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Japanese culture is incel culture
>popularity is based on cuteness and alleged availability
>turns out you’re not available
>people lose interest
Even if you don’t approve you can’t argue it doesn’t add up
Extremely based
>shares fucking plummeted
incel rage is strong
>selling merch
yeah she knows what she's getting into
>sell lies about your purity to outcasts
>said lies get exposed
>complain why nobody is still buying them
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Asian women peak in their 30's
you are brown
>news plays into idol culture
>doesn't want to actually follow the expectations of idol culture
>breaks the illusion
>shocked pikachu faces when people don't like it
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maybe otakus should stop being smoothbrained

they really think a woman like that would hold out on sex because of them?
Simps gonna simp. Don't try to farm simps, if you can't actually keep the illusion going. Don't act surprised if not giving your customers what they want, results in customers being unhappy.
If they would have just had a cute girl doing the weather, and they never try to capitalize on the fanbase, then you can slander their behaviour. The news station didn't ignore it, and embraced the fanbase's idol worship. Maybe you're not aware of the Japanese idol culture, but the news deserved what they got.
They played with fire and got burned.
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Vgh… the yamato nadeshiko of Nippon…
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Fuck you. I just ate.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Wow...only Japan...
Why are Asians so fucking evil? Absolutely subhuman.
newfag detected
maybe you're 16
why she live like that
>does cosplay
>sells merch
Bitch was an idol, not a newscaster.
Nobody would care if she wasn't selling that particular kind of image.
She has a Korean boyfriend (imaginary).
Wrong on both counts, and even if you weren't that doesn't negate how vile Asian behavior is, and it is completely ironic considering the depiction of Buddhist influence in Asian and, specifically, Japanese culture. Osamu Tezuka depicting fucking buddhist larpers feeding themselves to lion cubs, meanwhile, real Japanese treating animal life with complete disregard for suffering. Such a joke.
Lots of ethots use some sort of performative flaw to signal availability and attract simps. Hers is being a complete disgusting mess, all the chuddies think
>I can fix her
>she would totally go out with me because the chads wouldn't look at a dirty girl like her
>Don't act surprised if not giving your customers what they want
what do weather-watchers want? They want her to be single forever? because..? This culture is so backwards it's insane.
South Korea is worse
See >>202817020

She isn't getting flamed by grandmas tuning in for the weather, dumbass. She is getting backlash from the simp following she knowingly cultivated and has now rugpulled. Idols sell an idealized character.
>People get obsessefd with random weather woman and simp over her
Lmao peak pathetic
the bug infestation is a bit too much for anyone i feel like
>eating frogs, France :^)
>eating frogs, China >:^(
Shes so utterly mid its unreal
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omg he's pulling the skin off just like in rdr2
It's from some abnormal restaurant.
And people criticized it 10 years ago.

But I guess you say that knowing it has nothing to do with Japanese culture.
It's a natural trait of white people to dehumanize non-whites like that and justify to genocide them.
Blood thirsty monsters.
Japs are weebs with yellow fever
Don't give me that bullshit. I've seen similar webms of other Japanese dishes being prepared. I've also heard of the horsemeat eating and so forth. And for a Japanese to whine about genocide is just hilarious. Shut the fuck up, hypocrite.
The bug infestation shows lasting commitment to the bit. You can't just quickly get one for the daily 'tok, then clean it up. You have to actually live in the trash.
Chill bro we eat that here in Europe as well
So idol woman are expected to be single forever in Japan?
>he doesn't understand the availability bonus
The most popular thots are always the mid ones. Every incel instinctively realizes the hot girls are chad's fucktoys and not for him, but the mid ones seem like fair game.
No, they (pretend to) stay single until they graduate and stop selling their perfect, pure idol image to lonely incels.
I can fix her.
Case in point: >>202817484
I thought Japs were only interested in shitty cartoon women.
You know Americans only put Japanese Americans in concentration camps.
The fact doesn't matter for him.
He just want to be "a good white man criticizing Asian devils".
I bet his favorite country is Israel.
Culture culture is japanese incel
Gaijin-san is jealous of Japanese.
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Racist. We put everyone in camps
"graduate" from what? lol omg
So having a boyfriend makes you impure? lol
retarded culture
Japan is pagan, think of the vestal virgins. she should be celibate until she isn’t an “idol” any longer, she can’t fuck all her fans and despite accusations itt jape don’t want to be simps and don’t want to simp over a girl fucking some tennis player sportsball Chad. She should be temporarily voluntarily celibate until she is finished being an idol. Then she can date whoever she wants when she’s done.
This is so weird
At least the vestal virgins were abstaining for religious purposes. What the fuck is the idea behind an "idol" which is basically just a tv celebrity abstaining from marriage/social life? This is some childish retarded culture.
>So having a boyfriend makes you impure?
also stop baiting
>What the fuck is the idea behind an "idol" which is basically just a tv celebrity abstaining from marriage/social life?
I already answered that but to be clearer, these men devote the time and energy to their idols in exchange for whatever feeling they feel they get from their idols and they don’t want to exchange that energy for some bitch to devote herself to another. She is worshipper property until no longer. Even the word idol refers to a god or a false god. This behavior is religious by another name.
How many times did you post this thread
I saw this a year ago
Did she get another boyfriend?
honestly better than muttmurican simp culture where people give their money for free to a whore with a camera
>gets popular because every incel thinks he has a shot with her and she exploits that
ohhhh you're cute
>People drop her when she stops doing fulfilling her part
Hello human ressources?
Seriously, people are free to stop watching her no?
i wish i was the frog
Ok now Japan has adopted the cancel culture from the west as well? Japan needs to get their shit together. Blatant west pandering isn’t the right way
>"graduate" from what?
How about you learn to use google and stop asking retarded questions?

It's the common term for retiring from the industry. They "graduate" from being idols and people stop expecting them to behave like idols in public.
She still takes care of herself, look at her fingernails. If you ever wanna tell the difference between a brap girl and a brat girl check the fingies

this is a self-selected idol fanbase, the fuck you even on about? We're talking super-narrow slice of Japanese society, specifically.
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>shocked pikachu faces
Are japanese girls ugly or do japs make the ugliest (not really ugliest but just painfully average) women famous to make me angry?
>idol culture
how is this still a thing, bruh close the screen and find a real gf
Graduate from being an idol aka quitting their job. You dense retard
looks like Big Kim's sister
kys vtuber scum no one in the real world knows about the retarded terms you use
>based on cuteness
>and alleged availability
and they didn't simply "lose interest", they became angry which is insane behavior
That bitch is literally ILL wtf
that thing is mega dead lol
Same people who run gravure and JAV are the same that run idol. So no.
its pretty sad that they insists that beautiful women stay single for ever. I heard that the original movie star idol in Japan (forgot her name) was also like this, like almost 50 years ago Japanese insisted on women being eternal virgins.

I would be sad if a beautiful woman wouldnt settle down
No it makes sense, kinda like vestal virgins or whatever they were called in ancient greece. If she doesn't want the heat she should have just find a regular job and not one where she plays with sensitive japanese boy hearts.
The last one isn't even famous.
It's just a random schizo.
Is she popular because she's mid and it makes Japanese incels think she's attainable?
If you think this about every woman you see on the television, you have a problem.

She was popular because she was supposedly an idol and weather woman at the same time. Japan has a massive birth rate and sexual frustration crisis.
Both are true.
1)what's the difference between an idol and a popular actress or model?
2)would she be ok as an actress?
>10% drop overnight
Holy based. If only incels here were as strong as the ones out east. Strikes fear into all the holders
>this kills the frog
Incel the anime show
Fucking delicious and a hot woman. You're a hypocrite if you think there's something wrong with this, we eat fish and crab all the time and they die the same way.
Hot AF. Maybe she is sexually attracted to bugs.
There are many approaches but my preferred method is to a diagonal straight
Like the other anon said earlier, expecting a beautiful woman like that to be single, even though she didn't even had signed those "idol contracts" it's just peak virgin moment.
>and alleged availability
The fact that these woman are allegedly single as to lead their incel fans to believe that through the laws of probability, no matter how minute the chance, they still have a chance to get together
>this kills the frog
i usually laugh at simps, but if white knights attack them, i will fight for them
they’re two sides of the same coin imo
still lesser evil
same with troons vs terfs
if they're both mentally ill freaks i should at least root for the less hypocritical one
fair enough
I somewhat understand the need incels have to know a girl never had any experience because they know they can't compete.
They'll call you a simp or cuck because you're having sex with a girl that's not a virgin then go touch their dick watching porn with a girl getting rammed by 3 dudes.
But the most hilarious is that japs actually believe a 32yo popular and extremely cute girl doesn't have a social life and boyfriend.
I think you guys are failing to see this specifically through the eyes of a Japanese salaryman. He's tired, overworked, nobody's waiting for him at home. He opens his door, turns the TV on, has his meal ready and tunes into the weather girl smiling at him. She's the thing that keeps him going through the stress and turmoil. The only thing that fills him with warmth.
Omg this is just like my favorite genshin impact waifu
I literally can't tell the difference between Asians. If you told me she is Chinese, I wouldn't argue.
Incredibly based, westoid incels can only dream of having this much influence
Why don't jap incels just go to soaplands

Isn't prostitution legal (in practice) in Japan and not that much of a taboo to partake in compared to the west
Japs are usually more rounded with softer eyes and mouths
Chinese usually have longer faces, skin looks a bit paler and the eyes are sharper
Koreans are a mix of both
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As expected of 3DPD. Only 2D girls will never betray you.
I get the impression you actually care. No one else does. Seethe
>The most popular thots are always the mid ones. Every incel instinctively realizes the hot girls are chad's fucktoys and not for him, but the mid ones seem like fair game.
stop master baiting
ironically, it's the mid looking ones who chads pass around
Unquestionably korean just look at that blocky minecraft face
I literally can't tell the difference between whites. If you told me she is British, I wouldn't argue.
Bitches trying to sell you hare as rabbit, this is why I hate vtubers.
Not vtuber

Cause they want gfs not just to get their rocks off.
Holy mother of based
They literally did nothing wrong
>waaaahhhhh bigot men y u like dis
>*walks away*
>waahhhh y u like dis
Not if it’s in your fucking job description.
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>Roasties: OMG stop policing female sexuality, you slay queen !!! Fuck whoever you want. Incels except you to say celibate as part of your job as an idol? UHHHH VIRGIN ALERT.
>Also Roasties: did that 5/10 man just display a micro-fraction of sexuality? WHAT A MAJOR CREEP. Ahh my eyes, I’m going insane , help me Niggerman! ICK ICK ICK ICK SO CREEPY
*why I also hate vtubers
Same shit really, and the corporate nature of it makes it even worse
sucks for her
Um, women told men to express their emotions so they're doing it
I thought it was going to show her with a western boyfriend or something when it showed England
The ricecel rage would have been nuclear
White guys is not popular in Japan
>The ricecel rage would have been nuclear
When isn’t it?
I will NTR her husband with my SEAchad genes
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What does this mean?
gang affiliation sign
I wonder if this thread’s ended up on that Japanese site yet, and what they think of everything said here
I can't fix her
Actually, she's only famous among WEEB.
I don't think it will translate because she is not famous in Japan.
She's an unknown youtuber with few subscribers.
that is zainichi
based! japanese incels ftw
capitalistic gynocentrism BTFO
If you even knew the reality... I speak decent jap and not afraid to talk to women, being the average height here (184cm) puts me into elite range there and it's pussy on tap.
My more conservative friend went there on short vacations, 2nd day out he got a cutie gf and they're going to marry soon.
Shy white guys who speak polite form and put them on a pedestal aren't popular I'll give you that.
She's a Longhorns fan and smug about it.
Not vtuber
Nice made up story
It's illegal for weather girls to have boyfriends? Unironically, have sex. Holy shit. You're such a virgin.
womanly response
Kek, what a slimy little bitch, will be hounded by anti's for the rest of her life, good riddance.
it's dumb that they simp for a woman like that that has probably had plenty of guys already to get where she is.
Virgin women never become celebs, ever
I just want to know did that guy win at least in england? or did she just go there to watch him get beaten by a white guy?
>thinking I am your vitual lover
Please post the video where she claims that.
Also you should probably kill yourself if you think some random woman who you've never talked to on the other side of the world is your "lover".
I don't think there is any weather station in the world that requires you to be chaste for life, or at all.
Dude why do you keep ignoring the way these idols work? they are meant to be your lover, thats their job, there are rules, i get it its bizarre, but there are rules, and she knew, stop defending this opportunistic cunt.
Honestly as far as japanese girls go she's pretty, but relatively mid. There are way prettier girls anywhere in central Tokyo. Also nipbros, why are there so many pretty people in Kumamoto?
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>Japanese culture is incel culture
She's cheating on him with a white man
Is it really cheating if he knows about it?
I've seen worse. /jp/, /r9k/, and /tv/ used to be full of hikkiNEETS living in worse conditions.
>So having a boyfriend makes you impure?
simps get the rope though so it doesn't really concern me

I want to eat the bugs out of her butthole so bad
i fvcking kneel...
Should have just grabbed the bag, put it into some safe etf like sp500 and retired lmao
With korean bf*
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She's mimicking this chuunibyou (teenage larper) pose
Jew pose
she is zainichi.
I am not being rude m8. So I apologize if you thought I was.
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Ok so her room is just a little mess-WHAT THE FUCK

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