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מהדורת מי שעונה לטרולים אימו מתה בשנתה מחר
מהדורת פספסת
כפי שהת'רד הקודם מראה זוהי שעת המפגרים, אז זה הגיוני שהם ילכו לת'רד של פפ
אני גם ניסיתי לפתוח לפניו אבל הירו מוט גרם לי להמתין 300 שניות והפפ פתח כבר
מצטער חבר אנחנו שם
איך התרד ההוא תרד של הפפ אם אין זונה בOP כמו אצלך
זה ת'רד פפ חשאי, הוא אובססיבי לקניונים, בנייני משרדים וזונות טיקטוק
סברינה לא זונה
לא יודע אם אתה סכיזו או פפ בעצמך אבל הפפ לא יעז לפתוח תרד בלי זונה ועוד אחד עם אנימה
הוא הבין שעלינו עליו ושנמאס מהזונות טיקטוק שלו אז הוא עבר לשים קניונים ובנייני משרדים
פפ הוא הרבה יותר מתימניות זונות
לארק מור
a variaton of German. are you saying it's good or bad that you don't speak it? yiddish wouldn't exist without Europeans
מה שתגיד אנון
אתה מוזמן לפתוח עם סברינה פעם הבאה
אצבע בעין של הקומר האנון זה מה שחשוב
I don't find bogged whites attractive. I'm spiritually Balkan, I love kweens.
אתה מכיר תרד שהוא פתח בוודאות ולא היה בו זונה או פוליטיקה?
How the fuck did Whites convince Jews not to have kids?
It's evil that your robbed me of my heritage only a rootless cosmopolitan mutt would not understand the value of his culture and four fathers
By asimilateimg us into your anti natalist ways it took two hundred years but after ww2 you finally got a majority of us to abandon our faith we traditionally have many children I know people with 15 siblings you guys think 3 kids is alot
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She's not bogged tho
מעניין למה מישהי לא רוצה להתרבות איתך
post jaw
על מה הוא מדבר הסכיזופרן הזה
מה אני קשור ללתמוך בטראמפ? יש לי אזרחות אמריקאית?
לך תיקח תרופות שמעתי שחררו סוף סוף תרופה חדשה לסכיזופרניה
Our religon teaches us that it is the obligation of every human jewish or goy and even all animals to have many kids, the worst thing about the shoa was not even the literal loss of life in truth we have been huolocosted by you over and over again on average every four generations at least one point to near total extinction reducing us to just four hundred reproductive men woman and children, event that baffles genetic reaserchers untill today and stands a testament to the greatness of our culture and the active role our g-d takes in our destiny we rapidly regrew our population without any significant exeptance of converts to number many millions in a very short time, only this most recent show did you rob us of our spirit, they claime close to 6 million asheknazi jews live today in america but this is bullshit the actuals number of people in the whole world with four ashkenazi grandparents is less than 6 million today
Becuase you made us secular the religouse minority of jews overwhelmingly votes rebublican entire islands of red in the blue see of New York just from them
what about incels then? it's not their fault
In my culture when we reached the age of marriage our whole comunities would come to gether to aid in pairing compatible young men and woman they meet in public together three times either parties are allowed to nope out at any point in witch another match is trued after the third meeting if all goes good and both agree they mary, almost all incels in the jewish community at least only exist becuase of the goyim
Most have expectations too high for any girl
Also a product of western goyish degeneracy who's maine emphases is on true love, that waxes and wanes at witch point the mariage is disbanded look at your 50% plus divorce rates all across your sinfully soceities, in judiasm we first mary and then cultivate the love after the fact marrying first based on practical commitment to themselves g-d and עם ישראל the result is very low devorce rates many children and overall satisfaction with life
/ישר/, how do you say "you can't make this up, chavivi" in Hebrew?
Did the father of shimshin ha gever not fall on his face before the angel who told him he would have a special son? Did abraham avinu not prostrate himself before the three angels who greeted him at his tent telling him he would soon have yitzhach?
>Did the father of shimshin ha gever not fall on his face before the angel who told him he would have a special son?
Menoach did perform an act of hishtachavah (as Worship) towards Malakh Adonai, as mentioned in Shoftim, and that's perfectly aligned with Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theology, because we interpret Malakh Adonai as Adonai Himself appearing as the Second Person of the Trinity. That interaction, when seen through the lens of Rabbinic Judaism, becomes an act of idolatry, because from that interpretation Adonai cannot appear in a physical form.

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>Did abraham avinu not prostrate himself before the three angels who greeted him at his tent telling him he would soon have yitzhach?
He did, and so did Hagar. What happened to the other two angels who talked to Avraham Avinu? They went to Sodom. The remaining angel is Malakh Adonai, interpreted as Adonai Himself according to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox tradition, appearing in the form of an angel, and therefore equally worthy of Worship.

How do you interpret Moshe Rabbeinu and Yehoshua performing hishtachavah before the Ark without attributing idolatry to them?
absolutely disgusting
fake plastic shit

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