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shirley temple drinking a shirley temple edishh
poo smells lmao
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walked past some youths and heard the lass say "the fit is shit". Best not have been talking about me you little rapscallion
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Remember when Graham Greene basically accused 20th Century Fox of pimping out Shirley Temple, and they successfully sued him in court so that he had to pay them the equivalent of £250K damages in today's money and the magazine that published the article had to shut down.
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feel like shit with women lads. I miss exberg, it’s been 9 months since she left but now I’ve got other girls literally falling in love and getting infatuated with me so fast, in like a week or so, and telling me I love you but I have to say it back to them knowing that I feel something for them but still feel for exberg too, hate being in touch with my emotions desu. brainberg completely unsure if it should pull away or not.
Mad how he was actually completely correct and Shirley Temple wrote in her autobiography how she was abused by directors of a certain group
on an unrelated note kwasi kwarteng has announced he is standing in the next by election
shirley temples are fucking disgusting
Crikey a chud AND a you know what
Can't imagine she'll be missed
Shit depending on how long you were together 9 months might not even be considered a break up. If you were with her for like 5+ years I wouldn't consider that broken up until at least 1 year into it. Even if you are in new relationships.
how can it be disgusting it's ginger ale and syrup
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daily reminder that it's permissible to cheat the goyim
corr imagine the smell of those tights
just seen a video where i was asked to think of a card and the card I thought of came up. Very creepy mr. Vsauce
best thing to do is fall in love with someone else
Growing out my beard in October. Beware ladies, I am going to look SEXY
I mean I think it’s a break up, I don’t think it’s likely something will happen again but yeah 4 years, probably why 9 months feels like no time. Grim. Would rather be an incel with no chance who doesn’t have to deal with issues like this.
boo hoo nigga
blog on
forgot about the movember
looks like elton john taking a poo on my halal snack pack
>gf breaks up with me
>feel sad
>befriend a random lesbian
>fall in love with her (platonically)
>get over my ex
>able to move on and date other women again
this is the purpose of lesbians
needs to get those spots removed
I find it uncomfortable when girls talk to me when I try to buy coffee for the week at a cafe. They are usually cute but they are just being nice to me they clearly see my tism
I need more info, did the exberg dump you and you can't get over it? why are you telling random birds you love them after a week, you don't have to say it back just because they say it
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>Bonar law
i'm ftm trans
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>home is pronounced like 'hulme'
How big are your tits
I’ve accepted it a long time ago, I wish it didn’t happen but it did. Feelings just seem to stick around for ages and I still care. Random birds are saying it to me because I’m unironically an extremely good talker and very charismatic so they find everything I say the most endearing thing they’ve ever heard. I do catch feelings for some of them quite fast so there’s something there, bit of a heart on my sleeve lad x
wish I could be a guide for a museum and get paid a good wage for it
4 mouthfuls
Is that per tit
Do you know what that is in ml
he is the yank equivalent of the willard guy we would laugh about
the most peng part of any song in the world is the instrumental in Nina Simone’s Sinnerman and I haven’t found anything which even comes close, love that song so much
Big light going off

Small light going on
Going to listen to that once I'm done pooing to see what you're on about
Yeah I know how you feel, it will take time to move on but you will. it is an interesting thing, some people throw the word around easily and I do think it is possible to love multiple people at once in that way (women do not agree with this in my findings) but I really do
then you get a group of bored schoolchildren who give you nothing but grief
listening to christopher hitchens destroy christianity
then watching peter dance and poo on his grave
they don't go to museums
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have no drugs in my system whatsoever right now lads
1am poo just happened, not sure how this one slipped through the 8pm pre-shower poo. greng.
A clue gained
it's giving spainnonce
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no friends
no job
no money
30 years old
>remember when
they do on a school trip
old rickety ass mfer LMAO
you are allowed to remember things that happened before you were born
I allowed it
pengrim or greng
Anyone else tired of this niggard life?
>type out a post
>realise that caps lock is on
>snigger to myself because my post looks funny in allcaps
>delete the post and rewrite it in normal case
just got home from a night on the town lads
some bloke wanted to fight me because I told his bird she was stunning and she melted, really flirted with me
then he jumped in and I told him he touches me I'd fucking put the cunt in the grave the runt, shat himself he did
then got a taxi home and shouted ethnic abuse at immigrants
lost my phone charger, worst part about the night
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why did you bring a phone charger with you on a night out
Greng is penger than peng
fuckin pack a ciggies has literally vanished in 30 seconds
not standing for this germanic sorcery
Did you like lose all your clothes from last year?
charli? greng or peng?
I lost a lot of weight
20 cigs in 30 seconds? that's impressive, but terrible for you
did a massive poo this morning and my guts are still throbbing from it
phone was on 20% when i left the hoose today
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i love this image anon
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never seen an orangutan
What is the best british horror movie? No cheesy gorefests
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>'Vivacious' trans woman, 55, hailed as the 'icon of Soho' is found dead in after vanishing more than a week ago
the wank toil

The Abominable Dr Phibes
You can look at one right now
*shoves my arsehole with all my unshaved ginger pubes in your face*
got an odd relationship with the english me
have a few english mates perfectly happy to live out their lives being manual labourers to a sysetm that has took the piss out of them ever since 14 october 1066
at least my irish ancestors had a bit of pride not like the english commoner runts
funny cause you lot always harp on about the noble freedom loving saxon
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>Natasha Reddington-Romanov, 55, was last seen on September 20 and the Metropolitan Police said her body was found in the River Thames near Vauxhall Bridge today. The Southwark resident's death is 'being treated as unexpected, but not suspicious', the force added, after friends feared she might have been targeted as a transgender woman.

If that was a 55 year old real woman's body found floating in the Thames the police wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it as not suspicious.
Mad how Kemi is probably one of the only Conservatives in the Conservative party.
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tired but can't fall asleep
>it's a black woman
the simulation isn't even trying to be subtle anymore
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>Nine migrants dead and dozens feared drowned after boat 'carrying 84 people' from Africa capsizes in the Canary Islands
blimey, what an interesting selection of posts
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what is your age
what is your height
Another night in bed alone. Laying on my side and my big fat cock and calls are just slipping down across my hips. Need some nice warm bum cheeks for them to settle against.
Why isn't it being treated as suspicious? Did this person jump off a bridge further upstream?
Thoughts on the Homeland Party conference?
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she's shit
You live on a tiny island mate. Any physical work you do is for your neighbors, not "the system". Sure you have some ungrateful wogs but you can always redacted them
she wasn't actually molested but it almost happened. some Jew studio executive flashed his crusty cut dick at her but her mother showed up and saved her. however by her own admission she didn't transition into an adult actress because she refused to fuck Jew studio executives.
trannies an hero all the time
ever notice how poor people think everyone who doesn't have like divorced parents or worked a minimum wage job their whole life qualifies as rich
I don't associate with the underclass.
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Oh I see. The hoodies and stuff you could still use possibly. People wear oversized hoodies all the time
yeah and they must be taxed 90%
might imply theyve found a note or something like that
not in globohomo
right. filtering Bradley's from now on. the annoying twat who keeps spamming them just does my fucking head in now. dead horse thoroughly beaten and it doesn't look like he's ever stopping.
aw its sweet that theyre such close friends
imagine getting angry about some images being posted
these threads are full of fucking weirdos spamming shit now
She doesn't actually believe that and will immediately change her tune upon coming to power
She already has started changing her tune in fact
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>right. filtering Bradley's from now on. the annoying twat who keeps spamming them just does my fucking head in now. dead horse thoroughly beaten and it doesn't look like he's ever stopping.
almost out of vodka
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>just does my fucking head in
is her husband white?
You mean the MI5 undercover meeting?
mad how danes managed to cross the atlantic ocean a thousand years ago while africans today barely make it across the english channel let alone any longer trips
People on top are mostly just pretenders. If you are building things, connecting with your community, and breeding you are building the future. Make your toil last, leave your mark, England will outlast the paper and coins they send to woghalla
ugly bitch looks like predator lmfao
did mihai really die? he posted his full name so we should have some sort of obituary if he actually did
the missus
yes he died
nobody has found his body yet
>but her mother showed up and saved her
I thought the story was that she just laughed and the executive got embarrassed and pushed her out of the room, her mother wasn't there
This is going to sound a bit out of touch, but I'm honestly not sure how poor families exist. Both my parents worked and had a duel income of £65k and were able to pay off the mortgage and then - later when me and my sister came along - sent their kids to private school. And they weren't especially clever or skilled people, one works for the council and the other for the police, but some of the people I went to school with drone on as if we were born with silver spoons up our arses and lived in mansions because they decided to spend their spare income on education and shelter instead of coke and holidays to Ibiza.
Not sure but I think the police operate under the assumption that a murderer would never report the victim as missing, i.e. there’s nothing suspicious going on because the person was reported as missing and the coroner will report on how they died.
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>i would use my example to ask you if you could ever go to the /brit/ threat, at any time of the day, on any day, ALL DAY go to /brit/ and look through the thread, and not see a single Bradley. if you went there all the time to do that, then by the end of the week how many threads would there not have been a single bradley (noting that it is all one person) in it, in 7 days?
>the holidays
the war on Christmas continues
which predator?
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he posted that to bait out the bradley files so he could ban the md5s
any graft a person put into any time over the past 3,000 years here was for his tribe and people
I can literally trace my descent back to Gaelic and Brythonic tribes when Caesar was kicking about
My very blood, my essence, my spirit for 5,000 fucking years evolved on these windy fucking islands

When I look upon the hills and valleys of our country I know I belong here, I see countless genrations of farmers, priests and warriors born and raised upon these sacred isles. I feel a connection mutt Yanks take DMT to even feel a fraction of.

I'm a som ot the isles. Boudicca and Erin smile at me back.
Divorce and unemployment, tarq retard.
yeah you haven't got a clue mate
no offence just the way it is on the underclass side
it was something like she was totally innocent and had no concept of sex so she just thought his dick was funny
you sound like a right poof
mn coded post
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>Hourly paid runt job
>£1900 in the bank every month
>35k job
>£2000 in the bank every month
>50k job
>£2600 in the bank every month
Doesn’t really seem worth the hassle for a couple hundred quid. Would rather just do a job I like doing.
it IS a mousey post
I'm an INFJ shaman
A man of both British and Irish heritage born and raised in the blessed isles
Would die for the British and Irish
fucking wankers
>Would die for the British and Irish
would you suck a dick?
Maths is a bit dodgy there, mate. I've got £1900 in the bank monthly with a 27k job.
yeah it's not
feel blessed to have a 50k wfh job which is very low pressure
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no clue what you're talking about mate (im on 33k and take home 2.2k a month)
get out my fucking island paki cunt
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>Selznick International Pictures employee Anita Colby warned Shirley Temple to be careful if she “found Selznick in stockings.” Temple wrote in her autobiography Child Star that this gave her “the impression that casual sex could be a condition of employment” with Selznick. When she was 17, he locked Temple in his office and unsuccessfully attempted to rape her. About the incident Temple wrote:

>“Coming around my side of the desk, he reached and took my hand in his. Glancing down, I saw the telltale stocking feet. Pulling free, I turned for the door, but even more quickly he reached back over the edge of his desk and flicked a switch I had learned from Colby was a remote door-locking device. I was trapped. Like the cartoon of wolf and piglet, once again we circled and reversed directions around his furniture. Blessed with the agility of a young dancer and confronted by an amorous but overweight producer, I had little difficulty avoiding passionate clumsiness.“
>the pension
>the student loan payment
>the synagogue upkeep payment
>donation to reform inc
it all adds ups
Always thought it was weird her name is Jerome.
well /brit/ we have these neil and nail these are two big MONGS aka lumps islington faries are gonna get loose on my bum chops well you being on Delilah be careful what you wish four
Pension and student loan innit
You are my favorite poster here but why dont you go live in Ireland instead of doing the diaspora larp
time to see what alcohol my parents have
don't pay those lol
sooo are you a fenian or an orangeman
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That’s £519 a week which is what hourly paid runt people earn lad
100% Irish blood from Mayo and Cork me but alri muttlad
On 21 February 1984 they killed us all
Dropped hellfire on us

And it I'm with her and take her and kiss her and it all get's all a bit Hollywood for a minute and soldiers drive by and they whistle and we all laugh for the first time in months and maybe this part of the wasteland isn't so bad and maybe it will be ok and..

It was debatable if nuclear war was inevitable between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Hellfire reigned on us. But the plucky brits came through. The end of the world came and went and we're still here. We will live on. Somehow we seen out the darkest days in human history

And the sunsets were fantastic

- The author, 16 January 2013
toby <.>
lets see paul allens brexit protest
Should i watch The Awakening (2011) or The Borderlands (2013)
so cute theres a poster here called mousey
bet hes a sweetheart
Don't need to tell me that. Ran the numbers and get paid less than minimum wage - but it's an entry level job, so what can you do?
was just saying this down the pub
im not toby
do NOT look up his posts about suicide hotlines on the 'chive
>The Borderlands
this one l liked it
drinking hot chocolate
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got some caliente cacao m'sef
Grotesque and horrible. No normal person would ever be attracted to breasts so unnaturally big. Why don't you fucking kill yourself before you post any more images as disgusting as this?
Don't you ever watch any decent films?
Already seen all the good films ever made, now im eating from the traugh
a proud fenian me
my mums side came over after the famine to glasgow in the victorian era
great grandfather on the dads side came over to work in the shipyards in the clyde during the war, my other great grandfather was an RAF man that was part of the June 5 behind the lines operation that jumped into German forts the night before D-Day so your great grandfather could land on Omaha Beach

Quite a mad thing, we are very proud of our Irish Catholic heritage and my family is IRA daft but we know what men in our family did to defend old Albion against the Germans when they bombed and starved us and thought they had a chance in hell at folding us

I'm a Briton that is proud of his Irish heritage. I'm a man of both nations..
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>i got really sad when I completed this game. And it wasn't just the ending or the music. It was the fact that I would never play Persona 4 for the first time again.
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Cheap Chinese clobber on the way lads. Bought some weird looking jeans which apparently have fur inside.
Will be toasty warm while out and about this winter but will be absolutely devastating if anybody finds out I’m wearing fluffy furry jeans like a big girl.
Elton John
its th eglasses and milf face which suggests a professional woman who wears tights
was about to go to bed and then saw my favourite asmr person put out a new one that's EXACTLY what i'm into and i audibly cheered

need to end my own life before christmas i think
if elton john was a team leader at the call centre
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>their distinctive features, such as rhotacism, verbal cunning, sneaky thinking, and their penchant for crime are direct phenotypical results of this genetic mix
just seem like a brit with a bit of maltese ancestry
lad I was good pals with at school had a gran from British malta that moved here after the war
No real woman has breasts that large. I'm not interested in depictions of "women" with alien-like characteristics.
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ah... hello all
had quite a lot of beer last night
straightest brit poster
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Shall be wearing my German military surplus trench coat this winter. Looks great on me, with some dark jeans and leather shoes i should be pulling all the birds
Very true, I'm straighter than 99% of posters in this disgusting and abhorrent general.
>Shall be wearing my German military surplus trench coat this winter. Looks great on me, with some dark jeans and leather shoes i should be pulling all the birds
to be honest always see my great grandfathers as a source of inspiration
went to the german lines before d day and played a pivotal role in el-alamein and the invasion of sicilly

whenever I feel like a grim runt always see them in my head thinking their progeny should get his fucking act together and gain a clue.
finally watching the new Star Wars trilogy they really wanted to ruin Luke for some reason
the expectations were subverted
half of you talking like you're fashionistas but none of you could pull off mallard boy's fit >>202738292
once a week i go to the local goth watering hole and pick up a goth bird and it's a coin flip on whether she wants to be completely dominated or completely dominant.

it's a thrill lads, i must admit.
Something of a supreme gentleman so i am. At this point id rather let the 'tism out proudly and boldly than continue being an unremarkable boring bastard
mental our dadbergs grew up in a time of threat of nuclear war
remember asking dad once and he said some time in 84 when he was 17 and stoned out his fucking head he had a melty cause he thought the soviets were bombing us and shat himself, throwing chairs in the living room and having a panick attack

daft gen x bastard
l hate myself so much dont think l can live a whole life like this
The last jedi was honestly not that bad at least it looked nice, the rise of skywalker was totally worthless
TFA was just a soft reboot of new hope
i look stupid in a trench coat. think it's cos i'm 5'7
how do you do that
how old are you
that so
not with that attitude
>it's real
the fuck
goths don't actually exist anymore
bizarre larp
the last jedi does indeed look nice, but it falls apart the more and more you think about it
rise of skywalker was just a terrible kneejerk reaction to that, and is even more nonsensical upon scrutiny
was very disappointed to learn that when femoids fart sitting down, the fart bubbles up through the fanny lips.
some old cat ladies in camden maybe
i am 5'9 in shoes but thankfully was blessed with big gaelic shoulders and a handsome face with no balding in the family
only 20 but reckon by the time I'm in the late 20s will be prime meat
i just go in and find one i like the look of and go chat them up. i'm 30.


>goths don't exist anymore
what are you on about? are you thinking of scene girls maybe? there's more goths now than there was 5 years ago.
colin farrell wearing a fat suit doing a tony soprano impression
I feel like our generation's equivalent of this was terrorist attacks.

I vividly remember, after the 2015 Paris concert bombing, going out to meet up with some mates and feeling this powerful sense of dread. I lived in London at the time. I was terrified that wherever I went, I could become a victim of a random bombing or some insane Muslim gunning people down or stabbing everyone. I know it sounds cliche'd, but it was true.
there's a weird bar here that does goth nights. went to one by mistake and there they were all done up in studded leather jackets and boots and mohawks like living fossils
>5.9 in shoes
so you're 5'7 too
>there's more goths now than there was 5 years ago.
Yeah sure, but are they legitimate goths?
You aren't a "goth" if you converse in ebonics and listen to Taylor Swift music, like 90% of young modern "goths/emos" do.
Alright lads, story from Tesco today
>be me, in the big tesco in a very ethnic area, browsing the dairy aisle
>really fucking old pakistani man with a thick accent stops next to me
>"which of these yoghurts are good?"
>I..I don't know haha. I had this one before its alright
>he looks at it, "that's a sweet one you want something with garlic or something real that makes you strong"
>I don't know if they do garlic yo..
>"you have to stay strong for your children anon. do you have children?"
>no i don't
>"are you married?"
>"what? why?"
>I was with a girl but we split (subtext: I'm not a bender so don't try anything)
>"oh I can tell you miss your kids, that's why you look sad, there's no sadness like missing your kids"
>i don't have kids
>"then why are you sad, why did she leave? I can tell you there are 2 reasons why a woman leaves, the 1st is money, are you rich"
>no not really
>"do you know the 2nd reason? its your penis. are you ok down there?"
>lol yes fine mate
>"you have to go 40 minutes, can you do that? otherwise they will always leave you. I can tell you my friend, try using vacuum"
>"do you have a vacuum? put penis in vacuum it makes you bigger and last longer"
He talked to me for another 10 minutes while I tried my best to stop laughing and then shook my hand 4 times while wishing me luck and saying goodbye. Wonder if he's a sex offender.
missus gets her news from tiktok
Let's all go sack Rome and see who stays on.
Go to prison you literal pedophile.
>You aren't a "goth" if you converse in ebonics and listen to Taylor Swift music, like 90% of young modern "goths/emos" do.
yeah except it really doesn't matter does it
killing 100 billion people in the TFA put me off the new star wars films
i dont fucking care mate im just there to shag them not compare rym accounts fs get a grip of yourself
s1 of clarkson's farm done
Still see plenty of goths in Brighton, old ones who never stopped, and younger teeny bopper goths just getting into it.
Yeah, it does matter. Authenticity matters. If you went back in time 20 or 30 years and asked goths of those times, they would stress this point extremely hard. You cannot be part of the scene if you are an inauthentic, LARPing poser.
i've had his lager before
but you know as well as I do
Love Will Tear Us Apart
would love to stick my tounge up Daisy Ridley's bum
great stuff. really miss meeting these kinds of characters while living in london. fond memories of getting sex tips from an old black guy on the bus at the age of 14
you've never had sex.
it's nowhere near the same
a few devout pakis killing people is nothing compared to nuclear war killing billions and setting mankind back centuries in half an hour

my school took me to a manchester united game in 2017, a week before they hit an arianda grande concert and killed 22 children. that could have been me and my mates. been racist ever since.

as much as you think zoomers are die hard liberals we were brought up in our childhood and teenage years with the threat of jihadist bombers in the late 2010s. Thankfully Donald Trump blew the bastards to hell and back.
I will reaffirm this a bit as I know people who sold concert tickets just because of these events and were scared for a while, especially metal type events in the immediate aftermath
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I just watch French movie adaptations of news and such
i'm saying it doesn't matter for the aesthetic purposes of this lad going to a pub and going home with one
me neither
No argument?
Might move to Brighton
You'll never be part of any scene, especially a dead one, unless you ARE an inauthentic, larping poser.
they just chat with zero filter the ethnics
a popup on his site says they are trying to get it to the US but shan't be holding my breath
where the fuck does this poof think he lives?
Of course if you're a degenerate coomer who only cares about what makes your peepee hard, then it doesn't matter.

But I care about women's souls. And I don't want to have relations with anybody who is inauthentic or acting in any way. I want to connect with women who are real and honest with themselves.
such a bizarre film and he only made it backwards because he saw memento and copied the idea
yeah I had to go to great britain to sample it
mental this nearly happened
you need to remember that there is no "debate" here. debates can only occur between two men and virgins are not yet men.
Then you will die alone.
real question, and answer honestly: how fat are they generally.
How else would you describe the manner of speech of random teenagers from the suburbs who mysteriously think they are black?
don't like thinking about nuclear Armageddon
too dire to even wrap your head around
this lad needs put down for his own good
I love it. Bustling city on the sunny south coast. Fairly healthy economy compared to the rest of the UK, good nightlife, arts culture, restaurants etc. Beautiful countryside just outside.
Downsides are the politics, it's like Portland or something, very pozzed and lefty, loads of trannies and pro-wog commie types.
Subtle misogyny. Very embarrassing isn't it.
How much is a lot
I am in bed already and it's only 9pm lol
Alright lads, story from Tesco today
>be me, in the big tesco in a very ethnic area, browsing the dairy aisle
>really fucking old pakistani man with a thick accent stops next to me
>"which of these yoghurts are good?"
>I..I don't know haha. I had this one before its alright
>he looks at it, "that's a sweet one you want something with garlic or something real that makes you strong"
>I don't know if they do garlic yo..
>"you have to stay strong for your children anon. do you have children?"
>no i don't
>"are you married?"
>"what? why?"
>I was with a girl but we split (subtext: I'm not a bender so don't try anything)
>"oh I can tell you miss your kids, that's why you look sad, there's no sadness like missing your kids"
>i don't have kids
>"then why are you sad, why did she leave? I can tell you there are 2 reasons why a woman leaves, the 1st is money, are you rich"
>no not really
>"do you know the 2nd reason? its your penis. are you ok down there?"
>lol yes fine mate
>"you have to go 40 minutes, can you do that? otherwise they will always leave you. I can tell you my friend, try using vacuum"
>"do you have a vacuum? put penis in vacuum it makes you bigger and last longer"
>receive text from him today saying "you seemed really cool to begin with but then you got too drunk and kept overstepping boundaries and so i dont want to see you again"
fucking hell lads what is wrong with me
the ones i shag or just in general? i dont shag fatties but a good 40% of the ones in the watering hole are fatties.

i dont live in england, so this doesn't exist for me, but for you it would be "roadman talk" and not "ebonics". ebonics is what black americans speak.
would lick honey off her bum
Sure you can find women who are real and honest with themselves.
They're called lesbians.
They're not for you.
Had an imagination wank
>Thankfully Donald Trump blew the bastards to hell and back.
I mean, he didn't do shit. Honestly what the fuck did he do. He bombed ISIS a few times, but they were already on their way out at that point. You sound like you're just simping. Many such cases.
about 20
just shagged 50 goth birds
I didn't really because words mean nothing anymore but yeah why not
Threads is honestly the scariest film ever made
It's not supernatural like zombies or ghosts, but a nuclear holocaust that utterly destroys any semblance of civilisation and the revert of humanity back to medival tier barbarism and misery

It shows feral children 13 years after the war fighting each other on wintry moors over a loaf of bread and ending up into a 13 year old girl giving birth to a horribly mutated baby as a result of post apocalyptic rape
Dadberg LOVES his larger. Always has a few bottles of them on the side.
Fucking hell
>i dont shag fatties
*polygraph beeps furiously and explodes*
i get mine from wikipedia and horoscopes
It made my little sister mentally ill when I babysat her
You are an incel and clearly have a very low view of women.
I say this unironically: Who hurt you? What event in your life made you disdain girls so much?
Threads is literally reditor the movie although a double feature with Hot Fuzz would be perfecto
For every fatty he does not shag, I shall shag two.
Not at the same time. My box spring won't handle that.
Donald Trump was a fucking hero mate
Only yank president with a pair of bollocks
Putin or Israel didn't dare step out of line when he was in
this is a reddit opinion, rorke decided nuclear war would be fine
why even ask me then mate? if you wanted to just be a gimp then just lead with that.
You're the one holding out for a woman to be honest with herself and still somehow interested in you.
I do alright. The trick is to let them live their delusions.
fucked me up for days it did
How much are you being paid for these posts?
alri count dracula
shut up karl play a record
your entire argument collapses specifically BECAUSE words mean things. unfortunately for you, the meaning of words changes over time. you lost this one, virge.
Iceland is a birch
how do i do this
doing ketamine makes the world feel like a small place
just a big night with the lads is all it was
Want a friendly and cuddly pet
my favourite film is quest for fire 1981
just a bit of banter mate, don't get heated haha x

fair play on doing numbers without resorting to the blobs if that is indeed the case
kino alert
never heard of it
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this isn't finlad is it
*crawls up to you naked with a collar on panting excitedly*
I'm from sheff and when I first watched it one of the early scenes was down the road from me so it hit very hard
neanderthals mate
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>5.9 in shoes
Trump was the best American president in donkeys
rip avicii
o man I can't believe he is dead
find that funny do you
he was exposing the pedo elite
source: some music video what he done where two kids get kidnapped and sold
Might not be 100% averse to this if it were a woman
Good lad hope you had fun
I'm too old for that now
Meds now.

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