ever
I’ve watched about 3 that weren’t utter dogshit
Really makes you think. Wonder what's there.
drop beers x
Mallard Mong
Got half a naan from last Sundays takeaway, so I’ll have to order another curry to finish it and the half lamb biryani with, but I actually want a pizza instead.

What do lads?
>virgin freak
He raped his maid an nearly ruined his life because of that
>last sundays takeaway
what the actual fuck
I mean the spirit, true nature of the world, logic being the fundamental of metaphysics, thesis antithesis and synthesis etc. I'm sorry but if you're confused by any of these presuppositions then you should stay out of trying to crack open the shellfish. You wouldn't want this life anyway ... it chooses you
>every map ever made was perfect and accurate
Barely any, Das Boot is a good one.
Get a pizza. Havent you been responsible enough recently?
Yeah almost like medieval cartographers just made stuff up to fill in empty spaces
you're going to eat a week old naan that's been sitting in your fridge?
it must be brick solid
Today I
>had a wank
>bullied feminists on twitter
>bullied a serb because his dad died
>doesn't understand retroactivity
Not a surprise from a braindead spastic

Ain’t that the exercise women do to prevent incontinence when they’re older?
Get other half of naan delivered
reading up on hegel's faeces, antifaeces and synfaeces
I had two wanks today, second one was a bit soft.
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>Today I
>had a wank
>bullied feminists on twitter
>bullied a serb because his dad died
none of these are complicated on this superficial you should understand this at 16
how can you disprove something you dont know exists
illiterate retard
Yes i'm kegelian. Did i also mention i masturbate to changes in weather
Could be worse. I could be this prick.
William Wallace
>medieval cartographers just made stuff up
so you're a hegelian then?
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yung lean
Bet you believe in dinosaurs don't you
you should've stuck with her
no why would I (as a christian) be a hegelian?
The anonymous creators of knitted and crocheted artwork say their displays get stolen every time "without fail".

Whinfield Yarn Bombers in Darlington have had part of their autumn display of woolly decorations stolen and destroyed just days after placing them around the community, leaving them "absolutely devastated".

A hedgehog mounted on a bollard has been cut from its perch and two other designs have disappeared.

Jo, who joined the group in January, has been a part of three displays since but is "yet to get any of my pieces back".

A group of six women make up the yarn bombers and they have been decorating the streets of Whinfield for about three years, marking Remembrance Day, Christmas, spring and autumn.

But Lesley, another member, said: "Every year without fail. Every display we get one item, and sometimes two, taken."

For this autumn's display, they ditched their usual plastic cable ties in favour of sturdier metal ones.

"They just cut the hedgehog off and left the attachment," said Lesley.

The women said they are proud of what they do, but the routine vandalism takes its toll.

"These displays are not just decorations, they represent our passion, our time and our love for what we do," said Jo.

"Each time something like this happens we feel like giving up, but we carry on for the sake of the community, most of whom love and appreciate the displays."

Councillors Jamie Bartch and Andy Keir, who represent Whinfield, said they have supported the yarn bombers with their "limited " community fund over the years.

"To see it wasted because of the destructive actions of a few is beyond frustrating," they said.

"It's a slap in the face to the community and all the hard work that goes into making our area a better place.

"Their work brings so much joy to this community."

Anne, another member, says they have had "some really smashing comments from residents on how lovely they are. It's heartening".

"They say 'don't give up'."
having a little browse on CDKeys
I’m in a mood lads :/
King Alfred
Not really theft if you're leaving it out in public like that is it.
Look, you haven't read Thomas Reid works so your opinion on philosophy isn't really that valuable
dont have strong feelings either way but i have no a priori reason to doubt dinosaurs what is your point
>you should understand these by the time you're 16
Hegel was 37 when he wrote Phenomenology
favourite tits in porn?
Why yes, I WOULD like you to put the hold music on speakerphone while you wait for 45 minutes, and I'm sure the rest of the office would love that too
Lets have a bare knuckle then
delivery toil today and some nasty paki had a go at me for parking near his driveway. he took at picture of my van and said he is putting in a complaint to head office to try and get me sacked. the manager wont give a shit. but the paki lives a few miles from my house and i'm going to go over there after dark. undecided if ill take a brick to throw through his window. a hammer for his car windscreen. or if i should just get some bags of dog shit from the park nearby to lob at his house or put through the letterbox.
DON'T use CDKeys
DO use gg.deals
It checks all the key shops (including CDKeys) and often is far cheaper. Sometimes CDKeys is the cheapest but it is rare
Looks like shit and also how is it not just littering/vandalism? Theives doing the Lord's work.
chitty chitty bang bang
My wank was so strong that my ejaculate landed right on my nipple, I was stunned
Dolly Little
i have not read much of him direcctly that is true but i am very familiar with reformed epistomology
what's your point? your infantile summation =/= phenomonology of spirit
Martina Mink
Yeah you’re telling me

But again she could be kind of crazy, she got pregnant like a month after I dumped her. That child could actually be mine come to think of it, I came inside her shortly before that
Not porn but Milena Velba or Jana Defi
Maggie Smith
>touching any philospher before the age of 25 and not making up your own mind, philosphy, and interpretation of life without your view being tainted by the thoughts of other dorks
Someobe ask Diego what's so important about Kripke
>common sense philosophy
something you'd expect someone to come out with a pub. that fucking alkie 40 year old loner. hard to believe he was taken seriously
Legs and bum man meself
>national hero
N/A since the UK isn't a nation
Might message the onlyfans twink asking if he can do more arse themed videos.
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Abolish council tax and replace it with... nothing.
Reading Fifty Shades of Brown
my point is your a gay mong
need to go tescos. going to have to get changed into my suit
uve been done
Abolish everything and replace it with nothing....
>hard to believe he was taken seriously
Considering he predicted the greatest development in mathematics since euclid I believe he may have been intelligent
uve been done up the bum
Can't believe I pay £124 a month for council tax, take the piss.
ava addams, the goat of fake tits
fantasise on
I will often notice Diego trying to goad you into explaining highbrow topics that are totally above his level of understanding.
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Get the entire earth scrubbed clean until it's nothing but a polished, lifeless orb.
Vocaroo this for us
sofia rose
did she ever contact you again
how do you imagine that?
(who is even talking about high brow topics here? mentioning muhh dialetic is not high brow, nor is name dropping reid)
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Brits don’t have this
Switched to EE from sky and the wifi was great for 2 days and then suddenly it’s shit again
Not really surprising HA hasn't read Reids works since well he couldn't rely on YouTube for him
Might restore the Roman empire in eu4
Rorke told me this doesn't happen outside London.
birds' arses? pretty sure we have those over here m8
No but when we broke up she got her friend who we also worked with to send me death threats

Her friend was like a 5’9 blonde girl with horse teeth who acted black
Britain is though
So who's your favourite tranny pornstar, really?
Has Diego admitted to liking them young yet?
dtfic melty
Might restore AC Parma in Football Manager 24
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coudlnt name a singl eone
Why did you dump her?
going to begin drinking shortly
>Other philosophers debate his philosophical contribution still to his day
>Not high brow
how so?
yeah you can keep those
Uh no it isn't there is no British language, there is no British hero and there is no British religion
any pooey bum lad in?
That's a man
I pay 30 a month, because of disability benefits
>I’ve watched about 3 that weren’t utter dogshit
which ones
Wanted to get back with the ex whomst I also dumped

Realistically it was probably the better choice even if she isn’t as cute, more of a long term partner, she’s an engineer now and isn’t crazy
Really? Never heard of them
birds' arses are not a myth. i've seen them.
Nobody of that description here mate
>fishing off a pier/waterfront at night
No idea how people can do this, it must be spooky
why would i have done what a bizarre question
Vocaroo this for us
>getting back with exes
What's the point? If it didn't work the first time why would it work the second?
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