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slam dunk edition

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Fuck that homosexual Russian namefag
Io posto qui

Canadian brfo
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gonna do some chores and take a shower and cook lunch
you dont understand
i am LITERALLY her
elissabat is what you get if you turn me into a doll
Canada? More like Shit-anada-piss
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bit rude
This is Ale
>does it rain alot in Canada?
I'm really sorry
Just meant it as a little bit of a friendly jest, is all
Didn't mean to take it so far
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Fuck I forgot the picture
what did he mean by this?
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the new and improved ale
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Happy Friday anons, bf enjoyed the bri'ish food I made him yesterday, we will be visiting my parents this weekend, hope you are all having a good day anons
I have a little bit of a problem with Canada because I got alcohol poisoning from drinking a fifth and a half of Crown Royal and I can't blame myself so I blame Canada
Actually I will say nigga if I feel like it
I fucking love crown royal
>Ginger ale wasn't actually invented in Canada
>but the version of ginger ale we all drink now was
Leaf excellence
i dont have any opinions on canada
>we all drink now was
But I drink locally made ginger ale that the local brewery makes in addition to beer
Canadians will be like "Hello my name is Pierre Moreau and I'm an 100% Anglo"
You cant handle the giant shit I just took
Actually I don't really drink alcohol anymore, maybe a handful of times per year
More like burger indifference. You're the only gam in town. I can't even think of another brand of ginger ale. You're the only one running the race
That sounds like ginger beer not ginger ale, separate topic
starting to hate programming and other programmers
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Friendly reminder that American Football was based on Canadian rules rugby because college students in Boston preferred it to American rules rugby AND basketball was invented by a Canadian
Opposite, Quebecers will be named Patrice O'Shaughnessy and act like they are 100% French
Ryan Letourneau claims to be 0% French
No ginger beer is it's own thing they make an actual ginger ale soft drink as a non alcoholic option
Based, techfags must suffer for their smugness during the pandemic
What kinda moron doesn't know the difference between ginger Ale and ginger beer
Oldest baseball grounds are in Canada too btw, and the oldest recorded playing of the game as well
wow I dont care
"My name is Patricia von Shaughnessy and I am part Metis and part French; please respect my Indigenous ancestry"
t. blonde, blue eyed woman
Nobody cares, Canada is not a real country and everybody hates it
Is it sweet and carbonated or more like a ginger spiced sweet?
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Canada's mass importing of jeets will be single handedly responsible for the fall of the western world
This dude must be an indian
I begin today by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather today, and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today
do not redeem
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entering my "fuck it, just buy something tasty" alcohol arc. margaritas. fruit punch beer. fuck it, gimmie
>5 bases
>1 bounce catch was an out
not baseball

it wasnt really real until 1903 because teams were buying up all the players with actual contracts instead of just "membership", and the associations/leagues were folding or reforming
i got the double whammy of being retarded, but smart enough to realize it and feel bad
I don't know how I'm still hungover after everything I've ate today
>Live in Toronto
>Surrounded by retarded jeets
>Move to NYC
>Now surrounded by retarded, 4'5 320 lb spics that travel in large groups
Good stuff
You're getting old
Fuck, you ain't never lied.
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>and everybody hates it
Nobody cares enough about Canada to hate it.
When a white Canadian girl goes woke she always brings up the Metis card. It's the Canadian version of the Cherokee princess great great grandma
my least favorite country? gotta be western sahara
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is society collapsing in your country
>dog's stomach was growling last night
>today she ripped a massive fart right in front of me
This can't be good
It wasn't only Canada we're just the most egregious example. After the holo-cough the Jeet leader made deals with a bunch of countries to expel their poos. Line must go up
>Want independence
>Barely have a culture, governance system, or literally anything that's important for being an actual functioning country
Western Sahara is not a country
i know, they SUCK
I wouldn't piss on Djibouti if it was on fire
India or some Mahometan country it's hard to make a final choice
Yeah the rules were totally different but the origins of the game aren't as clear as you would imagine
Agreed. Odio i Saracini
At a double whammy burger for lunch with all the fixins
Canada is by far importing more jeets than any other country and now that they're here they're harder to get rid of and will have an easier time moving to other western countries, it's not an exaggeration to say that Canada has completely altered the entire course of history and made sure that jeets will be the dominant race in just about every western country within the next 100ish years, this is far far worse than the muslim invasion of england/france even
>In 2020, the US recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara in exchange for Moroccan normalization of relations with Israel.[21][22]
Everything comes full circle
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I propose we always have 2 active /cum/ editions, let the schizos bump the other one while we use the good one. It has worked well today.
thats why theres so much debate. hitting a ball with a stick goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back to chine, england, france, you name it, but theres obviously more to the game than that. But even back in the 1860's and 70's, they didnt even have outfield walls, so homeruns and fouls were up int the air. Plus mound distance and the legality of pitches, use of gloves, and again, contracts. It shouldnt seem that important but it literally determined if some teams would be able to keep playing or not because players kept leaving to the big spending owner's team
a-am i the golem?
We were already siding with Morocco so it functionally changed nothing
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A cumster earlier today asked me to post my 'za once it’s out of the oven
Dough was alright. Would have been better without whole wheat flour but still tasty. Kept half of the dough in the fridge for a long cold rise and will make anudda one tomorrow maybe it’ll be better then
Ham salami bacon muzzarell provolone and grana padano
>jeets will be the dominant race in just about every western country within the next 100ish years
You go too far, jeets have been in SEA for centuries and are never dominant, they are too corrupt and short-sighted to do that in the West as well.
Why are women like this?
Looks good
Europeans confidently say that our pizza is shit yet eat that
There's only one
Men would be like this too if there were more hot female serial killers.
Just look at how 4chan treats Casey Anthony and Lucy Letby
onions look like maggots
My lady won't stop ruining pizza for me, she thinks pizza needs to have as many toppings as possible, she won't accept cheese or pepperoni
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LONGING FOoooooooor
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>foid marries the nightstalker
>"umm like you promise you didn't do any other murders right sweetie? I can accept you murdering and raping kids but only if you admit it <3
>no baby I told you all
>she believed him
>turns out he raped and murdered a little asian girl before that and only through DNA testing did it come to light
>foid then divorces him
Just imagine that, women would rather marry this guy then an autismo here. Society or something
please help me sir i am indian
They aren't jeet jeets though, they are just indians. Like the nwords vs black people distinction
>Casey Anthony and Lucy Letby
Ive been here for 15 years and I don't recall anyone overtly simping for them
Mine is a Zoomer and can't cook so I do all the cooking and therefore get to choose everything that we eat
My 'zas are dough, cheese, tomato sauce, and basil
Shut up nigga
Ya idk they didn’t do much just wanted to add something that wasn’t meat x-D
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>2 unelected leaders that were immensely unpopular guaranteeing no more jeet leaders for decades
huh? She hasn't even won
it must be hard to shave when you're a fatty
all that skin gives easy so you really have to push i imagine
>I can handle you being a murdering rapist but NOT a liar!
Women genuinely think like this
Don't forget Uncle Ted got several love letters after being arrested too, despite being a math incel innawoods hobo before
Chicks just dig psychos
I do
Horrible idiotic comparison.
Men almost never find psychotic murder attractive in women.
I can think of like 1 poster in /brit/ who likes letby out of hundreds who found her freakish.
Never seen anyone like casey anthony , only people who bring her up are misogynists as proof that being hot lets you get away with anything

If you want to play this game of "men bad too" then the obvious example would be how many men watch and financially support pornstars despite them being the scum of women.
Dont just try to pick the exact same thing
Women want men who dont give a shit about them and treat them like shit. They'll say they don't but they do
2 more hours until the weekend TRVLY begins...
Not until my leafposting shift ends
Casey anthony was a MILF dude, you serious?
Once made a girl listen to Mongolian throat singing with me because she said she likes every kind of music
pizza with sauerkraut
Yeah but thats why dudes dug her, not because she was a child murdering psycho
every fatty I have seen up close has semi-unshaven hairs in their double chin folds
Now that’s what I call yuck alert
i don't see any girls simping for john wayne gacy, maybe it's always their physical attractiveness that gets them admirers
I dislike Europeans, Asians, Africans, Central and South Americans.

I like Canadians, Americans and Native Americans.

I strongly believe Canadians, Americans and Natives should form an alliance and new N. American wide government and deport everyone that isn't like us immediately.
If you're attracted to a child murderer you're mentally ill and an evolutionary failure
You should protect your spawn at all costs
Based. Me but folk music from Atlantic Canada lol
that's because psychopaths or whatever will just do anything to manipulate people and they spend their whole lives doing it. Meanwhile I rarely leave the house or talk to anyone. Them wanting to date a nutjob is literally the same as us wanting a tsundere waifu. They have low self esteem and put themselves in relationships like that, or they just accept the fact they're in a shitty relationship because their whole life is shitty or something anyways.
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>Native Americans
Are you a Native American? Have you ever interacted with them?
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casey anthony looks a little bit like my ex
is that kristen stewart
>Native Americans.
Specifically those north of the Mexican/American border
The Comanche?
Nahuas and Mayans?
This is true, they get more mad about lying or covering up cheating than cheating itself, it's odd
Are you kidding?
stupid zoomer
Ghislaine Maxwell
i can fix her
it does kinda look like her no?
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I can 1-up you
The disrespect and emotional distance feel like obstacles to overcome in their mind. If you are approachable and normal there is no "challenge" and they lose interest. Some foids are truly damaged.
>janny got my skbidi miku thread but not the split thread
time to make another i guess
I knew a Native girl for a bit who I thought was Mexican for a while
Thought it was strange she was from the forests of Northern California
This guy still makes blacks seethe to this day. Brown chuds win yet again
Wild how they called him an evil white racist but if he was the one who got shot they'd call him a poor Hispanic victim of a hatecrime
From what I have seen California injuns seemed kind of interesting & unique, shame they got easily heemed by Spanish, Mexicans then Americans lol
yeah, i'm mentally ill and an evolutionary failure
tf you gonna do?
California has always been a natural paradise so the natives were soft
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what the fuck, bean
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The almonds must flow
you'd better go back to beautiful texas, oklahoma kansas georgia tennessee
I'm gonna start PIT'ing Texas and Oklahoma plates in California
Based gluttoncat
sir you don't understand, i am indian, i require assistance
US has many comfy states that aren't so popular, you cannot suffer in America
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You can’t suffer in Canada
Montana is larger than Germany
>A cumster earlier today asked me to post my 'za once it’s out of the oven
that was me.

your 'za looks good.
germany has the highest density of suffering of any country on earth
At least they don't get whole apartments and neetbux like in Germany I guess
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I keep real quiet about my beloved Montana to keep gaijin faggots and weird mughfukkas out.
*suffering of the native population
>number one immigrant group is Canadians
Truly a hidden gem
It's Casey Anthony
most of montana is flat
English teach told me to share my worldview. This is how they mkultrad ted kaczynski
Just like yer ma
ooh of COURSE Casey Anthony now I know
do you to join the army now???

You would if you was American
forever /cum/
i want to be forever /cum/
I am
that's okay
Marty Scorcese is such a dickhead
>Spanish name
>never had any notable Spanish influence or control
>mostly flat
This is why some people wanted to give it an injun name like Shoshone
You're not, actually
Montana is a loli state
do you really want to /cum/ forever? forever...
Trans American
agab (assigned German at birth)
How can you be American and not know who Casey Anthony is
the part of these depressive episodes that really genuinely just pisses me off the most is how nothing is any fucking fun, im just stuck here doing literally nothing and mad about it
like i dont have anything i can really go do with my friends, so what im supposed to just fucking sit here and play some stupid game on steam i dont find fun and watch a movie or listen to some guy read /x/ stories beacuse at least it passes the time? fuck this shit is so grim dude
at least before my ex left me i could have her to just hang out with, literally sitting around doing nohting watching her play some game or something was genuinely pleasing, just having her around made me happy, but this shit right here is peak unhappy
its literally not even fun
try gambling, I am up $700 since I started
Family Guy
funny moments?
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make germany spaghetti again
>Depressive episode

Just fuck off back to plebbit, you don't belong here
i have literally never browsed reddit in my life
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O figlio d'o jucatore
Try those Rocketman games, very easy if you don't get greedy
Pizza with pickles
My daddy always told me a fool and his money are soon parted. I never gamble
French niggas really wore bright ahh blue uniforms in WW1
>adrian helmets
99% quit before they hit the jackpot
Wow they really dis
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There's a point at around 5 30 EST where the quality of the general turns to shit
Neither did I until I found these.
corny ahh looking mfs
Horrible nightmares last night
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>mcdonalds only has beidou and kazuha apple pies
East coast normies start eating dinner, leaving only West Coastoids and the Yuros
Ukraine war is the WW1 of our generation
>dinner at 5:30 pm
wouldn't surprise me at all, that one guy here has his mom making him tendies
what the fuck does that even mean?
we're getting off rather lucky then i say
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Polar bears again?
its not a world war without you faggots chimping out
and you know what? third time's the charm
Mother threw away my new shoes
Yes? What are you hispanic?
Animals don't hav hospitals so if they get fucked up in a fight they're just assed out. Broken leg and can't hunt? Starve. Broken teeth so you can't eat? Starve. Fucking brutal
i am arab
Salaam afendi
ishmael was not worthy in the sight of the lord or something
ok i lied. i'm actually a pygmy from deepest africa.
This is what I expect to be served at a southern belle's home for dessert. With sweet tea.
Shut the FUCK up Brian
There's a leaf in this general that perpetually seethes at the South. Seems like an incredibly non-White thing to do as a non-American.
>southern belle
Do those even exist anymore?
a faggot named brian
he had arms, and legs, and a head
>the south
we smoking java man
In the primarily white, affluent, landholding upper class yes.
The further away you get from the gulf south, the better.
>mfw I see a level 10 Betazoid gyatt
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Southern state sororities are full of them
You ever notice how they're always whitoid but when you look at frats it's like at least one or two asiod?
those are not belles, or they are a degenerated form of them
That uhhh wasn't implied in my post thoughbeit
you got me
if she don't have a cigarette holder and a wide brimmed hat (veil optional), she ain't a southern belle
What is it, 1862?
Those kinds of people don't exist anymore
they certainly don't exist around the likes of you, honey
>Tfw no old money plantation southern cougar to make you her slave and give you her signature sweet tea post coitus
I believe that's called an es tee dee
i caused the halifax explosion
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god dammit I ruined my own joke

3 more hours of work then I can go home and goon. I'm so horny bros
imagining all those confused, wounded maimed canadians after that explosion actually makes me feel sad
it was the largest man-made explosion ever at that point in time
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Snake Eater remake is looking good
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A dam actually broke in my area today
cant wake up
Based BJ telling it like it is
chilly and windy. nice night for a bath
happy friday
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Saying that while being in San Fagcisco is wild
what's so happy about it
Shame Kojima is making those shitty death stranding games now
cant imagine how you think San francisco is worse then the literal sleaze capitol of the country
I want to go back, but there's nothing to go back to. The only way is forward.
Found the Calipoornian
have sex with women
explain your reasoning, I could use a good laugh
cheerleader effect
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woah, what a concept
kentucky derby larpers
humanity btfo
Las Vegas appeals to my kind of degenerate (gambling and escorts)
San Fran is a very different vibe. Both are dens of excess, but I prefer LV
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niggas be saying nhentai is down but i can still find it on google just fine
did you know theres like 5 or 6 casinos within 45 minutes to an hour of SF, and not one of them has dice games?
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walked all the way to the gas station for a slushie but the machine was broken
>Casually mention 2 world leaders
>Get banned for "politics"

Watch out y'all, janny on a mad one
las vegas is for rich degenerates, san francisco is for destitute ones
I don't go to SF to gamble. I sometimes go there for [DATA EXPUNGED] which is more of a hassle in LV.

Sounds about right. Although LV is not that expensive all things considered.
ape together strong
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let's go
do not interact with sick ape, he will infect tribe
>you dont have to be rich in SF
nigga what
Why are you so rich when I am so poor? That doesn't seem fair does it?
highest percentage of homeless people of any major city
anyone can be homeless
Lay partial blame on your circumstances and the rest on yourself for not overcoming them one way or another.
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what do they think of middle class white passing mexicans?
humans are built to suffer
or maybe not idk
I thought they were built for BBC
That's what anons on 4chan keep saying
Women are mentally ill
let's see you take a bbc and say you're not suffering
I would rather...not be homeless?
there are people who don't feel that way, believe it or not
homeless people are always some kind of drug addict, that's why I don't feel sorry for them.
even in mexico?
>his DNA was reportedly linked
They literally got that shit from his parents 23andme
yeah or some kind of south american
rubs chin "interesting"
I did a bit once where I became "homeless" for a couple of months.
I would just hitchike across NA and sleep in ditches. Except I wasn't mentally ill (allegedly) nor was I a junky. I also had a debit card full of shekels, so when the weather was too shitty for me to sleep in some farmer's field or forest, I would hop into a hotel. The manager I left in charge of stuff go very pissed because I often wouldn't have service and because a single phone with a dying battery is a shitty substitute for having an office.
Some of the people we dealt with did not accept e-signatures so I had her forge my signature which made her blood pressure spike because it's very illegal.
damn bro did you have a sleeping bag?
I want to do this in Japan. I have 20k in my bank account but I don't really want to waste money on hotels every night when I can just bring a small tent/pack and walk into the forest at dusk.
that's a hobo not a homeless person
i want one as my bf
Have you seen any signs of inflation "abating"? The news tells me it is, but a bag of Cheetos is still almost $3
here everything is more expensive, it makes me laugh that it affects poor people more but well they love the government and the narcos so fuck them.
inflation abating just means prices going up less. it does not mean that prices are going down. it's the job of the fed to ensure that they basically never go down.
Yeah. I looked like a fucking hobo carrying that shit around. I also bought one of those single person super light-weight fag tents that were sorta new at the time and cost a couple grand. I ended up giving it to a hiker because his tent was old and shitty and I got tired of setting it up every night.

Do it if that 20k falls in the category of money that won't be missed. Hell 20k is enough for you to live very comfortably in Japan for a couple of months.

Yeah. That's fair. You can also call it "rich white man loses his fucking mind"

Honestly, remembering this time in my life makes me want to do it again.
That hardly seems fair or right
i don't mean to be rude but this comment and the original comment show that you don't understand what inflation is in the first place. i would encourage you to read up on it, why it's preferable to deflation, and what the role of the federal reserve is.
people complain about inflation but the reality is that the american economy is stronger now than just about any other point in history and we have mountains of data to support that claim from historically low unemployment levels to record-breaking gdp numbers to average incomes being higher than ever.
this that real rap
You're not being rude I don't know the first thing about economics and I'll be the first person to tell you that
pussy from a girl with an iq in the 140s
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>The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary annual benchmark review of employment data suggests that there were 818,000 fewer jobs in March of this year than were initially reported.
consensual sex with a retarded woman
818,000 fewer than the 3,000,000 gain.
e.g. the economy gained 2,200,000 jobs.
learn to read, retard.
>provided by salvation once a month
overheard a worker who used similar services around the area, but used them on a rotation so by the time he'd hit the last place, he'd be able to get free groceries from the first again. seems like a pretty good poverty technique if things ever get desperate
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a funny thing that happened here during the last hurricane was that the army confiscated all the aid trucks from private donations and distributed them saying that they were from the government.
i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you a retard.
i think the correct term is mentally challenged.
so stop being mentally challenged you fucking retard.
we haven't even hit the bump limit, anon
we have less than 5 posts until the bump limit and have split threads all day.
Hypothetically, where can one meet such women? Horse races? Church?
Online probably
High society gatherings, country clubs, and dinners, charity events.
4chan /cum/

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