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heilan coo edition
poo smells lmao
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>Child killers chopped and beat my son to death while he screamed 'Daddy help me'
fuck off is that real?
Writing a movie script in the genre I like to call Jewsploitation. It’s a wacky comedy of errors affair, with the working title - Oy Vegas!
Derren Brown is a national treasure. Cherish your days with him before Youtube collapses.
Cor Saturday Cinema tomorrow (today techiny I guess)
I keep getting recommended videos on youtube about how the uk has fallen and how others have moved away and hate it now
bizarre because I have not watched any similar type of videos
anyone else experiencing this?
fucking hell that's tragic
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>Daddy help me
Nah just the usual tween lasses showing off their dance routines or doing a swimsuit try on.
The Asian Fanny.
the fanyard of the orient
even the pozzed kike algorithm knows it’s over
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Remember when Derren Brown did that big thing called "The Event" and there was a big promotion for it and he was going to predict the lottery numbers, then he just did a splitscreen and got someone to write the numbers on the balls on the half that was paused while he stood on the other half watching the lottery draw?
What was all that about?
Ah soh, me so solly! Hiiiiyaaaa!
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mental how all asians have innies
east asian of course
I guess genghis purged the rest
I remember in that same series he also had a bit where he hypnotised a guy to take all his money out and bet it on roulette. They filmed it live and the guy lost lol
no idea what ur on about mate
You can see genghis cunt preferences today
yeah he also did a live russian roulette, and stuck to your sofa thing which didn't work on me, and the push thing which was interesting
the system was the best tv show he made
Sir Derren brown
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Just before she went missing
English commoners are naturally slaves
Only thing I'm a slave to is big fat brown bums.
just ate two slices of toast
especially in finland
just sliced to ates of toast
scraniel and mallardlad linked up
the result? well it may not be what you expected
Wonder the absolute carnage that would have unfolded if the IRA killed the Queen in the 80s
Those tricks where he makes people go do things and then tells them to forget that they did the things and they forget they've done them, that's wild that actually works. Can't even fathom that working on me. The assassination one convinced me Sirhan Sirhan was Manchurian Candidated.
instead we got the good ending where the queen did gangnam style dance on marty mcguiness grave
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This was a fine remake
yeah a good watch that one
The IRA knew it would be utterly stupid to kill the Queen and would have brought hell on them. They were numerically inferior guerrilla fighters not an offensive fighting force.

Shame the bomb never got Thatcher though. Bitch. Would have done millions of British working class a favour.
remade ur mums arsehole with me knob last night
anyone remember vietlad?
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It is beginning.
Not sure if I can make it through another winter lads.
Your kids only got beaten and chopped up into pieces because you and a woman decided to concieve life into the world. All suffering that your offspring experience is ultimatly of your own doing.
how’s that work then
Disney really is just proto anime pedo tranny shit.
toughen up you poof
just put crisps on my sandwich
Think I might rewatch Manchurian Candidate (2004) this evening as it turns out
I remember thailad, he got banged up allegedly because he insulted the king
The Mancunian Candidate
No plans for Halloween.
No plans for November fifth.
No plans for Christmas.
No girl to take to the autumn/winter fairs.

Just sitting inside in a hoodie wanking.
The Mercian Candidate
head like a fuckin orange
The New Hampshirian candidate
ever gone on a rorkish tirade whilst befuddled friends/family/coworkers/strangers look on
kek yes especially about the chosen race
often go on rorkeian rants when pissed with my mates
thankfully they’re not wet wipes and haven’t fell out with me about it but they roll their eyes and tell me to stop talking about how much i hate pakis
>al fayed allegations
another childhood hero down
The Maryleboneian Candidate
was it not his son who was shagging diana and the queen ordered an mi5 hit on them both
my poo just now was mostly cum
ordering an mi5 hit on my bollocks
the manchurian scrandidate
some might say that yes, and they also may say she was preggo with his baby
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Can we all agree its nice we can piss on thatcher and Reagan's grave
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mental we were literally a femdom society for 70 years
singing god save the queen and calling her “your majesty” and bowing every time she entered a room and soldiers dying and fighting for her
Just watched a webm where a paedo gets shot in the head point blank range by the dad of the child he nonced.
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we all know who those soldiers were REALLY dying for....
That child would not have been nonced if the dad had not concieved him, ergo the dad is ultimately responsible for his child being nonced.
crazy really although lizzie did a lot for the commonwealth, in terms of keeping it together and also adding more members
we also had victoria ruling for 60 odd years as well
and he executed justice upon that vile man
the circle is closed
it was really a transition
the queen was the only thing linking us to our 20th century past and any legacy of britain as an empire and respected world power
charles reign will just forever be associated with britain as a skint embarrassing lesser power hellbent on weird political theory and mass immigration

When the Queen died old Britain did.
Honestly can't say who's worse Reagan destroyed America and I am not 100 percent sure what thatcher did
Need to get farted on by a cute 18 year old lad.
rehab room dropped a brutal nuked on biritshcels

>When the Queen died old Britain did.
I agree, even in the UK a lot of people gave leeway because of the Queen, she had a very positive image, Charles just comes across very poorly. It is frankly bizarre that Canada and Australia would accept him as their head of state
*sniffs excitedly*
My old coworkers hated me because I told she is lucky her boyfriend lets her stay rent free in a beach side condo so she had no right to complain when he got a motorcycle instead of going to Paris
kek nice anti meme
This stuff applies to most of the west, and increasingly the east too.
Friend bought a car from an old man car salesman who accidentally recorded 1 of their phone calls and 20mins of backroom shop talk and sent it to him, 20mins of his coworkers complaining about other coworkers apparently
we are a passive people
Destroyed any manufacturing and industry based in Britain leading to mass unemployment
Sold of state industries to the highest bidder
Slashed social welfare and scrapped free milk for children
Fucked up social housing leaving council estates dens of druggies and chavs
Was horrible to the Irish
Protected pedophiles in the BBC and government

Only good thing she ever did was the tough response to the Falklands.
Honestly the royal family seems stupid why have a inbred retard as a commander and chief I know they don't really do anything
yes i know
it's over
>Was horrible to the Irish
Oh no!
I was a NEET for several years
just didn't see the point in trying
I have a job now but I still don't see the overall point of things
She sounds like Reagan but with vagina and less funny
i would have found all their emails and sent them the recording, cheeky workplace chaos
Trails of Cold Steel IV toil looms
I know it isn't an individual opinion with you but how is sentiment there towards the monarchy generally? It is a strange situation for you because the alternative is becoming like the USA almost, it is kind of turning your back on tradition
I can understand why it exists here because it is literally the foundation of our nation but with outer states it weakens obviously
Reagan was a hero that revitalised America and gave the death blow to the commies
bit mad that my mates have wives and kids, and I spend my weekends here with you lot.
Makes you think
>Destroyed most of the new deal
>Fucked up healthcare
>Funneled guns the Iran Iraq war
>Funded terrorists in Afghanistan
>Based his entire campaign on thatcher
>Made america into the shithole it is today

Oh yeah he smuggled crack and meth into the country
What is the most influential tribe in history?

For me it’s got to be the Latins, then the Franks, then the Anglo-Saxons, then the Asturians
i don't enjoy being a neet
all i need is one good business idea and then i can be a luxuryneet for the rest of my days
anglo liberals are in sort of a jam because they want to get rid of it but its also obviously the only thing that sets us apart from evil american, who they also detest

quebec obviously wants it gone and I can see why
the jews
distinct lack of musical posting in this thread
a tribe called quest
>that one guy who opens youtube links
we found him!
jews aren’t one people despite what you might think
mizrahi, sephardim, ashkenazi, ethiopian jews are all seperate tribes that sprung from different historical places and areas. they all larp as a people from bronze age caanan

guess you could say the original jews were the most infuential but i don’t think they had as much influence on humankind as the Romans did
Still looking forward to vising London even if it's a shithole it can't be worse than NYC or Vegas
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it's over for rorke (pic related)
despite a lot of wogs in the inner city it is nicer and has actual culture
pubs n footy n history and all that craic
the rich areas are really nice just no regular brit can afford to live there
the yanks
when I was a kid I went to piano lessons and one time I asked my Asian (probably Chinese) piano teacher for her AIM name
she gave me it, something like Fabio followed by some numbers. I added it with no mistakes and she was literally never online
to this day I have no clue why someone would tell a preteen piano student a fake AIM name instead of just telling them you don't use it. I dont blame her though
London is honestly a great place
maybe for living it is shit but as a tourist you will never be bored
>jews aren’t one people despite what you might think

neither are any of the 'tribes' you listed
Only thing I need is a friend and a job. Getting a job right now is impossible
not an ethnic group
they’re a hodge podge of english, scots, ulstermen, dutch and irish
it's over for lil donnie
they were
the latins were the original founders of rome
the franks were germanics around the lower rhine that invaded the late roman empire and assimilated into the gallo romans
the anglo saxons were people from northern germany and the low countries that settled britain and mixed with the celtic british
>the anglo saxons were people from northern germany and the low countries that settled britain and mixed with the celtic british
literally not a tribe or even a single group of people
keep having nightmares and it takes me almost an hour to calm down after i wake up
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>lil donnie
the ancient hymn that played when the anglo saxons met the celtic britons at dover
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spoke the same dialects, followed the same religion and were from the same area (north sea germany)
had a very sinister nightmare last night ngl
I love stout
they met them at thanet you MONG
Don't listen to natives. Listen to a tourist. Go to London but also go to smaller places. Get more of the juju you're looking for in smaller places they'd probably be bored by.
ohptoil soon
so just like the jews then
the beatles. the smiths. oasis. all irish diaspora

eric clapton. the rolling stones. Blur. english to the core
if i'm ever in public and need a wee or a shite i always go in the disabled bogs, it's a victimless crime, plus i have autism so i'm technically disabled
the ancient hymn that played when the anglo saxons met the celtic britons at thanet
not really
Hello farting my old friend
yeah really
nice to have that little extra space isn't it
plus if you need a shite and the seat is covered in piss you've got the spacker bar to hang off
no not really
savage mog by the irish
well it's always bigger so I can't blame you. stretch your legs out, son
Where is she?!
well you're wrong and i'm right so there
Would rent a car over there too if you're extremely brave. Extremely thrilling.
I feel great honestly. Getting sorted, toilfu interested in me, it's all coming together lads.
#1 is clearly the Greeks since they invented western culture and everything good or important that came from the Latins was just them being larping hellaboos
the latinx
Not sure, I presume some lad from here or the german general met up with her and put an end to her posting
the creative, melancholic, spiritual melodies of the noble hibernian

the crass, hedonistic, plebeian rabble of the churlish saxon
blur are fucking shite
My eternal soulmate Candice
time for the late night chicken and rice. Someone's gotta do it x
yeah? well I think you're a jerk
good lad
delightful tuppence on her
I'll say that much
its friday night and we're on 4channel
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Hungary and Poland would have been the strongest states in Europe if it not were the Mongols

Poles would have taken the place of Russia as the master of Europe and Hungary would have taken the southern Slavs in the place of the Ottomans.
I know it's cringe but I am a britaboo so i want to learn as much as possible from you all
It's Saturday morning mate.
>eric clapton
>rolling stones
greedy pricks with no sense of artistry
one hit wonder
clapton is dog
The virgin freaks, as it were
don’t get this anglo saxon purism larp some of you lot do when the strongest anglo saxon areas in this country (yorkshire, lincolnshire and norfolk) are all shitholes
Blur are far superior to Oasis in creative output, oasis were just better at marketing themselves to 90 iq pub rocker mongs
It is bizarre they were compared in the first place really it's like saying Justin bieber is better than Mozart
thought the hungarians were proto mongols
>Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls
>Who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys
>Always should be someone you really love
>Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls
>Who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys
>Always should be someone you really love
are blur trannies?
I'm a Jute mate.
She just got married
pannonians adopting ugric invader culture
hardly distinguishable from nearby central europeans
ok I hate taylor swift now
also one hit wonders
centuries under the norman yoke will do that to a people
you sound like a right speccy virgin mate
Are you really comparing Blur to Mozart?
Is Parklife comparable to Turkish Rondo?
silly misconception
the language comes from central northern asia when europeans dominated that area before getting pushed out
i like all of them x
where are you from
free the nipple
is Leck mich im Arsch comparable to the Universal?
hot take: green day is better than oasis and blur
A Gaelic man, me
Fact: They're all SHITE
Hungarians, or Magyars, are believed to have originated from the Ural region of modern-day Russia, near the Ural Mountains, and migrated westward over centuries.

Uralic Origins: Linguistic and genetic evidence suggests that the ancestors of Hungarians were part of a Uralic-speaking group of peoples. These early peoples lived in the Ural Mountains region, between modern-day Europe and Siberia.

Migration Westward: Around the 9th century, the ancestors of modern Hungarians began a series of migrations from the Ural region. They passed through the steppes north of the Black Sea, a region historically inhabited by nomadic peoples.

Settlement in the Carpathian Basin: In the late 9th century, the Mag
>green day
one hit wonder insulting them themselves
more like a GAY LICK MAN am i right

see how fucked up that is...?
Anglo royalist dog
aussie cars?
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tribes really are just glorified gangs
angles, saxons and jutes were just large street gangs, but because huge urban centres didn’t exist back in the 5th century britain they were farmland gangs across several fields and valleys

as were the 5th century britons ruling in their hillforts
tango no!
is your family a glorified gang
it is according to your logic
look up the genetic studies, hungarians are standard central euros that adopted the language of their siberian conquerors in the early medieval age
you're just a glorified idiot
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>green day
>one hit wonder
While the Kipchaks (and Cumans) had historical connections with Hungary due to migration and settlement, they are ethnically and linguistically distinct from the Hungarians. Over time, the Kipchaks and Cumans who settled in Hungary assimilated into Hungarian society.

The Kipchaks and Cumans were Turkic nomadic peoples, and while they were not ethnically Mongols, they had significant historical interactions with the Mongols, especially during the Mongol expansion in the 13th century.

so there we have it, mongol like people living right there in hungary . today, because they assimilated, we just call them hungarians
turbowedgied that nerd
Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah
a village is a collection of families
a tribe is a collection of villages that operated much like a gang
it had hierarchy, rulers (aristocracy), a fighting class, took tribute (protection racket) from normal people and had territorial disputes (tribal warfare) with other tribes/gangs

an urban street gang is a modern recreation of the tribal structures that existed in prehistory before centralised states. when a lot of these gangs were conquered or united, a king became the ruler of all of them and began creating an actual state and government.
also you linked the same song twice, says it all really
A hundred years from now nobody will be listening to Oasis, Blur, or Greenday.
Anyone want to start a tribe?
True but they will be listening to Brokencyde
last one is a bonus from a popular tv show
people will be listening to oasis
cope otherwise
obviously they will be
Already in one, it's called the Catholic Church
However JJ72 will live on in our successors memories
100 years from now, people will be listening to sminem
/brit/ is much a virtual tribe even though it’s anonymous
has its own dialect, cultural norms, traditions, legends, history
drinked two monster cans so i'm up all night again!
Declaring war on them in the morning
when we no longer need oxygen they will become VERY relevant
you realize that a tribe is an upscale version of a family.. so is your family a gang? answer the question. it has a hierarchy too, your father at the top, mother and siblings in the middle, you at rock bottom.
your family competes for jobs and housing with other families which is the modern equivalent of resources that tribes would fight over. disputes are just settled with the police and the legal system
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the Catholic Church is literally the Roman Empire
It’s the only major empire wide institution that survived its collapse and functioned as imperial administration in the dark age through dioceses and monastery
Kept the late Roman religion in Europe
The Pope was a Caesar like figure
The Catholic Church was a unifying force across all of medieval Europe from Scotland to Poland
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good night lads
Nah Russia is the new Roman empire
night babe xo
could be said so yes, but i think it isn’t in the traditional sense since you are born into it and there is no real mutual agreement in a family. a couple has children and is obligated to take care of its children and the children obey the parents because they are children

a bit drunk and phone posting can’t articulate correctly but you get the jisf
Wrong, I call the shots in my family.
Just tried Huel ginger superfood drink for the first time. Absolutely stellar on the way down.
It's on the trannie rekt thread on gif
There's also one of a trannie chopping off his own cock with an angle grinder
never said new did I
said the Holy Catholic Church is a remnant of Rome
reported sexual harassment at work and i dont think toilberg took it seriously
it was probably this
Right I'm going to regret this
that sheriff who shot the judge?
what happened, how were you harassed?
rizzing up a gyattberg
watched a brazilian cartel execution one once where they were laughing and slapping a woman then shot her

non whites are mad creatures
well i dont think so. im asking you to admit it because saying a family is a gang sounds ridiculous
tribes were only just doing all those things you listed to survive the harsh times they lived in
gangs are just organized criminals who immorally make money. the similarities begin and end with making sure ends meet
the work ex-wife grabbed my bollocks
said gangs operate much like tribes in their structure not that they are 1:1 equivalents

a family i wouldn’t say is a gang
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>complaining about that
you yanks are such whiny bastards
>Child killers chopped and beat my son to death while he screamed 'Daddy help me': Father of Shawn Seesahai reveals last moments of his son who was murdered in a park the day before he was due to start engineering course
>Bridgerton ball promised glamour. It descended into chaos
well yanks? i thought detroit was a upcoming hip place?
Our culture began with the Franks and Dark Age Europe

The Greeks and Romans were a seperate civilisation
the similarities begin and end with what you personally consider immoral, so your definition sucks

gangs can be as immoral as they want anyways, selling drugs etc., because the means are justifying the ends, which is lifting their tribe i mean gang up as a collective
dont even smoke me but I would have liked to have smoked a few ciggies while playing pool in the pub with the boys
I want to be able to enjoy a peaceful time at work and not be harassed by a whore
I'd live in the Detroit area if I had a good job there.
*smokes you*
Some of it has to be Renaissance based. Reniassance being a greco-roman revival. I have no argument to back this up.
we lost our way as a nation when they banned smoking in pubs. It not right
we should bring back fight clubs
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>the similarities begin and end with what you personally consider immoral, so your definition sucks
what happened to him was a crime
he was raped
objective morality doesnt exist
Gladiator 2
men cannot be raped by women
>self-detonating statement
not very clever are you
mental how i am so old I did this
Objectively from a moralistic stance yes they can
I was born one day before Saint Pat
I guess a nigga miss luck just like that
Henry Ford, not even one mile from Motown
Explains all the soul that you hear in my sound
A ten minute ride to Linwood, I begun
My mama first son, look what I become
A weed head with words that poking what I'm smoking
This ain't no Reggie 'cause the flame rise from Oakland
I used to play with pistols and crack houses
Skipping school just to fuck bitches on dirty couches, abandoned houses
Find one with the lights on it
Landlord came pulled the hook and locks on it
Money I'm plotting on it I put the block on it
I'm gonna get it, fold deep, no shocks on it
no they can’t
the most they can get is sexual harassment
a woman cannot forcefully penetrate a man
no idea what that means so ill assume you're accepting defeat
it depends on the jurisdiction
it means your argument in itself disproves what you think you are trying to prove
doesn’t matter what the law of some nations declare as rape
technically speaking a woman cannot rape a man
depends how you define a woman
never said i was raped
the work ex-wife sexually harassed me
it's still wrong and illegal
i’m as rorke as they come and don’t define a woman as an autistic incel in a dress
a woman with a fanny cannot rape a man
ok dennis
tranny mong
no don't suck my dick
guess what my man, that's rape and you are now a rape vict...no rape survivor
Someone who won’t have sex with you
your mum is a bloke then?
its a cultural truth that men are lurking around pubs dumping roofie drugs in womens drinks but is it the actual truth
it is a learned behaviour from evil yanks
and we must stop it
i wasnt in any danger it just made work uncomfortable
it wasn't your fault
keep getting texts from sportsbet telling me to gamble but i can't block them for some reason, this should be illegal
it does happen, but most of it is men doing it to other men in gay bars, at least based on actual documented cases and convictions
Seems to be part of gay culture to be cool with some shocking immorality. Aim is to be a bitch and a rapist sometimes with some of those guys.
why is it that there are some drugs you can only get high off by snorting but others you can just swallow
should have shagged her in the face until she cried. that'd learn her.
Quite mental English was spoken by a peasant people in a grim windswept island off the coast of France 1,000 years ago and now it is spoken by 2 billion and was spoken on the Moon
not got a lot of respect for the gays me
catholic church was right on them lot
even the nicest ones are perverted and vile
i think theyre all interchangeable to a certain degree. like you can drink liquid ketamine or snort it or inject it. cocaine same thing
got the city pop on
The Russians. Mad blokes. Mental they just go through a melty every 50-100 years and just start shooting their own people for having wrong thoughts.
Thinking about holiday to tel aviv
Pretty cheap there atm
it is due to absorbtion, drugs you snort get taken into the bloodstream via membrane at the back of your throat, you can also take drugs sublingually in your mouth like acid
in the stomach is different because it goes through your digestion system and is absorbed in your digestive tract
don’t know why you’d want to hang around them lot
would spit on them
It's annoying because I really want to visit Russia for non-chud reasons but due to covid and now putin having a melty to just isn't viable, need to wait this shit out
English 1,000 years ago was very different before it was drastically influenced by Norman French.
Sounded more like modern Icelandic.
The having sex with each other is one thing, it's the equating former consensus immorality of gay sex to the immorality of being a drama queen rapist pedophile that's the problem with some of them. They'll blame you guys for this.
committing a sublingual poo
water solubility i think
think you're guilty of a big caricature of russian people and history here
bald nonce, goblin nonce, "i'll knock you out clean" nonce
Come from Brit/pol/ have you?
dwarf nonce who kicks himself in the head
no, that place is a cesspool
not a big fan of israelis mate
scum if you ask me
gay sex isn’t real sex it’s a perverted vile act
sticking your willy up another blokes arse is an insult to the love and bonding functional humans have, that actually results in a new life being created
love learning about plant taxonomy
yeah i dont like jews either but i just want to know why
are you muslim?
This is one hell of a cute cow if I do say so myself.

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