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>your cunt
>were you also cursed with the incel beard?

yes, pic related
I don't even have a facial hair at 18
You need to start running and also fighting
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Literal warcraft dwarf
i wac cursed with long and narrow head which prevents me from getting laid because women prefer wide faced men
I'll take a longsword and a helmet
Looking like pubes, shave that shit
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Just... cut it off?????
Looks brazilian lol
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Let it grow, remove that neck beard, and you will look good. You don't have cut it completely, fix it.
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Shaving it would do you wonders. >>202824280
What am I looking at
Is that your willy?
yes, but to add to that i also have redhair beard (my hair is medium/light brown)
so i just shave it off
Whats an incel beard
why dont you retards just shave or trim? do you actually like doing something with those ugly looking beards?
Mine keeps me warm.
Brown freak
Don't lie nigga that's you
Yes but i used minoxidil and fixed it. Be careful about the juice though. Not for everyone.
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24M, haven't shaved for 3 weeks, lol
>he had to add M
yeah i have hair on my cheeks and moustache, but my neck is much thicker and curlier
would you mind posting an ass pic? I have a theory I would like to test.
>Talking like a nigger to me
Kill yourself brown freak and fuck off back to xitter
Somebody's feelings are hurt :,(
You have a very greasy neck. Why is it the same size as your skull? You're such a freak, anon.
I need to shave often or my beard joins with my chest hair
tell me what do you want to see there? i won't post it anyway
Just shave the neck and apply minoxidil to upper beard
I want to see how attractive it is to a straight male
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Yes :/
Lmao have to copy my insults this is the peak of brown intelligence copying a white man's shitposts and venerating it
>low IQ grease ball takes an hour to think of unfunny bait reply
He's so fat omg
that guy isn't me btw lol it was a pic I took to gross out my mates a few years ago
You all look repulsive
good to see you gimli
Beards below your chin are disgusting
why dont you just shave?
you know your beards are ugly (sometimes bordering disgusting)
what's so hard about it
>seven hells Ned!
>what's so hard about it
sometimes you look better with that beard than clean shaven
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it's so over
t. lv 27
all of those beards are ugly
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This is a whole years worth of growing facial hair. I don't even have any on my chin, not even a hair
You have to grow it out a bit to determine if it's good enough to continue growing. I mean, you don't shave all of your facial hair, only the shitty patchy parts, and eventually they should grow in better. I don't shave the hair on my chin as often because it's appropriate. The other hairs have to catch up to it. So you have to wait a bit to see if it grows in nice the next time. Facial hair growth is accumulative with age. It will eventually grow nicer.
I'm exactly the same but are 34
Thoughts on Orania?
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Kinda, I don't know if mine is better or worse. My beard grows on my checks but my moustache is shit so I look like I am cosplaying wolverine
Lmao I live rent free in your head I bullied you so hard
Jeety freak
>i only grew it half a year and cut it weekly
Do all men grow neckbeards, or is it really rare?
Did you report me again yet? Your feelings are soo hurt :,( someone's a short little grease ball
If you have the capacity to grow facial hair and particularly a beard, yes, it does grow on your neck too.
Bro just trim it and contour to your jaw line .
Lol do you think I'm the only one that hates jeets?
Also jfc your insults are so jeety
Please leave you disgusting freak
Shut up nigger
refer >>202827304
Haven't been there but their ideology sounds a lot like Afrikanerweerstandsbeweging, they're just nazi amish that hate blacks and technology, sounds cool but the living conditions and being isolated from the rest of the country is pretty rough. Also they're calvinists, so basically they worship jews. I wouldn't be able to go there anyway since you need a clean record to visit
More like "Puerto Rabbi", amirite?
It was a joke, autist.
>Mutt defence force
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nah i barely have any
u mad
absolutely fuming, seething and filled with rage at all times
Yes, and what’s worse is that it grows every day
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