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Drinking beer
Today I lost
I used to be 16th in the club rating and my friend 17th.
After today my friend is 10th and I dropped to 30th.
looks nice and crisp
what did you lose, friend?
At mahjong.
I played 3 hanchan today, ended 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively
Before than I had an almost perfect 1st place streak
Should I order a taco or nachos or nothing. On one hand I just had a pzza in a different bar. On the other I barely ate anything besides that pizza today (a yogurt and 5 slices of goat cheese in the morning)
Hahahaha 4 zesty dudes all in suits and with read ties just walked in. Goofy niggas
I don't want to go home. I will maybe go someolace else after this beer. I kinda want to get drunk today but my friend has birthday next Saturday and we also planned a bar sitting on Wednesday so I should drink too much now because next week will take it's toll on my pancreas
Maybe I will go to a teahouse
I had some glasses of Schreckenskammer Kölsch
Are you in a casino/play hall
is it normal to drink alone in Russia?
I was in mahjong parlor but after playing 3 rounds (each takes about 1.5 an hour) we got tired and went to a bar. Theny friend went home and I went to a different bar.
I have only had früh kolsch and it was very mid. Are other brands better?
very cool
do you guys play for money or just for fun?
Opinions differ. I think that it is normal. Some other people think so too. I know quite a bunch of people who are perfectly healthy and functioning but drink alone sometimes.
Some people on the other hand think that "drinking alone is like shitting in company"
I personally think that it's fine. When I drink alone I drink one, seldom maybe two beers or glasses of wine and I'm done. When I'm drinking with friends I can drink much more. So it's up to discussion which is worse
For fun. If you play really good, the club elders can invite you to their closed night games where they play for money. I will try to make a name on the upcoming tournament
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Reissdorf, Früh and Gaffel are the Kölsch beers. Peters, Schreckenskammer and Mühlen are better. Päffgen Kölsch is the best but it isn't sold in bottles but mainly in kegs for bars/gastronomy (as a private person you can buy up to 30l kegs from the brewery directly).
Does the same hold when drinking alone in restaurants or bars?
Kölsch isn't a very popular style in Russia. My favorite beer style is kellerbier and my favorite German brewery is Störtebecker and Aecht Schlenkerla. Idk is kölsch is even that good. But I probably haven't tried the good stuff.

Most people don't drink alone.
Some people do. Especially people who like gourmet. But being a gourmand is lowkey frowned upon here for some reason
One more thing to be said about mahjong in Russia... Most players are ugly. And not like ugly from birth, most of them can look good but they have either dumbass haircuts, facial hair or clothes or hygiene. Women look okay for their age but there are no girls my age there, only millenials. Well except maybe for my friend's gf who's young and kinda pretty and my gf when she gathers courage to come to the club
Kölsch is also very regional in Germany. Not many from outside said region drink it.
Not that it matters but makes me feel like a member of nerd gathering. Which it kinda is...
What do you think about gose? It's kinda popular in Russia. Both traditional style and augmented crafty style.
good luck, friend
>drinking alone is like shitting in company
Shitting in company is weird and aukward
FUCK IT. I'm gonna drink beer and eat food and get drunk and FAT
Or maybe not. Either way I finished my beer and will go out for a walk and then decide what to do. On other hand, I have tea and a videogame at home. And I will get drunk twice next week.
I had to look it up - seems more like a north german/east german thing.
how do you know
But it smells so good. And I just burped and my burp tasted like pizza I just ate and made me hungry again.
Are there any weight experts? Riddle me this:
In May, I weighed absolutely naked and was 63 kg. (btw my friend got circumcised this year without any medical reason on his own volition)
Last week I weighed in clothes and it was 63.5 kg so about the same weight as in May. Also, I am thinner than in May because my belt and my wristwatch became a bit looser compared to then.
So, I weigh the same and even became thinner, but my belly became fatter??? How is that possible. When I sit, or when I bend over, I can pinch my belly. It's over. Or is it? I'm not an expert
It must be. On any day I would prefer to do the needful alone than together with someone
Tell me what do you want to see. I'll try to show it.
If your belly itself is getting bigger then that'd probably indicate visceral fat around your organs, which afaik is worse for health and can relate to drinking too much or other issues. If it's still the same size except for the flab on the surface then it's less of a concern, fat doesn't always get distributed the same, maybe just related to aging or something
My belly itself isn't getting bigger and I don't drink that much. But it's getting flabby even though I eat not much and move a lot. Is that it? Twink death? My dad was a twink and now he's a 120kg skoof. I'm 23 and a half.
My dad is bald. My dad's dad is bald.y dad's dad's dad was bald. And my hair is very thin. We, our lineage, we don't bald from the forehead like norwoodcels. We bald from the top of the head. And my hair is very thin. What do I do. How can I prevent it. Without inflicting harm on my virility.
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The fact that it can be considered not normal is mind boggling.
>get back from work
>grab a can of beer
>open 4chan
It can't be more normal than that.
Doesn't sound like anything to be too worried about then, sounds like you're not used to having much flab there at all in which case having a little is pretty normal and I wouldn't worry as long as you're not getting too fat overall. Only thing you could do is just try to generally lose (more) weight but at that weight I wouldn't be trying to lose any more. If you're that bothered then trying to build up muscle there is probably better
I will visit Indonesia one day. And sabotage your natural rubber production. And chill on the beach.
If your ancestors managed to get laid then hair status is not that important.
I'm not used to having any flab there... I will just wing it. It will somehow fix itself.
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come here
I also managed to get laid. I've been with my gf for almost 5 years and when we were dating for less than month even, I laid the cards open to her and told her in detail about the hair loss in my bloodline. She said she didn't care. But I still want to look young.
Where are you from
>5 years
is she your highschool lover?
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23 years old.
We met at the first year of uni
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shitholekarta, but don't come here. there's nothing good. go straight to bali. it's chock full of ruskies nowadays.
I will go to West Papua
a bit jealous but gl
if you got kidnapped, putin won't pay for ransom
Then I wouldn't get kidnapped if I'm such a worthless prey. Ok then I will go to Maluku and uhh idk what to do in there
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Bought cocky koler and ice cream
you're gonna get diabetes
There's no sugers in the koler
I just passed by 5 ngubus
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Why should I be a menace for a few minutes? I'm drunk so it's gonna be fun
are you going with scooter?
A bit
My ride is over
how many pedestrians did you mow down
Bout fiddy
Ishud listen to music
Tu du du du du tu du du du tu du
Brown people, people with no hands, people with no legs, people with no heads, people with dog heads, crooked people, curved people, incorporeal people... Yep. You can see this in the Moscow corprusarium called "Tyoplyi Stan" (the warm stan in Russian... Gross name for a gross placeplace)
I've spent half an hour with headfonz in my earz but icant listen to music because I can't stop posting in 5 open tabs. Every time cool down passes I make a post. So busy
Lisning yo this song
Pleaj saar kindly do listening...
This song is where the Russian soul dwells
So should I get a turkeystyle hairjob? How much does it cost? I need money for conscription bribe first
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It's going to get better anon.
I hope so. With xiaomi's split screen function I can feel like a brainrotten genalpher. Boring ahh threads, boring ahh music
Dang ol... Tell you what man talmnbout all them dang ol grocery shops they're all they're all they're all closed now yo man that's what I'm talking about man
Dayum it started rainin
I got home with no accidents.
Sensationalists weeping. Humanists cheering.
Are you weeping? Or cheering?
Now I will face a test for a mage: I must gather my willpower, insert the laundry, feed the sourdough starter and make tea. If I manage to do this then I am a wizard
Slavic culture.
I want to think of Italians as our friends even though some of them want to smash my skuul with a steel bar
Fuck! Half an hour passed and I'm still lying?
blog on
Laundry: done
drank 3 corona beers today
made in mexico so my post is about international culture
Made tea
The sourdough starter is fed
Now it's time to enjoy some tea. I'm afraid i might not be able to post from phone for 2 days 23 hours
Forgot pig
incredibly comfy
go to sleep bro. Nothing good happens in the night except some time wasting

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