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massage chair edish
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wakey wakey /asean/
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/asean/ status right now
salam aleykum
im not asian though
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>the dutch retvrned
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i'm buying makeup (for my girl frens)
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being unemployed sucks, but having jobs sucks even more
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das rite
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become part timer
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It's over....RIP
Who fking cares
Is having an expat in your country a good thing or a bad thing?
yes if they dont left their containment island
Where melei
i haven't been home in a while,
i'm sure everything's the same,
mom and dad both in denial,
an only child to take the blame

sorry mom but i don't miss you,
father's no name you deserve,
i'm just a kid with no ambitions,
wouldn't come home for the world
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Just shaved smooth like a newborn
rent prices doubled in less than 2 years
still range banned from posting pics, you cannot suffer in vpndonesia
Generally no but this is based on how the majority of expats tend to be the odd, disgusting and unwell citizens from another nation to another.
buy pass goy
Thai young generation is sadly one of the laziest out there… can’t get off their phones and only fan is booming there.
indogpedotroons posting below
indogpedotroons posting above
malingpedotroons posting above
you are all pedos faggots chinks
i won't pay $20 for that, i donated all my money to michi
/asean/ discussion: horny-politics-cats rinse and repeat
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I'm a hebephile though, get your shit right
RIP Gangsta Nun from Rush Hour 3
Not an excuse masturbating to underaged women unlaid Jawak
> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total Gòngfěi(共匪) Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total Israeli Bharatification:
AMEN: I am that I am.
tsubasa nonton
This shit passed on my timeline
I never interacted with fellow indog in my private xitter before, my xitter exclusively for coom. Must have been because I posted something with jeets lol
Fujo indon lusting for niggers now, has been surprising for me as a new development on \asean\
the world is revolting against pajeetism
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i can't say for sure because the number of expats is not big enough to bring about any changes to the city i live in but they seem to be integrating well with the locals here, for better or worse
last night I got a nightmare that I woke up also almost screaming.
the war in the Middle East got far bigger with Turkey, NATO, Saudi Arabia involved and there were legions of African mercenaries marching towards that region, the internet was full of war propaganda and in the local news people were dying suddenly in the streets without explanation and people thought it was a sign of the rapture, they thought that by supporting Israel they could escape that rare way of dying. I was warning them that those were the effects of the covid vaccine.
didn't ask, xitternigger
there's like 1.5 billion people in india
of course there would be a lot of awful people from there even if they're just 5% of the population or something
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is this you jawir?
I will prevent this.
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kek jawirpedotroon do look like that
Hi /asean/ <3
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pagi pogi
Vietnam products are cheap and they earn much more than us too. Meanwhile, our country is stuck in a perpetual cycle of minimum wage raise which also affects the commodity prices as well.
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i did this the other day and felt like a real woman
cute girls!
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you are a good united state :)
I am visit Drammen today, but I live in the Trondheim!
How are you doing in United State?
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and we love it this way.
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i love subaru.
Gm frens
WTH rare
good morning green Japan
They don't have AC?
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This is just a phase for every big rising nation
Around ten years ago it was the Chinese (pic-related), before that the Japanese, the Americans, the Germans, and so on
>more foreign flags than asean member country flags
Even on the internet, we're still the sexpat destination of the world
You are cuter <3
The weak suffer what they must.
pedotroonigs of the world unite!
thank you indonesia! you are cute girl too :D
I am sorry ;(
It is only that asean is kind towards people but others are mean
end yourself norwaychild fucker
You're welcome to stay here, fuck the others.
i want to fuck the others
I'm tired of corposlaving.
I am sorry. I do not mean harm to you :(
Sometimes I come here but I try not to bother too much. I don't want to annoying to my kind /asean/ fren :-)) !!!
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the girls are doing powerpoint night and a bonfire saturday. but i'm not making one because i'm lame
i should buy some snacks and alcohol
i get a massive employee discount this week and i offered to buy makeup/fragrances, she didn't tell pick out what she wants yet
youll fuck anything at this point you worthless jawir
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reminder coomposters (pedo) look like this
You can be annoying. No one would stop you here.
I'm not telling you to go away, I'm just saying there's more foreigners posting in /asean/ than SEA.
>others are mean
Only spics in general have a xenophobic attitude towards people who doesn't speak spic language.
you deserve jail time child fucker
Unironically jawir will fuck anything because their ancestor are pajeet
Dont listen to this jawir >>202768820
king david my hero
with employee discount you can buy the powerpoint girls some perfume/makeup and make those girls happy. then you may get sex if you want such thing :)
>you may get sex if you want such thing :)
that's not how the world works you delusional incel
/asean/ has fallen
anti-indian posting from indogs are chindog psyops
everyone hates you pajeet
oh i made a mistake then
it is my fault. i just hope america gets the girl because he seem like a good person!
Maybe not for uggos like you
you should just stick to being weeaboos, your indiophile peeple kinda sucks
Just bang the street girls, art hoes and you'll be fine. Dont go for the trad qt 3.14s in the countryside though.
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stfu indog you're nothing without us
all your culture came from us your country is even named after us
pajeet alert pajeet alert
pseudo saar indogenae
>t. virgin
Those are just placeholder cattle CEOs doe. Only Mr. Blackrock + all the other bankers in the board gets the final say.
keling bau got
wtf are you doing here pajeet
go park some motorcycles
Oh do not worry fren
I do not get girl anyways becuse I am not good enough for a female
But /asean/ is good enough for the girls because you are good people!
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also wrong, kek

serves him right for using telegram to order cheese pizza, what a retard. And lastly I'm not a predator, it's just my parental instinct kicks in.
Why are yt ppl like this? If I build a company from the ground, I wouldn't let a bunch of stinky people from a more lesser, inferior country to sit in c level chair and lead my entire team.
No wonder all of those company in that list are providing a worse, somewhat scam-like service to its customer/client, they adopt jeet behavior and scamming culture
it's called indonesia if you shit on india you shit on your own country
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This is downright scary, I'm not getting any "smart" tv from gooks. I guess 24 inch VA monitor + mini PC running linux is the only safe option for me
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on wednesday, i gave her a framed photo of her sitting on the rock on the ocean, taken exactly 3 years ago
she laughed her ass off when she unwrapped it because she had been repressing that memory. her shirt wasn't long enough, so she was very self-conscious about her underwear nearly showing lol

thanks for reading my blog
Look outside, we are more civilized than those shit eater monkey. As much as I hate this cunt we are miles better than them.
Indonesia is what those jeet WISHED to be; a clean, civilized country with a good relationship with its neighbors and other cunts. Jeet only direct descendants in here are JAWIR, that's why they are so entitled to be credited for indonesia advancement in everything while in reality its the other ethnicities who are hardcarrying this entire country to be in this stage right now and jawir are the one who pushed everything back and halt the progression This is like when jeet saying 'but your favorite corporate ceo is indian sir' while jeet are actually there AFTER the entire corporate was established and trying to take the cred of its achievement
whatever pedoniger
i expected only chinks and their chinkwares would do this kind of shit lol
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stupid indog
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meanwhile 99% of India is like that
Cimahi? That place with jawir resident migration? Thanks for proving my point, retarded jawir
Stop brothers war
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you are talking with a literal pajeet
stfu dutch jew
It's all about what's cheap.
Non whites are docile, replaceable and have no choice but to endure shitty work culture...

Within those companies the call center department alone (majority are ran by Indians enslaving pinoys) rake in millions of dollars every day. Yes, those shitty accents do make money, with luck. Also if a pinoy call center agent decides to go MIA, they already have a replacement before you even think about it. Now whites know the value of the products they buy and know they are entitled for support but pit them against people who get scammed/scam on a daily basis... You see.

The average minimum waging white can file a class action lawsuit against a mega corp but what's Visajeet and John Michael Bobo gonna do?
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What makes me wonder is that they put them in high management position, literal c level chair. If its just a call center or customer service, even managerial level then its normal, but CEO? That's just absurd and illogical, and its not just 1 or 2 silicon valley corpo that have this jeet ceo epidemic its like most of them have the jeets (and funnily enough most of them also endure the decline after putting those streetshitter to high position)
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>My girlfriend got a job paying her $24/hr in America
She earns in an hour what we earn here a week. I feel emasculated when she told me that. It's robotics work and she doesnt have a clue about robotics.
>the offshore kelings is now using indo VPN

You just know some Wak did some irreparable damage to his family
If anything is the megacorpo culture is the one to blame, maximizing gains minimizing risk is what ruined everything
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>Manx GBC poster
Holy based
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China fucking sucks, first time I failed the mid term exams was with her
Fucking nepo baby
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>It's robotics work and she doesnt have a clue about robotics.
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Try to post that webm everywhere, people would recognize that oldfag as a jeet descendant from her face immediately, which is, a backfire to your people
>That's just absurd and illogical
It's illogical for them, as a huge organization to prioritize short term gains over long-term profitability. But, that happens. The board are geared towards quarterly profits, than long-term planning. So, that's why SEO garbage are now in google® results after the CEO ordered reversion of patch that downranked those SEO excrements in an effort to increase engagement (because if people can't find the good result, they would have to click another page, thus increasing engagement metrics)
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interesting choice dood
What do you guys play on more often? PC, Mobile, or console? I play mainly on PC
which book(s) are you reading in your sea country?

the beetle in the anthill by the strugatsky bros, pretty good sci-fi mystery
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b-but china numbah wan....
> Assuming anybody here reads books

Joking aside, I’ve been trying to read the Silmarillion but I can’t fucking take it, it’s so hard to concentrate while reading it, idk why. I found the Hobbit and LOTR to be more palatable
Trying to finish Roadside Picnic
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>I did some family research and realized that I have blood relation to a gus in Rembang, all the way to Bani Basyeiban.
what do?
I'm reading Kitab Kuning lately....
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>you need to oil up your pan first before you cook. because, uhh..... y-y-you just have to! okay! you will buy cooking oils and you will stock them every month! you will support oil businesses!
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literal wibu rohis
fucking jawirs man
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if you cook with fatty meat, then you don't need oil in the first place
Don't worry I wouldn't cook you
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How do I summon Asahi out of my screen?

>Hiro and Ume got min max builds
>China got min-min build
What do cinaks mean by this??

>why yes I've never cooked before, what gave it away?
Just wondering, are you guys (muslims) allowed to handle pork to cook?
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out of the seven books i read from them, i like the doomed city the best because it feels like i'm reading /int/ post
Sure thing, we can cook pork but we should not eat the dish
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I really am one desu...
I dunno, I'm just curious about the breadth of literature in arabic, I guess I am pining to be learned like a Jew would to their collection of literature.
I'm reading Nahwu (Matan Al-Jurumiyah) which is about arabic grammaticals and such, and Shorof (Amtsilah At-Tashrifiyah) which is more about syntatic morprhology of the arabic language, both is precursor to learning more about the arabic corpus of academical and religious literature.
I've also been reading about Javanese culture back then through the lens of outsider (like that one book written by Clifford Geertz)
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this is indonesia's greatest invention
>a jeet
>sandnigger rape spawn
anything else here
what are you, anyway? aryan superhuman?
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My lunch.
Other pagpag eaters(tagalogs) will seethe when I post my food.
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My desert
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My coffee
Mcdonalds near where I live starts at like 22 an hour plus random incentives
yeah, (you)
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this is him
Who hurt you though
fat fuck
Oil makes it cook more evenly by increasing heat transfer, not stick, adds flavor, prevents drying out, and protects the cooking utensils if you're using something like cast iron.
>wibu rohis
What a disrespectful way to say "Japanese subculture enthusiast-Muslim gentleman"
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>a clean, civilized country
Are you baiting or sheltered as FUCK?
>ramen nagi
there are literally cheaper and better ramen shops than that shit
i love those ギャル fashion so much.
Richoids gonna richoid
just don't connect it to the internet. monitor is always better THOUGH.
as a muslim indon is better for me
Jesus Christ youre not different from those pajeet
Well... we're never meant to be "Indonesia" in the first place anyway. Our original name is "Nusantara", but due to administration stuff we decided to simply follow the name given by the Dutch. We definitely should revamp it to avoid people confusing us with India.
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what should we rename our country with hypotethycally speaking?
we failed ganyang so i dont think we could use the name nusantara
Just get a dumb TV, even a couple of chink ones have an option to "disable" all the smart shit if you want and install Plex on it if you have the money to build and maintain a home NAS server
how many percentage of our place is exactly like that? compare it to india. also, even our most rural and underdeveloped places still have a 100% fully functioning toilet system.
Just like what Uncle Ruckus, no relation, said that no matter how much food you spend every weekend, you still just a lowlife tangalog monkey.
nah, nusantara is still our name even without old territories from majapahit and sriwijaya
Wait, people still watch TV in this decade?
around 98%
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>even our most rural and underdeveloped places still have a 100% fully functioning toilet system.
You have never been in rural and underdeveloped places.
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where's the research journal THOUGH
i'm still wondering how other SEA countries are covered in your country's local news
here, aside from thailand, news about other SEA countries that isn't football-related barely makes the headlines
nigga, i used to live in one when my family was still struggling. one of my neighbor lived in a literal bamboo house without floor, and they still have a squatting toilet. it's messy, but it's fully functioning. we're not jeets, we never shit in streets.

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