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/int/ - International

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faces of /int/
>I-I wanna attentiowhore but it's so scawwy
why do homos blur their face?
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I bought new hat (to hide my baldness)
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/isr/ jaws
post norwood pavel
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please take finasteride
please for your own good
Hi gorgeous
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do you have sex from time to time?
are you a sexhaver?
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if only i had a Hapsburg chin
me, westerner version.
ryan gosling
is that the gayest drawing style you could come up with?
i like his style its unique and he should be proud of it
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i look like a gorilla tbf
need to get fitter
very handsome
real brown chudjak
Italian or Iberian diaspora? Don't lie, those eyes only come from Southern Europe
i blame the fucked up chin and eyes
but im trying not to draw with lineart or construction lines and its hard
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>faces of /int/
He stole it from disco Elysium
hows life in china?
This guy fucks
college student?
why did you blur your face? it's not like we can tell the difference between you and the other 1.5 billion chinks.
You drive.
Because OP did the same. I'm just replying for fun, imagine sending your own face to this CIA forum.
they're our friends ;^)
Built for BWC
>Stop eating our boat, jaws!
shameless bump
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ok? its still nice and i think he should be proud
Based. I fucking love ch*nx.
wtf dad, get off my board.
you can swear here, buddy
What are we listening to on this Saturn's day?


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>>faces of /int/
very nice
This music is shit
if you can't already tell, i just listen to Kino or Molchat Doma

what kind of music do you listen to, Pavel Gosling?
>Kino or Molchat Doma
You need to blow your brains out for real
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oh shit i'm sorry
frenchest looking man I have ever seen
i'm viktor tsoimaxxing fr fr
feces (fecal matter) of int
i dont get it
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taken a few weeks ago
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>all the gays censor their faces
anyone who deanonymizes themselves is lower than fecal matter. youre all fecal matter. and you know it hence you draw attention to yourselves
only women and literal dick sucking homosexuals behave this way
Your hair is really pretty

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Uh hello? Any former gaycels in the thread?
I didn't, in fact here's close-up
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apparently being a retard makes it take way more time than it should
Always hate how my eyes look
LOL no you can't
I've been banned before for that word
Don't post them then
dont be so mean, Luca

4chan has fallen...
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Start finasteride, your hair is thinning
I'm trying to get over my insecurities regarding my appearance though
>your hair is this
>your face is that
Shut the fuck up
He was born pretty and he will die pretty
He's not like you. worry about your own life
I just don’t him to norwood
Cause the bottom has to be cute
That wan't me
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more like current :(
Take a pic with both of your asses in the air
I want to fuck him so badly
post nipples... pls
Trannysteride, anon, trannysteride
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how could you betray me like this
was about to post my feet
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do i look cute? love from bucharest
all of you are very cute:p
God's chosen people :)
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I wish I was a twink and had a cute bf :(
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im brazilian so dont shame the portigiese for me being brown
you look better now
there has to be another gay autist who's into military stuff you gotta find someone eventually
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One clear answer
If you combed through the archives you'd know he's already on it.
I hope so. I was gonna go on a date. But we had to delay because of some stuff in his life. I got some moulds and gonna melt his favourite chocolate into the mould for cats because he likes them. I was gonna use the two cat ones since their tails look like a loveheart.
Also the last guy i added here ghosted me :(
You are so fucking beautiful baby please let me fuck your ass
Why the fuck does /int/ have so many twinks and pretty boys? Where are the manly chads?
would (in a straight way)
keep it down will you
ruining my street cred
so you're still seeing him then?
no so hopeless then
its the weekends, chads are out and twinks are in
yeah but idk I dont think he likes me as much romanticaly. Idk he used to say sweet things to me but he doesnt anyore and I always have to start the conversations and shit. feeling depressed and unwanted desu
Also he forgot my birthday but I didn't his :(
That's very cute. I know my heart would melt if someone did this for me
silly, how are the chads going to find their twinks then
I just want the day for him to be happy. like even if we don't date just want it to be a nice day for him. Gonna try and take him on one of the places he really likes to go to.
/int/ is a twink-on-twink board though
obviously, if the chads are out hunting for spooks
Damn, you are a good guy
It's rare to see someone so sincerely good hearted
he's maybe feeling really down and depressed himself enough to not care about you anymore atm but maybe it's just over...
try to bring it up it's always better to communicate
>faces of /int/
>face blocked out, all you can see is his ear
"ears of /int/"
i'd kiss you so badly
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earlobe of /int/
u look like the rat from ratatouille
I played the first track a lot back in 2016.
all /int/ twinks should forcefully be fed estrogen
fuck that, they're perfectly good as they are.
yeah, till they reach 25
already stabbed myself twice
it's the only way
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estrogen doesn't cure aging dummy
Shh, let him figure that out on his own, and let his realization cause his demise.
you are hot
>Bunch of gays and twinks
Posted my face a couple of times here, couple of months ago. I didn't know this place fall off even more.
child molester
youre being ridiculous and you know it
school shooter
literal faggot
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post it
I have not talked with anyone of my age, since a week ago. I can humble brag, but what is the point, the only thing i can ask is my eyes look empty or sad? i have been told that i have melancholic eyes or senpaku.
Your eyes don't look sad or evil.
wdym, it's the face of a white baby killer, this brown monstrosity will easily bash a cute pale 2 years old head in without any remorse
I have been told that by girls and old ladies these couple of months that. Well i have other pressing concern that hopefully you can answer. These last months since teaching a teenager some math, i have the feeling that im being stalked from time, this was kinda confirmed by my niece and the grandmother of this girl.
Thank you for attending my TedTalk
I consider that only russians can mog east asians in the cute department, so you tell me Ivan.
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please be a boy
>literal faggot
Odd that you'd only call me out for that
She is a girl, Katya Lischina. If you are the same guy that delivered birthday cards to people, repent, you have at least something noble in your heart.
1 - european nordic, likely non semite jewish convert from before ww2
2 - ashkenazim
3 - slavic
4 - ashkenazim, yiddish as fuck, likely orthodox
5 - semitic, true jew
6 - döner kebab salesman
That's gay
psst... peep /brit/ on the 'log
It's nice
not too big for you?
Not everyone cares as much about it as you cutie
Cool hairstyle
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An approximate reconstruction of her face
cute :3
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are you the crossdresser anon from the other thread?
Extremely grim for him if he's the crossdresser, I can see his massive Chad jaw bulging out that mask
why the choker?
then again, seems to big to be one

its the body that counts
its the body counts
that’s not me
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My face is on this pic, I won't show you more.
i like agata kristi
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since you are no longer attentionwhore namefagging I will just tell you this much
get your dick checked, it has an odd curvature, looks like CWC drawing his
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What's up with all the attractive pipo itt, I thought this was an incel website
it was, then the gays invaded and the true incels went into hiding
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I'm incel btw
Inceldom doesn not necessarily correlate with physical attractiveness. I'm (mildly) attractive and still a KHHV at 24.
>wearing hat to hide it
he definitely cares
You're reading into it too much
maybe, still i think anyone would prefed having hair to no hair and its not like im suggesting something stupid or rash
Finasteride can have long term affects on your hormones and dick even after stopping it. I don't think that's a cost most men would be willing to pay if they knew about it. Most people don't care about their hair as much as you lol
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that is very rare tho, millions take it no issue. it isnt like more extreme treatments that have guaranteed sides
Дядя нe нaдo
that's the most wholesome shit I've ever seen in this shithole of a board. you're genuinely too pure for this place.
Like a mix of borat and Freddie mercury that mentally checked out of gay French society
Sad twink
Needs to dress up like slutty link or Zelda
The sexpat avengers
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are you that known gay porn actor?
He looks like that but what does he say?
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A bug a day keeps the chuddiness away
id rather age on estrogen than on t*stosterone
Freddie Mercury?
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My name is Mkhululi and I come from Bantustan
I read feces of /int/, man I forced a turd out for nothing, fuck off
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Grüß Gott
You look very south African, pure Boer genes
Im going bald at 21. Should I just end it all?
Disgusting attentionwhore. Only beaten in annoyingness by the bipolar finn idiot. I guess lyosha is getting plenty of dick in Chile because he's not posting very much anymore.
Go back to russia you fucking pussy.
based mutt
cringe mutt
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Go insane like the other anon.
No, it doesn't. The "side effects" happen at the same rate as placebo, as in taking finasteride doesn't change the chance those things will happen, which means it doesn't cause those. Paranoid idiots online who broke their dicks with ssri's saying otherwise is irrelevant.
eбaть ты пocтopeл
im 29 and haven't started balding at all, my gramps had a full luscious hair of head when he kicked the bucket at 82, some people are just cursed from birth
I’m on dutasteride for 5 years now. No sides. I think the paranoia about this drug on the internet has made me more paranoid than anything making me imagine thinks kek. Still jerk off as much as ever and no issues getting it up
Shave it off and wear a wig
Je suis vraiment désolé.
You guys are so fucking gay
Hey I have seen your other pic at the gym or whatnot. If it's really you, you are still cute, would still kiss you and hug you.
We know you are too pookie bear
I am THE straightest man in Russia.
So you topped in the army?
I am not eligible for military service. Imagine not evading the draft, lol.
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Is this you, pookie?
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Is it over?
No need to be mean, french fag.
At least you have a jaw
Just shave it all off bro
Negrasian chudjak kek
It's more than over, it's decayed
>cringe mutt
why bother you laugh at my lips every time
are you black? if yes, can you give me the n-word pass?
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its ok if you have a lot of testosterone
I won't post my face anymore, bc I was shunned for doing this month or two ago. I'm just ugly
Who the fuck would troon just for hair?
rare, show your exotic face
I don't believe it. Nobody has ever grown tits just for hair.
just a vpn
>taken a few weeks ago
but you've posted it since 20 feb

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