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Islam is a false religion edition

old >>202737666
This dude is a Lybian and he said on national TV that the Saudi prince said the predictions of Muhamed were wrong.
I honestly don't think I've ever met such a homosexual
All the pederastic individuals I've had the displeasure of meeting were fat
try checking your boot order in bios maybe that hdd magically set itself above ssd or w/e
>passive homos totally aren't chadsexual just like women bro
I am watching tv show lesbian lore best scenes like a normal boring 5/10 straight man on a Friday evening.
Does the bios matter when you're not booting up, but rather waking from sleep mode?
I don't think it does
being chadsexual is what defines womanhood? so progressive!
Yes. The rest is being a calculated nature-denying 'lach.
Your system likely waits for the HDD to spin up when waking from sleep. Instead of removing the HDD, try these solutions:

Use hdparm to adjust power settings:

Install hdparm: sudo apt-get install hdparm
Set spindown timeout: sudo hdparm -S 241 /dev/sdX
Reduce spin-up with: sudo hdparm -B 1 /dev/sdX
Create a udev rule to prevent spin-up on wake:

Create rule: sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hdd-wakeup.rules
Add: ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sdX", ATTR{power/control}="auto"
Reload: sudo udevadm control --reload
Unmount the HDD when not needed:

Unmount: sudo umount /mnt/your-hdd-mountpoint
Mount when needed: sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt/your-hdd-mountpoint
These methods help prevent delays without removing the HDD.
Shan't be reading any AI slop
Type a real answer
or just fucking wait a few extra seconds, you're talking to a /balk/neet with nothing better to do
That's not what he is talking about, but rather the performed femininity of camp gays. However I think the question of how much of it is innate vs how kuch is acquired is speculative. Chuds say gays adopted a representation of them through the media, for example their particular style of vernacular with their lisp. However, It seems as though this stereotype is much older. There was a Czech movie from the 1930s in which one of the mwn was made fun of for his mannerisms and his particular manner of speech. My guess is that it's something which can be both aquired and learned, but there are certainly innate characteristics in some men.
shan't say one more word on this ridiculous conversation, what an embarrassment
hope you got your daily fix out of this attempted gay flex
I am sorry, Gay King. You are the most knowledgeable on all Gay affairs.
also sdX should be the drive letter

tech support costs 150€ an hour plus charges

let him become a tinkertranny bro

some chads are cute
most are boring
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wasn't prophet muhammad (PBUH) pretty sus?
it probably doesn't but go disable it in boot list just in case
also maybe your hdd just fucking sucks and youre using sata cable from 2003

this sounds more complex than just waiting a few more secs for boot to happen
typical loonix
real man would buy 5.25 hot swap bay and manually unplug it
Conversations flowing smoother. Eye contact maintained more easily. Dressing better. Work pipo love me. May actually make it after years of being NEET shut
>run 3 commands in less than 5 seconds
>issue fixed forever
>just wait 5 * 100000 seconds total for every boot until it dies bro

which ameriflag are you
am I supposed to be embarrassed by that? I do live in the belly of the beast and not in a glorified village like you, there are like 4 mangals entangled within the webs of my life as we speak.
I don't give a shit how homos present, all that matters is what they are attracted to, that's the real shit.
You work for /balk/ the same way janitors work for 4channel
so true, imagine if I had access to the unlimited power of a powertripping janny
who the fuck puts their computer to sleep / lets it sleep
y'all getting baited by this bored ass nothingdoer
Why would you not use sleep mode?
A laptop battery life savemaxxer. I wouldn't be surprised if he's running this shit on some 2010s chocolate box with the tray flipped upside down.
>buy 5.25 hot swap bay and manually unplug it
Easier to just set up a NAS at that point
Just need to buy a couple HDDs and a sata controller
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That's great but it's more complicated than that. Masc and fem homos have historically been at odds with one another. While you can certainly extrapolate the favors of the fem gays as you would with women (to an extent) the masculine gays are not like that at all. The former are receptive and tend towards masculinity in a partner whereas the latter tends towards pederastry. Then there are those who are themselves masculine and attracted to the masculine

You wouldn't compare pic related to women, would you?
Some faggot will respond to Mango's post I am 100% sure.
Im not here often, my name is John
I'm sure the king of gays will manage to resist
>there are like 4 mangals entangled within the webs of my life as we speak.
Lol what does this mean?
I just did King.
>HDD attached to a laptop
Fyromians really hitting another level of poverty. I bet they will start posting about how to replace a broken CD drive soon too.
I don't have a single laptop with a cd drive, I don't think they even make them anymore you need to buy an external one.
HDDbaiter singlehandedly outing krasnoincel as grannybey
Which post?
I already said it's a PC

Do Tatars unironically shut down their PC every time they go to bed or just leave it on all the time or what?
A PC is not a desktop you maymun. A laptop can also be a personal computer. God fyromians are not only poor materially but also in grey matter.
A PC is a desktop
Most people refer to their desktop windows machines as a PC tho.

PC is not just "personal comuter"
Ever see those commercials?

"Hello I'm a mac
And i'm a PC"
where's the confusion, you have a social network in here it's inevitable that gays will creep in on it
you sleep a laptop because it's convenient to just close the lid. why would you sleep a desktop when it's just as much effort as to shut it down.
xpozed, what's going on big guy? you have been reduced to this petty autism?
Go fuck mango
Small brains that tend to ask dumb questions about hardware.

Actual big brain.
Don't say that babe I'm unique and soecial :(
It's convenient to never have to close and open any program
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>xpozed hours
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>tfw actually replaced my expensive massive case with a small cheap vintage looking one that does have a drive bay which I did in fact plugged old rusty dvd rom into
bros... wealthy bulgarian multiple season wow gladiators wont like this
Thread too faggy, mpye.
Ummm bro it's extremely important for you to know that your phone is technically a personal computer and also Muqumba really loved that fun fact when I told him at least month's visitation
You see mango in your dreams bro
>fyromians are so poor they can't afford to just leave their desktop on and pay a few cents overnight
>also can't be inconvenienced enough to wait a few extra seconds for the sleep-wake phase, or just shut it down and turn it on and open their browser again
>what if they miss a split-second opportunity to start a juicy racebait thread or catch a really good deal on silicon chair wheels
what programs could you possibly be using that would require this convenience? most browsers remember their shit even after you close them down, and any actual professional would require good savescumming discipline and regular safety restarts anyway lest you risk a much dreaded crash.
one of them I suspect is a fashy crypto-chud like you, although I don't know him that well. definitely fits the profile
That was the plumber that has given up
Now the bumgarians will report this. I thought like the bum-obsessed creatures they are they would let it slide, unlike RUROMA who are not bum-obsessed and would never post something like this.
imagine shoving an entire shoe up there

>t. hasn't given up pretending he hasn't given up
insane how this one bulgarian flag is boasting about burning electricity for no reason as people of ukraine have to run gasoline fueled generators to survive

would you lick this for 400$ bro?
Nothing bummy about the prolapsed bumhole of a dutch devil slutwhore
No bro, bumgarians would do it for free though
You're right bro, fyromians and serbs were the real H supporters all this time, they showed it with their actions whilst bumgarians carelessly sold their weapons and ammo to a turkish terrorist instead and spent energy idling their desktops.
Vuckovic is selling ammo to both sides. Fyromians give equipment only to Ukraine.
See how fast that deletion was, this is why bumgarians should burn in hell for all eternity (I am not full of hate as I post this 300 days in a row btw). As a real trad BRICS appreciator I really enjoy seeing prolapsed anuses of whores, it just proves my tradness.
Gypsy is a state of mind.
>fashy crypto-chud
I'm just normal. Fact is, before mass media and rationalism was still respected, one could make a make a point and still discuss like men rather than any conversation turning into a monkey shit flining fest. If anything /pol/niggers would see me as a lefty if I told them my deep dark sekret.

I was having an argument with my BF, about the extent of gay persecution in Hitler's Germany. He was arguing that they intended to eradicate homosexuality (and that's a good thing!) Whereas I argued that they didn't particularly care about and only got rid of the politically troublesome ones and kept the anti gay rhetoric for PR reasons. After all the SPD was slandering them and calling them a party of sexually depraved homos during the weimar years. Fact is, IRL what matters if that you get the job done and are competent. This myth of the Nazis being militiant anti-homosexuals and prudes is a Jewish myth coming from Robert Reich. The ebin nazis wanting to protect the family from the rainbow is a modern myth. Fact is: good breeding was far more important for them, and education was purely a stately affair. If some man of what was conceived to be of 'higher racial stock' got more than his filling for a "Christian Monogamous Society", they would look past it. Fact is the NSDAP was just as utopian as anyone else, they simply had a bit more of a darwinian bent which is absolutely sacrilegious in today's zeitgeist of everyone getting along. There was a reactionary movement in Germany, and they were not so fond of Hitler.
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You got shown you were ignorant like a typical Balkan selyak, or to give an example you might relate to more, like an old bumgarian selyak who still calls a phone GSM or to make it sound even more authentic, ЖИCИEM. Yes you're on the same level.
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The post is about history bro.
>bulgarians are afraid of long lines of text
I am Greek.
>afraid of long line of text
You are an anatolian migrant bro
Alimony status?
linux status?
The good old "didn't read" trope. A textbook victim becomes like his abuser situation (but in a pathetic, impotent passive-aggressive way).

People who do this usually grew up in households where their opinions, needs and thoughts were not only neglected and dismissed, but met with violent physical attitude adjustments.
Hard drive pulled from my system
It'll insentivize me to build the NAS
>robert reich
Wilhelm Reich sorry.
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Related Text
A NAS is like a bridge when you think about it
Gotta pay a toll to use it
Laurence makes a heavy hint in Seven Pillars of Wisdom that they diddled each other in the cold desert nights with the cute Arab boys. Also in the movie the Turkish bey bums him.
Is there a lebbit reading list of all mentions of homosexuality in literature or some shit? How the fuck you know all this?
I've read the book. It's a great book.
there's a /lit/ list
this is a very sad cope, on par with jewish attempts to rehabilitate themselves within european fascistic movements. Any visionary movement would have to set out as a first order of business to manage the autogynephiliacs, maybe not exterminate them, but certainly gatekeep them away from pozzing up the place and everyone else around them. the debauched orgy scene can sink an empire, and is not just an object of performative PR.
sorry hun but /balk/ is for ai chatbots, schizophrenics and autistics only
you're far too failed normie to fit in
Have you heard, dear sir, the curious tale of Lord Plagueis the Wise? A narrative most enthralling, often whispered in taverns and parlors alike, though its subject is of such gravity that it finds few willing to utter it openly. Lord Plagueis, a man of considerable standing, mastered the arcane arts in such a manner that he held sway over life itself. Indeed, through the meticulous application of his esoteric knowledge, he could conjure the very essence of vitality and manipulate it to his liking, preserving lives or extinguishing them at will.
If the average normie looked into the sexual proclivities into any artist/politican/bourgeois/influential person in history they would have an aneurysm. All their screeching about morality is nothing more than virtue signaling. Of course that being said I agree fundamentally familial institutions must respected and that it is desirable to enforce monogamy—but there is nothing left in the modern family to preserve. The nuclear family was already a degenerated form of the extended family, which itself was the degenerated form of the clan. I think it is desirable that family structures be recreated but not this gay shit with some desperate 30 year old dude knocking up some desperate 30 year old roastie. Give me a break. This is the reverse of traditional values. Women are the property of their fathers, and their virtue comes from chastity. The typical father alots his daughter far too much freedom, and by virtue ruins half of the family. With the collapse of the social mores, the elite monopolize on the pussy, create a community of women, and essentially turn them all into prostitutes. Supposedly women are happy being sexually free, but women fail to recognize just because a man would lay with her does not mean he would marry her. The whole of the present social organization must be erradicated and the lies must be bought to light.

Now the economy, let me tell you about that...
>the debauched orgy scene can sink an empire
Yeah because that's just a gay thing, right?
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sheev didn't put it this pretentiously, get to the point
of course not, women and pederasts will also need to be managed, but no one is disputing that I think
The PhDs in homosexuality ITT humble me...
bumble* haha
you have to wonder why straggots are always such experts...

I really wish the Ottomans still had control over all of you
It needs to be illegal for Xpozed, Polukrainian and Rasha to post in the same thread simultaneously
Yes but again you bought no evidence of Nazis having some ideological volition to isolate the gays anymore than gays self isolate themselves. In fact I can bring up examples of the NSDAP covering uP debauchery and pederastry within their own circles. Not the higher ups but the lower echelon. Even then, Hitler never had children.
but then who would adjust?
They remind you how poor and low IQ you are?
I am not a subscriber of the "the purpose of a system is what it does" midwitery. dysfunction can exist, perhaps to a certain threshold it can even be tolerated. But to question the stated pillars of the endeavor as performative, that's just ridiculous cynicism befitting only of unbelievers.
>our purpose is to erradicate homosexuals, we are not immoral! Don't listen to the media!
>pay no attention that we held some political meetings in a gay club with our gay footsoldiers
Same vibes as anti-gay republicans being caught fucking twinks
No I am pretty sure the anti-gay republicans are just a controlled opposition to a libtarded LGBT regime and not a revolutionary force sparking a world special military operation 2
>a revolutionary force sparking a world special military operation 2 has enough energy to care what a minority does on the downtime
Vute and Mangal disgust me.
>revolutionary zeal and apathy square together
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>Bulgaria bad
>Albania bad
>Serbia good
They are totally fucked.
I wouldn't be able to attract a woman if my life depended on it
>revolutionaries care about, discuss, and get anal about who is sleeping with who like a bunch of roasties
Why bro. This is a bigger waste of time than anything you could waste time on.
I wonder if mangal will simply stop posting in 5 years after he returns to jewsa, get arrested, or do a 180 and settle down
>imagine spending time writing a book about a very retarded topic
no int in that
>he doesn't know about warrior eros
You are all normal fags.
Well alright then Cpt. Svetlyo Svetev. Do you have SSDs and CD drives at SVI? Do you put your PCs to sleep and surrender your GSMs at the entrance?
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I should buy some of this shit with yogurt or philadelphia sauce or whatever
And do you tend to work overtime on Fridays so the neighbor has to put your wife to sleep?
Or even better, buy real bread and keep the dry shit for the end of the world.
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Maybe, baby.
>paying extra for hydrated bread
you can buy this shit and keep it in the shelf until you finish it, bread needs to be eaten in 1-2 days max before it goes stale
also I should buy some yogurt anyways to eat with oats
mpased gerbadzhi veto chastity cage enjoyer
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To return to the topic, Fyromians are mad because Orban visited today but he did not tell them he would fight the evil Tatar nazis. Vrlo veoma zalosno.
Vucic visits tomorrow, let's wait and see what he tells them about identitetot.
this shit goes really well with cream cheese, cured meats and hot sauce on top
in a functioning country I could simply go out right now and purchase it
instead I must wait until tomorrow when the streets will be full of normalnigs
Most normies simply stop living past 22:00 sorry bro
My favorite time to go to the goy market is also right before closing time
Chillest customers and chillest cashiers for some reason
of course, incel energy is the lifeblood of such things.
Also, a reminder that the gas supply of Hungary and Serbia is dependent on the transit taxes that we set, because the evil Boyko built an evil pipeline instead of giving the money to gender study NGOs and photovoltaic farms.
NSDAP wasn't incel and incels don't care about fags.
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>of course the incels care about me, hon. gosh, like this is totally why I immerse myself in /balk/
again you are unable to keep up with my high level discourse. this time I am speaking of the ideal incelhood, the state of yearning for a given thing but being cosmically cockblocked from it beyond any uncertainty. this is the only state of being that can produce the open mindedness and energy necessary to uproot the world, otherwise you just get coping carrot chasing normies who are the status quo's strongest soldiers.
mother jumped out of the 3rd floor with her baby in kirca ali
wish that would've been bumgal
>incelism as an ideal
>my 'high level' of discourse
Bro what the fuck do you know about incels. Just the other day you were talking shit calling them 'ethniks' and I had to constantly put you in your place telling you what they are. Now you're going to tell me you understand them more than me? Give me a break. Nothing of substance said. F minus.
of course, I shit on boring lame and fruitless people, who mouth off impotently and are never able to materialize any of their invested potential. and especially basic bitch gf discourse is insufferable, there is no normal man in the western world today who has an excuse to be sexless if that's what he really wants.
doesn't change the fact that while incelhood is not in itself an ideal, it can BE ideal, and a drive towards an ideal end.
Another horrendous take by you.
>yeah, i understand incels... that's why I have nothing but complete and utter contempt for them!
You are nothing but some neurotypical, who—by the grace of lady luck stumbled upon a website meant to keep people like you out, then talks a bunch of shit he doesn't know anything about and calls it "high level" discourse.

Give me a break.
bro once he runs his posts thru revolutionary war AI it's over for u
only a woman would mistake expectation for contempt.
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milk bottle finished
time to sleep
If I could not be myself I would only agree to be Chris Barnes. No homo.

No you clearly have contempt for them. You proudly proclaim that you shit on boring, lame, fruitless people. Sure, that's how subhumans tend to view those people which don't satisfy THEIR needs. Fact is, you don't even know the fundamental basics of the blackpill. You think it's just a bunch of blokes making >tfw no GF posts
and calling for violence against women. Vice news tier take. Fact of the matter is that if you knew anything about their 'culture', it's a bunch of dudes compiling scientific papers on modern day social dynamics, and how for the average man, the future will only look more and more grim in ALL aspects of measurable health.
What is revolutionary war ai
>there is no normal man in the western world today who has an excuse to be sexless
Nigga will keep spouting this shit even when the average man in 2050 is sexless
no, I am the authority on my own views
I am the ethnik in a foreign land,
scientific papers are product, calling for violence against women would be based, but unfortunately the true nature of bona fide, unideal incels is that they are schizoid and catatonic.
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>mfw working fully remote for a US company
>no I am solipist
I can see that.
>schizoid and catatonic.
This is a chicken or the egg kind of scenario. Were incels born schizo or did they become schizo because of life experiences? Anyway I find all these mental health diagnosis to be bullshit. The first DSM had 100 or so mentall illnesses listed. The DSM-V now has nearly thrice that. You are telling me that our 'benevolent' rulers since the 1950s discovered an additional 200 mental illnesses floating around? 'Mental illnesses' whose consequences are more so social, than of anything that can be measured directly in the mind? Yeah, sure. Psychiatry is nothing more than a method of control. Pharma is a big industry. But hey, ring me back when the DSM VI comes out when 'racial prejudice' or 'misogyny' is added as the 500th and 501st mentall illnesses respectively by our oh so generous c o m m i t t e e.
I know how to spell. I'm just tired.
haha, suffer
>cutting out the last part
it's perfectly rational and contemporarily ideal to be sexless, but a lot of socially subjugated rubes can't come to terms with this one way or another, hence making it insufferable when they try to play up the neurodivergent act.
>'racial prejudice' or 'misogyny'
They are already covered under anti-social.
The way you deal with a chicken and egg situation is to put the foot down and forcefully impose an expectation. Those who cannot meet it need to just be allowed to fail.
>being a sexless and shunned loser is ideal
You're supposed to be the guy worried about civilization decline right?
>The way you deal with a chicken and egg situation is to put the foot down and forcefully impose an expectation.
Not what that means. The question being asked is if they were born with this so called mental illness or did they develop it? What are the genetic factors at play? Does this mental illness even exist?
and the answer is that it doesn't matter. the current incel archetype has existed in the past, it's just that there used to be a lot more social infrastructure to get them set up with women.
>being a shunned loser is ideal
shunned by whom? the degraded normgroids you also presume to dislike? how will they ever be reformed if you are unwilling to even take a stand against them?
fuck you incel!
>and the answer is that it doesn't matter
It clearly does. Branding someone as mentally ill is just some attempt by the kultur terror to put undesirables into neat boxes and supress them by use of the state apparatus. If it so follows that, a certain condition is naturally existing in some people, or has always existed, what use is it trying to shape them into something acceptable by the current zeitgeist?
>the current incel archetype has existed in the past
Yeah sure, but today it's an epidemic. An epidemic which will only get worse. It doesn't resemble the past at all really.
>shunned by who the degraded normgroids you also presume to dislike?
No, I stopped thinking of those people as normgroids because I realized that there is no such thing as a normgroid in the colloquial sense. I just call them that for ease. What we call 'normgroids' are nothing more than beneficiaries of a certain social arrangement thus they make up any just world copes in order to justify their position in the state of things while being completely unable to entertain other perspectives.
>It doesn't resemble the past at all really.
Actually. Addendum. It does exist. I meant incels didn't exist in the way you think. We had something similar in the oast as we do today. It's not a group of incels, but the rule of harlots in general, which has happened in the past.
dysfunction exists, and it can be measured. if you are being strategically mislabeled, it is within your power and obligation to prove the label mistaken and delegitimize the offending institution. you cannot entitle yourself out of a necessary political smackdown in with some magical rhetoric.
everything only ever gets worse. the only way out of it is putting the foot down and forcefully upholding a standard, at the cost of whomever gets left behind.
lunatics are dynamic, and the only hope for change
The poet and the wallstreet speculator see eachother as lunatics mutually.
I love America and always have. It is the only western country with potential in it specifically because of its craziness, or perhaps the craziness is the hallmark of its potential. the only other one is maybe germany, BIG maybe.
I'll keep that in mind when I'm dropping a nuke in NYC bro.
>schizoid power fantasizing
Yeah, that's why I'm starting small. Give me 6-7 years and there won't be any American military bases on my soil any longer.
aiight, the clock is set
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I already set the clock 4 years ago. The only alternative is death. Didn't know I'd end up getting sodomized in the process. Anyway I'm behind schedule.
uh oh the clock you set yourself you can also unset, but mine is unmovable. you're still within the grace period to take back your big talk
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Life is not worth living without a beautiful death.
his death was ugly
His beheading was botched but he was still the last Japanese to die the death of a Samurai. That being said I don't look up to Mishima particularly. His death was nothing more than ritual suicide. His coup wasn't serious, just a dramatic act. He never really intended to take power or anything. If that was the case he would have taken more people down with him. No, the Japan he loved was simply no longer existing. He clearly couldn't handle the fact his friends died in the war whereas he didn't and his whole body building era was basically a respinse to that. Me? I'm not an artfag. I could've been one but it just didn't pan out that way. My training was technical and now my (self proclaimed) specialty is political economy. No dramatic artful deaths from me. If Mishima went down dirty mine will be outright grotesque. Like that of a cornered wild animal.
Ok i am back in skopje and i was at a hotsprings im debar and also at an albanian teather

So anyway i smell lile sulfur amd parfume

Now i am at a nightclub
Freaking wageslaves going to sleep at 1am on a saturday

Wtf you guys wanna wake up early for the sunday morning cartoons
Time to make my exit
I feel kinda awkward smelling like sulfur
No kiss? :)
that'd be gay,
sweet dreams best I can do
People say soulful

Stfu about politics loser
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morning, bumbros
Ke gi jades bubackite
Where can I get more influence, Athens or Thessaloniki?

I notice how ungrateful the Germans are towards Greeks. It's not right to live among them and all the evil races they've brought here.
i am drunk on 3.rakii, high and just cummed in one wom*n mouth then btfod her

Abe daj robot picka so cicki i slaba i ne baguvana
Coek kakohermanecot klaus svab hahahhahaha ij luda eabota e kaj si se spustam od vodno
That's why your society is low. You should wake up.
A ja Doma sedam pijam dve kafinja

Bev vo 12.12 ali nisto ne kjariv
Lelele coek strepam za cigari
Interesting. It's 7:12 in Greece and Bulgaria, but they still sleep.
bulgarians are the kind of people to click ads that say "oksana, 18, 4km away from you"
Why sleep when you can be licking hot female feet like Iki?
I don't have a foot fetish. It's something you and the other Greek fool made up.

Kek, gotta love those American stories (Ikipoverty don't read it, pussy licking is mentioned)
Good morning kind sirs, I wish you a beautiful day full of wise decisions. We are expecting temperatures of 35 degrees today I hope you are blessed too to enjoy a frappe in sunlight
90% of the bulgarians on /balk/ are literal r/bulgaria users

Female feet are hot bro
If you wouldn't get jerked off by a pale angel's feet, you're shrimply gay
I own an iPhone, your asset is a sub 200€ jeetphone.
about 90% of bulgarians here are pederasts so it does sound accurate
About 100% of Bulgarians here could beat you up and would have bullied you in school
>about 90% of bulgarians here are pederasts
literally all me, hottie
bro the only thing you're beating is your meat to gay pornos featuring school bullying plot
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Yo so.. Yeah minced meat pidors are all homos lmao
Bro no offense but russians are faggy weaklings a Bulgarian dominates easily
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bro you can't even dominate in balk
me, nojkoboss and angry romanian own you 24/7
Bro my biceps weighs more than you three combined
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Daily reminder.
1,4% of my problem solved. It's going to be a long day.
bro it was already talked about yesterday
we just gonna hire bumgal who will shoot you in the head with dual wield makarovs as you clumsy try to run for him with your fat legs
Bro back in 8th grade I'd have make you eat shit for this
balkan construction lowkey looks like ours lol
based retard
Good morning leader, keep showing brownies where they belong
Au e sea kao ke se razbejtam po sabajle lelelele
bro you get angry when I say ya'll gay but yet again you threaten me with homosexual intercourse
Let's hope something like that this never happens to your fat Turkish dad during his factory shift

Because in that case you will own nothing :'(
ae da vidim
what an angry repulsive creature you are
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nothing better than a morning workout an a shower
Is this supposed to be funny?
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nah u do that
Based Jewish queen poster
>sucks off jews
>makes fun of some random worker's death
>celebrates his skatahole bombings
why is he like this? bet he calls himself christian
קוראים לי בני לא קריסטיאן יא רוסי טמבל
He's referring to me, bro
This russki is a peculiar case, since his favorite hobbies is to post gay porn to troll Bulgarians and laugh about dead Ukrainian kids

But someone mock his countries allies (brownies)? Shit gets serious.
>6-7 years
hahahahahaha, delusional

>comparing jewsa with germoney
delusional, germany is dead
Just woke up from a drunken stupor pissed 8k on the roulette again.
It's 3 in the afternoon already in Krasnopovertyask

I wonder what frozen soup the local proletariat there ate today
>he instantly reported that pic
truth hurts doesnt it? anyway kys animal, you are making fun of iki but hes nowhere near as mentally ill as you are
The Greek cuckold calls out others for reporting him, but does it every day himself.

deranged fool with no qualities
Stern Kebap (since 2000)

Wenn ihr nach dem Anblick von historische Altstadt Horb hungrig seid, kommt in Stern Kebap (since 2000), um zu essen. Die türkische und vegetarische Küche unter der Leitung des talentierten Kochs ist hier wunderbar. Habt eine schöne Zeit hier und teilt besonders gute Pizza mit euren Freunden.

Viele Besucher meinen, dass das Personal an diesem Ort nett ist.
If I was living near Horb am Neckar I'd search the female toilets for cameras pointing in the feet area

You can never be too careful with the perverts living nearby
These are the things that randomly cross your mind.
he is pro-LGBTQ, too. as an atheist I do not believe in hell but if it is real he will be going to the hottest cauldron of sulfur in the bottom layer of hell pits.
He intentinally starts conflicts. I assume it's either because his life is boring, or it's a way to vent anonymously like a coward.

He is deranged either way.
Bro eating shit is not a sexual activity
everything is a sexual activity
what are you doing here
Look how man the "russian" gets when something against muzzies is posted
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nothing is forever
so never say never
this is your life
and hold it together
do what you want
say what you please
multiply the virus
spread like disease
who said it was fair
yourself you don't trust
like everyone else
made from water and dust

today you are here
tomorrow you are gone
in your heart was a beautiful song
like water and dirt
every atom of pain and hurt
chasing a dream
plan another scheme
i think you're so funny
when you talk about the money
bro, I'm bumgarian which is why I got so sensitive over that video of a turk getting squished
>you are bulgarian
>you are hohol
>you are musulman
why is it so hard for bumgarians to accept that a simple krasnoyarsk man isn't fond of their tribe?
bro you are replying to a terminally online OBSESSIONIST
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i wish i had a stupid thing i did
>terminally online OBSESSIONIST
so am I but I at least coherent
Only foolish people would take pleasure in denigrating their own country.
I have no idea when he showed up desu, it's like one day 25% of the thread was seething about you
Then why you do it lol lmao
Just took a big pooptin on the valley of angel mini pidors lmao
bro saw my stud body on yandex maps as well as my stylish selfies and fell in love so now wants my attention, too bad he will have to settle down for bumgal cause I show no love to homo thugs
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>opening the tok
>team brown in my feed already

It's all so tiresome, z-bots are trying too hard to make their thirdie game appear popular on all social platforms
>ad 1000
bullshit, or those are hellenized mutts
historic greek territories are on western anatolia and pontus north east anatolia
Never noticed that big ass lake in southeastern turkey
greekophobic chud
Sirgay brownov
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Whats your excuse?
Hopefully israel bombs them to the stone age.
Can't bomb them to the stone age if they're in the stone age.
>t. Jealous
How did ottos go from looking like this to blonde and blue eyed in 100 years
Most of them still look like this.
Looks armenian
looks bulgarian

Looks nice desu. Pretty much everywhere in the world was a better place to live in 70 years ago. (If you were middle class)
They dressed much better and they didn't even try.
Also unreal to think that most of these people are all dead now.
That's because the clothing which was produced was of much higher quality. And more than likely was actually made in Turkey in small scale workshops. Today's mass production lowers the quality of the clothes in favor of quantity. Clothing then however was rather expensive, but you got what you paid for.
Nowadays almost all clothing contains polyester(plastic).
Yes and your skin absorbs the plastic and turns you into a tranny.
bayazid and redpilled
plastic is goof for you
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Ewww ugly mpraun hoe, look at this trad pale angel instead
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no bro, plastic made me a brown balding manlet
bumgaria's fault btw
who the fuck snorts coke with 20€ bills
how poor can you be
Their programmer boyfriends hogged all the 100€ bills to wipe their tears with
and all the 200€ bills for the gay escorts

Joel is in Masidonia for 1 week and already got himself a timmy boyfriend
In what countey/tribe they do that?
Is this nole?
I think thats just salt, otherwise some junkie would have beaten up the girl who scattered expensive cook by pushing beer over lol
>it is dee best place in da balkan
Makke superiority reaffirmed.
the 20€ bills didn't make that obvious enough?
I bet he tells dat to all da oyinboys
At 6:25 he says he's a programmer. No wonder that shqip looked dangerously similar to a makketimmy.
He's literally me!
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Too bad it's so obvious that there's a human blowing smoke towards it!
I thought Skopje having one mosque for every day was a meme.
1 mosque for each of the 5 daily prayers for all 365 days of the year
Exatly! Just like you blow smoke on every post of mine!
I wonder how mosques smell inside, never been to one you see
Makes two of us
Like hashish.
Iki your thoughts on
kill all small cornershops
if you have nothing useful then why the fuck keep it open? dumb money launderers

>is that people having a sex?!?!?!?! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, the west has fallen
At what age did you first have sex?
>the guy who looked that group up and made all the screenshots
>"nope, not gay at all, me"
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why would I have sex
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>he's a virgin
I'm aiming for wizard powers
>woman asks me if i'm a virgin
>say no
>they don't believe me
>(only ever got fucked in the ass)

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