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They looks literally this

Eastern Slavic race is made from directly god
>russia is mostly asian
<still stereotyped as blonde and blue eyed
dicka when will you rape sasha? he's being bratty lately, soon he will evolve into an orc.
tsundere elf sexo
>russia is mostly asian
but we're not eastern slavs
This lol
It's not mostly Asian nor blonde. The average Russian is a swarthy goblin missing teeth.
>It's not mostly Asian nor blonde. The average Russian is a swarthy goblin missing teeth.
don't say about your race
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Slavic women may look like elves, but they have the souls of goblins.
Russians are brown chinky looking manlets. Ukrainians are brown fat blobs and only Belarusians are somewhat white looking.
>don't say about your race
ESL barbarian moment.
+15 CIA points
You are just westernized Russian zow
Don't talk about your race
russians are mongolized-tatarized poles actually
>it's the CIA or something
So niggers in Latinxmerica got the CIA obsession from russians, now the mystery is solved.
im confused why you laugh
russians always tell me they're not european
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Even 4chan nerd kuns looks like this

They are far whiter than most of European
>The average Russian is a swarthy goblin missing teeth
This mostly happens in Asian part of Russia, European part is still Slavic
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If you and German wanted that
Russian don’t let you go zow
unless youre a cute japanese female who wants a polish boyfriend there isn't a reason you should have this image saved on your storage drive
I have brown eyes and dark hair therefore I'm not white
There's zero difference between Siberian and European Russians.
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Chinese and other Asians are going to Siberia now because Russia is getting cheaper every day for them
In 20-30 years there will be a lot more differences
+10 bananas
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I don't look anything like this
Can you show any statistical evidence of this or is this just the usual incel hatemongering? The Chinese can't even settle the western regions of China itself.
>Can you show any statistical evidence of this or is this just the usual incel hatemongering?
We don't have any statistics to prove or disprove it and no one cares anyway, but you will see the results in 20 years
Got it. Incel hatemongering.
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There are several reasons for this. China and Japan will benefit from having large diasporas in Russia
Based. Russia seems to have a healthy way of integrating different culture. The US needs to glass everywhere with k-pop and anime, then use their client state Japan to spam porn. This is actually very wholesome.
Russian women only like Asian males from developed countries like Japan or Korea where they can get a passport and dump their "boyfriend" immediately.
thats whores in general, they flock in harems to whoever is regarded as the best, they have no morals no opinions they follow no philosophy they are too stupid to even evaluate what consequences their own actions bring, once in a new environment the presupposed "the best" turns out "not good enough" in face of new opportunities and they immediately start monkeybranching rinse repeat until they hit the wall/get too old
Homosexuality is a bad thing, anon.
Why is Serie belarusian?
mongol warriors, all of them
What about pic rel?
>Belarusians are somewhat white looking.
They aren't, neither are you.
why is his face so dirty?
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I wish.
>little scrawny Danish elf bullying big powerful Swedish human
It's Denmark
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Ummm sweety, that's actually not true.
sød elver
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Der er flere søde elvere i den manga.
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>When eastern Slavic people strangling with understanding what happiness seems like
To kwush yoa enemies, to see zem dwiven befoa you and to hia the lamentations of zea women.
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>”Asian” is an insult in eastern Slavic sphere

Sad and erotic Iwant to taint up them so so much more with my mongoloid yellow dicka knife
working on the potato farm
"Asian" is not an insult.
"Mongoloid" is an insult.
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tfw no russian gf hand crafted by god himself
It not an insult, it's their cope in attempt to distance themselves from us. We are outraged simply because it is not true, and not because it is bad
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Eastern Slavic people looks like in real
Bros I think the world should ban slavs using cigarettes and alcohol and other drugs
And they keep extreme right wing policy forever to protect their purity

Look at white American getting mutted by years
They seems a stars in the sky I can’t reach that but only seeing beautiful stars makes me relaxed and horny
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Which Russian elf gf would you pick?
My half Buryat classmate from tech school looks kinda like this
Russians are the last pure europeans left
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I love typical Slavic FOXY face so much
I can’t see That FOXYness among Germanic and Nordic white people for some reason

Germanic and Nordic seems like this to me
The BDSM enthusiast.
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Russian boy is in different league
It is the only thing I am confident in saying is true in every slavic nation. They are motivated only by greed and the occasional bout of contempt/sadism.
>hiding his broad nose
he's probably also bald by now, judging by his hair
There are no actual Russians in Kursk, they're all Ukro/Belarusian mutts.
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See blade runner
Strong vivid stars get burned out so fast
Cypriot men are built for bullying.
>There are no actual Russians in Kursk, they're all Russian/Russians mutts.
Whyyy why you have these pictures Tokido-kun
Time and time again I see some russian saying that X region is not ethnically Russian, but X or Y.
Where are the real Russians? Are they locked up in basements in Piter?
saaar its the ukro/belarusian mutts!!!!
The redder it is, the more Russian it is.
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I’m glad there is not eastern slavic in particular Russian here at all
Cuz I should’ve sexuall criminal if there is full of Russian
Their looks ruin my frontal lobe
Because they're the perfect blend of european and asian features, without sacrificing their blonde hair & light eyes. It's what WMAFaggots wish their offspring looked like.
The blue spots are certified Russians.
Yes, Siberia has purer Russians than European Russia because they all come from the European blue spot and they live separately with the natives there.
Я был нa Кaмчaткe и Чyкoткe и никoгo кpoмe pyccких тaм нe видeл
Fucking zainichi ruthenians
My people
yeah as a pole i can agree. some look pretty but its a lottery you can hit some ugly brown eyes with large nose and wide face that make you look ugly and you dont need jewish genetic for this. some poles with slavic origin can look like that
No one is happy here. We see happiness as an distant ideal which no one can reach.
>he doesnt know
Unironically, german/jewish media is to blame for everything. Fucking ringer axel springer is trying to ruin Poland like they did Germany.
LMAO real
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That’s why your literatures are masterpieces
cute slav mulatta
Yes, because there exists Europeans, Asians and Russians.
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You might be onto something what that pic
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Jap cartoons > russoid books
Nigga, Lower Novgorod is literally the old Erzya capital city...
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>I am forgotten
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Freeren is Russian
>snowlly white cute
>doomed mentality
>sometimes so cruel
>no smile at all but sometimes slightly smile
>not talk too much
>can’t express his feelings honestly
> don’t care about make up and household things
>love reading books
>born to sleep
>talk like depressed patient
household things cuz she basically doomed philosophers
>don’t care about make up and household things
russian womenoids DO care about that th0
memes aside, do Russians actually picture themselves like that? With blue eyes and blonde hair?
Yeah, they care about makeup until they marry a sugar daddy.
Then it's full Frieren mode 24/7.
And at no point do they care about the household, they have goblin levels of hygiene.
>doomed mentality
>sometimes so cruel
>no smile at all but sometimes slightly smile
>not talk too much
>can’t express his feelings honestly
> don’t care about make up and household things
>born to sleep
>talk like depressed patient
Literally me.
Yes, they do
But most Russian tourist that I see here look darker than the locals
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Most Russians are like that. Consider the following: dark blonde hair colour is literally called "Russian" in the Russian language.
I've noticed that blue contact lenses and died blonde hair are especially popular with Russian women. Is it it that bad?
That's because Belarus is one of the blondest countries on earth, more so than Germany.
These tourists are from Moscow probably.
Not exactly blond, but dirty blond. Most of the Russians have dirty blond or brown hair and blue eyes. (at least where I live)
Nigger please.
Dyed blonde hair is universal all across Europe and everywhere that Europeans settled. Even in Asia now.
Coloured contact lenses are used by cosplayers only.
>all those capital cities where muhammad is the most common male name
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>Most Russians are like that
Lmao NO
Pure germans can be dark haired, while most people here have Luke Skywalker's hair color. Dark blonde? Not sure that I can call it brown.
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Excuse me, we're western slavic and we look like this
Almost the same person.
But... most people in that picture have blue eyes and probably blonde hair as well (they all have it dyed to death, it's impossible to tell). Ugly people can be blonde too
Where do these Dark Poles come from? Is it the famous Sarmatians?
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Real blondes here 10% at best. Average hair color in Russia is dark brown
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>t. Moscovite
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yes, the mighty sarmatian warriors
when they lost their steeds, they lost all their will to live, and became polish
i thought caring about household things meant just mindless consooming like western white women do aka order billions of useless things and/or decorations for a 2x2 square meter appartment
>B-but in my irrelevant village
Nobody cares
You can tell it's moscow because half the men are Caucasian.
Russian women would rather order billions of useless things for themselves to wear (and then never wear 90% of them) while the apartment looks like the cave of a mountain troll
Do they look russian?
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Average eye color is also brown
Your city is a brownoid Islamified shithole that lives from parasitism, you cope
I'm Bosnian and almost my entire family looks like this except me. Thank god I actually look like a man instead of some effeminate faggot for you to fetishize
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Cope. Moscow is 95% Russian while your city is half mongol
>Cope. Moscow is 95% Russian while your city is half mongol
Damn, an average Moscovite looks even browner than I imagined...
That's a melting pot. Do you have something similar in Minsk?
Between shit and piss
Whe have Chinese, Africans, Arabs and some post-Soviet churka students but they aren't mixing with locals.
Why belarussians so racist?
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Why do Japanese people love elves so much?
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hmm this thread seems very gay
Who doesn't love elves?
Most international students only interact with their own kind.
Dwarfs and female humans
strange indeed

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